Assignment 1 1

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Student Name Student ID

Course Name Graph Theory and its applications Course Code COMP 324

Type of
Individual Total Marks 10

Date of th Submit th
10 April 2023 30 April 2023
Announcement Before

Question 1: Let G be a bipartite graph of order 22 with partite sets U and W, where
|U|=12. Suppose that every vertex in U has degree 3; while every vertex of W has degree 2
or 4. How many vertices of G have degree 2?
Need to find the number of vertices with degree 2 in the bipartite graph of order 22 with
partite sets U and W, where JU = 12 and every vertex in U has degree 3. Also every vertex
of W has degree 2 or 4.

Step 2/4

The order of the bipartite graph is 22.

i.e W+ JU= 22

W+12= 22 (Given U = 12)


So there are 10 vertices in the partite set W.

Step 3/4

Given every vertex of set U has degree 3 1.e So in total there are 36 (3* 12 edges) from
the vertex set U to vertex set W.

From this it is known that Graph G also contain 36 edges because no edges between
vertices in set U and between vertices in set W.

Now apply Hand shake lemma:

Sum of the degree of vertices is equal to twice the number of edges.

Step 4/4

Let the number of vertices with degree 2 in set W is n2

Let the number of vertices with degree 4 in set W is n

Therefore n2+n= 10 (|W=10)

So apply handshake lemma:

12 x 3+ n2x 2+ n4 × 4= 2x 36

2x n2+4× n4= 36

Now get the value of 114 in terms of 12

2x 12+4 × (10- n2) = 36 (n2+ n= 10)

-2x n2+ 40= 36

2n2= 4

Final answer

So there are a total of 2 vertices with degree 2 in the vertex set W.

Question 2: Find order, size and the degree of each vertex in the given undirected graph
and in-degree & out degree for directed graph.

all the corner points in the above graph cmprise of the vertices
so the number of vertices are = 5 {a , b , c , d , e}
all the lines joining two vertices are the edges , the rings at vertices a and c has the
same start and the end point that is a and c respecitely , they are edges as well.
=> the number of vertices are = 13
the degree of a vertex of a graph is the number of edges incident to the vertex, with loops
counted twice.
so deg(a) = 6 , deg(b) = 6 , deg(c) = 6 , deg(d) = 5 , deg(e) = 3
if there is a vertex with degree 0 that is its not connected with some other vertex or with
itself then the vertex is called an isolated vertex
there is no isolated vertex in the given graph
A pendant vertex is a vertex whose degree is 1
there are no pendant vertex in the given graph
In any graph, the sum of the degrees of all vertices is equal to twice the number of
=> sun of degree of vertices = (6+6+6+5+3)*2 = 26
Handshaking Theorem: The sum of the degrees of the vertices in a graph is twice the
number of edges.which is true for our graph , sum = 26.
we could see that sum of the degree of the vertices = 2*number of the edges
=> 26/2 = 13 edges.
Question 3: Which of the following sequences are graphical?
1) S1: 3,2,2,2,1
2) S2: 3,2,1,1,1
3) S3: 5,5,4,3,3,2,1

For S1, the largest integer is 3, which means that at least one vertex in the corresponding graph
must have degree 3. However, there are only 5 integers in the sequence, which means there can
be at most 5 vertices in the graph, and it is not possible to have a vertex of degree 3 in a graph
with only 5 vertices. Therefore, S1 is not graphical.

Similarly, for S2, the largest integer is 3, but there are only 5 integers in the sequence, which
means there can be at most 5 vertices in the graph. In this case, there must be at least two
vertices of degree 2 or higher (since there are two 2's in the sequence), but this is not possible in
a graph with at most 5 vertices. Therefore, S2 is not graphical.

For S3, it is possible to construct a simple graph with degree sequence 5,5,4,3,3,2,1, as follows:
Start with two vertices of degree 5, connect them by a single edge, and then add vertices of
decreasing degree and connect them to the previous vertices in such a way that the resulting
graph remains simple. For example, add a vertex of degree 4, connect it to one of the degree-5
vertices, and then add a vertex of degree 3 and connect it to the other degree-5 vertex.
Continuing in this way, we can construct a simple graph with the given degree sequence.
Therefore, S3 is graphical.
Question 4: Find the cut vertices, cut edges, vertex connectivity and edge connectivity.

A subset V' of the vertex set V of G = (V,E) is a vertex cut, or separating set, if G - V' is
disconnected. For instance, in the graph in Figure 1, the set {b, c, e) is a vertex cut with three
vertices, as the reader should verify. We leave it to the reader (Exercise 51) to show that every
connected graph, except a complete graph, has a vertex cut.We define the vertex connectivity of
a noncomplete graph G, denoted by K(G), as the minimum number of vertices in a vertex cut.

WhenGis a complete graph, it has no vertex cuts, because removing any subset of its vertices
and all incident edges still leaves a complete graph. Consequently, we cannot define K(G) as the
minimum number of vertices in a vertex cut whenGis complete. Instead, we set K(Kn) = n - 1, the
number of vertices needed to be removed to produce a graph with a single vertex. Consequently,
for every graph G, K(G) is minimum number of vertices that can be removed from G to either
disconnect G or produce a graph with a single vertex. We have 0 ≤ K(G) ≤ n - 1 if G has n vertices,
K(G) = 0 if and only if G is disconnected or G = K1, and K(G) = n - 1 if and only if G is complete.

The larger K(G) is, the more connected we consider G to be. Disconnected graphs and K1 have
K(G) = 0, connected graphs with cut vertices and K2 have K(G) = 1, graphs without cut vertices
that can be disconnected by removing two vertices and K3 have K(G) = 2, and so on.We say that
a graph is k connected (or k-vertex-connected), if K(G) ≥ k. A graph G is 1- connected if it is
connected and not a graph containing a single vertex; a graph is 2-connected, or biconnected, if it
is nonseparable and has at least three vertices. Note that if G is a k-connected graph, then G is a j
-connected graph for all j with 0 sj k.the reader should verify that λ(G5) = 3, because the removal
of any two of its edges does not disconnect it, but the removal of {a, b), {a, q), and {a, h}
does.Finally, is wrong, per the answers and comments below, e is a cut vertex, not d
Question 5: Draw graph represented by the given adjacency matrix.

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