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6 News Saturday September 23 2023

Special report

Film reopens
files on four
missing boys John McKeague

and the link to

loyalist pastor
Documentary shines light on Alan Campbell and
the children who set off for school in 60s and 70s
and never came home. By Andrew Madden Joseph Mains
Eric Witchell
A CONTROVERSIAL loyalist pas- sor David Canters tells the doc-
tor has been linked to the disap- umentary that for the four dis-
pearance of four Belfast school- appearances and a murder to all
boys and the murder of another take place in the same small city,
in the late 1960s and mid-70s. in just five years and featuring
The link between Alan Camp- boys close in age, is a matter of
bell — who died in 2017 aged 67 great interest.
— and the cases is made in a new Giles notes that, following Bri-
documentary, Lost Boys: Belfast’s an McDermott’s murder, media
Missing Children, which pre- reports said the police files on
mieres on September 28. the disappearances of Leckey
The earliest disappearanc- and Aven were reopened.
es featured are those of 11-year- The documentary also fea-
old David Leckey and Jonathan tures interviews with Darren
Aven (14), both from east Belfast, Brown, a friend of the Leckey
who vanished after leaving their family. He notes that David Leck-
homes for school on September ey went to Oakleigh High School
25, 1969. on the Ravenhill Road.
Fast forward to September He says that many residents of
1973, when 10-year-old east Bel- Kincora Boys’ Home also attend- Peter Bone
fast schoolboy Brian McDermott
disappeared. He was last seen
ed Oakleigh. Kincora was also
within walking distance of where Morris Fraser
alive in Ormeau Park. A week lat- Leckey and Aven lived. Organ-
er his mutilated remains were ised child sex abuse took place at
recovered from a hessian sack Kincora in the 1970s. When the
pulled from the Lagan. story broke in the 1980s it caused
Both his legs and one of his a major scandal.
arms had been cut off, while his There were claims of an at-
torso was badly burned. tempted cover-up because there
The following year Thomas was a paedophile ring with links known in the Orange Order. The McGrath, Semple and Mains’ Scandal: It was established that the ten-
Spence (11) and his best friend, to the intelligence services op- documentary features an inter- convictions in 1981 due to the The alleged ant of the flat was Ken Larmour,
13-year-old John Rodgers, van- erating from the home, and evi- view with Brian Gemmell, an various allegations being made paedophile who was employed as a clerk at
ished after leaving their west dence that abuse was carried out Army intelligence officer in the about a cover up and others be- network Belfast Magistrates court at the
Belfast homes to catch a bus to by “powerful” people, including 1970s. ing involved in the abuse. centred time.
their special school in the north politicians, was being used to He says he made his superi- In 1982 then RUC Detective around The documentary names Lar-
of the city. blackmail them. ors aware of what was going on Chief Superintendent George Kincora boys mour, along with the late loy-
They were last seen at their In 1981 three Kincora staff at Kincora in 1975 but his con- Caskey was asked to head up a home alist paramilitary leader John
bus stop on the Falls Road on the members, William McGrath, cerns were ignored because, as team to make further enquiries McKeague, as being members of
morning of November 26, 1974. Raymond Semple and Joseph a source told him at the time, into Kincora. A report relating to a paedophile network. McGrath,
They never made it to school. Mains, were jailed for various McGrath was working for one these investigations is covered in Campbell, Semple and others are
The boys’ disappearance was child sex offences. of the intelligence agencies. Mr the documentary. also named as members of this
being investigated by writer Lyra The documentary references Gemmell says he is “absolutely One section details an allega- group.
McKee for a book, The Lost Boys, a news report from 1980 which certain” the intelligence services tion against Campbell that he Campbell was later charged
before she was killed in 2019. mentions that RUC detectives were aware of the Kincora abuse picked up a schoolboy, who was over the November 1970 incident,
In the documentary, crimi- ‘He claims investigating the sex abuse at for years, but did nothing. a resident in Bawnmore Boys’ but not convicted. The documen-
nologist Robert Giles suggests a Kincora were also examining In the documentary, Giles Home in Newtownabbey, where tary includes claims he was giv-
link between the disappearanc-
concerns the files on the Aven and Leckey notes that Alan Campbell was abuse also took place, on a bus en an alibi by a friend, which was
es of Leckey, Aven, Rodgers and about disappearances. a “regular visitor” at McGrath’s in November 1970. He alleged- later retracted when the friend
Spence, given their closeness in Kincora William McGrath who head- home, according to official po- ly took the boy to a flat in Bel- learned what the alibi was for.
age and the similar circumstanc- ed up a shadowy paramilitary lice documents. fast, sexually assaulted him and Giles says the connection to
es in which they vanished.
were group called Tara, was involved Further police investigations warned him afterwards: “I’ll stick the disappearances of the boys
Forensic psychologist Profes- ignored’ in unionist politics and was well into Kincora continued after a knife in you if you tell anybody.” and Campbell, through McGrath
Saturday September 23 2023
News 7

Alan Campbell

First picture of Kincora

William McGrath beast Raymond Semple
By Andrew Madden ern Ireland Historical Institutional
Abuse Inquiry, which released its report
THIS is the first published photograph in January 2017, little is known about
Raymond Semple of Kincora paedophile Raymond Sem-
ple — more than 40 years after he was
Semple’s life.
It notes that his friendship with Jo-
convicted of serious child sex offences. seph Mains facilitated his employment
It is featured in the documentary Lost at Kincora.
Boys: Belfast’s Missing Children docu- “Unlike his fellow convicted Kinco-
mentary exploring the disappearances ra staff members, Raymond Semple
of four Belfast schoolboys and the mur- openly admitted to police that he was
der of another dating back to 1969. a homosexual. This was confirmed in a
Semple and fellow Kincora staff medical examination,” one HIA docu-
Ken Larmour members William McGrath and Joseph
Mains were jailed in 1981 after being
ment reads.
“Unlike his fellow Kincora convict-
convicted of sex offences at Kincora. ed staff members, prior to the RUC in-
Born in January 1922, Semple had vestigation in 1980, there were no com-
two stints working at the notorious boys plaints or allegations to police or social
home, from 1964 to 1966 and from 1969 services, made against Semple by Kin-
until he was suspended in 1980 when cora residents.
Robert Elder the abuse came to light.
At the time of his suspension he was
“Raymond Semple’s sentence of five
years’ imprisonment was reflective of
the second most senior staff member his position as second-in-charge within
at Kincora. He pleaded guilty on the the Hostel, as opposed to the number of
first day of his trial to four offences and charges and victims, particularly when
was jailed for five years. Mains was sen- compared with William McGrath’s case.
tenced to six years and McGrath was “There is no evidence that Semple
sentenced to four. Semple was released committed sexual abuse on any other
from prison in 1984. Kincora resident, other than the two he
According to papers from the North- was convicted of abusing.”
and Kincora, is strengthened as as persons of interest.” the public domain decades later.
the November 1970 incident al- The documentary also talks A former Army officer also
legedly began with a boy being
picked up by Campbell on a bus,
and Spence and Rodgers were
about a government memo cov-
ering a meeting in 1982 between
the NI Secretary of State and the
says in the documentary that
Campbell “merited very close
examination” regarding the dis-
Who was Alan Campbell?
last seen at a bus stop. Lord Chancellor being briefed by appearances of the four boys and
The allegation that Campbell the Attorney General. the McDermott murder, and he PASTOR Alan Campbell was born into a gion at Newtownabbey Community
was prepared to use violence to The memo states that the RUC still feels aggrieved that this did staunchly Presbyterian home in a Catho- High School. During his tenure he sold
cover up an indecent assault is were investigating three aspects not happen when the incidents lic area in Belfast in August 1949. tapes lamenting the end of South Afri-
also a connection to the disap- of the Kincora affair, according took place. According to an online biography of ca’s apartheid regime. He also criticised
pearances, and to the Brian Mc- to the Attorney General, includ- Journalist Chris Moore also Campbell, his grandmother was a “very DUP and Ulster Unionist politicians for
Dermott murder, Giles says. ing that a man may have with- reveals a document in the foot- firm adherent of the doctrine of British meeting Nelson Mandela.
“Police would have been aware held information about the mur- age that was circulated among Israelism, and thus he was exposed to Campbell had his own church, Open
of the claims against Alan Camp- der of Brian McDermott. loyalists in the 80s. “Campbell, this teaching from a very early age”. Bible Ministries, which closed in 2013
bell when Brian McDermott was This information conflicted McGrath and McKeague were all Gail Walker British Israelism is based on the belief following claims that funds were being
found murdered,” director Des with what the RUC previously homosexual perverts who acted Compelling that people in Britain are direct descend- appropriated by an associate of Camp-
Henderson, says. told ministers and officials, the as agents for British Intelligence ants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. bell who had a “seedy background”. The
“They would also have been memo states, and this left the in the late 60s and early 70s.” film shows Despite being exposed to these teach- pastor denied this at the time.
aware of individuals in the wider government in an “embarrassing why we ings as a young child, Campbell did not He frequently caused controversy for
paedophile ring, to which he was and exposed position”. The man Lost Boys: Belfast’s Missing Chil- need truth actually convert to Christianity in ear- his extreme anti-Catholic views, which
linked. But yet, to the best of our referred to was Alan Campbell. dren world premiere in partnership nest until September 1965, after hearing in later life he spread on the internet.
knowledge, none of these men This memo was kept top secret with Docs Ireland, Odeon Cinema,
and justice Reverend Ian Paisley preach. Campbell died suddenly in hospital at
were ever questioned, or named at the time and only released into Belfast, Thursday, 7pm 22 He served for a time as head of reli- the age of 67 in 2017.

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