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Asking and Offering Help

Bonifasia Ekta Fima N., M.Pd.

Benefits of asking for help
a. Feeling less stressed
b. Relief about sharing your thoughts/feelings
c. Finding strategies and ways to cope
d. Gaining some perspective
e. Reducing your sense of loneliness
f. Building stronger relationships with friends and family
g. Prevent problems getting bigger
h. Can learn to help others
Expressions of Asking for Help
1. Would you mind helping me out?
2. Could you give me a hand?
3. I need some assistance.
4. May I ask you something?
5. Could you help me, please?
Expressions of Offering Help
1. Would you like some help? No, thanks.
2. May I offer my assistance? No, I can do it by myself.
3. Can I give you a hand?
4. Do you need any help?
5. Do you need something?
6. Are you looking for something?
7. What can I do for you?
8. Can I help you?
9. May I help you?
10.Need any help?
Responses of Asking for Help
Accepting Declining

• Ok • I’m afraid I can’t do it

• Sure • I'm sorry, I think I can't
• Yes, please • Sorry, I’m busy
• Certainly • No, thanks
• No problem • No, I can do it by myself
Offering help to do work
• Hi Ricardo, I have managed to finish my work already so I
have some extra time. Do you need help with anything?
• Mike, are you doing the taxation? I did that last week. If
you need some help, just give me a call and I come to
your office.
• I have a lot of experience with your project if you have
any questions, please just ask me.
Asking for help to do work
• Hi Bella, I'm having trouble getting the totals correct for the
accounts for easy pace learning. Do you mind having a look at my
figures to see if I am missing something simply?

• Hi Edward, can you help me and proof read this letter? This is a
very important client and I want to make sure there are no

• Can you spare me ten minutes to help me set up the new

machine? I can't get it to start
Dialog 1: Asking for help
Bella : Edward, can you help me?
Edward : Of course, what is it?
Bella : Can I borrow your video tutorial about dance?
Edward : No problem, why not?
Bella : I'm interested in dancing, and I will to try practiced it. By the
way, what is the name of the dance?
Edward : Really? The video is about Kukilo dance from Indonesia. I’ll
bring the video tomorrow
Bella : Thank you.
Edward : Don’t mention it.
Dialog 2: Responding of Request for Help
Sally : Jessica, would you mind going to the supplier's meeting on Friday? I have
another meeting and can't go.
Jessy : I'm afraid I can't. I'm really busy at the moment.
Sally : You know I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important. We need someone from
our department there.
Jessy : I appreciate that, but I don't have the time. Sorry.
Sally : I'd really appreciate it.
Jessy : How long will the meeting last?
Sally : Two hours maximum.
Jessy : Ok.
Sally : You don't mind, do you?
Jessy : No, it's ok.
Sally : I can't thank you enough.
Exercise: Match the question with the statement in the right column
1. A phrase that is used when you first ask someone for help, that a. Would you mind
includes the word 'ask', is b. I wouldn’t ask you if it
2. A polite phrase that checks if the other person is ok with helping wasn’t important
you, after they have agreed to do it, is
c. I’d really appreciate it
3. A phrase that means that something will only take a short amount d. You don’t mind, do
of time, is you?
4. A that is formal phrase that is used to ask somebody for help, is e. I can't thank you
5. A phrase used when you want to explain in more detail what you enough.
want the other person to do, is
f. Can I ask you a
6. A polite phrase used when you can't convince somebody to help favour?
you, is g. Could you give me a
7. A phrase that is used to convince somebody to help because hand with
something has to be done or is vital, is h. I just need
8. A formal way to say 'thank you' when somebody agrees to do
something for you, is i. It won’t take long
9. An informal phrase that is used to ask somebody for help, is j. It’s fine, I just thought
I’d ask
10. Another way to say 'I would be very pleased', is
How do you ask for help if ...?
1. You need a larger T-shirt
2. You are thirsty
3. You get lost
4. You lost your key
5. You have difficulty in doing homework
6. You feel hot
7. Your room is dirty
8. Your notebook is broken
Dialog 3: Offering help
Ken : Could I help you on your new project?
Barbie : Yes, I need some help with writing and the computer work.
Which one do you prefer?
Ken : I want to help you with both.
Barbie : That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will be working
together and sometimes independently. Would that be OK?
Ken : Most of the time that is what I prefer.
Barbie : How about if we start on Monday? Can you be in my place?
Ken : OK
Complete the dialogue
Ally : Can you ……… me plan the office party?
Bryan : ………. . What ………. you need the most help with, the food or entertainment?
Ally : I ………. help with food.
Bryan : OK, well, let's coordinate our efforts. Should this party be ………. or casual?
Ally : I think it ………. be casual.
Bryan : I ………. . Next, we have to decide on ………. . We have a ………. of Western or
Continental Cuisine. Which ………. should we have?
Ally : I would prefer Western food for this party.
Bryan : Perfect ………. . For music, ………. we have a live band or a DJ?
Ally : I think we should ………. a live band.
Bryan : OK then. Well, I’ll ……… on my part and get back to you with my progress on Friday.
Role play
1. Your boss asked you to present the new project next week, but
you are not ready and do not have enough materials. Ask your
friend to help you.
2. Your cousin gave birth a baby girl. You do not have any idea what
should you bring. Ask your friend to accompany you find best gift
for the baby.
3. You will run your own business. Ask your partner to help you open
new store.
4. You will join an International dance contest. Ask your mentor to
train you

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