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Group 3


The marijuana debate: why marijuana must not be legalized?

Why would you settle for recreational use of marijuana if it has potential health
implications? Marijuana is a plant, but not just a plant; it can harm and change you. Recreational
use of marijuana has been an intense topic in recent years. The substance of marijuana can lead
to detrimental consequences that extend beyond temporary pleasure and can affect both
individual health and even society. Marijuana is one of the major problems that can affect
everyone if neglected, because the increase in addiction can be higher if it is used recreationally.
Legalizing marijuana would result in a number of social issues, such as an increase in
drug-related crime, an increase in drug-related accidents and injuries, and an increase in the
expense of healthcare due to marijuana usage. That's why we are disagree of legalizing weeds,
cannabis is for people that has a self-discipline, cannabis is not for us, sometimes people tend to
borrow money to consume marijuana, which shows they don’t have the financial capacity to use
it. Some willingly have to work longer hours just to afford it. Some also admitted they had to sell
it, and a minority of them were involved in illegal conduct. For those users who have to borrow
money, the debt they incur doesn’t generate a positive cash flow. The extra time they put in to
work just to get a high could’ve been used for more career growth. And the risk of engaging in
illegal activities would have lagged them behind when the law enforcers got involved. This is not
recreational anymore. It’s escapism.
It would be fine if cannabis were genuinely used for recreational purposes. But the lines
blur whether something is truly recreational or already dependent. It’s not common to see users
of marijuana surprised by how they react when they try to step back from it. And to know that
the dependent or addicted mind is not truly rational about whether something is recreational, we
thereby stand on our opinion to disagree with the use of recreational cannabis. An irrational
person doesn’t have the agency to volunteer.
Moreover, since the effects of marijuana can be felt in person if he or she is driving.
Roads are one of the most dangerous places that you always go to, and there are different types
of people you can encounter. If a driver is high, this can cause an accident when the driver uses
this prohibition because marijuana has effects like slowing reaction time and decreasing
coordination. If you are a driver, you probably know this. Drug-related accidents, impaired
driving, and increased criminal activity are concerns that must be taken seriously when
considering the broader consequences of marijuana use.
Another thing to consider is the impact on public health and behavior. A person using
marijuana can harm himself or herself and can also endanger lives. Since the effect of marijuana
affects your reaction time and decreases coordination, the driver may not have enough
consciousness to control the vehicle. Roads are one of the most dangerous places that you always
go to. And this can cause an accident when the driver uses this prohibition; the accident can
happen without your knowledge. It can increase accidents due to impaired judgment under the
influence of cannabis.
In conclusion, it should not be legal to use marijuana because it impairs both physical and
mental health and increases crime. Legalizing marijuana won’t make all of the issues go away.
Instead, a significant rise in drug users and abusers will make it difficult for our community to
live in peace and health. The substance has not yet been legalized, but it will have a disastrous
impact on our youth, who are already suffering from the consequences of drug use. Instead of
giving in to peer pressure and marijuana users, we should promote awareness of these issues. To
avoid regretting it later, let’s take a position against the legalization of marijuana today.

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