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Men odatda do’stlarim bilan uyga vazifani qilaman, lekin shu

hafta o’zim qilyapman
2. Opam tortni hidlayapti
3. Men kecha do’stim bilan uchrashdim. U xafa ko’rindi
4. Mashinangni ehtiyotkorlik bilan hayda
5. Film ertaga 8da boshlanadi.
6. Men ertaga telefonimni sotmoqchiman
7. Onam hozir nonushta qilyapti
8. Men senga yordam berishni xohlayman
9. Men musiqa tinglashni yoqtiraman
10. Men shu kunlarda novvoyxonada ishlayapman

1. I usually do homework with my friends, but this week I am doing

2. My sister is smelling a cake
3. I met with my friend yesterday. He looked upset
4. Drive your car carefully
5. The film starts at 5 o’clock tomorrow
6. I am going to sell my phone tomorrow
7. My mom is having breakfast now
8. I want to help you
9. I like listening to music
10.I am working at the bakery these days

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