Part I

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1. .................. is the total amount of money spent by a government on defense, development

education, health, infrastructure, etc.
A. Corporate expenditure B.expenditure C. Individual expenses D.Official expenses
2. Could you ............. ..... the departure time before we leave for airport?
A. Check B.consult C. test D. forecast
3. The service wasn't .................. in the bill so we tipped the waiter $5.
A. imported
B. excluded
C. included
D. exported
4. I worked until 11 o'clock at night to meet the .................. for presenting the report.
A. date
B. appointment
C. deadline
D. time
5. Apart from selling products, sales staff are people dealing with customers …….. - their unhappy
feedback on the company's products and services.
A. supplies
B. complaints
C. words
6. The higher the .................. of a country, the richer its people are.
A. balance of trade
B. corporate entertainment
C. gross domestic product
D. local entertainment
7. Women have a number of .................. to manage stress. They know how to reduce it.
A. campaigns
B. strategies
C. styles
D. standards
8. The manager has decided to sack the new secretary because she .................. too many mistakes.
A. took
B. did
C. made
D. had
9. Many people say that they always feel under stress when .................. a valuable contract or
important visitors from abroad or even just when working to ....... deadlines.
A. negotiating/ tight
B. making/ narrow
C. giving/sharp
D. writing / short
10. I can decide the time when I arrive and leave the workplace, depending on the daily ..................
A. workforce
B. workload
C. working
D. work
11. We should focus on only one .......... of the market: the young or middle-aged.
A. generation
B. segment
C. place
D. people
12. At the workplace, less stress means more productivity because the ....... of stress are often
illness and
absenteeism from work.
A. causes
B. effects
C. advantages
D. gains
13. Lots of people complained that the service at this hotel is very ............
A. time saving
B. inefficient
C. exciting
D. popular
14. Many people claim that some computer games ....... violent behavior in young children.
A. consult
B. encourage
C. disturb
D. discuss
15. If we let people work from home, we won't need so much office ......... and we can employ more
A. place
B. location
C. space
D. Base
16. Our company has a reputation for prompt service that means goods will be ... within 24 hours
of your
A. delivered
B. produced
C. advertised
D. damaged
17. Competing for too many contracts is beginning to……….. my health. I can't seem to relax
when I get
back home.
A. affect
B. defect
C. reject
D. object
18. This chocolate mousse is very delicious. Could I have the ……?
A. recipe
B. receipt
C. cook
D. relief
19. ........... is any organized effort to gather information about what customers want or need.
A. Market share
B. Market value
C. Market research
D. Market price
20. Having to .................. a formal meeting or making a presentation to senior executives can cause
especially for the first time.
A. direct
B. lead
C. show
D. resign
21. Wincote International, an outdoor-products company based in Colorado, launch .................. Of
and boots for men and women eighteen months ago.
A. a life
B. a range
C. a delivery
D. a discount
22. ............. is how personally satisfied you are with the way you live and work.
A. Living standard
B. Quality of life
C. Lifecycle
D. Life expectancy
23. If you want to borrow money from a bank, you will want to know the ..........
A. exchange rate
B. population rate
C. unemployment rate
D. interest rate
24. A flexi-time system can help to reduce stress levels of employees by giving them more control
their ...........
A. working hours
B. working style
C. working conditions
D. working class
25. Mr. Phil is going to attend a training course abroad, so Ms. Duboi is ................ him as the Sales
Manager till October.
A. changing
B. reporting
C. exchanging
D. replacing
26. That country was able to repay some of its loans from abroad, thus, it could reduce its ..............
A. foreign investment B. trade deficit C. trade surplus
D. foreign debt
27. If you want to resign from your present job, you must send a .................. to your boss.
A. paper
B. message
C. word
D. notice
28. Peter thought October was too early for the seminar so he suggested ....... until November.
A. turning it down
B. carrying it out
C. giving it up
D. putting it off
29. There are two ................., to consider: first, outsourcing the cleaning and second, hiring a full
A. types
B. means
C. options
D. models .
30. A clean, quiet, comfortable and friendly ............... can actively reduce levels of stress.
A. working environment
B. work-life balance
C. fast promotion
D. incentive scheme
31. As I had to .................. an important visitor from abroad, I asked different colleagues if they
knew a
good restaurant in town.
A. discuss
B. entertain
C. recommend
D. criticize
32. In order to make a corporate event successful, you have to .................. your aim in entertaining
at a particular event.
A. classify
B. simplify
C. satisfy
D. identify
33. Coke risks .................. money if it doesn't sell the kinds of drinks consumers now want to buy.
A. earning
B. making
C. lending
D. losing
34. Our boss was caught in a ................... and got to Heathrow airport forty minutes late.
A. traffic light
B. traffic jam
C. traffic circle D. traffic warden
35. Our visitors will be very .................. if nobody picks them up at the airport.
A. satisfied
B. grateful
C. upset
D. pleased
36. Stress is a continuous feeling of …......... that prevents you from relaxing.
A. worry
B. happiness
C. comfort
D. excitement
37. Last week, he .................. part in an English speaking contest and won the first prize.
A. took
B. played
C. shared
D. chose
38. We find it difficult to .................. on our work because there isn't enough space and we don't
privacy, either.
A. conclude
B. contact
C. contribute
D. concentrate
39. She had to work overtime to meet the deadline for .................. the report.
A. organizing
B. making
C. creating
D. presenting
40. Companies should try to reduce their employees" stress levels before they ........ affect the
A. strictly
B. severely
C. expectedly
D. eagerly
41. Consumer ............... is the description of a typical customer.
A. profile
B. behavior
C. goods
D. research
42. By following a tight monetary policy, the government has reduced the ............. to 2%.
A. inflation rate
B. low taxes
C. cheap rents
D. exchange rate
43. In order to be successful, for a brand, marketers have to know what the consumer needs and
wants, so
.................. market research is necessary.
A. conducting
B. making
C. carrying
D. producing
44. If companies don't try to reduce stress levels among employees, ................ may increase.
A. absenteeism
B. appointment C. contribution
D. distribution
45. Sales ………….. show how much a company has sold over a certain period of time.
A. forecasts
B. figures
C. numbers
D. targets
46. So many forms to fill in just to import one photocopier! Nobody needs all this ………..
A. government law
B. domestic product
C. government tax
D. government bureaucracy47. Understanding the market and customers is absolutely................ to
the success of a business.
A. inefficient
B. reliable
C. crucial
D. unnecessary .
48. If we spend more on advertising, can we ............ our sales by 45%.
A. increase
B. reduce
C. decline
D. decrease
49. An advertising agency .................. in giving advice on advertising and making ads.
A. produces
B. does
C. targets
D. specializes
50. .......... attention to the needs of the customers is important to our company.
A. Paying
B. Providing
C. Supplying
D. Giving
51. Men find it difficult to talk to their managers about stress. They are not good at asking
for ........... when
they need it.
A. problem
B. issue
C. distribution
52. Good .................. of English will help you find a job more easily.
A. knowledge
B. expectation C. condition
D. satisfaction
53. An advertising .................. is a programme of advertising activities over a period, with
particular aims.
A. agency
B. budget
C. research
D. campaign
54. Their plan is to .................. the souvenir shop in the city centre where there are a lot of foreign
A. remove
B. locate
C. bring
D. take
55. In order to .................. so well with products made in China, we have to lower our price and
the quality.
A. complete
B. compete
C. stand
D. enter
56. Working for Financial Times can be ........... because you are always under pressure of meeting
A. honorable
B. happy
C. stressful
D. impressive
57. Currently, our Human Resources department is considering a new ......... plan.
A. advertising
B. promoting
C. sales
D. recruitment
58. Every organization has to find a ………. to reduce their staff's stress as much as possible.
A. solution
B. pollution
C. dilution
D. illusion
59. Reportedly, there was a big loss in the job vacancy in General Engineering as a/an ......... of the
company's failure in business.
A. result
B. cause
C. effect
D. possibility
60. When a country sells more goods to other countries than it buys from them, it has ……..
A. trade deficit
B. trade surplus
C. foreign trade
D. balance of trade
61. Our recruiter will travel to several universities to interview graduating students for .......... in our
marketing department.
A. positions
B. appearances
C. occupations D. performances
62. I have ........ the deadline once again. My boss will be very angry.
A. met
B. written
C. missed
D. damaged 63. We had to .................. the schedule for moving into the building as the office
wasn't redecorated in
A. reappoint
B. rearrange
C. repair
D. repeat
64. We have .................. a budget for relocating the office with details of the various costs
A. prepared
B. written
C. collect
D. kept
65. The key to .................. time management is planning. Everybody needs to make plans if they
everything to go smoothly.
A. persuasive
B. informative
C. effective
D. wasteful
66. Jane invited me to her house to taste the food served by her husband. The meal was very
because her husband is a wonderful ........
A. cooker
B. chef
C. executive
D. manager
67. The changes to working hours will be ....... next month. We will start and finish work earlier.
A. implemented
B. estimated
C. decreased
D. remained
68. She gave up a well-paid job to join a meditation group in India. She's completely changed
A. lifetime
B. lifecycle
C. timetable
D. lifestyle
69. Staff are suffering from headache because of .................. offices. There are too many people
in small rooms.
A. crowded
B. large
C. modern
D. spacious
70. We have a......... advertising budget, so we can't introduce our new product on TV.
A. large
B. tight
C. short
D. thin
71. Experts agree that short-term stress is less .................. than long-term stress, which happens
employees constantly work under pressure.
A. harmless
B. boring
C. necessary
D. damaging
72. Watching TV is the most popular form of ................ at home in Vietnam now.
A. business
B. pleasure
C. entertainment
D. enjoyment
73. The restaurant is in a .......... location. It takes us only 15 minutes to walk there from the hotel.
A. difficult
B. wrong
C. convenient
D. different
74. Unfortunately, we had to turn down their .................. because we had another arrangement.
A. meditation
B. estimation
C. invitation
D. infornation
75. My brother has been working in China for over 10 years and now he is very interested in
Chinese ........
A. plate
B. bowl
C. kitchen
D. cuisine
76. Now, corporate policy in our country is being changed significantly, so we can ........ the target
A. use
B. reach
C. make
D. fail
77. Business entertainment normally .......... place in restaurants.
A. does
B. makes
C. happens
D. takes78. They need to balance the budget in entertaining and extra cost to get the
steady .................. of the
A. development
B. strategy
C. method
D. campaign
79. In her new job, Jane has a lot of ............ She can do what she really wants and she likes it very
A. freedom
B. boredom
C. pressure
D. stress
80. We will ....... Our order early next week if they give us a 15% discount.
A. cancel
B. place
C. produce
D. deliver
81. One situation that employees generally find difficult to cope with is ……… to difficult
A. come down
B. come up with
C. deal with
D. find out
82. A business card tells your business partners if you are of equal .................. to them.
A. hospitality
B. respect
C. profile
D. status
83. We are ............... a survey to find out what kinds of restaurants are most popular with
A. carrying out
B. putting out
C. taking up
D. selling out
84. …....... tax incentives were given by the government to encourage foreign investment.
A. Attractive
B. Comparative
C. Expensive
D. Negative
85. There are many factors we need to take into .................. when we plan the first TV programme.
A. look
B. application
C. consideration
D. thought
86. If you have chance to see directly a sporting .................., you will find the whole view of
A. match
B. event
C. cruise
D. session
87. Drinking and driving is one of the common ............. of traffic accidents.
A. causes
B. experiences
C. results
D. levels
88. My colleague has met all her sales .................. and she's expecting to get a bonus.
A. targets
B. figures
C. campaigns
D. forces
89. Healthcare Daily is a newspaper which provides answers to questions about nutrition, body
and the role of diet in improving and maintaining your …………..
A. wealth
B. stress
C. health
D. relation
90. When the value of a country's exports is greater than that of its imports, its .................. is
A. interest rate
B. balance of trade
C. exchange rate
D. inflation rate
91. Workers receive a bonus depending on their .................. The more they work, the more money
A. productivity
B. seniority
C. experience
D. relationship
92. We usually take our company visitors to a French restaurant near the office, which has a
cosy ……………….
A. condition
B. atmosphere
C. emotion
D. sense 93. We have an intention of ........... overseas events to get the opportunity to spread our
knowledge and
skills around the world.
A. organizing
B. keeping
C. buying
D. purchasing
94. Many employees feel. .................. about their jobs and careers in the company. They worry
about the
A. happy
B. satisfied
C. valued
D. uncertain
95. We would like to thank you for your order, and ................... to receiving your next one.
A. look after
B. take after
C. look forward
D. get out
96. Our clients wanted to .................. the city before they left.
A. take out
B. turn down
C. look round
D. take up
97. The head of our department is leaving the company in a month's time, so we are going to hold a
A. welcome
B. engagement
C. birthday
D. farewell
98. Many people say that they can't get ............ between life and work.
A. balance
B. difficulty
C. difference
D. justice
99. Before we come to the final ........., we would like to review the survey results.
A. destination
B. decision
C. destruction
D. distribution
100. Which business .................. would you like to work in? Manufacturing or service?
A. plan
B. group
C. segment
D. sector
101. More and more staff are taking ................ because they feel highly stressed at work.
A. participants
B. arguments
C. antidepressants
D. criticisms
102. The sports whose rules are simple are popular. Thus, cricket is unpopular because the rules are
A. interesting
B. complicated
C. familiar
D. understandable
103. The restaurant by the seaside is famous for its different kinds of seafood such as ......., prawn
A. broccoli
B. tuna
C. veal
D. venison
104. After a serious illness, my father decided to .................. smoking and now his health is getting
A. take away
B. put out
C. hold on
D. give up
105. A dissatisfied customer can affect the company badly because his feedback causes ..................
A. positive
B. negative
C. constructive
D. good
106. The government is accused of failing to run the …….. so Vietnam is still an undeveloped
country in
the region as well as in the world.
A. policy
B. industry
C. situation
D. economy
107. According to a recent survey, over 14 per cent of all employed people in the EU ...............
from stress.
A. cause
B. result
C. consult
D. suffer108. In order to ......... costs, the management decided to build a plant outside the town,
which saves $9
million for the company.
A. reduce
B. increase
C. boost
D. grow
109. He ........... a 2-billion-dollar offer from Yahoo, because the deal was too risky.
A. turned down
B. looked in
C. carried on
D. took up
110. Vietnam is one of the most attractive markets in Asia, so there is a lot of potential for this
and you can ................... up sales here.
A. keep
B. give
C. build
D. turn
111. The jeans are ................. in major department stores throughout the country,
A. developed
B. contributed
C. distributed
D. manufactured
112. In our very competitive business world, a good brand is one of the keys to the ……….. of
A. success
B. recession
C. failure
D. pressure
113. Before launching a product, companies often do market research to …………. information
what customers want and need.
A. collect
B. hide
C. consume
D. confuse
114. Although I've worked here for nearly a year, I haven't had a/an .................. to speak to the
Director yet.
A. exchange
B. chance
C. challenge
D. change
115. If we don't get some orders soon, we'll have to make some of our workers ........
A. productive
B. profitable
C. redundant
D. beneficial
116. You'll have to work without a computer until we can get the spare parts we need from the
A. consumer
B. client
C. advertiser
D. supplier
117. We received a number of complaints from customers about the .................. of parking
A. lack
B. sufficiency
C. plenty
D. completion
118. To make the customers satisfied with the ............, we have to train our staff about the way
they serve
and look after them.
A. product
B. campaign
C. service
D. advertising
119. Market position is the ranking of a company or a brand against its competitors in .......... of
A. fields
B. periods
C. terms
D. times
120. Looking for a restaurant with reasonable prices is a .................. because we have to keep our
entertaining cost down.
A. motivation
B. priority
C. security
D. protection
121. Corporate entertaining is in steep decline as a lot of companies are in financial …..
A. situation
B. difficulty
C. improvement
D. department
122. We will pay off all of our .................. by the end of this month.
A. debts
B. loans
C. revenues
D. savings 123. We use a professional advertising agency for our marketing campaign in order
to .................. the new
A. design
B. promote
D. make
124. He can speak French fluently so he was invited to ........... a conference in Paris.
A. attend
B. attract
C. attack
D. attempt
125. Adidas is expanding its sales network in China because it wants to ........... market share lost to
and domestic competitors.
A. remain
B. regain
C. remake
D. repeat
126. In many companies, staff are not allowed to participate in making decisions so they say they
.................. and are not valued by management.
A. worthless
B. harmless
C. stressful
D. careful
127. Listening to client's aspiration and needs is the key .................. required to produce
successful corporate hospitality.
A. element
B. ingredient
C. component
D. composition
128. That company claimed to reduce its workforce by 20 percents, ........... in the loss of 2,000
A. raising
B. resulting
C. decreasing
D. improving
129. In such famous restaurants as Pane et Vine and Blunders, you have to ............. a table in
A. pay
B. bring
C. book
D. leave
130. About 38% of those questioned globally say that the current economic ……. is one of
their major causes of stress.
A. climate
B. weather
C. atmosphere
D. temperature
131. A .................... is a piece of paper which gives you information or advertises something.
A. brochure
B. leaflet
C. booklet
D. slogan
132. The financial sector plays a very important role in …….... and entertaining campaigns of the
A. entering
B. marketing
C. displaying
D. showing
133. I'm afraid we can't raise your salary this year. The company is operating on a very
tight ..................
A. money
B. report
C. budget
D. quality
134. We are considering ways to improve product quality to sales.
A. grow
B. keep
C. boost
D. reduce .
135. Less government ......... will encourage foreign investment.
A. bureaucracy
C. measure
D. plan
136. Nowadays, people ............ taking part in activities to watching others in entertainment.
A. enjoy
B. prefer
C. like
D. want
137. I am in ............. with you that she should be given more responsibilities.
A. agreement
B. contrast
C . construction D. participation 138. The most common forms of stress-related............... are heart
attacks and high blood pressure resulting
from hypertension.
A. comfort
B. boredom
C. illness
D. easiness
139. Helping people to build their .................. to stress is actually assisting them to respond
differently to
stressful situations.
A. repetition
B. resilience
C. reaction
D. reflection
140. We send .................. to customers to ask for their opinions on our products.
A. interviews B. conversations
C. questionnaires
D. programmes
141. Although the economy is in deep recession, the company is confident of further ……….
A. expansion
B. disadvantage
C. pressure
D. exception
142. There is a close .................. between stress levels and the number of days taken off by an
in a year.
A. difference
B. clarity
C. link
D. distinction
143. .................. products is the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a companyes
products in the
best possible way.
A. Withdrawing
B. Launching
C. Modifying
D. Manufacturing
144. The lifecycle of this product is going to finish because its market is ...........
A. expanding
B. extending
C. fastening
D. shrinking
145. European marketplace offers excellent .................. for increasing sales.
A. potential
B. arrival
C. approval
D. refusal
146. Economic recession .................. to the time when trade and business activities decrease.
A. shows
B. refers
C. explains
D. mentions
147. To reduce stress of office staff at work, …....... and yoga courses are provided after working
A. training
B. negotiation
C. workload
D. meditation
148. If you want to entertain your client at a popular restaurant, it's advisable to telephone
to ........... a
A. recommend
B. fix
C. reserve
D. purchase
149. ................ is the department dealing with selling and promoting products of a company.
A. Sales & Marketing
B. Human Resources C. Finance
D. Production
150. You present a lot of useful features of products and advises buyers to purchase them. That
means you
.................. them to buy products.
A. persuade
B. influence
C. order
D. impress
151. During the last few years, a lot of businesses have gone bankrupt as a consequence of the
A. recession
B. recovery
C. reception
D. recreation 152. Production .................. is what a company must spend on manufacturing goods
or producing services.
A. value
B. cost
C. fund
D. fee
153. We hope to offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience that our clients are unlikely to ........
A. forget
B. remember
C. enjoy
D. prefer
154. A good brand has long term benefits, as it will .................. to many different market segments
and to
people from different cultures.
A. attract
B. persuade
C. appeal
D. invite
155. The Human Resources Manager and two colleagues met to discuss ways of …..... the staff's
and fitness.
A. improving
B. educating
C. supervising
D. changing
156. Special events are scheduled at the resort to ............... guests with entertainment.
A. prepare
B. provide
C. present
D. prove
157. Many people say that stress mainly comes from a/an ……… lifestyle and negative thoughts.
A. motivating
B. unhealthy
C. reliable
D. inconvenient
158. A good advertising campaign needs to be .................. in its approach; everything happens and
develops in the same way from the beginning to the end.
A. steady
B. rational
C. consistent
D. versatile
159. The causes of workplace stress can be .............. three different groups: economic, business and
A. set up
B.come in
C. put into
D. cut down
160. I had a job .................. last week. I was so nervous that I couldn't answer all questions of the
A. discussion
B. meeting
C. interview
D. negotiation
161. The government is .................. a very strict environmental law to stop companies from
polluting the
air and water.
A. passing
B. using
C. forcing
D. encouraging
162. We had to change our plan to visit the outlet because of ............ problems here at the
A. unexpected
B. unreliable
C. unworried
D. untrained
163. My car has broken down. Can you give me a ..................?
A. gift
B. lift
C. bus
D. train
164. A brand can be defined as a name given to a product by a company so that the product can
easily be
................. by its name or its design.
A. recognized
B. understood
C. made
D. seen
165. Most staff are now worried about job security and morale is ..................
A. low
B. high
C. slow
D. good
166. When a salesperson wants to visit a client, he or she normally telephones a week before to
make .........
A. an engagement
B. an appointment
C. a message
D. a reservation 167. If someone in our department completes their tasks well, it is nice
to ................ them with a gift or
A. punish
B. give
C. bring
D. reward
168. How many ............ are there in our conference? I mean the number of people at the
A. candidates
B. applicants
C. competitors
D. participants
169. Next summer, with our better marketing plan, we ................. to sell more Ferrari cars in Asia.
A. think
B. stop
C. provide
D. hope
170. You should go to the .................. if you want to enjoy some music.
A. motor racing
B. concert
C. art gallery
D. historic site
171. In Vietnam, women .......... at the age of 55, but men at 60. They leave their jobs because they
are old.
A. refine
B. resign
C. retain
D. retire
172. We're all well aware of the importance of maintaining healthy customer .......... for long-term
A. leadership
B. partnership
C. relationship
D. membership
173. I like to work ……............ so that I can have more time with my family. I want to work only
in the
morning or in the afternoon.
A. nine-to-five
B. flexi-time
C. full time
D. part-time
174. The product launch was a failure. Sales were 40% below ..........
A. forecast
B. amount
C. volume
D. figure
175. Please go to the .................. when you want to check in or check out at a hotel.
A. restaurant
C. reception
D. bar
176. Consumer .................. describes where and how people buy things.
A. behavior
B. figure
C. forecast
D. budget
177. The new CEO has just .................. a new management team after the company's heavy loss.
A. sent
B. set
C. appointed
D. made
178. OK, let's start. The .............. of this meeting is to decide what kind of new products we should
A. purpose
B. suggestion
C. proposal
D. result
179. The Management ......... a long-term 50% increase in demand for PX model. This prediction
relies on
its steady rise in many recent years.
A. estimates
B. makes
C. designs
D. researches
180. A group of customers of .................. ages, income level and social group is a market segment.
A. different
B. usual
C. similar
D. popular
181. We have to change our plan, therefore we want to apologize for the ....... this problem may
cause you.
A. convenience
B. efficiency
C. inefficiency
D. inconvenience
182. At the end of June, we will sign a ........... contract with a Japanese dealer. The contract is
worth $60m.
A. common
B. ordinary
C. valuable
D. simple 183. We've …………….. printing paper and we have to order some more right away.
A. got out
B. run out of
C. taken up
D. given up
184. He suggests paying for the staff's ................... to a gym to encourage them to keep fit.
A. subscription
B. responsibility
C. possibility
D. situation
185. She deserves to win the prize because she has made a valuable .................. to the overall
success of
the company.
A. participation
B. distribution
C. production
D. contribution
186. The staff are highly stressed or ............. because their boss often shouts at them if they make
A. encouraged
B. demotivated
C. moved
D. stimulated
187. They began to change the company's product range because they had too many products that
A. unprofitable
B. irresponsible
C. unavailable D. inactive
188. The inflation rate has dropped sharply thanks to the government's tight monetary ………....
A. contract
B. rule
C. requirement
D. policy
189. You should .................. yourself from any of your competitors in this marketplace.
A. compare
B. compete
C. differentiate
D. prevent
190. Customers have so much ................ nowadays that a good brand can help them to make up
their mind.
A. choice
B. option
C. suggestion
D. location
191. Long ........... are building up on the way to my office, which makes me really stressed.
A. stages
B. queues
C. people
D. crowds
192. Long-term stress can cause staff's absenteeism to increase and some of them may decide
to ..............
A. resign
B. recruit
C. exchange
D. redesign
193. Redundancy is the situation when a person loses his/her job because there is no more work
for them.
A. deficient
B. comfortable
C. creative
D. available
194. If salespeople .................. the sales target, they'll be given a bonus.
A. miss
B. set
C. exchange
D. exceed
195. If you want to buy a new computer, it is a good idea to go to different places to ......... prices.
A. introduce
B. increase
C. reduce
D. compare
196. Last week, I ........... a meeting with the Finance department to discuss the budget for the
A. arranged
B. collected
C. made
D. arrived
197. The regional government is offering ............... to companies that move to the region.
A. tax incentives
B. tax evasion
C. foreign investment
D. interest rate
198. Our director decided to hold a big party on our first .................. in business.
A. anniversary
B. occasion
C. operation
D. opening
199. The participants made a lot of ......... for ways of raising money to help children in
mountainous areas.
A. complaints
B. comments
C. surveys
D. suggestions200. The last six months have seen a slight improvement in the ………... against the
A. low taxes
B. cheap rents
C. inflation rate
D. exchange rate
1. Rick thought March was too early for their seminar so he put it .................. until May.
A. on
B. off
C. back
D. down
2. Last Monday, our manager .................. the whole morning interviewing candidates for the new
A. spent
B. spends
C. has spent
D. was spending
3. Hurry ...................! I have to .................. my manager up at 5.00.
A. on/ pick
B. up / pick
C.on/ picking
D. up / picking
4. .................. Sergio ever asked his boss for a pay rise?
A. Did
B. Does
C. Has
D. Have
5. It looks like they are going to succeed................... their present difficulties.
A. although
B. in spite
C. whereas
D. despite
6. Adidas Chief Executives has done a lot of things to enable the group .................. the number-two
A. gain
B. gaining
C. to gain
D. gains
7. We believe that our company has a record of success; we have shown a profit every year ...........
began this company.
A. while
B. when
C. from
D. since
8. James suffered …….... stress, resulting in his two-month treatment at the General Hospital in
A. for
C. in
D. from
9. We look forward to .................. your President to our country.
A. welcome
B. welcoming
C. to have welcomed
D. welcomed
10. Every year, millions of days of work .............. because of stress and stress-related illness.
A. is lost
B. are losing
C. are lost
D. be lose
11. ............... the contract was signed, everyone cheered.
A. As soon as
B. Until
C. Before
D. While
12. .......... visitors is one of my responsibilities as a receptionist.
A. Welcome
B. Being welcomed
C. Welcoming
D. To welcome
13. The company is doing very .................. and so far this year their sales ……….. another 12%.
A. good / went up
B. well /have gone up
C. good / have gone up
D. well / went up
14. Can I .................. the main points of my talk before we come to the end?
A. go out
B. go in
C. go round
D. go over
15. Could you tell me .................. they have met their sales targets?
A. what
B. who
C. whether
D. where 16. I will not talk to them anymore. ........ they apologize first.
A. until
B. after
C. while
D. as soon as
17. Dyson spent 15 years trying ................ the banks ............ his idea and enable him ................
of the new vacuum cleaners.
A. persuading / supporting/ setting up
B. to persuade / to support / setting up
C. persuade / support / set up
D. to persuade / to support / to set up
18. .................. we've met all the candidates, we'll decide how many to employ.
A. Before
B. While
C. Since
D. After
19. The sales staff invited us for dinner, but we had to turn down the invitation as our plane
at 7 o'clock that evening.
A. is leaving
B. was leaving
C. will be leaving
D. will leave
20. Pierre learned to speak some Japanese .................... he was working in Tokyo.
A. while
B. before
C. after
D. until
21. On Tuesday, the National Association of Realtors will release ............... report on home sales
for April.
A. it
B. its
C. its’
D. it's
22. Your ideas seem .................. feasible. However, you need to make it more detailed.
A. being
B. to be
C. to being
D. to be being
23. Do much reading, ............... you won't catch up with the development in your field.
A. if
B. otherwise
C. unless
D. in order that
24. We agree that it's a .......... idea .......... the main factory than to set up a subsidiary in Australia.
A. better / to extend
B. better / extending
C. good / to extend
D. good / extending
25. In order to meet the deadline, all the staff ............... work very hard last week..
A. have to
B. had to
C. having to
D. should have to
26. Retail outlets are eager .................. their hands on products that look new and different.
A. getting
B. to get
C. got
D. gets
27. Our company is looking ............... receiving the first order after the negotiation between us and
foreign company.
A. forward to
B. after
C. around
28. We took our clients out ............. an excellent local restaurant when they visited our company
last week.
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. to
29. It is the first time I .................. an international conference in English.
A. attended
B. attend
C. have attended
D. am attending
30. I wish I could relax more instead ............. having to work …… strict deadlines all the time.
A. of/ to
B. of/ from
C. to / of
D. for/ from
31. Before ................. your guests out for a meal, you should find out what dishes they like or
A. take
B. took
C. taken
D. taking32. Would you like ................ more coffee?
A. any
B. a
C. some
D. the
33. As they had an ............. idea to promote their new product range, they decided to exhibit at the
A. excited
C. exciting
34. More than half of Portugal's wildlife …….... under threat of extinction since the country .........
European Union 20 years ago.
A. camne / has joined
B. has come / joined
C. comes / had joined
D. is coming / would join
35. They are having an important meeting so that every senior .................. to catch up with all of
the ideas
to implement.
A. has
B. could
C. would
D. will
36. Hi, Jack. What is wrong………… your car?
A. with
B. about
C. from
D. on
37. Guests may select a single room ……………. a suite with a bedroom and office.
A. but
B. and
C. or
D. nor
38. You should be careful when …….. business with foreign entrepreneurs as their cultures are
from yours.
A. to do
B. doing
C. do
D. to be done
39. My dad donated his suits to charity ............. he had wom them for a year.
A. when
B. after
C. until
D. before
40. Its urgent, so I'll phone you .................. I get home.
A. until
B. when
C. while
D. since
41. Last year, days lost increased by over 15 per cent .................. sickness and absenteeism.
A. because
B. thank
C. due
D. because of
42. It is very impolite if you refuse the invitation in Russia, so you should take …………. when
partners invite you to their house for dinner.
A. out
B. into
C. up
D. over
43. All new merchandise is displayed on the shelves by the entrance ………. our customers'
In that place, it can be easily seen.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. in
44. In the past, husbands didn't let their wives ............. jobs.
A. to getting
B. getting
C. got
D. get
45. Over recent years, there has been a marked reduction ……….... the number of people having
A. of
B. in
C. into
D. for
46. The station is very far from here. You ............. take a bus or a taxi.
A. ought
B. may
C. might
D. should47. If you are not listening to it, please turn .................... the radio to save power.
A. off
B. out
D. up
48. .............. did you launch this advertising campaign?
A. What
B. When
C. How much
D. Which
49. Improved working conditions had only a marginal effect on staff's morale ………. they really
was a pay rise.
A. That
B. What
C. How
D. Which
50. She has bought some fruits, rice because she .................. a big party this Saturday.
A. has
B. will have
C. had
D. is going to have
51. I …………... when I had to meet our new sales team in Taiwan as it was my first time there.
A. worries really
B. was really worried
C. was worrying really
D. really worry
52. Tom owns a small firm .................. sells office equipment.
A. who
B. where
C. whom
D. which
53. Something was wrong with the engine, ................., I couldn't start the engine.
A. because
B. thus
C. when
D. soon
54. Deadline is the time or date by ................. you have to do something.
A. when
B. where
C. which
D. what
55. It took her more than five years .................. a good work-life balance.
A. achieving
B. has achieved
C. achieve
D. to achieve
56. Last week, I .................. to meet some tight deadlines, which .................. quite stressful.
A. had / was
B. had /is
C. have / was
D. has/has been
57. ................ the sales department .................. their last year's target?
A. Did / meet
B. do / meet
C. has / met
D. have / met
58. Peter .................. his report yet, which makes him so ..............
A. hasn’t finished / worried
B. hasn't finished / worrying
C. haven't finished / worry
D. haven't finished / be worried
59. Dyson spent 5 years ................. the banks to support his business plan.
A. persuaded
B. to persuade
C. have persuaded
D. persuading
60. He objected to the plan because he ............. it was feasible.
A. wasn't thinking
B. thought
C. don't think
D. didn't think
61. .......... I'm in Geneva, I'll review all the start-up costs.
A. During
B. Until
C. When
D. Since
62. Ted is excited ................... his new car. That's all he has talked about lately.
A. in
B. with
C. of
D. about63. She explained to her guests .......... she took up t’ai chi as a hobby
A. what
B. which
C. why
D. whose
64. The sales representatives met customers and persuaded them ................... their products.
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
D. bought
65. When we were on holiday, we ........... to the cafe almost every day.
A. were going
B. went
C. are going
D. have gone
66. We've looked at several models of cars which could be suitable .................. our company.
A. for
B. with
C. about
D. of
67. She ............ for 3 different companies over the last ten years but she .............. so welcome as at
A. has worked / has never felt
B. worked / has never felt
C. is working / never feels
D. worked / never felt
68. .................. I started the car, I found out that something was wrong with the engine.
A. When
B. During
C. Until
D. Before
69. Business tax .................. annual profits has grown by 28% this year.
A. for
B. of
C. on
D. about
70. One of ....... biggest celebrations in ................... Argentina is New Year"s Eve.
A. the / x/a
B. the /an/ the
C. x/ the / the
D. the /x/x
71. Stop ............. please. I have had to put up with a lot of unfair complaints from you.
A. talking
B. talk
C. talked
D. to talking
72. I was planning to visit the International Inventors" Fair but I ................. enough time.
A. had
B. did have
C. did not have
D. didn't had
73. I like spending my holidays in the mountain, ........... my wife prefers the seaside,
A. though
B. whereas
C. despite
D. in spite of
74. Olga can't sign the contract .................. she gets Andre's approval.
A. while
B. until
C. when
D. after
75. Gentaro is a part .................. a multinational company based .............. Milan.
A. of/ in
B. of /at
C. in / at
D. at / in
76. How long did they stay here? - .......... a week.
A. For
B. During
C. After
D. Before
77. Could you find him somewhere comfortable ................... not too expensive?
A. nor
B. so
C. but
D. as
78. He first .................. this company when he just graduated from university.
A. joins
B. joined
C. has joined
D. was joining
79. Advertising budget is an amount of money available ............ promoting activities in a particular
A. on
B. to
C. for
D. in 80. Some staff are stressed ................... they feel they have no control over their work and
they don't
participate in making decision process.
A. so
B. because
C. therefore
D. although
81. Why don't we .................. this issue after the meal? It's lunchtime now.
A. discussed
B. discuss
C. discussing
D. discusses
82. …...... market segments has your product been most successful in?
A. Which
B. Who
C. Why
D. Where
83. The large conference room is located ........... the third floor, not the second as stated in the
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. with
84. .................. he joined the family clothing business, he had been an entrepreneur.
A. After
B. Before
C. When
D. Until
85. A flexi-time system can help to reduce stress levels of employees by giving them more control
their ........ hours.
A. to work
B. working
C. worker
D. worked
86. Who should the range .................. at?
A. is targeted
B. be targeted
C. targeting
D. be target
87. While her husband was traveling ……….. the world, she opened the first Body Shop.
A. on
B. around
C. above
D. from
88. It is a long time since we .................. to the cinema.
A. last went
B. have last gone
C. last go
D. are last going
89. Your new marketing plan is unrealistic so I don't agree .............. you.
A. to
B. with
C. of
D. for
90. The Finance Director needs to speak to you .................. you get to the office.
A. until
B. as long as
C. if
D. as soon as
91. Great ideas sometimes come ............. suddenly without thinking.
A. up
B. over
C. in
D. out
92. How many .................. did you buy last year?
A. bottle of water
B. bottles of water
C. water of bottle
D. bottle water
93. In fact, all kinds of situations are more stressful when you .............. yourself in them.
A. never find
B. have never found
C. never found
D. are finding
94. ................ my father retired, he decided to take up a painting course in order to realize his child
A. During
B. For
C. Since
D. After
95. I …....... a free mileage coupon from the airline when I took a flight to San Francisco in March.
A. will receive
B. have received
C. received
D. had received
96. I. ............. her for help whenever my department is understaffed.
A. asks
B. has asked
C. asked
D.ask97. I'm sorry I .................. false information. I didn't intend to mislead you, Joe.
A. gave
B. give
C. have given
D. am giving
98. We were delighted that so many sponsors turned .............. at the event.
A. on
B. down
C. up
D. out
99. I want to know .................. your English is. Can you communicate with our British customers?
A. how far
B. how well
C. how good
D. how long
100. The manager told us .................. after five clients from Turkey carefully.
A. to look
B. look
C. to be looked
D. looked
101. It's only four o'clock in the afternoon but I feel so .................. although I have drunk five cups
coffee today.
A. sleepy
B. sleep
C. slept
D. sleeping
102. They had to put .................. the meeting because too many employees were off sick.
A. on
B. up
C. off
D. back
103. Ms. Lewiston has worked for this company for five years. We are sorry to see ............ leave.
A. she
B. hers
C. her
D. herself
104. People in business may suffer ........, stress for many different reasons: if they're overworked, if
always feel .................... pressure.
A. with / under
B. from / under
C. from / about D.with / about
105. Women, in general, have a number of strategies to cope with stress. They usually know
how .................. it.
A. reduces
B. reducing
C. reduced
D. to reduce
106. The price? Well, it depends .............. what you are looking …………
A. at / at
B.on/ for
C. in /for
D. on / at
107. After several years of slow .................., the economy is showing signs of picking up.
A. grow
B. grew
C. growth
D. grown
108. She ................. her boss for a pay rise since she .................. the company four years ago.
A. not asked / joined
B. hasn't asked /joined
C. isn't asking/joins
D. doesn't ask /joined
109. Over the last few years, stress has resulted ............. increasing levels of absenteeism and a
decrease .................. productivity.
A. on / in
B. from / at
C. in/in
110. It is very kind of you ................. to give me a lift, but there is a taxi coming for me at 11.00.
you anyway.
A. offer
B. Offering
C. to offer
D. offered
111. I had to remind him that we were interested only ............ the candidates who met all our
A. about
B. in
C. of
112. It is really .................. to ask your boss for a pay rise.
A. stressful
B. stressed
C. stress
D. stressing 113. We have decided .............. our plant in Belgium .............. our staff are against
because of redundancy.
A. closing down / but
B. to close down / but
C. to close down / due to
D. closing down / due to
114. I decided .................. to them until they apologized.
A. not talking
B. not talk
C. not to talk
D. to not talk
115. As ........... agreement could be reached, the final decision has been put off until next month's
A. some
B. any
C. no
D. not
116. Mr. Lopez was the owner of a small publishing company. He .................. books about
economics and
politics. After he died, his family sold the company.
A. published
B. publishes
C. has published
D. is publishing
117. Fish and chips .................. her favourite dishes.
A. are
B. is
C. were
D. be
118. Last week, the President told the Management team that the small scaled project with BM
worth ........
A. considered
B. to consider
C. have considered
D. considering
119. The manager travelled sometimes ................... pleasure and sometimes …………… business.
A. for / with
B. with / for
C. with / on
D. on/ with
120. Effective staff members .......... to instructions.
A. always listen carefully
B. carefully always listen
C. carefully listen always
D. listen always carefully
121. If you follow these guidelines, you ……….... successful with a new product.
A. may be
B. are
C. will be
D. would be
122. Are you ready ..................? Would you like salad or soup to start with?
A. to be ordered
B. ordering
C. order
D. to order
123. When choosing a product, ................... its originality into account?
A. you take
B. are you take
C. do you take
D. you do take
124. While I was writing this report at noon yesterday, my colleagues ............ games on computer.
A. were playing
B. are playing
C. play
D. played
125. Moving plants or factories to lower cost areas enables companies ........... more money to
reinvest in
their business.
A. saving
B. saved
C. to save
D. to be saved
126. At this moment, the Board of Management ............. its new development plan.
A. is considering
C. considered
D. consider
127. We often show our foreign customers around the city and take them .................. to very good
A. out
B. in
C. off
D. up 128. Could you tell us how you coped with difficulties .................. at work?
A. successfully
B. success
C. successful
D. succeed
129. The government has promised to deal with the problem of .................. among young people.
A. unemployed
B. employ
C. unemployment
D. employment
130. When I started the car, I .................. out that something was wrong with the engine.
A. found
B. was finding
C. have found
D. find
131. Before ........... your guests out for a meal, you should find out what dishes they like or dislike.
A. have taken
B. takes
C. took
D. taking
132. Until the delivery is .................., we won't release the payment.
A. to confirm
B. confirming
C. confirmed
D. confirm
133. Do you know the reason why .................. so much money in that project?
A. did he invested
B. did he invest
C. he did invested
D. he invested
134. The director .................. for his vacation and will not retum until next week.
A. leaving
B. left
C. was leaving
D. has left
135. .................. did you spend on the campaign?
A. How much
B. How many C. How long
D. How often
136. Jim believes the move will enable the company to cut production costs …….. 30 percent.
A. with
B. in
C. by
D. for
137. ................. could Wincote XWS jacket approach to the new market?
A. How long
B. How far
C. How deep
D. How high
138. Ms. Rios is interested in learning about the company and .................. her business skills.
A. to improve
B. improve
C. improving
D. improve
139. Sales in the field of digital technology ................. by 57% between 2000 and 2005.
A. increases
B. increasing
C. increased
D. is increasing
140. The CEO was so busy to take ................ the invitation to the sales departments conference last
A. care
B. after
C. up
D. part in
141. She gets accustomed ................. working late .................. night.
A. to/on
B. to/ at
C. with / in
D. on/at
142. Our company offers seminars ……….... management training at competitive prices.
A. on
B. in
C. to
D. about
143. Sheila, who works .................. research and development, has a 3:00 p.m appointment with the
A. at
B. of
C. in
D. during
144. .................. this month we have received a lot of complaints about late deliveries.
A. Before
B. In
C. So far
D. After
145. "The four Ps" of the "marketing mix" stands .............. Product, Price, Promotion and Place.
A. for
B. out
C. on
D. at 146. Can you tell me what .................. of this new product?
A. are you thinking
B.did you think
C. do you think
D. you think
147. The output has decreased considerably because staff in the Production Department are ...........
a lot
of stress.
A. in
B. with
C. at
D. under
148. Our manager always looks for new ways ........... our clients.
A. entertain
B. entertaining
C. entertained D. to entertain
149. Nothing stopped Dyson from .................. to persuade the bank to support him.
A. try
B. trying
C. tried
D. tries
150. .................. the last four years, inflation has risen at an annual rate of three percent or less.
A. At
B. Of
C. For
D. From
151. As salespeople we never press customers to buy products. We let them ......... if the product is
A. deciding
B. decide
C. to decide
D. decided
152. ….... Amanda didn't prepare well for the competition, she won the first prize.
A. Because
B. Although
C. Despite
D. If
153. Consumers" desire for low-fat foods ........ the current health trend in the food industry.
A. influence
B. has influenced
C. is influenced
D. influenced
154. I was planning .................. the Head Office next week, but now I have put it off because I
don't have
enough time.
A. visit
B. visiting
C. visited
D. to visit
155. Many parents fail .................. their children's spending because they are too busy with their
A. control
B. to control
C. controlling
D. controlled
156. In June, I am going ................... Australia .................. holiday.
A. to / for
B. to / on
C. in / for
D. in / on
157. Have you .................. negotiated an important contract?
A. ever
B. never
C. yet
D. already
158. When we promoted our product by cutting down price, our main competitor ........... the same
A. did
B. do
C. does
D. have done
159. The strike at the airport means that people from abroad can't get here, so we've had to
call .............
the meeting
A. off
В. up
C. for
D. on
160. She wants a job that .................. her more responsibility.
A. give
B. giving
C. gives
D. to give
161. We …………….... a new series of shampoos next summer. We have just done the research on
customer demnand.
A. will launch
B. have launched
C. are going to launch
D. launched 162. ....................... did they aim at in their marketing campaign?
A. Why
B. Who
C. When
D. How
163. My newspaper is carrying ……………..a survey to find out what kind of restaurants is the
popular with businesspeople.
A. out
B. down
C. up
D. on
164. I've attended a job interview and hope ............... the results in two weeks' time.
A. know
B. knowing
C. knew
D. to know
165. How can companies help their employees .............. a work-life balance?
A. achieves
B. achieved
C. achieving
D. achieve
166. I think you should save some money .............. you are working.
A. during
B. while
C. before
D. as soon as
167. Hi Jack! This is Laura. I tried to call you this morning. Call me .................. as soon as
A. on
B. back
C. after
D. for
168. Being always stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work can be .................. to everybody.
A. quite stress
B. quite stressful
C. stress quite
D. stressful quite
169. There has been a reduction .................. 10% in the amount of money available for buying new
A. in
B. by
C. of
D. at
170. ................ on a new project at the moment?
A. Do you work
B. Are you working
C. Did you work
D. You work
171. .................. are they going to launch their new products?
A. What
B. Which
D. Who
172. I asked Susana if she ................... that restaurant and she said .............
A. liked / yes
B. likes / yes
C. liked / she did
D. likes / she does
173. Our competitors are already working on new designs ……….. we should launch our new
range as
soon as possible.
A. That is why
B. Why that is
C. Why is that
D. Is that why
174. As long as you have done ............ practice, it will be easy .......... you to get along with the
work here.
A. enough/ with
B. enough / for
C. many/ for
D. many/ with
175. They've hired a stress counselor, ……………..?
A. do they
B. have they
C. are they
D. haven't they
176. Your personality is very important .................. the success of your work.
A. for
B. in
C. to
D. on
177. The manager made his employees ................., the computer training classes.
A. attending
B. attend
C. to attend
D. attendance
178. The graph shows the changes in the number of people .................. off work because of back
and stress-related illness every year.
A. stayed
B. to stay
C. staying
D. stays 179. The company is about .................. a new bicycle for children, which has a great sales
A. launching
B. to launch
C. to be launched
D. launched
180. ................... discount did they offer?
A. What
B. How much
C. How many
D. How
181. I don't think I have ever had a more difficult time ……………. here than I did during the
events of
the past few years.
A. to work
B. working
C. at work
D. worked
182. We had some problems .................. our customers in France. They didn't want to join our
A. dealing with
B. deals with
C. to deal with
D. dealt with
183. How about .................. a free medical checkup to staff every year?
A. offering
B. to offer
C. offered
D. to be offered
184. Our productivity this year is .................. than previous years“ as we've approached high
A. higher more
B. more higher
C. much higher
D. higher much
185. In .............. ways can they get such a perfomance?
A. what
B. who
C. where
D. when
186. What did they aim ................ in their marketing campaign?
A. at
B. in
C. on
187.I'm writing to .......... about a possible position in your marketing department.
A. enquiring
B. enquired
C. enquire
D. to enquire
188. I'd like ............ your kind offer to organize the after-work entertainment for next week's
A. to take up
B. take up
C. taking up
D. to be taken up
189. It's important to recognize the symptoms of stress, such as difficulty ............... communicating
colleagues, overeating, loss of appetite or sleeping ..................
A. with / badly
B. in / well
C. with / well
D. in / badly
190. We've made excellent progress ......... bringing down the number of people absent ............
because of stress.
A. in / to
B. with / from
C. in / from
D. with / to
191. Generally speaking, families with both members working cause serious problems .............
in the family.
B. on
C. for
D. about
192. The housekeeping department needs to give ............... uniform to any new employee.
A. an
B. a
C. the
D. some
193. Setting ........... a counseling service can help our staff to reduce stress.
A. x
B. up
C. on
D. for
194. Being stuck .................. a traffic jarn on your way ........... work can be quite stressful,
especially if
you have an important appointment.
A. in / at
B. at / to
C. in/ to
D. at / in 195. After a lot of continuous effort, Lining's moved up .................. second position
against other
sportswear manufacturers.
A. to
B. at
C. on
D. in
196. We take part .................. charity programs in almost hospitals in Hanoi annually.
A. in
B. at
D. of
197. What does your Board of Management expect the sales representatives ........?
A. achieve
B. achieving
C. to achieve
D. achieved
198. He appears ........... a man who knows his worth more than anyone else.
A. to be
B. is
C. be
D. being
199. Most companies spend a large amount of money .................. R&D to develop new products.
A. for
B. to
C. with
D. on
200. At the meetings, we have to pay attention .................. the content of the meeting to
take .............. the
whole information.
A. on / at
B. to / in
C. with / in
D. for / in

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