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Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to Electrical Energy Using

Electromagnetic Induction Generators

A Research

Presented to

Calbayog City National Highschool

Calbayog City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Basic Education Curriculum, Science Technology and Engineering

Bonifacio, Lady Diane Honrada, Daniella Katricia

Colinares, Dimplee Gee Lauderes, Remie Rose

Dacudag, Hanz Daniel Maribojoc, Jamea Reece

Galing, Mikhaila Samantha Pacheco, Von Febreu

Giray, Mary Jorgia Toleza, Nevaeh Faye

October 2023

Electricity is indeed essential for us humans as it helps us with our everyday life.

It helps us to light up our homes, charge our phones, operate our machines and devices,

and many more. Without electricity in today’s society, it will be hard to communicate

through our phones, power our houses, and it will be hard for hospitals, schools, and

other buildings to run efficiently and effectively.

As the world evolve modernly with new innovations, our consumption of

electricity increases. The world’s electricity consumption has continuously grown over

the past half century, reaching approximately 25,500 terawatt-hours in 2022. Between

1980 and 2022, electricity consumption more than tripled, while the global population

reached almost eight billion people (Statista, 2022). Overconsumption of electricity leads

to air pollution as some electricity are produced by burning fossils fuels. In 2019, fossil

fuels accounted 74 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly 25 percent of

emissions in the United States come from fossil fuels extracted from public lands

(Bertrand, 2021).

According to Galvez (2023) “Some 1.3 million household in the Philippines will

experience rotational brownouts this year due to the high fuel prices. With this, Napocor

said it will be forced to reduce the operating hours of its power plants to make available

fuel last until the end of the year, resulting in reduced power supply in some areas.”

Rotational blackout happens if the demand for electricity peaks and power supply thins or

becomes insufficient (Rey, 2021).

Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to develop a machine to convert Mechanical Pressure Applied to


when sitting down to Electrical Energy Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators.

Specifically, this will aim to answer the following questions:

1. What is the structure of the Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to


Energy Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators in terms of;

1.1 Structure; and

1.2 Hardware?

2. How effective is the Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to Electrical

Energy Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators in terms of;

2.1 Pressure Applied;

2.2 Wattage; and

2.3 Total Charge Generated?

3. How efficient is the Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to Electrical


Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators in terms of;

3.1 Comfortability;

3.2 Resilience; and

3.3 Strength to withstand different weights?

Materials and Methods

This section explains the methodology used in this study that includes the

research design, time and locale of the study, research instrumentation, validation of

instrument, data gathering procedure, schematic diagram, and data analysis.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher will utilize a developmental research design, as the

researcher will develop a new device through the use of robotics. According to Richey

(1994), developmental research is a systematic study of designing, developing, and

evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet criteria of

internal consistency and effectiveness. It entails circumstances when the product

development process is analyzed, described, and assessed.

This study makes use of quantitative approach on the data collected on the

experiment on the effectiveness of the Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to

Electrical Energy Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators. According to Labaree

(2023), quantitative research deals with numbers, logic, and an objective stance. It

focuses on numeric and unchanging data and detailed, and convergent reasoning.

Time and Locale of the Study

Research Instrumentation
In this study, the researcher will utilize a data collection sheet. According to

Formplus (2017), a data collection sheet is a tool that organize and collect data. The

researcher will make use of this instrument to record the performance of the Mechanical

Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to Electrical Energy Using Electromagnetic

Induction Generators. The study will utilize a data collection sheet to record the total

charged generated on every different weight, wattage, pressure applied, comfortability,

resilience, and its strength to withstand different weights.

Validation of Instrument

For the validity of Mechanical Pressure of Applied Force on Chairs to Electrical

Energy Using Electromagnetic Induction Generators, the conversion of mechanical

pressure to electrical energy by the use of electromagnetic induction generators were

adopted and validated by Laurence Kemball-Cook.

Data Gathering Procedure

Schematic Diagram

Data Analysis

In processing the data of the product’s total charged generated will be listed and

tabulated by the researcher. The mean for the applied pressure on chairs will be

calculated. The means acquired will be added and dived to determine the product’s

overall mean total charged generated.

The researcher will utilize a point system scale for the results of the product’s

total charged generated. The results acquired will then be converted in percentage from

and the following means will be computed.

Product Development

A. Materials for Hardware

In this study, the researcher will utilize a hardware component. The components

are the following: Electromagnetic Generator that initiates a rotation that produces an

electricity, Wires for the electricity to travel from the generator to the appliances, AGM

Battery to store the total charged generated, spring in order for the surface of a chair to go

back to its original state after being use.

B. Methods for Hardware

As an individual sits on a chair a spring will submerged and the weight of an

individual will trigger the rotational movement of an induction generator beneath the


The produced electrical energy will then be stored in an AGM Battery to be use in

appliances such as light, fans, devices, etc.


Fact Sheet | Climate, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Fossil Fuels (2021) | White

Papers | EESI. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2023, from




Galvez, D. (2023, February 1). Rotational Brownouts to Hit 1.3 Million Houses in 2023

— DOE | Inquirer News. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from




Global Electricity Consumption 2022 | Statista. (2023, September 19). Retrieved October

5, 2023, from

Labaree. (n.d.). Research Guides: Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper:

Purpose of Guide. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from

Richey, R. C. (n.d.). Developmental Research: The Definition and Scope. Retrieved

October 5, 2023, from

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