Tajneen Islam - Freshman FRP Abstract

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Tajneen Islam, Block 4 Marine Biology, Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental
Science (MATES), Advisor: Dr. Amy Williams

With the rise of insomnia and other sleep disorders around the world, especially in the US, many
pharmaceutical companies have created medications in order to relieve or even cure these
disorders. The purpose of this study is to conduct research on a popular natural remedy for
efficiency of sleep quality; if successful, honey can be continued to be taken as an affordable
remedy for sleep quality and other illnesses. After researching many experiments of the usage of
honey, it is predicted that honey will be highly effective. With its many health benefits
(antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory), it is predicted honey will make major
improvements in sleep quality. 18 participants (13 female, 5 male) were instructed to ingest
honey for five days then fill out a survey. The participants used methods and machines to
measure their pulse, blood pressure, distractions prior to sleep, opinions about their sleep, and
plans for the next day. Throughout the five days, more peaceful sleep was recorded, and sleep
quality overall improved significantly. Blood pressure and pulse rate had an overall downwards
trend. However, there is possible human error. Some participants forgot to complete the survey
for some days, which affected the results. In conclusion, honey is shown to cause a more
peaceful sleep quality and help lower blood pressure and pulse rate during sleep.

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