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Education in Universal Human Values

A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

Workshop on
Universal Human Values
October 2023

A Collaborative Activity by

Sanjay Ghodawat University, Atigre, Dist. Kolhapur, and

the Bahá’í Academy (A Recognized Institution of Shivaji
University), Panchgani

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© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

Activity: Fill in the “How Do You Feel Today” Form

What is personality?
Personality characters are complex and research suggests that they are shaped by both
inheritance and environmental factors. Hence broadly speaking personality is of two kinds:
“Innate” and “Acquired”. Innate personality traits are inborn and come with someone's birth.
Acquired personality traits are the characteristics that are acquired by experience, education or
learned from the outside environment. Innate applies to qualities or characteristics that are part
of one's inner nature; something that is “innate” is central or inherent to a person. Similarly, an
innate quality is something that is core to a person and remains relatively stable across a person's
lifetime. Acquired qualities, characteristics, or skills are learned or developed over time through
education and experiences; they can change over time. Both acquired and innate qualities are
clearly important for different reasons, but understanding the difference can help you make better
decisions in life. As far as your career progress is concerned, acquired skills can be helpful to you
from the immediate perspective, but innate skills can ensure your success in long term.

So, we need to know and understand our innate personality to be able to develop our true selves.
In man there are two natures; his higher nature and his material or lower nature. In one he
reflects heavenly qualities, in the other he lives for the world alone and may show animalistic
behavior. Signs of both these natures are to be found in men.

Now let us learn about self-analysis.

Activity: Self-Analysis

Self–analysis is quite a challenging process, but at the same time it can give you important
information about your personality and much more. This process can begin by reflecting on
various events that have happened in your life and how you have responded to them. By
reflecting on the feelings and thoughts, you can generate new insights about yourself. An
individual can apply these learnings to make his future more effective. This exercise will help you
to gain insights about where you have you been in the past and create a road map of where you
want to go.

There are many ways to know one self: To take feedback from your close ones will give you an
idea and help you to evaluate how people view you in your social and professional life. Being a
student one of the easiest ways that you can do is to reflect on and answer the following
© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

Level 1: You are Unique

1. Explain the most important achievement of your life.


2. What are your three most important strengths?


3. How others describe you about your strengths?

4. How do you accomplish tasks that are unique to you?

Level 2: Overcoming fears

5. What are your fears in life?

6. How can you overcome the above-mentioned fears?
7. What are three habits that could hold you back from achieving great heights in your life?

Level 3: What Next

8. What are the three important human qualities that you admire and would like to acquire?
9. What discipline can you bring in your life to know more about yourself?

Level 4: Your Passion and Your Mission

10. Write here what you love the most to do:

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

In the above list draw circles around what you love and you can do it well. These may be Pointers
to your Passions in life. And in the above list draw squares around what you love and the world
needs them. They may be Pointers to your Mission in life. Then write them in the following spaces:

Activity: Getting To Know Your Learning Partner

Part I: Identify your Learning Partner

Your ‘Learning Partner’ should be a person with whom you can discuss the activities and

Part II: Getting to Know Each Other

Our journey through the exciting path of learning and serving begins by getting to know our co-
learners. Let’s begin with an activity called “Getting to Know Each Other”: “Association is
conducive to love” is the principle behind this activity. The aim of this activity is to assist the group
to enhance a unified team spirit by getting to know each other. Unity creates a power that makes
possible what cannot be done by people working individually. Unity of thought transforms human
relations and creates a new world.

The first step to enhance unity is for members to associate with one another and learn about each
other. This activity is about that. Interview your learning partner that you have identified in part-I
of this activity as per the following questionnaire. Your learning Partner will be there with you
throughout the day.

Details of my Learning Partner:

Full Name:____________________________________Age:____________________________
Hobbies and Interests:__________________________________________________________
Any other information you wish to share about your talents, family, experiences:___________
What do you find most easy to do?_________________________________________________
What do you find most difficult to do?_______________________________________________
Now document your experience about this activity. You will now be invited to come up and
introduce your learning partner.

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

As we reflect on our innate or true personality, we become increasingly aware that each one of us
has the potential to reflect the heavenly or divine qualities – such as love, compassion, kindness,
generosity, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness, justice and many more.
But, what do you think is the purpose that we have been gifted with such qualities and powers?
Why are we so different from animals?

In order to develop our true selves and to release our real potential, we need to understand the
two-fold purpose of our life – to grow spiritually and intellectually and to contribute to the
transformation of society.

“Do not busy yourselves in your own concerns: let your thoughts be fixed upon that which will
rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind and sanctify the hearts and souls of men.”

“Your hearts must be pure and your intentions sincere in order that you may become recipients
of divine bestowals.”

 What should be the focus of our thoughts and concerns?

 What are some of the conditions that attract divine bestowals?

Are the following true?

 First you take care of yourself, and then you can take care of others.
 If you are always helping others, you will end up losing sight of your own goals.
 You are your closest friend.
 What is most important is finding out what makes you happy.
 Follow your dreams, and they will lead you to happiness.
 As long as you are not hurting anyone else, it does not matter what you do.
 It is alright for your motives to be selfish, as long as you do some good.

Activity: Video - Tum Chalo

We now know that as human beings we are all created noble. It is this understanding that enables
us to pursue the twofold purpose of our lives and to walk a path of service. In our efforts to
dedicate our lives to the well-being of humanity through service and to our own development, we
must acquire spiritual values and powers.

Activity: Poster Making – Elements of My True Personality

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

Uprightness in our Daily Life and Profession

Let’s Reflect:

- How do I decide what is right to do when I am in a moral dilemma?

- What is it that will matter the most in my life as an engineer?
- Life is full of challenges. How can I get ready to deal with them?

There are many incidents that can challenge my personal and professional life now and in future.
They present me with dilemmas that will require me to take decisions and act upon them. The
options may all look equally correct but they all will differ in their consequences. Is there a universal
reagent that can detect the unknown and lead me to the specific answer? Is there a light that can
show me the right path to follow?

There is a concept in many cultures that can relate to our present discussion. The concept is
“Walking the Straight Path”. What does this mean to you? Is this connected to truthfulness and
justice? Discuss with your team members and write your conclusions in the following space:

Discuss further with your team members and write your conclusions in the following space “What
happens when we walk the straight path compared to when we follow a crooked path?”
Our discussions indicate that to move in the straight path can free us from the dilemma of what is
the right or the wrong path and lead us to our destination. To see the straight path, we need light.
In todays’ world there are many obstacles that block access to light. We are surrounded more by
darkness rather than by light. Discuss with your team members and identify what darkness is it that
surround us in our daily life or in our future professional life. Write your conclusions in the following

The examples you have said show that they are dark because they are not truth and just. Had we
been able to bring in truth and justice to these darknesses, they would not be darkness anymore.
So, to remove darkness and see the path, there is one solution only: the solution is to bring in light.
What light shows us the path and where does it come from? The only light that can illumine the
path of our lives is the light of truth.

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

Principles are the shining lamps which provide light of truth and guide our steps along this path.
Principles are not invented by human mind, and they are not just social rules. They are the laws of
material and spiritual existence by which the universe operates. Constant effort to live according to
spiritual, moral and ethical principles is so vital to have rectitude of conduct. This concept of acting
according to principles is so important, that we will pause here to look at the implications of a few
principles which are accepted by every open-minded individual.

1. A family living in extremely difficult financial conditions makes every possible sacrifice to
ensure the education of the two children, a boy and a girl. Clearly, in this case, the principles
of universal education and the equality of men and women are being respected. Which
principles are violated by another family, also of little means, whose decision is not to
educate the girl? Which principles are being violated when the decision is to give preference
to the education of the girl? In another case, which principles are being violated by a man
who enters into dishonest business in order to earn money to educate both of his children,
a boy and a girl?

2. An entrepreneur finds out that he can set up a profitable small company in a poor
neighbourhood by hiring mostly women. After looking at various opportunities, he is
convinced the new business will be profitable only if he pays the women two-thirds of the
wage men get for the same work. The women of the neighbourhood will welcome the
opportunity to work even at low salaries, because they need to increase the income of their
families. What are the principles that enter into making such an investment decision? Note
that you are not being asked to judge the validity of one or another choice, but to simply
identify the principles involved.

3. In order to obtain a job, someone brings to the attention of the employers an embarrassing
fact about the past of a friend who is also applying for the same job. Which principles are

4. With your team discuss and write one situation that is a moral dilemma for you as a student.
Identify the principles involved in that situation and write here.

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

5. With your team discuss one moral dilemma you may face in your future profession as an
engineer. Identify the principles involved in the situation. Write the situation and the
principals here.

Your discussion has hopefully clarified the concepts of “principle” and “acting according to
principles”. Let us now go back to the idea of walking the straight path. Although the light of truth
illumines this path, it still cannot be walked blindly. What allows us to see the light of truth with
our own eyes is Justice. Without justice, we blindly imitate others and can become instruments of
prejudice. Prejudices such as racial, national, ethnic, gender and class become veils and prevent us
from seeing the truth. But justice, like a sword, can tear these veils and help us see everything in
the light of truth. Prejudices of one kind or another are widespread in our society. It is easy to share
example after example of how prejudice hides truth. Here’s one: In a gathering, a youth offers a
valuable suggestion which is ignored because of his age. Here’s another: An extremely capable job
applicant is rejected because he is dressed simply, while a less qualified, but richly dressed person
is hired. Here is a third: Something is reported lost in a school, and immediately the poorest person
is suspected, although he has shown complete integrity in the past. You will find it useful to provide
some more examples of such cases and share them with your fellow students.
MORAL QUALITIES: In addition to justice there are other qualities that are necessary for managing
our efforts in a right and honest way. The first such quality is Truthfulness (the habit of telling the
truth), which is the foundation for all our virtues and our moral life. This is clearly an huge claim.
You should explore some of its implications with your group. First, examine certain qualities and
decide if they can be developed without truthfulness. What becomes of love, for example, when it
is touched by falsehood and lies? Can a deceitful person be very kind?

Once you have accepted that truthfulness is the foundation of all virtues, you should discuss the
fact that Honesty (the quality of being free from fraud) is an essential quality of the human soul.
What are some of the characteristics of a dishonest person? Why is stealing such a terrible offense?
Why should we not take something that belongs to another person? Discussions about honesty are
never simple. In every level of society corruption occurs and every dishonest act has some form of
“justification”. For example, it is generally accepted that poverty justifies stealing. Even worse,
many people think that the poor are automatically dishonest. It’s common to say, “Give them a
chance and they will steal.” However, if poverty is the cause of dishonesty, then why are there so
many rich people who steal? The standard should be this: that a man would not steal from his
neighbour even if he were dying from hunger. Is that standard unreasonable and cruel? The point
is not to neglect people until they starve. The point is, that in a society where everyone has reached
a high level of honesty, no one would be allowed to die from hunger. You may wish to explore this
concept further in a discussion with your group or in self-reflection.

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

The next topics to discuss are Sincerity and Loyalty. In order to have a good discussion, you will
want to clarify how sincerity differs from truthfulness and honesty. Is it possible to be sincere and
tell lies? Is it possible to be truthful, but insincere? What about fidelity? What does treachery
mean? Why is fidelity an important factor in rectitude of conduct? You should identify as many
issues along these lines as you can and discuss them fully. To reinforce your understanding of these
two qualities, describe a few situations in which unfaithfulness or lack of sincerity was an obstacle
to rectitude of conduct.

ATTITUDES: All the qualities that we have discussed so far help us in managing our affairs and
responsibilities with rectitude of conduct. But although spiritual qualities are very important, they
alone do not guarantee the development of a moral capability. They are like the foundation of a
structure. Although foundation is the most important part, on the top of it, the building itself has
to be built sturdily. One element of capability – our attitudes – has a direct connection to our
spiritual qualities. What are some of the attitudes that contribute directly to rectitude of conduct?
The questions now you will discuss are as follows:
1. Our desire to satisfy our own needs at any cost often goes against our desire to live according
to principles. What should our attitude towards our own desires be?

2. What does it mean to have a responsible or irresponsible attitude towards things? How does
an irresponsible attitude take us away from the straight path?

3. There are people who try to carry out every task with care and make every effort to speak
as accurately as possible. Then, there are those who are sloppy in their words and deeds.
How do such attitudes affect rectitude of conduct?

4. What should our attitude be towards lies and dishonesty? Should we hate them? Should we
accept the lack of truth as a natural human weakness? What should our attitude be towards
people who lie and who are dishonest?

5. Mistakes and lies are clearly not the same things. What kind of attitude should we have
towards the mistakes other people make? What about our own mistakes?
© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023
Education in Universal Human Values
A Programme Initiated by the Bahá’í Academy for the Institutions of Higher Learning to Foster Personal
Development and Social Progress

6. In addition to the above, we can think about the concept of self-righteousness. What is this
attitude and how does it come about?

7. What should our own standard of truthfulness and honesty be? What kind of discipline
should we establish in our lives to ensure rectitude of conduct in all our affairs?

FIRST FRUIT: Finally, let us reflect on what can be called as the first fruit of rectitude of conduct.
When we acquire the attributes, we have analysed in this unit, we become worthy of the trust of
others. The trust of our fellow human beings is a precious possession that we should never risk
losing. Indeed, it is the most essential condition for the existence of society. When trustworthiness
disappears, society falls apart. This concept is so important that, the final activity of this lesson is to
write a few paragraphs on the following theme: “Trustworthiness is the supreme condition for the
achievement of the prosperity of humankind.”


Activity: Fill in the Final Feedback Form

© Bahá’í Academy, October 2023

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