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Ennum Ezhuthum - Term - I (2023-24)

Monthly Assesment (July)

Class - 5 Science Time : 45 Mins
Name : Marks :15

Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.

All the organ systems in the body were fighting, saying, ‘I am the best’. Respiratory system
told with pride, ‘I help in inhaling and exhaling air’. Immediately, digestive system said, ‘I help in
digesting food. So, I’m the best’. Circulatory system joined the fight, saying, ‘I send blood to all
parts of the body. So, I’m the best’. Excretory system said, ‘Since I filter and send the wastes out, I’m
the best’. They all went and represented to the center of command. The center of command said,
‘We can live a healthy life only when we all function in coordination. So, you are all best.’
1. Which organ helps the lungs to inhale and exhale air?
a) Diaphragm b) Vein
c) Artery d) Heart
2. Which of the following helps to digest fat?
a) Bile b) Pancreatic juice
c) Bile and Pancreatic juice d) Water
3. Which of the following carries the oxygenated blood?
i) Pulmonary artery and veins
ii) Pulmonary vein and arteries
iii) Pulmonary vein
iv) Heart
a) i) only b) ii) only
c) i) and ii) d) i) and iii)
4. When the kidney purifies the blood, it filters and
i) absorbs nutrients.
ii) sends the wastes out.
iii) absorbs the wastes.
iv) sends the nutrients out.
a) i) only b) ii) only
c) i) and ii) d) iv) only
5. Which of the following is not a part of the center of command?
a) Forebrain
b) Hindbrain
c) Midbrain
d) Spinal cord
1. a) Diaphragm
2. c) Bile and Pancreatic juice
3. b) ii) only
4. b) ii) only
5. d) Spinal cord

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