Henry Sy

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Every community there’s a problem, every problem has a solution, and in every
complication there will be a leader who can help us sort things out. Human civilization has
evolved as a result of leadership. No group or organization can succeed without strong
leadership. In a community, we need a strong leader who will support us at any time;
however, in a business, we need a leader who can provide a solid foundation and provide us
with support and direction whenever we need it.

I chose Henry SY as an
example of a good leader
because, even if he’s now a
successful entrepreneur, he
once became a member and a
worker. Henry Sy established
"Shoe Mart," a modest
business that he later
expanded into a well-known
name. Henry Sy's example of
how an empire can be created
from modest beginnings
inspires a lot of people. I have
picked him as an example of a
good leader in the Philippines
because he possesses so
many attributes of a great
leader. He is adaptable and
versatile. He tries to adjust to
the strange surroundings and
conditions. He has a clear way
of speaking. When leading, one must pay attention. He is willing to make the effort to try to
understand what others desire and need. Sy is highly curious, considers all options, and
directs people in the right direction. He respects individuals because he knows that doing so
will earn him their regard. In addition, he exudes confidence. Every decision he makes,
every error he commits, and every action he takes demonstrates this self-assured quality in
his leadership. There is no greater motivator than seeing the boss in the trenches with
everyone else, showing that effort is being put forward on every level, proving that he is also
dedicated to his people and workers. It's important to show dedication to both your
commitments and the work that has previously been completed. Henry Sy has a comparable
lack of bias. Before making a decision, he tries to consider all options.


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