Humans Should Be Afraid of Ai Advancements

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Humans should be afraid of ai advancements

Earlier, people used to have a basket placed at the top of a stick

and threw the ball in it and played that game which we call
basketball, they used a laddeer to get the ball out. One day a
person suggested why not remove the bottom? After following
the suggestion basketball became more populur and
competetive. People hated the idea, speailly the person whose
job was to use the ladder because he lost his job. People start
to worry about AI, jobs, freedom but I don’t think we need to
worry, because we have something that ai dosent.
We have our consienness, but I’m not telling that ai is not
dangerous for humans because by far, the greatest danger of
Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they
understand it. After all what is AI, it is just some mathematical
neurons trained over a large perice of data nothing more
nothing less, it dosent have any emotions like it need to
conquer the world, after all we don’t need another germany.
Ok if this is true you know is not, a robot in japan killing 30
people or Facebook AI creating a language. I think I don’t need
no tell how many millions of life ai saves by detecting cancer,
other heart diseases etc it can prevent 98% of the accidents
which happen because of human error it can prevent medical
error by doctors because they also make mistakes right?
Recently the atomic model was rectified by the help of an AI. It
is not the first time people are being worried of some
technology, they think it will take their jobs in future, but they
only think of short span of time not the whole pictures. Some
people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel
inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an
inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower. Then the
question becomes Why should we fear AI advancements? Not
Should we? When steam engine trains were stopped being use
or the beginning of cell phones people thought they were
useless and were taking their jobs but we can’t imagine a single
day without it right? When Deepblue defated garry
kasparov(probably the greartest chess player) people were
worried that ai will dominate chess but as we can see nowdays
we use AI just as a tool. After all it is our creation only right? If
we think we are the creation of god and we still belive him or
atleast respect him then why not we can think the same for AI,
we should embrace it because I don’t think AI will control
humans ever because AI and robots have chips and wires we
have our emotions which comes from the heart.

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