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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728

New method of thread rolling

Z. Pater∗ , A. Gontarz, W. Weroñski
Mechanical Department, Technical University of Lublin, Nadbystrzycka 36, Lubin 20-618, Poland


The research and implementation works completed in the framework of new thread rolling technology developed for sleeper fixing
screws have been described in the present study. Described thread rolling method consists in thread forming by means of two flat wedges
provided with special grooves designed for thread forming. The results obtained from numerical simulation of thread rolling process are
presented in the study. The calculations have been completed using finite volumes method (FVM) and finite element method (FEM).
Furthermore experimental tests consisting in thread forming on the bars made of commercial lead in laboratory conditions and results of
industrial tests with simultaneous thread forming on two screws have been described.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thread rolling; FEM; FVM; Experiment

1. Introduction pany in MINSK (Belorussia) being the manufacturer of

flat-wedge rolling machines.
The sleeper fixing screws (Fig. 1) are characterised by
single thread with large pitch and depth values. Therefore
they are formed in hot rolling process by means of three 2. Numerical analysis
working rollers (with parallel axes), Fig. 2. Surface material
flow model is forced by kinetics associated with that process 2.1. Finite volumes method
resulting in a vortex cavity in screw face being sometimes
the reason of batch size reduction for sleeper fixing screws MSC.Super Forge 2000 program has been applied for
being ordered. thread rolling process modelling (using FVM). Detailed de-
A/m disadvantage has been eliminated in the concept of scription of geometrical process model, parameters assumed
new thread rolling technology developed in Metal Forming for calculations, simplifying assumptions and obtained re-
Department in Technical University of Lublin. According to sults is included in previous studies [1,2]. We have to em-
proposed solution, thread rolling is performed by means of phasize that rolling process analysis in mentioned studies
two flat wedge tools provided with additional grooves at an was limited to several leads of thread in order to reduce time
angle equal to lead angle (Fig. 3). Simultaneous forming of of calculations.
two screws will be possible due to separating cutter appli- In course of completed calculations, progression of rolled
cation. workpiece was traced, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The data in-
Selected results of research- and -implementation works cluded in that Figure indicate that in course of initial pro-
completed in course of development of thread rolling tech- cess stage, the tools are forced into material forming a
nology according to new concept have been described in the wedge–shaped neck with simultaneous material forcing into
present study. The works encompassed numerical analyses, the grooves existing on tools surface. Workpiece is rotated
experimental tests carried out in laboratory conditions and under influence of side walls of the wedges (tools) and its
industrial tests associated with thread forming. The calcu- diameter is reduced (along required width). In course of
lations have been completed using finite volumes method rolling process, the component cross-section is subject to
(FVM) and finite element method (FEM). Industrial tests extreme ovalisation to be corrected by means of calibrating
were performed in JSC “BELTECHNOLOGIA & M” com- surfaces of the tools (situated between successive grooves).
However the results of calculations using FVM indicate
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 81 5381242; fax: +48 81 5381241. that mentioned ovalisation is not corrected by means of
E-mail address: (Z. Pater). calibrating surfaces of the tools. The variations of forging

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728 723

Fig. 1. P49A sleeper fixing screw (according to standard PN). Fig. 3. Thread forming by means of new technology.

Therefore any information confirming potential applica-

tion of new cross-rolling concept was not obtained from an
analysis of thread rolling process by means of FVM.

2.2. Finite elements method

Owing to complex character of the problem, thread rolling

process modelling shall be performed in three–dimensional
strain state (3D). MSC.Super Form 2002 commercial soft-
ware package using FEM displacement representation has
been used for metal flowing analysis in forming process un-
Fig. 2. Diagram of thread forming by means of three rollers-industrial der test. In order to minimize the time of calculations, the
method. following simplifying assumptions have been made: con-
stant friction factor on material-tool contact surface, rigid
geometry cross-section (in course of rolling) which can be model for tools material, constant forming temperature and
monitored in Fig. 5 are the best illustration of such condi- tools edges radii have been neglected.
tions. That fact constitutes significant limitation associated The geometrical model of thread rolling process has
with finite volumes method application for modelling of been illustrated in Fig. 6 representing essential geometrical
cross-rolling processes (particularly in case of thread form- parameters. The model consists of: charge and tools (flat
ing processes). wedges) moving with linear velocity of 0.065 m/s each. For

Fig. 4. Progression of shape in thread section of screw at process progress (in %) specified in drawing.
724 Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728

Fig. 5. Calculated distribution of strains in forging cross-section, at process progress (in %) specified in drawing.

the charge modelling, eight-node brick elements shaped as Calculated shape variations for rolled workpiece have
rectangular prism have been used. The option associated been illustrated in Fig. 7. Owing to complex character of
with updating of elements network i.e. so called remeshing the problem, forming analysis has been limited to mod-
was applied during calculations. elling of rolling process for two complete thread leads
Numerical simulation of thread rolling has been per- only. Despite of such limitation, the data obtained from
formed for commercial pure lead forming at ambient calculation indicated that ovalization of cross-section will
temperature, with flow curves determined with following be eliminated under influence of calibrating surfaces of the
Equation [3]: tool. Therefore, the greatest strains are concentrated in sub-
surface zones of thread core. Assumed geometry of thread
σp = 24.803ε̇0.088 , (1) cross-section to be achieved (triangular with sharp cor-
ner) differs from calculated geometry (rounded corner with
where ␴p is flow stress, ε̇ is strain rate.
large radius) in result of frequent remeshing (associated
Remaining material parameters assumed for calcula-
with adaptation of finite elements mesh to forging shape
tions: longitudinal modulus of elasticity E = 18,000 MPa,
variations) being characterized by sharp edges blunting
Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.42 density ρ = 11,200 kg/m3 .
Owing to possible change of friction forces direction on
During FEM, results analysis it was take into considera-
material-tool contact surface, constant friction model has
tion that the workpiece moves axially. This remark is verified
been applied-depending on slip velocity of metal in relation
by longitudinal billet section obtained in advanced phase of
to tool, according to the following equation:
process presented on Fig. 8. The tool-wedges are cutting
2 vp vp into rolled material directly in the middle of the billet but
τ = −m k arctan , (2) the longer of obtained perform is different in a both side
π ap |vp |
of workpiece. It shows that perform moves axially during
where τ is tangent stress, k the shear yield stress, m the the process. Estimation of value of this movement will be
friction factor (assumed value m = 1), vp is slip velocity necessary in correct process of thread forming in double ar-
vector, ap is coefficient (assumed value ap = 0.0001). rangement. In this case we must to know the positions of

Fig. 6. Geometrical model of thread rolling process assumed in FEM.

Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728 725

Fig. 7. Progression of shape and strain distribution, calculated by means of FEM for time specified in the drawing.

cutting knives mounted on the tools (respecting equal longer angle β = 10.12◦ , thread forming grooves angle (10.12◦ ),
condition). tool length of 388 mm, width of tool = 120 mm (Fig. 10).
The sections of bars ∅, 22 mm × 250 mm made of pure
lead were used during experiments. Forming was carried out
3. Laboratory research at room temperature (process parameters were identical as
those assumed for FEM calculations).
Experimental research for thread rolling have been per- Possibility of thread forming in cross-wedge rolling pro-
formed in laboratory conditions in Metal Forming De- cess according to new concept has been confirmed on the
partment in Technical University of Lublin. The research basis of completed tests, because the test pieces with the
works have been carried out on the basis of LUW-1 flat thread rolled in their central part have been obtained (such
wedge rolling machine specially designed and built for result is impossible in case of technology being actually
that purpose-see Fig. 9. The rolling machine is equipped used-rolling by means of three rolls). Refer to Fig. 11 for
with hydraulic drive in order to enable forming with tools example of such test piece with the thread.
(wedges) drive in forces up to 39 kN and with measurement Analysis of radial and tangent forming forces distribu-
system recording tangent and radial components of rolling tions (Fig. 12) indicate that those distributions are con-
force in course of rolling process. sistent with those obtained in typical cross-wedge rolling
Tool segments with the following parameters have been processes, see reference [4]. Any differences, particularly
applied for thread rolling: forming angle α = 25◦ , spreading those visible in radial force distribution refer to more ir-

Fig. 8. Effective strain distribution in axial cross-section of the forging, calculated by means of FEM for time value t = 1.86 s.
726 Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728

Fig. 9. Laboratory stand LUW-1 for thread rolling by means of flat wedges.

Fig. 10. Forming wedge tools, applied in laboratory tests associated with thread rolling.

regular force variation in case of thread rolling than in

conventional cross-wedge rolling. Disturbances of rolling
process stability occurring in starting phase of successive
thread leads forming are considered as the reason of such

4. Industrial tests

Considering the results obtained from numerical anal-

yses and preliminary laboratory research, wedge tools
enabling thread rolling of sleeper fixing screws in dual
Fig. 11. Part with rolled thread made of bar with diameter of 22 mm. arrangement have been designed. One of designed tools
Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728 727

14 • forming zone-ensuring thread forming along its whole

Radial length and being characterized by increased width of
working part of the tool in order to enable forming of
Load [kN]

successive thread leads;

• sizing zone-enabling elimination of previously created
shape irregularities during about 1 revolution of work-
4 Tangential piece;
2 • cutting zone-dividing of rolled forging into two pieces
0 takes place in that zone.
0 100 200 300 400
On the basis of prepared design of tools, tool kits have
Rolling pitch [mm]
been completed and installed on flat wedge rolling ma-
Fig. 12. Distributions of tangent and radial load measured in course of chine SP2000–manufactured by JSC “Beltechnologia &
laboratory tests. M”. Then the test of thread rolling of sleeper fixing screws
in dual arrangement have been carried out in industrial
has been illustrated in Fig. 13. The tool consists of the conditions with the test pieces made of carbon steel shown
following zones corresponding to individual phases of the in Fig. 14a have been used as forming stock. The shapes of
process: test pieces reflected overall dimensions of preforms to be
used for intended production of screws. The tests were fully
• knifing and guiding zone-the purpose of that zone of the successful. Refer to Fig. 14b for rolled test pieces. This
tool is to form V-shaped groove on whole circumference way the possibility of thread rolling in dual arrangement by
of the workpiece to protect against forging displacement means of cross-wedge rolling ensuring required quality has
in axial direction; been confirmed.

Cutting zone
Sizing zone

Forming zone

Knifing and
guiding zone

Fig. 13. Tooling set designed for simultaneous thread forming on two sleeper fixing screws.

Fig. 14. Preform (drawing a) and corresponding thread components made of that preform (drawing b) in course of industrial tests.
728 Z. Pater et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 722–728

5. Summary • Higher irregularity of radial force distribution than in

case of typical cross-wedge rolling processes is another
The research- and -implementation works completed in feature of thread rolling carried out according to new
the framework of new thread rolling technology developed concept.
for sleeper fixing screws have been described in the present • Industrial tools enabling simultaneous thread rolling of
study. The works encompassed numerical analyses, experi- two sleeper fixing screws have been designed and com-
mental tests performed in laboratory conditions and indus- pleted.
trial tests. The following conclusions have been obtained on
grounds of results of calculations and experimental tests:
• Thread forming is possible by means of cross-wedge References
rolling with tools incorporating forming surfaces with
[1] Z. Pater, Three dimensional simulation of flat-die thread rolling, in.
special grooves. The shapes of grooves in cross-section
J.M. Torallba (Ed.), Proceedings of the AMPT’01, Madrit, 2001,
correspond to thread cross-section contour. The advan- pp. 867–873.
tage of the new technology consists in possibility of [2] Z. Pater, Modelling of Flat-wedge Thread Rolling Process, Obróbka
thread forming in any part of shaft. Plastyczna Metali No. 5, 2002, pp. 29–37 (in Polish).
• In course of rolling process, the workpiece is displaced in [3] Z. Pater, A. Gontarz, W. Weroñski, Metal Forming, Calculations of
Forming Loads, Technical University of Lublin, Lublin, 2002 (in
axial direction in result of unbalanced axial forces. Pre-
cise determination of that displacement or its neutraliza- [4] Z. Pater, A. Gontarz, W. Weroñski, Selected problems of theory and
tion using technological provisions is required for correct technology of cross wedge rolling, Technical University of Lublin,
completion of rolling process. Lublin, 2002 (in Polish).

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