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1. ______ are you from? - Japan.

A) What B) Who C) Where D) When

2. “What is ______ ?” “She is a bank manager.”

A) his job B)she job C) he job D) her job

3. “How old is your aunt?” “______ is 29.”

A) She B) He C) She’s D) He’s

4. This ______ my friend. ______ name’s Richard.

A) are / His B) is / My C) is / His D) his / His

5. This is my sister. ______ name is Laura.

A) His B) My C) Her D) Its

6. We ______ students.
A) are a B) is C) are D) am

7. He is ______ teacher.
A) a B) an C) * D) the

8. It’s ______ green apple.

A) a B) an C) the D) *
Find the opposite meaning of the word (9-14 questions)
9. easy - ______ A) cold B) cheap C) difference D) difficult
10. fast - ______ A) slow B) small C) quick D) warm
11. expensive - ______ A) big B) cheap C) cold D) hot
12. hot - ______ A) cold B) new C) warm D) small
13. big - ______ A) high B) small C) tall D) slow
14. young - ______ A) old B) big C) small D) quick
15. She _____ a uniform.
A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wears
16. He _____ his car every weekend.
A) wash B) washes C) washing D) washed

17. Rosemary _____ three languages.

A) speaks B) talks C) tells D) know

18. My dad _____ at 7 o’clock every day.

A) stands up B) looks up C) gets up D) jumps up

19. Isabel is a flight attendant. She _____ passengers.

A) serve B) to serve C) serves D) serving

20. Their son _____ in this hospital.

A) works B) begins C) starts D) likes
21. Jane’s a doctor. She _____ ill people.
A) looks at B) speaks to C) helps D) serves drinks

22. Bern _____ in a flat in Birmingham.

A) lives B) stands C) has D) wants

23. Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He _____ all over the world.

A) goes B) sees C) travels D) delivers

24. My friend’s son _____ Turkish and English at university.

A) has B) plays C) studies D) goes

25. My parents _____ eat meat.

A) don’t B) aren’t C) doesn’t D) are

26. Is there _____ apple in the bag?

A) a B) an C) the D) *

27. There _____ 4 _____ on the sofa?

A) are / woman B) is / women C) * / woman D) are / women

28. There _____ one bag. There _____ 3 bags.

A) isn’t / are B) is / is C) not / are D) aren’t / are

29. There _____ 3 telephones, but _____ isn’t a cooker.

A) are / they B) is / there C) are / there D) are / their

30. He _____ some new shoes last month.

A) bought B) buying C) buy D) buys

31. Where _____ you _____ on holiday last year?

A) did / went B) go / did C) did / go D) do / go

32. A: _____ you _____ Jane last month? B: No, I _____ .

A) * / saw / didn’t B) Did / see / didn’t

33. A: _____ Alex _____ you yesterday evening? B: No, he _____ .

A) Did / helped / didn’t B) Did / helped / did
C) Did / help / did D) Did / help / didn’t

34. _____ he play tennis last Sunday?

A) Did B) Does C) Do D) Are
35. _____ he playing tennis now?
A) Are B) Does C) Is D) Did

36. _____ you wash it yesterday ?

A) Do B) Does C) Did D) Are

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