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Write a one page article about something you dislike in your everyday

life and find, as an entrepreneur, an innovative way to fix it.

One of the most annoying and irritating challenges I face in my daily life is insect
invasion of my living space. That was not a big deal when I lived with my parents in my
home country but I have to handle myself since I am living alone in Korea. These unwelcome
visitors always come visit and disturb my peace and comfort, frequently causing a chain
reaction of frustration and making me scared. To solve my problem innovatively ( from an
entrepreneur point of view ), I did some internet based research and AI research, also an
effective and unique solution to ease my daily annoyance and to restore my house. The bugs
that I am talking about here are not ants, I mean the Cockroach, spider and any other ugly bug
which could look dangerous. I really hate it. Traditional extermination methods proved
ineffective and sometimes damaging to the ecosystem. So I need a solution which could be
adequate in eliminating bugs and also which could give a sense of the ecosystem.

Innovative Solution;
The need to reclaim my home from these persistent invaders led me to found
"EcoShield: A Natural Bug Barrier", a startup designed to bring sustainable solutions and
effective will against infestation. The idea behind EcoShield is to be a non-toxic,
environmentally friendly bug barrier that keeps my home germ-free without damaging the
environment. Ecoshield’s formula is the result of careful research and testing. It harnesses the
known insecticidal properties of natural products. Essential oils such as peppermint,
citronella and neem form the base of this revolutionary pesticide.

So, let’s see how it works. Ecoshield’s repellent works by targeting the insect’s senses,
preventing them from entering the protected area. It hampers their ability to communicate and
navigate, creating a barrier to effective movement. The process is simple - a quick spray
across potential entry points and problem areas, and bacteria are closed.

EcoShield has not only reduced my bug woes but has given me the ability to take
control of my environment. As an entrepreneur, dealing with some personal pain has enabled
me to create meaningful and innovative solutions that benefit not only me, but others who are
struggling with the same issue. EcoShield represents my commitment to make a positive
impact by providing a safe, effective and environmentally friendly solution to a problem that
has plagued me for far too long.

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