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I declare that this senior project entitled by Economic Analysis and Poultry Egg Production.
The result is of my own research except as cited in the references. The senior project has not
been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other

Name: Abdirahim Hassan Farah

Signature: ………………………….

Date: …………………….....

I hereby declare that I have read this senior project and in my opinion, this senior project
Is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of Bachelor Degree of Economics and I
accepted for the submission to the examining panel

Supervisor Name: Abdulfatah Abubakar Mohamed

Signature: ____________________________________

Date: ____/_______/______

This senior project entitled Economic Analysis on Poultry Egg Production in Mogadishu
Somalia prepared and submitted by: Abdirahim Hassan Farah in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Bachelor degree of Economics has been examined and accepted by
examining panel.

Name and Signature of Chairman of Examining Panel

________________________________ Signature_______________

Name and Signature of Panelist

________________________________ Signature_______________

Name and Signature of Dean Faculty of Management and Economics

________________________________ Signature_______________

Date: __________/_________/________________

I dedicate this project work to my beloved Mother, Aamino Xaji Amin Mohamed and My
Brother Abdiqadir Hassan Farah and My Sisters, Jamiilo Hassan Farah and Rahmo Hassan
Farah for their unwavering love, prayers and encouragement. You have always believed in me,
thank you for all the support you provided.

I also dedicate this project work to my teachers for the never ending support. You have all been a
source of encouragement throughout this life challenging journey.

First of all, I would like to say praise is due to Allah that enabled me to complete my thesis and
indeed, throughout my life: I can do everything through him who gives me strength,

Secondly, I would like to thank my dear Supervisor Abdifitah Abubakar Mohamed for his
professional guidance, follow up and great support, useful comments, remarks and engagement
through the learning process of this thesis, and also thanks to the Dean of Management and
Economics in University of Somalia (UNISO) Mr. Said Abdi Mahmoud Shaani my
appreciation goes to all my competent lecturers who taught me one time or the other.

Furthermore, I would like to thank the all participants in my research, who have willingly shared
their precious time during the process of answering the questionnaire.

I would like to thank my loved friends, who have supported me throughout entire process, both
by keeping me harmonious and helping me putting pieces together.

I will be grateful forever for your love. Of course, this thesis would not have been possible
without the participation of the subjects.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional support, both
financially and emotionally throughout my degree. In particular, the patience and understanding
shown by my mother, sisters and brothers during the time of this course, is greatly appreciated.
I know, at times, my temper is particularly trying.

Finally, I am grateful to all who had either directly or indirectly been very supportive and helpful
in making this research in success.

Here I present a general overview of what I have learned from the general relationship between
Economic analysis and Poultry Egg Production, and I will briefly review what I have found after
much work and effort. The study investigated and explored the Economic Analysis on Poultry
Egg Production in Mogadishu-Somalia. The production of Egg in Mogadishu has many
challenges like; the lack of availability of feed, climate condition and market places, that’s why
the reason I chose it was to find a solution to these problems facing Somali Poultry Farmers, so
we found some of their solutions and talked about in this book. Our main objective was to get
the relationship between Economic Analysis and Poultry Egg Production in Mogadishu
Somalia. A descriptive statistics research design was adopted a case study design and the target
populations of this study was 60 respondents, the sample size of the study was 52 of responders.
Data was collected using structured questionnaires; the data was analyzed using SSPS (version
20).The researcher conducted the relevant information about the three objectives that was
mentioned in chapter one through previous literature which is secondary data and questionnaire
which was distributed in 52 respondents who are experienced in this field. The correlation of
Economic Analysis and Poultry Egg Production is R-value of (r=0.925) and p-value of
(p=0.000). However to maximize your poultry profits, you must hire experienced labour in your
poultry farm, therefore, you have to survey the market, before investing in egg production.
Marketing arrangements can be made in, local departmental store local hotels, restaurants, local
bakeries, cafeterias, groceries, and also other regular users.

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