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End of term report (2nd term) 1A

Ajibike cooperates better in class and has improved in most learning

areas. She identifies the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds. She recites
numbers 1 to 20 and writes numbers 1 and 2 with little assistance.
Ajibike is yet to display thematic knowledge in concept taught
(themes). We hope that with time she will attain the expected
milestones and express herself better. She loves rhyme time.

Miracle is an outspoken member of the class. She contributes during

circle time. She identifies and counts numbers 1-20; writes numbers 1,
2 and 3 independently. She recognizes all the letter sounds in Group 1
and 2 and rightly relates with all the shapes taught this term (star,
oval, diamond and cone). Miracle mentions the sources of water and the
uses. She enjoys the company of her friends and plays calmly.

Semilore is cheerful and outspoken in class. She is learning and has

improved in all areas. She counts numbers 1-20 and writes numbers 1-4
independently. Semilore identifies the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds,
performs the actions and sings the phonics songs correctly. She
recognizes the rooms in a home, uses of water and its sources.
Semilore relates well with peers and loves story time. I am glad to have
her in my class.

Eleojo is a pleasant girl and is improving daily with her words formation.
She identifies the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds. She counts numbers 1-
20 along with her classmates and writes numbers 1, 2 and 3 with little
assistance. She identifies the rooms in a home. Eleojo needs to improve
her pencil grip and we are working together to ensure that she
achieves the target. She enjoys school and loves to smile.

Ayomide is an amazing member of her class. She pays attention and

contributes during class discussions. She counts numbers 1-20 and
writes numbers 1-5 independently. Ayomide identifies the Group 1 and
2 letter sounds, and relates them to objects. She recognizes all the
shapes (diamond, oval, star and cone) and colours taught. Ayomide
enjoys the company of her friends and expresses her gladness with

Aduramigba is an amazing learner; she creatively contributes during

class discussions and loves to lead the team. She identifies the homes
of different animals, the sources of water and its uses. Aduramigba
counts numbers 1-20 correctly and writes numbers 1 and 2
independently. However, she is still learning to write the number 3. She
recognizes and sings the phonics songs for Group 1 and 2 letter sounds.
She enjoys the company of her peers and communicates well in class.

Demilade is a wonderful participant of her class and has developed a

good pencil grip. She counts numbers 1-20 and writes numbers 1, 2 and
3 independently. She identifies rooms around the home. Demilade
recognizes the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds and relates them with
objects. She is happy at school and enjoys the company of her friends.

Desmond is a joy to have in class. He is learning and has improved in all

areas. He recognizes the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds. He counts
numbers 1-20 correctly and writes numbers 1 and 2 independently.
Desmond identifies the rooms in a home, the sources of water and says
its uses. He recognizes the shapes taught. Desmond enjoys circle time,
outdoor play and participates actively in class.

Jayden is a pleasant child and has learned a lot this term . He

identifies the rooms in a home and uses of water taught by chart
reading. He writes numbers 1 and 2 with little assistance. Jayden
counts numbers 1-20 independently but misses few numbers while
counting. He recognizes and sings some of the Group 1 and 2 phonics
songs. He loves school and enjoys the company of his friends.
Jedidiah is a joy to have in class and has improved greatly. He now
concentrates better during classes and loves to sing rhymes. He counts
numbers 1-20 and writes numbers 1 and 2 with little assistance.
Jedidiah identifies rooms in the home, the sources of water and its
uses. He recognizes the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds and relates them
with objects. Jedidiah enjoys snack time.

Moyinoluwa is an awesome boy and he is improving in all areas of

learning. He recites numbers 1-20 orderly and writes numbers 1, 2 and
3 with little assistance. He needs to improve his pencil grip. Moyinoluwa
recognizes the rooms in a home and things done in them. He is getting
more relaxed with his emotions and I believe that he will do away with
cartoon phobia soonest. He is a good listener and enjoys the company
of his friends.

Juwon loves school and is learning at his pace. He counts numbers 1-20
and writes numbers 1 and 2 with assistance. He has improved his pencil
grip. He gets easily distracted during class discussions and we are
working together to ensure that he concentrates better. Juwon
identifies the sources of water and rooms in a home by touching the
pictures. He recognizes most of the group 1 and 2 letter sounds and
performs its actions. Juwon enjoys rhymes and cherishes rest.

Gospel is a happy child and has learned so much this term. He counts
numbers 1-20 and writes numbers 1, 2 and 3 with little assistance.
Gospel recognizes the rooms in a home. He identifies most of the
letter sounds in the Group 1 and 2 and relates them to objects. Gospel
sings rhymes so well and participates actively during circle time. He
now enjoys meal time better and loves the company of his friends.

Joey is a cheerful member of the class. He counts numbers 1-20 and

writes numbers 1, 2 and 3 with little assistance. Joey identifies the
rooms in a home and tells the things that are in them. He recognizes
the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds and relates them to objects. Joey
enjoys television time and I am pleased to have him in my class.

King-Alfred is an active member of the class and improving in all

learning areas. He contributes creatively during class discussions and
says appropriately the homes of different animals. King-Alfred counts
numbers 1-20 orderly, writes numbers 1-4 independently but still needs
to improve his pencil grip. He identifies the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds
and sings the phonics songs. He loves to interact with his peers.

Joan is pleasant child and is improving in all learning areas. She

communicates better in class and displays a good sense of order. She
identifies the Group 1 and 2 letter sounds and relates them to objects.
She counts numbers 1-20 with her classmates and writes numbers 1 and
2 with assistance. Joan identifies the rooms in a home, water sources
and uses by touching the picture chart. Joan loves school and cherishes
to be applauded.

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