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Write the anatomy of lymph circulation and also write features, course and tributaries of thoracic

2. Write a note on Constrictions of esophagus.

3. Write in detail about bronchopulmonary segments and roots of the lungs.

4. Write a short note on Mediastinum and Mediastinal Syndrome.

5. Write in brief about Intercostal nerves.

6. Describe azygos vein under the following headings:

(A) Formation

(B) Course

(C) Relation and its tributaries

7. Draw a diagram of the Inlet of Thorax.

8. Discuss the blood supply of heart and cardiac dominance.

9. Write in detail about the following

(A) Right Atrium

(B) Development of heart along with it’s anomalies

10. Describe the Arch of Aorta in brief.

1. Describe the Mammary Gland (Breast) under the suitable headings: (10 marks)

(A) Location and Extent

(B) Structure

(C) Blood Supply and Lymphatic Drainage

(D) Clinical Anatomy

2. Describe Axilla under the following headings:

(A) Boundaries

(B) Content

(C) Axillary Artery relations

(D) Axillary lymph nodes

3. Write in detail about the Brachial Plexus.

4. Write briefly about the Serratus Anterior muscle along with its nerve supply and actions.

5. Enumerate the branches of Axillary Artery.

6. Write a short note on Clavipectoral fascia.

7. Write a short note on anastomosis around the scapula.

8. Describe Cubital Fossa along with its contents.

9. Write in detail about (10 marks)

(A) Radial Nerve

(B) Ulnar Nerve

(C) Median Nerve

10. Write in brief about Anatomical snuffbox.

11. Write a short note on Flexor Retinaculum and structures passing through it.

12. Describe shoulder joint under the following headings?

(A) Type of joint

(B) Ligaments & bursae of joint

(C) Relations of the shoulder joint

(D) Movements at shoulder joint

(E) Clinical Anatomy

13. Describe Elbow Joint under the following headings:

(A) Type of joint

(B) Relations

(C) Blood supply

(D) Carrying Angle and Clinical Anatomy

14. Briefly describe Musculocutaneous nerve.

15. Write in short about different spaces of the forearm.

Lower Limb
1. Describe Femoral Triangle under the following headings.

(A) Boundaries

(B) Contents

(C) Femoral Sheath

(D) Femoral Hernia

2. Short note on Femoral Artery.

3. Describe Adductor Canal under following headings.

(A) Features

(B) Boundaries

(C) Contents

4. Write the Structures under the cover of Gluteus Maximus.

5. Describe Popliteal fossa under the following headings.

(A) Location

(B) Boundaries

(C) Contents

6. Discuss in detail about the Arches of Foot and its anomalies also. (10 marks)

7. Describe Venous Drainage of Lower Limb under the following headings.

(10 marks)

(A) Factors that help venous return

(B) Veins of Lower limb

(C) Varicose Veins

(D) Trendelenburg’s Test

8. Explain knee joint under the following headings.

(A) Type of joint

(B) Ligaments of the joint

(C) Relations and Blood Supply

(D) Locking and unlocking of Knee Joint

(E) Clinical Anatomy

9. Describe Hip joint under the following headings.

(A) Type of joint

(B) Ligament

(C) Relations

(D) Movements at the joint

10. Describe Sciatic Nerve under the following headings.

(A) Origin

(B) Course and Relation

(C) Branches

(D) Nerve Injury

11. Write about Ankle Joint under the following headings.

(A) Type of Joint

(B) Ligaments

(C) Relations

(D) Movements and Blood supply

42. Describe rectus sheath under the following headings.

(A) Formation

(B) Contents

(C) Functions

43. Write about

(A) Boundaries of Inguinal Canal

(B) Structure passing through Inguinal Canal

(C) Constituents of Spermatic Cord

(D) Inguinal Hernia

44. Write short notes on

(A) Epiploic Foramen

(B) Hepatorenal Pouch

(C) Rectouterine Pouch

45. Write about spleen under the following headings.

(A) Relations of spleen

(B) Blood Supply

(C) Functions

(D) Histology

46. Explain stomach under the following headings.

(A) Stomach bed

(B) Blood supply of stomach

(C) Lymphatic drainage and nerve supply

(D) Histology
47. Write a short note on Meckel’s diverticulum.

48. Write in brief about Appendix.

49. Describe in detail about Rectum and Anal Canal.

50. Write in brief about Murphy’s sign and its clinical importance.

51. Enumerate the tributaries of Portal Vein.

52. Explain Portocaval Anastomosis under the following headings.

(A) Features

(B) Sites of anastomosis

(C) Types

53. Explain in detail about Extrahepatic Biliary Apparatus.

54. Write a short note on Calot’s triangle and its clinical significance.

55. Write in detail about the development of Pancreas and developmental anomalies.

56. Describe the kidney under the following headings:

(A) Features

(B) Relations

(C) Blood supply

(D) Development

(E) Clinical Anatomy

(F) Histology

57. Discuss Urinary bladder under the following headings.

(A) Relations
(B) Ligaments of the bladder

(C) Interior of the bladder

(D) Nerve supply

(E) Histology

58. Write in detail about the Supports of Uterus.

59. Enumerate the course and branches of the abdominal aorta.

60. Enumerate the tributaries of Inferior Vena Cava.

61. Describe Ischioanal Fossa under the following headings.

(A) Boundaries

(B) Spaces and Canals of the fossa

(C) Contents

62. Describe the prostate under the following headings.

(A) Features

(B) Zones of the prostate

(C) Capsule and ligaments of prostate

(D) Age changes in prostate

(E) Clinical Anatomy

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