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Lesson Plan in Math 5

I. Objectives
 To define percentage, base and rate.
 To identify and find the percentage, rate and base in the given problems.
 To solve word problems involving percentage, rate and base.

II. Learning Content

A. Topic: Solving word problems involving percentage, rate and base.
B. Reference: Olivia, Imelda B. et al. Spiral Math, Trinitas Publishing Inc. 2015. Pg. 207-212.
C. Materials: Envelope, colored paper, printed paper and marker.

III. Learning Experience

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Identify what is the Rate, Base and Percentage in the given.
1. 25% of 80 is 20
B= 80 R= 25% P= 20
2. 48 is 60% of 80
B= 80 R= 60% P= 48
2. Review
Define what is Percentage?
 Is a part of a whole usually without the percent (%) symbol
What is Rate?
 Is the percent in the whole with the percent (%) symbol
What is Base?
 Is the whole number
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Show a picture of a department store.
Ask the students:
Have you been on this place?
Why do people love to shop on sale?
2. Presentation of the lesson
Let’s see some of the buyer’s problem while they are on a store
a. A shirt worth PHP 150 is on sale at PHP 90. What percent is the shirt on
 What is asked in the problem? (The percent of the shirt on sale.)
 What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem?
(original price- PHP 150 and discounted price- PHP 90
 What is unknown in the problem?
Percentage= 90
Base= 150
 What is the formula to be used? ( R= P/B x 100)
 What is the solution on the given situation?
R= 90/150 x100
R= 0.6 x 100
R= 60%
The shirt was 60% on sale
b. The Grade 5 basketball team won 80% of 15 of their games. How many
games did they win?
 What is asked in the problem? (The number of games they won)
 What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem? (80%
and 15 games)
 What is unknown in the problem?
Base= 15
Rate= 80%
 What is the formula to be used? (P=R x B)
 What is the solution on the given situation?
P= 80% x 15
P= 0.8 x 15 (convert the percentage rate into decimal dividing it by 100)
P= 12
The number of games they won is 12 games.
c. In a test, Rosanna made 5 mistakes. If this represent 20% of all the items,
how many test items were there?
 What is asked in the problem? (The number of items in a test)
 What are the given information or data that can help us solve the problem? (5
mistakes and 20% )
 What is unknown in the problem?
P= 5
R= 20%
 What is the formula to be used? (B= P/R)
 What is the solution on the given situation?
B= 5/20%
B= 5/0.20 (Convert the percentage rate to decimal dividing it by 100)
B= 25
The number of test items is 25.
3. Fixing Skills
1. A group of students went tree planting last year. They planted 650 mango trees.
Of these trees, 130 died. What percent of the trees died?
A. Application
(Group Work)
Solve the Following.
Group 1
Rey answered 35 items in their exercises in Math. If 28 of them are correct,
what percent are correct?
Group 2
A high school has 250 graduates. 68% of these pupils went to college. How
many pupils went to college?
Group 3
Mariel bought a bag marked 30% off. She saved PHP360. What was the
original price of the bag?
4. Generalization
What are the steps in solving word problems?
1. Find what is asked in the problem
2. Given information or data
3. Determine the unknown
4. Formula
5. Solution

IV. Evaluation
Solve the following word problems:
1. Rosemarie spelled 72 words correctly out of 80. What percent of the words did she spell correctly?
2. There are 10 new pupils in Mrs. Lira’s Class. If this is the 5% of the whole class, what is the total
number of Mrs. Lira’s pupils?

V. Assignment
Solve word problem
On a super sale tiangge, a purple sweater is 25% off of its original price which cost
PHP 160. How much will Tina pay for the sweater?

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