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Based on data we gathered on the desired experiments we find out on the

experiments on 1 khz frequency sweeping of 500mv per div/ we can amplify bjt by
times 2 of the desired signals of means we got a 900mv- 1000mv or of sinewave
amplification on the two types of transistor configurations on common base and
common emitter configuration on the common base emitter we got sa desired
amplitude of 800mv - 900mv on frequency sweep of 500mv per div @ 1khz sine
wave on how ever on the side of common base we got the frequency of 900mv -
1000mv of sine wave amplitude on the oscilloscope because we used some
configuration at common emitter of attenuation circuit to smooth of the signal to
little less on the experiments and also we try to get the assumed and precise
measurement of the desired circuit on common base we got a dc bias of 5v per
div on common emitter we got the voltage measurements of 7v per div so on so
for but we try to analyze more further on the experiment using d lorenzo machine.
That weave got analyzing principle of 0v vdc on and acv of .9v or 900mv to 1 or
1.1v or 1000mv pk-pk power of to-92s single transistor npn type transistor
measurement of common base and common emitter configuration of the
experiments of same as practical analyze on oscilloscope as shown pic diagram
of the desired experiment

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