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June 2023

Collecting AS and A Level Examination Results

Dear Parent/Carer,

Now that the examinations have finished, I am writing to explain to you how your
son/daughter should collect the examination results. They will be available for
collection from the Oldfield Hall on Thursday 17th August 2023 from 8.30am until

We are aware that results day can be a stressful time, and to assist with this, we have
a system that allows your son / daughter to open their results in private in the library.
This offer is available to all students. There will be many staff available to support
students on the day, including our school careers advisor. The National Careers
Service is accessible online and through the exam results helpline on 0800 100 900.

If your son/daughter is unable to collect the results in person they may send a relative
or friend to collect them. However, they must have returned the attached permission
form by Friday 7th July. Alternatively, if you would like the results posted to your home
address then please provide the exam office (via reception) with a stamped addressed
envelope by Friday 7th July. Results will then be posted on the afternoon of Thursday
17th August. Please note that results cannot be issued over the telephone or via email.

If a concern is raised about a particular examination result, the exams officer,

teaching staff and head of centre will investigate the feasibility of requesting an
enquiry supported by the centre.
Where the centre does not uphold a request from a candidate, the candidate may pay
the appropriate enquiry after results fee to the centre, and a request will be made to
the awarding body on the candidate’s behalf. Further details and the appeals
procedure can be accessed on the ‘exam information’ page on our website.

Please be aware that relevant personal data (name, date of birth, gender) will be
transferred to the awarding bodies for the purpose of examining and awarding
qualifications, and that such personal data, together with the examination results and
outcomes of any reviews of marking, reviews of moderation and appeals may be
shared with relevant bodies.

Your son/daughter may wish to keep some of the coursework or non-examination

assessments that were prepared for these examinations. If so, they may be collected
from school from January 2024. Please telephone the school in advance so that staff
can retrieve the assessments for you. Coursework or non-examination assessments
that have not been claimed by July 2024 will be destroyed.

Examination certificates will be available for collection from the Hillgrove site reception
area from December. They cannot be posted home. Certificates can be collected
against a signature by your son/daughter in person, or by another person with written
permission from the student.

Examination certificates will be available for collection for 12 months. As per the JCQ
guidelines, examination certificates that have not been collected will be destroyed 12
months after issue.

If students wish to claim their examination certificate, following the 12 month window,
students will need to contact the awarding bodies themselves for replacement
certificates. Please note that not all examination boards offer a replacement certificate
service. If this is the case a ‘Certifying Statement of Results’ will be issued.

If you have any questions about examination results please contact me at school.

Yours sincerely

Jo Thomas
Deputy headteacher


The results of your examinations are your property. Until you have received them,
we are not allowed to release them to anyone else or even tell someone what the
results are.
Unless you give specific permission for someone else to pick them up on your behalf
(even then, they will be in a sealed envelope), without your permission, we will
refuse to give them out.

Every year, on results day, parents/carers and friends (even brothers/sisters etc.)
ask for the results of a student who is away or working or unable to get to school.
We cannot give them to anyone without your permission.

To avoid any difficulty, if you wish for someone else to collect your results for you,
please fill in the sheet below. You can nominate up to three people.

I, _________________________________(your name), Tutor Group ____________

and Year Group __________ give permission for the following person/people to pick
up my examination results on my behalf:

Person 1: _____________________________________ (their name)

Relationship: ______________________ (eg Parent/carers, brother/sister, friend,


Person 2: _____________________________________ (their name)

Relationship: ______________________ (eg Parent/carers, brother/sister, friend,


Person 3: _____________________________________ (their name)

Relationship: _______________________ (eg Parent/carers, brother/sister, friend,


Signed: _____________________________ on _______________________ (Date)

(Your Signature)

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