A Prepis D Johnson A Bianchi H Godicke B

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Protection and

Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Consolidated Summary

International Donors Conference organized by

in cooperation with
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Council of Europe
European Commission

Paris, 13 May 2005

Protection and Preservation
of Cultural Heritage
in Kosovo

Consolidated Summary

International Donors Conference organized by

in cooperation with
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Council of Europe
European Commission

Paris, 13 May 2005


This document represents a consolidated summary of the main working documents1 prepared
for the Donors Conference. It has been designed so as to facilitate the reader’s access to the
essential facts of the monuments and sites under consideration: for each subject, concise
data have been summarized concerning its history, its significance, its present condition, the
proposed interventions as well as the amount of funds required for restoration, rehabilitation
or reconstruction.

It is therefore meant as a tool for decision-making by participants of the Conference.

In order to obtain more detailed information on the sites and monuments, references to the
descriptions contained in the reports have been provided.

The order in which the monuments and sites are presented in this document does not in any
way reflect the degree of priority for restoration, rehabilitation or reconstruction works, nor
does it suggest any preference of monuments or sites related to a given community. The
numbering of the sites has been provided solely for easy identification of the monuments or

The estimated amount required for the works recommended on all monuments and sites is in
the order of 40,000,000 €. However, in several cases the experts who prepared the reports
have recommended a limited amount for carrying out preliminary studies prior to large-scale
interventions. Once these studies have been conducted and the corresponding projects
prepared, the restoration, rehabilitation or reconstruction works on all monuments and sites
will require significantly larger sums.

In one of the main working documents (UNESCO 2004 report), estimated costs are
expressed in US Dollars, whereas all other reports provide estimates in Euros. As the official
currency used in Kosovo is the Euro, total figures provided in this document are expressed in
that currency.

This document has been prepared by an ad-hoc inter-agency group of experts designated
jointly by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and UNMIK, with the participation of experts from
Belgrade and Pristina.

These working documents are available on the internet:

1. 2003 Report – Cultural Heritage in Kosovo : Protection and Conservation of a Multi-Ethnic Heritage in Danger

2. 2004 Report - Cultural Heritage in Kosovo : Protection and Conservation of a Multi-Ethnic Heritage in Danger

Council of Europe
1. May 2004 Report – Preliminary Technical Assessment on the religious buildings/ensembles in Kosovo damaged in March 2004

2. June 2004 Report – Technical Assessment on the religious buildings/ensembles in Kosovo damaged in March 2004

3. July 2004 Report – Technical Assessment on the religious buildings/ensembles in Kosovo damaged in March 2004

4. Priority Intervention List – 2004: Kosovo (Joint programme Council of Europe/European Commission – IRPP/SAAH)
List of monuments and sites
from the two UNESCO mission reports
(March 2003 and April 2004)
as well as from the four Council of Europe
reports (2004)

Byzantine/Serbian Orthodox monuments/sites

O-01 Patriarchate of Peć, Pejë/Peć, Pejë/Peć municipality

O-02 Monastery of Dečani, Deçan/Dečani, Deçan/Dečani municipality
O-03 Gračanica Monastery, Graçanicë/Gračanica, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
O-04 Church of Bogorodica (Mother of God) Ljeviska, Prizren, Prizren municipality
O-05 Monastery of the Holy Archangels, Prizren, Prizren municipality
O-06 Banjska Monastery, Banjskë/Banjska, Zveçan/Zvečan municipality
O-07 Church of the Virgin, Mushitishtë/Mušutište, Suharekë/Suva Reka municipality
O-08 Monastery of the Holy Healers, Zoçishtë/Zočište, Rahovec/Orahovac, municipality
O-09 Monastery of St. Uroš, Nerodimja e Epërme/Gornje Nerodimlje, Jezerc/Jezerce,
Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-10 Church of St. George and Cemetery, Reqan/Rečane, Suharekë/Suva Reka municipality
O-11 Church of St. Nicholas, Kijevë/Kijevo, Malishevë/Mališevo municipality
O-12 Monastery and Church of the Presentation, Dolac/Dolac, Klinë/Klina municipality
O-13 Budisavci Monastery, Budisavc/Budisavci, Klinë/Klina municipality
O-14 Cathedral Church of St. George, Prizren, Prizren municipality
O-15 Cemetery Church of St. Nicholas, Gjurakovc/Đurakovac, Istog/Istok municipality
O-16 St. Peter’s Basilica Stari Trg, Mitrovicë/Kosovska, Mitrovica, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica
O-17 Chapel of St Lazarus, Piskote, Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
O-18 Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Gjakovë/Đakovica, Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
O-19 Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Gjakovë/Đakovica, Gjakovë/Đakovica
O-20 Church of St Elias, Bishtrazhin/Bištražin, Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
O-21 Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Istok/Istok, Istog/Istok municipality
O-22 Church of St. Nicholas, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje
O-23 Church of St. Parasceve, Shipashnica i Ultë/Donja Šipašnica, Kamenicë/Kamenica
O-24 Church of St. Sava, Mitrovicë/Kosovska Mitrovica, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality
O-25 Church of the Presentation of the Virgin, Lipjan/Lipljan, Lipjan/Lipljan municipality
O-26 Church of Sts. Florus and Laurus, Lipjan/Lipljan, Lipjan/Lipljan municipality
O-27 Church of St. Michael, Obiliq/Obilić, Obiliq/Obilić municipality
O-28 Church of St Kyriake, Rahovec/Orahovac, Rahovec/Orahovac municipality
O-29 Church of St. John the Baptist, Pejë/Peć, Pejë/Peć municipality
O-30 Church of the Presentation of the Virgin, Bellopole/Belo Polje, Pejë/Peć municipality
O-31 St. Jeremiah Church log-cabin, Gorazhdevc/Goraždevac, Pejë/Peć municipality
O-32 Church of St. Elias, Podujevë/Podujevo, Podujevë/Podujevo municipality
O-33 Church of St. Nicholas, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
O-34 Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior, Prizren/Prizren, Prizren/Prizren municipality
O-35 Church of St Nicholas – Tutic’s church, Prizren/Prizren, Prizren/Prizren municipality
O-36 Church of St George – Runovic’s Church, Prizren/Prizren, Prizren/Prizren municipality
O-37 Episcopal residence – Bishop’s residence (Former Russian Consulate), Prizren/Prizren,
Prizren/Prizren municipality
O-38 Serbian Orthodox Seminary of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Prizren, Prizren municipality
O-39 Church of Kyriake, “SvetaNadelja”, Prizren, Prizren municipality
O-40 Monastery of Devič, Llaushë/Lauša, Skenderaj/Srbica municipality
O-41 Church of St. Archangel Michael, Shtime/Štimlje, Shtime/Štimlje municipality
O-42 Cathedral of St Uroš, the Emperor, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-43 Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin, Softoviq/Softović, Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-44 Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Talinoc, Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-45 Serbian Town Cemetery, Ferizaj/Uroševac, Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-46 Small chapel, Varosh/Varoš Selo, Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
O-47 Church of St. Petka, Viti/Vitina, Viti/Vitina municipality
O-48 Church of St. Elias, Vuçitërnë/Vučitrn, Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality

Islamic/Ottoman monuments/sites

I-01 Mosque, Deçan/Dečani, Deçan/Dečani municipality

I-02 Hadum (Khadim) Mosque, Gjakovë/Đakovica, Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
I-03 Sultan Murat I Mausoleum (Türbe), Mazgit/Mazgit, Obiliq/Obilić municipality
I-04 Hammām, Mitrovicë/Kosovska Mitrovica, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality
I-05 Red Mosque, Pejë/Peć, Pejë/Peć municipality
I-06 Kurshumli Mosque, Pejë/Peć, Pejë/Peć municipality
I-07 Bayrakli Mosque (Al- Fātih Mosque), Pejë/Peć, Pejë/Peć municipality
I-08 Llapit (Lap) Mosque, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
I-09 Sultan Mehmet II al-Fātih Mosque, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
I-10 Great Hammām, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
I-11 Jasār (Yašār) Pasha Mosque, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
I-12 Sinan Pasha Mosque, Prizren, Prizren municipality
I-13 Hammām Mehmet Pasha (The Great Hammām), Prizren, Prizren municipality
I-14 Hammām of Ali Bey, Vuçitërnë/Vučitrn, Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality

Vernacular monuments/sites and other historical sites

V-01 Tower houses (kullas) in Deçan/Dečani, Deçan/Dečani municipality

V-02 Hysni Koshi Tower in Great Market, Gjakovë/Đakovica, Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
V-03 Historic Novo Brdo, Novobërdë/Novo Brdo, Novobërdë/Novo Brdo municipality
V-04 Velika Hoča Village, Rahovec/Orahovac municipality
V-05 Ulpiana archaeological site, near Graçanicë/Gračanica, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
V-06 Emin Giku Ethnological Park, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
V-07 Atelier, Open Gallery and Museum of Agim Cavdharbasha,
Caglavica/Čaglavica, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
V-08 Former Hotel Union building, Prishtinë/Priština, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
V-09 Memorial complex, Gazimestan, Prishtinë/Priština municipality
V-10 Kalaja Prizren Fortress, Prizren, Prizren municipality
V-11 Podkaljaja Mahalla area, Prizren, Prizren municipality
V-12 Old bridge, Vuçitërnë/Vučitrn, Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality
V-13 Zvecan Fortress, Zvecan/Zvečan, Zveçan/Zvečan municipality
Complex of different buildings dating from XI-XII to XIV cent.
In 1346 it became the seat of the Serbian Patriarchate.
Abandoned in 1381 during the Ottoman conquest. In 1557
the Patriarchate was restored and additional work was
carried out.
Significance: It is the nominal seat of the Serbian Orthodox
Church. The historic, artistic and religious significance is
extraordinarily important. Contains buildings, wall paintings,
archaeological remains, icons, manuscripts and other
treasures of exceptional value; a valuable environment.

Condition: The site is in good condition and has not been

damaged by the military conflict.

PATRIARCHATE OF PEĆ Proposed Interventions Budget

O Survey and reports on stability of the church
01 Pejë/Peć municipality and condition of wall paintings
Implementation of necessary works on the
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 20) basis of the conclusions of the studies 550,000 $
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 48)

- The budget in the first UNESCO report was 320.000 € but has been increased in the second report.
- Regarding the importance and complexity of the site, the preservation is an ongoing process and every intervention has to be
carefully planned and prioritized by a conservation plan.
- The environment needs to be considered for protection purposes.
- The site has been proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List.
- The site is protected by KFOR troops.

Built in the XIV c, founded by Serbian King Stephan Uros III
Decanski. The main building, a Romanesque church with
gothic details, was built between 1327 and 1335 and
covered by wall paintings in the next two decades. The rest
of the monastic buildings were organized surrounding the
Significance: One of the most important sites in Kosovo.
Linked with western architectural influence represents a
unique occurrence among Balkan churches. Valuable
environment. Contains extraordinary wall paintings, icons
and furniture Included in the World Heritage List in 2004.
Condition: The site is in good condition and has not been
damaged by the military conflict.
Restoration of wall paintings (partially financed by Italian
government) is urgent and some stone decoration is
MONASTERY OF DEČANI Proposed Interventions Budget
O Survey and reports on stability of the church
02 Deçan/Dečani municipality and condition of wall paintings.
Implementation of necessary works on the
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 23) basis of the conclusions of the studies 550,000 $
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 33)
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 57)

-The original budget in the first UNESCO and CoE reports was 525,000 €. in report, but both reports included the
restoration of a “Konak” which has been already carried out. The updated budget is included in last UNESCO report
for further interventions.
-The site, a living monastic ensemble, is protected by KFOR troops.
-Regarding the importance and complexity of the site, the preservation is an ongoing process and every intervention
has to be carefully planned and prioritized by a conservation plan.
-The environment needs to be considered for protection purposes.
The church was built and decorated with frescoes in the
early XIV century by Serbian King Stephan Uros II Milutin
over older structures. The exonarthex was remodeled later
the same century. The rest of the buildings (monastery and
nunnery) are relatively recent.
Significance:. The church is one of the finest examples of
late Byzantine architecture and is preserved in its original
form intact. The frescoes were painted by the best artists of
the time; their historic and artistic value is exceptional.
Contains valuable furniture and icons.
It houses the seat of the Serbian Episcopate of Raska and
Good, the building does not present visible damage, only
minor problems caused by the passing of time.

GRAČANICA MONASTERY Proposed Interventions Budget

O Detailed survey and studies or reports
03 Prishtinë/Priština municipality concerning the structural stability of the
church and the condition of the wall
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 25) paintings.
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 31) Implementation of the necessary work
according to these studies. 550,000 €

-The Monastery is situated in a Serbian enclave not far from Pristina.
-The site is protected by KFOR.
-Regarding the importance and complexity of the site, the preservation is an ongoing process and every intervention has to be
carefully planned and prioritized by a conservation plan.
-The site has been proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Built in 1306-7 over the remains of a previous XI century
basilica, the interior was covered with wall paintings. It was
the cathedral of Prizren, converted into a mosque in the
XVIII century it was reconverted into a church in 1912.
March 2004 it was attacked and set on fire.
It is the only surviving serbian medieval urban cathedral and
one of the most important churches of the late byzantine
period. Wall paintings of the highest quality.
One of the most important and endangered sites in Kosovo.
The church is severely damaged and endangered, the belfry
is very affected by fire and needs stabilizing. The wall
paintings are damaged by fire and smoke; the famous
fresco of the Virgin of Eleousa has been partially destroyed.
Extensive works urgently needed. Constructions in the
environment are affecting the site.
CHURCH OF BOGORODICA Proposed Interventions Budget
O LJEVISKA UNESCO: Preparatory: analysis and
restoration work of the structure. Protection
04 Prizren/Prizren
Prizren/Prizren municipality
of wall paintings. Second phase: total
restoration of the building and wall paintings 4,044,544 $
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 27) CoE: Urgent: static consolidation and wall
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 12 ) paintings consolidation. Secure the site.
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 73) Medium term further studies for restoration 55,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 9) of building and frescoes (no budget given)
CoE June 2004 (p. 7)
-The great significance of the site together with the extent of the damages make this church a top priority for intervention. Its
preservation is fully endangered; some basic protection measures have to be carried out immediately. Remaining interventions need
to be planned and prioritized.
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-CoE budget only for immediate measures; UNESCO figure for long term intervention.
- Management study for establishment of an active protective buffer zone around the monument should be made within the frame of
a New General Master Plan for the protection and rehabilitation of the traditional core of the city of Prizren.
-The site has been proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List.
Built in the mid XIV century by Serbian Emperor Stephan
Dusan on the remains of an older complex. Damaged and
abandoned one century later was used as a quarry to build
Sinan Pasha mosque.
In the 1990s a new monastery was built over the remains, in
March 2004 it was burned down.
Significance: The archeological site has extraordinary
interest from the historic and archeological point of view,
including the tomb of Stephan Dusan.
The new buildings do not present historic or artistic value,
but symbolic and religious for the Serbian community.
The archeological site was not damaged in March 2004 and
is well preserved, but the tomb of S. Dusan was damaged.
The new monastery and the workshop are burned down.
The new constructions, built on archeological remains, have
a strong impact in the site.
MONASTERY OF THE HOLY Proposed Interventions Budget
O ARCHANGELS UNESCO 2004: Archaeological research
and preservation of the site. Restoration of
05 Prizren/Prizren
Prizren/Prizren municipality
the monastic dwellings. Restoration of the
tomb. 2,000,000$
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 30) COE 2004: Reconstruction of the monastic
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 26) dwellings. Storage of stones and other
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 97) archaeological finds. Additional walling and 1,635,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 15) new generator.
CoE June 2004 (p.13)
- Included in the Implementation Committee works:
- The new building was controversial for religious and preservation reasons.
- In the 2nd half of 2004 a new building was erected where the workshop used to be, again over archeological remains.
- In case of reconstruction of the monastery the environmental impact on the remains should be assessed. It seems more suitable to
change its location to outside the archeological site with careful demolition of the damaged structure.
- Reports point to an eventual change of location.
- The site is protected by KFOR, a small community of monks is still living on the site.

History: Built in 1312-1316 by King Stephan Uros II Milutin,

the church housed initially his mausoleum and other royal
tombs. Damaged in 1389 and abandoned in the XVI cent.,
the Ottomans turned it into a fortress and a mosque until its
abandonment at the end of XVII century.
The church was partially restored in 1938-40.
Extraordinary historic and archaeological significance, the
site contains important remains. The church is the most
impressive remnant of the monastery, although the
restoration has important artistic value.
The monastery is in ruinous state though the partially
restored church continues to be in use. The excavations are
not completed.

BANJSKA MONASTERY Proposed Interventions Budget

O Comprehensive project of the entire
06 Zveçan/Zvečan municipality monastery and environment including
studies about architecture, archaeology and
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 32) sculpture and their conservation needs.
Immediate conservation measures. 440,000 €

-Urgent maintenance problems should be addressed immediately to prevent water ingress in the church and to secure
the site.
-The project and study for the entire monastery and environment is an adequate way to aproach the preservation of
the site, which will require additional funding in the future. The project should establish the priorities and schedule the
conservation measures to be carried out in the first phase.
Built by donation of Jovan Dragoslav in 1315, it was well
constructed and decorated with wall paintings. The building
was linked with similar works in Macedonia and Greece. A
careful intervention was carried out in 1996-97.
Systematically destroyed in June July 1999.
It was the oldest preserved private founded mediaeval
church, and an important place of worship. The fine work
and paintings had great artistic value, which unfortunately
are now almost completely lost.
The remains have historic and archeological value.
The church was blown up and the trees cut down. The only
parts standing are half of the south apse and the bell tower.
The remains are mostly on site and the significant building
and fresco fragments are easily recognizable among them.
CHURCH OF THE VIRGIN Proposed Interventions Budget
O Securing the site repairing the walls.
Cleaning of the site under expert
07 Suharekë/Suva Reka municipality supervision. Recording study and careful
storage of significant fragments of the
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 35) building and frescoes. Study of the remains.
Reparation of surrounding buildings and
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 87) replanting of trees. 300,000 €

- The amount of 300,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require significantly
more funds
-The Serbian community of Musutiste has left and not yet come back.
- Considering that this church constitutes an important place of worship, successful reconstruction and restoration works would be an
important incentive for the Serbian community to return to the area;
- It is important to secure records relating to the old structure, especially the studies and records from the last intervention.

History: Founded in the XIV century, the monastic church

was built around that time but underwent several later
alterations. Wall painting fragments from the XVI. Other
buildings were added more recently. The school was
founded in 1871. Conservation treatment in 1996-97.
Gutted and destroyed in June 1999.
Significance: The monastery was renowned for its school
and its collection of icons, books and vessels. The artistic
items of the church, the wall paintings, have been
destroyed. Historic and archeological value is still present.
Important for the local Serbian community.
Gutted and destroyed. Trees cut down.
Only remains and debris can be found in the site of the
church. Monastic buildings are partially damaged.

MONASTERY OF THE HOLY Proposed Interventions Budget

O HEALERS Secure the site repairing the walls.
08 Zoçishtë/Zočište
Rahovec/Orahovac municipality
Cleaning of the church under supervision,
recording and storage of findings, study of
the remains.
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 38) 150,000 €
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 77)

- The amount of 150,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds:
-There are still some Serbians in the local enclave; the priest is working in the out buildings. The intervention should
help the site to be in use.
-The site is protected by KFOR
-Some of the icons are stored in Velika Hoca
-An awareness campaign for the local population by the local authorities is mentioned in the report.
Originally built in the XIV century over the tomb of Stephan
Uros it was abandoned in the XVI century. After renewal it
was abandoned and ruined again in 1705. In the XIX
century it was rebuilt up to the vaults. It was covered by a
concrete roof around 1990.
The significance is mainly historical. The building has
disappeared. The site can be treated as an archaeological
site or as a monument of culture.

The church was completely blown up in June 1999. The
only standing part of the building is the northern wall. There
are remains still on site, which do not seem to have been

MONASTERY OF ST. UROŠ Proposed Interventions Budget

O Fencing, supervised clearing, preservation
Nerodimja e Epërme/Gornje Nerodimlje
09 Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality of findings.
Consolidation and research of remains. 250,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 39)

- The amount of 250,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds
-The possible artistic value seems to be completely lost, but from the historic and archaeological point of view the site
deserves strong intervention.
-The site is very isolated, but the area is basically inhabited by Albanians. Serbian quarters and other churches nearby
have also been completely destroyed.

Built as a private endowment of an unknown Serbian
nobleman, buried in the Church in 1370. Frescoes were
added in the XIV century. Extensive reconstruction in the
XIX century. Further interventions during the XX century.
Completely destroyed in 1999.
The main artistic value was lost. The site is important from a
historic and archeological point of view.
Religious and symbolic value of the site for the Serbian
community, expelled from the area.
The church is completely destroyed and the rubble has
been unprofessionally removed. The cemetery has been
systematically vandalized.

CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE Proposed Interventions Budget

O AND CEMETERY Fencing of the site.
10 Reqan/Rečane, Suharekë/Suva Reka
Supervised clean-up, professional recording
and storage of the findings. Conservation of
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 41) the remains and restoration of the graves. 150,000 €

- The amount of 150,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds
- An awareness campaign for the local population by the local authorities is mentioned in the report.
Built in the XVI century a narthex was added not much
later. The narthex was painted at the beginning of the XVII
century. Later on a belfry was added to the building.
In 1999 it was destroyed with dynamite and the cemetery
was desecrated.
Local and historic significance. The wall paintings were not
of high quality but contained interesting icons.

A large heap of rubble occupies the former site of the
church. The only remaining standing portion of the church
its apse.
The cemetery has been vandalized.

CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O Fencing the site,
11 Malishevë/Mališevo Supervised clearing of the site, recording
and storage of the findings. Conservation of
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 43) the remains of the church. Research.
Restoration of the graves. 200,000 €

- The amount of 200,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds
-The site needs to be cleaned and protected.
-The destruction is ongoing, as well as the use of the site as a dumping ground.
- An awareness campaign for the local population by the local authorities is mentioned in the report.

Founded in the XIV cent. it was almost deserted in the XV c.
Renewed at the end of XVI c. with added walls, tower and
fountain. In the XIX c monastic buildings were added. The
church had three layers of frescoes from the XIV to the XVII
centuries. The monastery was destroyed in August 1999.
Local significance, the church was mainly important from
the historic and artistic point of view.
Historic and archaeological values of the site.

The monastery is destroyed, the church was completely
blown up. The external wall is damaged but still standing.
Remains of some monastic buildings.

MONASTERY AND CHURCH Proposed Interventions Budget

O OF THE PRESENTATION Repairing of the outer wall. Supervised
12 Dolac/Dolac
Klinë/Klina municipality
cleaning. Recording and storage of remains.
Preservation of the church remains and
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 45) eventual archaeological excavation. 150,000 €

- The amount of 150,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds
- The site needs to be cleaned and protected.
- The village of Dolac has been completely destroyed together with the monastery.
The church was built in the XIV c.; after being damaged in
the XV c it was restored in 1568 and modified in the XIX c.
Frescoes from the XVI c. The rest of the buildings are later
additions of different periods.

The site is of regional significance, and the church remains
the focal meeting point of the Serbian community. It is the
finest surviving Serbian private religious foundation of the
early XIV c.

Not damaged by the conflict but has some minor damage
due to lack of regular maintenance. Condensation is present
in the lower zones, and some upper. Frescoes need

BUDISAVCI MONASTERY Proposed Interventions Budget

O Archaeological and architectural
13 Klinë/Klina municipality investigation
Cleaning and conservation of frescoes 100,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 47) Restoration of the monastery

- The amount of 100,000 € is necessary for the restoration of the monastery and the preparatory stages of a large
scale intervention which would require significantly more funds - Protected by KFOR
- The site is in use and shelters a religious community; it is one of the few surviving monasteries in the region.

Built in the 2nd half of the XIX c. on the site of an older
church foundation. Richly painted and decorated by
Macedonian artists. The iconostasis dated 1720 was
brought from San Andrea, Hungary. Not damaged in 1999;
set on fire in March 2004.
Significance: Orthodox cathedral of Prizren, the Chair of
the Diocese it is the most important church of the
episcopate, and sheltered rich treasures.
Despite the damage the site is still recognizable and has
important historic, artistic, religious and symbolic value.
The church was burned down. Only the outer walls and the
columns remain standing. The roof, dome, vaults and belfry
collapsed and the interior was gutted. Wall paintings,
furniture, icons and other treasures are lost.

CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF Proposed Interventions Budget

O ST. GEORGE UNESCO (2004): Clearing and securing of
the site. Consolidation of walls and pillars.
14 Prizren
Prizren municipality
Reconstruction of the rest of the building. 2,500,000 $

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 49) CoE: Immediate measures: Clearing and
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 19) securing the site. Consolidation of walls and 200,000 €
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 89) new timber roof.
CoE May 2004 (p. 23) Medium term: interior, dome and bell tower not given
CoE June 2004 (p. 27)
- The site is in the crowded centre of the city, protected by KFOR.
- The complex site includes other damaged buildings: the small church of St George, Runovic (cf. no O-36) and the
Episcopal residence (cf. no O-37). Opposite the road there is the small St Nicholas Church (cf. no O-35)
- The building complex and the whole site need a large-scale intervention, which has to be carefully planned and
prioritized probably in different phases. Further studies are needed.
- Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
Built in the late XVI c. presumably over the remains of a XIV
c. church. Frescoes by painter Milija. The narthex was
added later. Valuable iconostasis, icons and manuscript
from around 1600. Cemetery gravestones from XVIII c.
Church completely destroyed in July 1999.
The church is almost lost, however the site is important from
an historic and archaeological point of view. It has symbolic
and religious significance for the Serbian community.
Valuable artefacts have disappeared.
The church is a heap of rubble, the priest house destroyed
and the cemetery vandalized.

CEMETERY CHURCH OF ST. Proposed Interventions Budget

O NICHOLAS Fencing of the site.
15 Gjurakovc/Đurakovac
Istog/Istok municipality
Supervised cleanup, recording and storage
of the findings (possibly in the reconstructed
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 51) priest’s house), preservation of the remains.
150,000 €

- The amount of 150,000 € is necessary for the preparatory stages of a large scale intervention which would require
significantly more funds
- The report does not mention the belfry, which is damaged but still standing. It’s restoration is necessary as well as
the cemetery clearance and tomb restoration, that together with the oak tree and the proposed works would help to
preserve the symbolic value of the site.

Built for the Saxon miners employed in the nearby mines in
the XIII-XIV c the interior was covered by Byzantine
frescoes. It was used until the XVI c. Since then the building
has deteriorated progressively. There was some
preservation intervention 40 years ago.
The mix of Gothic style, construction techniques and
Byzantine wall paintings make this building unique.
Important archaeological value; the impressive ruins have a
big potential for attracting tourism.
The building is a ruin with a preserved east apse,
foundations of the western part and fragments of the wall
paintings. The condition of the remains is very bad; the
walls are saturated with moisture and have moss.

ST. PETER’S BASILICA Proposed Interventions Budget

O STARI TRG UNESCO 2003: examination of the
16 Mitrovicë/Kosovska Mitrovica
Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality
conservation needs, adequate drainage
system, consolidation of the apse and the
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 53) fragments of wall paintings. 100,000 €

CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 65)

- The amount of 100,000 € is required for covering the most urgent conservation needs as well as a comprehensive
study for a large-scale intervention:
- The possibility of use of the ruins for tourism purposes is feasible, but needs intervention and a plan to restore value
to the ruins, linking them to the locality in which they are found and the environmental and cultural assets of the area.
This includes the mines of Trepca, which are related to the origin of the site.
Built between 1991-94, as a cemetery chapel. Damaged in
2001; in March 2004 was completely destroyed and the
cemetery desecrated.

The church is of relatively artistic and historic significance.
Its primary function was linked to the cemetery.
The site remains important, especially for the Serbian
The church has been completely destroyed and the site
leveled, only the concrete base remains. The trees were
cut and the cemetery damaged and desecrated. Outbuilding
considerably damaged.

CHAPEL OF ST LAZARUS Proposed Interventions Budget

O UNESCO: complete rebuilding 200,000 $
17 Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality

Sources: CoE: Immediate measures include

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 36) clearance, consolidation of foundations, 12,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 103 ) restoring of tombs, repairing the outbuilding
and fencing.

- Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
- A reconstruction would allow for the performance of the cemetery’s liturgical ceremonies. The cemetery is significant
and needs to be restored to its proper condition.

Built between 1994-95 on the foundations of an older
memorial church from the beginning of the XX c. Destroyed
in 1949. Even more largely destroyed in 1999 the remains
were finally razed and removed in March 2004

As an important religious site the church is naturally part of
Serbian cultural heritage; and with its prominent location in
the middle of the town it is of distinct cultural interest.

Fully destroyed and debris removed; only the concrete base

CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF Proposed Interventions Budget

O THE HOLY TRINITY UNESCO: eventual reconstruction or
18 Gjakovë/Đakovica
Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
erection of a new church. 1,250,000 $

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 37) CoE: Secure the site 9,000 €

CoE May 2004 (p. 93)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The construction of the building in the 90s gave rise to controversy.
-Important political implications are attached to the site.
-The current population in Gjakova is almost completely Albanian.
Erected in the XIX c. on the site of an older church from the
XVI c. Undamaged in 1999 was burned later and completely
demolished in March 2004. Parish house also fully

Low artistic and historic value. The church was important for
the local Serbian community and part of its collective

Totally destroyed, the site is being use as a parking lot. The
cemetery was desecrated. Remains of the parish house in
unstable condition.

CHURCH OF THE ASSUMP- Proposed Interventions Budget

O TION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UNESCO: eventually complete
19 Gjakovë/Đakovica
Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
reconstruction of the church and the parish
house. 850,000 €
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 38) CoE immediate measures: Clearance and
CoE May 2004 (p.99) securing of the site, consolidation of
Coe June 2004 (p. 65) remains, restoration of tombs 12,000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The cemetery and the church were very important for the Serbian community. Currently the local population is mainly
-An eventual reconstruction can be extremely controversial, but could help to the return of refugees. The decision has
important political implications.

Built between the two world wars on the foundations of an
older church, it was set on fire and pulled down in 1941. In
1991 the building was restored. It was vandalized in 1999
and blown up in March 2004.

The church had low historic or artistic significance, was
important for the local Serbian community for religious and
symbolic reasons.

Completely destroyed, the site is a pile of debris.

CHURCH OF ST ELIAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O UNESCO: complete reconstruction 300,000 $
20 Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality
CoE : remove debris, consolidate
Sources: foundations and secure the site 9,000 €
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 39)
CoE May 2004 (p. 95)
CoE July 2004 (p. 79)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The eventual reconstruction of the site could be very controversial. The Serbian community is not present any more.
- Removal of the stones should be done in the presence of archeologists with experience on mediaeval monuments.
Built in 1929. In March 2004 was attacked and set on fire.

Local significance.

Partially damaged by fire and hammering. Priest’s house

CHURCH OF STS. PETER Proposed Interventions Budget

O AND PAUL UNESCO: protection of the site, reparation
21 Istok/Istok
Istok/Istok municipality
of damages in the church and
reconstruction of the priest’s house.
Sources: (250,000$) 175,000 €
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 50) CoE: Immediate measures: doors windows
CoE May 2004 (p. 129) and fencing. New roof in the priest’s house.
CoE July 2004 (p. 109) Medium-term: complete reconstruction.
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The works for the preservation of the church are not expensive nor difficult and could be carried out soon.
-The site contains a prehistoric tomb.

Built about 1939, a fire was set alight at the main entrance
and in the alter place in March 2004

Local significance

Good condition of preservation, small damage produced by

CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O UNESCO: Reconstruction of the entrance
Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje
22 Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje municipality door and glassing of windows. (20,000$)

Sources: Cleaning repair and reconstruction/ 30.000 €

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 54) restoration of the elements affected by the
CoE May 2004 (p. 71) fire. (30.000 €)
CoE July 2004 (p. 55)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The site is not endangered, and requires minor repairs only.
Built in the XX century, was destroyed and rebuilt over the
old foundations.
Vandalized and damaged by fire in 1999. In March 2004
was attacked by a Molotov cocktail.

The site presents local religious and symbolic significance.

The church was damaged by an earthquake and presents
some serious structural cracks.

CHURCH OF ST. Proposed Interventions Budget

O PARASCEVE Immediate works: fixing structural cracks
23 Shipashnica i Ultë/Donja Šipašnica
Kamenicë/Kamenica municipality
and fencing the site. 5,000 Eur

Sources: Later intervention: total restoration 25,000 Eur

CoE May 2004 (p. 65)
CoE July 2004 (p. 51)
TOTAL 30.000 Eur

-The church presents symbolic significance, the only relevant works are those to prevent further damage
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.

Built at the end of the XIX century. After the war it was
partially damaged. In March 2004 the church and the parish
church were set on fire.

Local significance, It is one of the main churches in the city.
Presents historic and artistic values.

Church: damaged doors, windows and floors. Emporia
completely burned, interiors blackened by smoke.
Bell tower damaged. Priest’s house burned down.

CHURCH OF ST. SAVA Proposed Interventions Budget

O Immediate works (church and site): cleaning
Mitrovicë/Kosovska Mitrovica
24 Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality and clearance, replacing of doors and
windows, floor repairs. 9,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 43) Later intervention: tower and parish house 216,000 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 15) reconstruction
TOTAL 225,000 €

-The church is located in the south sector of the city, mainly populated by Albanians.
-Protected by KFOR troops.
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-As Mitrovica is divided by the river in two parts, it is important that the southern part be restored to ensure a balance
in the historical memory of the two communities.
Erected in the XIV c. on the foundations of an early
Christian basilica (IV-VI c.). Partly reconstructed in XVI c.
Wall paintings XV-XVI c.

The church presents important historic and artistic values.
Wall paintings of extraordinary value and important walled
altar screen.
The site contains some archaeological remains.
The church is in good condition, only some external damage
made in March 2004.
Wall paintings require urgent study and restoration work.

CHURCH OF THE PRESEN- Proposed Interventions Budget

25 Lipjan/Lipljan
Lipjan/Lipljan municipality
Restoration of the frescoes (UNESCO) 110,000 $

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 40) Repairing small damage and securing
CoE May 2004 (p. 117) archaeological remains (CoE) 3,000 €
Coe July 2004 (p. 97)

-The site of the church includes the newer church of St Florus and Laurus (see below, no. 26). Works to build a new
perimeter fencing, worth 24,000 €, cover both monuments, but are necessary to complete security of the site.
-The reports propose different interventions; the budgets should be added up.
-A detailed archaeological assessment of the site should be carried out.
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.

Built in the 20 th century near the older church of the
Presentation of the Virgin (see above, no 25)
The site is important from an archaeological point of view,
including the older church.

The building of the church is relatively recent. The
iconostasis screen bears some valuable icons.

The church is in good condition; only the entrance door was
slightly damaged in March 2004.
The site requires protection.

CHURCH OF STS FLORUS Proposed Interventions Budget

O AND LAURUS Perimeter fencing (CoE) 24,000 €
26 Lipjan/Lipljan
Lipjan/Lipljan municipality
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 42)
CoE May 2004 (p. 119)
CoE July 2004 (p. 99)

-The proposed works will secure both buildings.
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
A new unfinished church. It was affected by fire and stoned
in March 2004

No historic or artistic value found. Local significance.

The church was never finished. Rainwater goods, doors and
windows damaged.

CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL Proposed Interventions Budget

27 Obiliq/Obilić municipality Secure windows and doors.
Fencing the site. 2,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 113)
CoE June 2004 (p. 95)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Low interest building. Easy and cheap intervention required.

Rebuilt in 1975 on the site of a church destroyed in 1946.
The annex building was set on fire in March 2004.

Limited historical or artistic value. The site has religious
significance for the local Serbian community.

The church is undamaged but has problems of water
penetration. The guest house was affected by fire.

CHURCH OF ST KYRIAKE Proposed Interventions Budget

O UNESCO: reconstruction of the damaged
28 Rahovec/Orahovac municipality refectory. (35,000$)
25,000 €
Sources: CoE: Repair roof and secure doors and
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 35) windows of the refectory (7,000€)
CoE May 2004 (p. 125)
CoE July 2004 (p. 105)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Undamaged church. Minor and low-cost intervention is required to protect the guest house.
Built in 1982 in the centre of the city.
It was set on fire in March 2004

Limited historic or artistic values. Local significance for the
Serbian community.

Partly affected by fire and looted. Priest’s house badly
damaged by fire.

CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE Proposed Interventions Budget

O BAPTIST UNESCO: Reconstruction of the church and
metropolitan building (200,000 $)
29 Pejë/Peć
Pejë/Peć municipality CoE Immediate repairs: doors and
Sources: windows, repair of the interior and fencing of 150.000 €
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 46) the site. New roof in the house.
CoE May 2004 (p. 87) Medium term: reconstruction of the house
CoE July 2004 (p. 71) (150.000 €)


-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.

-Most of the budget is for the Priest’s House.

Originally built in the XVI c. was restored in 1866 under the
patronage of the Tsarina of Russia.

Bears historic and artistic values.
It is of great importance for the local population.

Roof in bad condition.
Interior damaged by fire, iconostasis burned.
Cemetery desecrated.

CHURCH OF THE PRESEN- Proposed Interventions Budget

O TATION OF THE VIRGIN UNESCO: Reconstruction of the church and
restoration of four icons damaged by fire. 150,000 $
30 Bellopole/Belo Polje
Pejë/Peć municipality CoE immediate repairs: new roofing, doors
Sources: repair of main door and windows. Perimeter
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 47) fencing in the site. Repair tombs (42,000 €).
CoE May 2004 (p. 89) Also need to repair 70 sq m. of damaged
CoE June 2004 (p.61) frescoes

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The site is protected by KFOR. The village is a Serbian enclave, but most of the houses are destroyed. Some of the
remaining population is living in the guesthouse on the site.
- Some of the icons are stored in Decani monastery.
History: Probably constructed shortly after 1737/1738.
Located on the terrain of the cemetery of the village. It has
not been used regularly since 1936. Detailed restoration
and conservation works were carried out 1968.

Significance: It is the oldest church of its kind in the whole

area and the only one in Kosovo and outside the main
church log-cabin area. Despite its small size it has important
historic and artistic values.

The general condition is good but there are some
maintenance problems. Roofing is damaged (mainly by
heavy stone slabs) and needs repair. Some water

ST. JEREMIAH CHURCH Proposed Interventions Budget

O LOG-CABIN Repair of the roofing by traditional
31 Gorazhdevc/Goraždevac
Pejë/Peć municipality
craftsmen. 3,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 120)


-The importance of this building deserves careful attention and maintenance.

- It is located in a cemetery and opposite the site of a bigger church in a Serbian enclave protected by KFOR.

Originally built in 1930, it was damaged in World War II. It
underwent several reconstructions, the final in 1971. Burned
down in 1999 and again in March 2004, when the apse was
also blown up.

Limited historic or artistic value. Local significance for the
Serbian community.

Roof and rainwater goods damaged. Apse demolished,
interior damaged by fire.

CHURCH OF ST. ELIAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O Repair roofing, secure doors and windows,
32 Podujevë/Podujevo municipality rebuild apse, clear and secure the site. 35,000 €

CoE May 2004 (p. 51)
CoE July 2004 (p. 19)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites
-The site requires immediate repairs to stop further deterioration.
Built in 1830 on the foundations of an older church. Rich
carved iconostasis by the Debar School was added in 1840
and wall paintings in 1902. The exonarthex is an addition of
1906. In 1990 it was refurbished and the dome was added.

Of regional importance, it was the main orthodox site in
Pristina. The site includes a cemetery. Rich stucco and
stone carving decoration and remarkable iconostases.

The church is in poor condition, the roof collapsed, the
interior is devastated. The priest house and the baptistery
are burned down, and the cemetery desecrated.

CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O UNESCO: full restoration of the church, rest
of the buildings and wall paintings.
33 Prishtinë/Priština municipality
CoE: Immediate: remove debris and
955,000 $

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 53) coverings, new timber roof, secure doors
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p.91) and windows, fencing. Reconstruction of the
CoE May 2004 (p. 47) baptistery and secure the Priest’s house.
CoE June 2004 (p. 51) (120,000 €)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Situated in the middle of the city, mainly inhabited by Albanians, the site is not protected and is undergoing further
-The figure given by the CoE is only for immediate repairs, whereas UNESCO is a total estimation.
- Additional expenditure would be required to complete the interior furnishing of the church (new wooden iconostasis,
episcopal throne, ambo and emporia).

History: Older church built in XIV c. by endowment of an

important nobleman; wall paintings of same century. In 1836
a bigger church enclosing the older one was planned but
only the walls were built and now form a high yard fence. A
belfry was added later. Restored in 1953-63 the building
was set on fire in March 2004.
Very important historic and artistic value and symbolic value
for the city of Prizren. Testimony of late Byzantine
architecture and wall paintings. Rich tile decoration.

The exterior is in good condition, but inside the building is
affected by fire, including the remains of the wall paintings.
Belfry affected by fire. External additional walls and stone
carvings also affected by fire.

CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF Proposed Interventions Budget

O CHRIST THE SAVIOUR UNESCO: Repairs in the old church,
34 Prizren
Prizren municipality
reparation of the belfry and restoration of
150,000 $

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 16)

CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 93) CoE Immediate: demolition of the belfry,
CoE May 2004 (p. 31) reparations in the church, fencing of the site
CoE June 2004 (p. 43) (70,000 €)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Site protected by KFOR.
-The whole Podkaljaja/Mahalla area (cf. no. V-11) surrounding the church was devastated including the smaller
church of S. Kyriake (cf. no. O-39). It used to be a traditional Serbian settlement.
-The figure given by the CoE is only for immediate repairs, whereas UNESCO is a total estimation.
Built and decorated by Serbian nobleman Dragoslav Tutic in
Attacked in March 2004.

Very important historic and artistic value. Typical feudal
family church, excellent architecture and wall paintings.

Walls attacked by hammers, lead cover partially removed,
interior affected by fire including wall paintings. Frescoes
affected by fire and threatened by humidity.

CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O TUTIC’S CHURCH UNESCO: protection, reparation and
35 Prizren
Prizren municipality
fencing of the site. Restoration of frescoes 150,000 $

Sources: CoE. Immediate: cleaning, new lead

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 22) covering, doors windows and fences.
CoE May 2004 (p. 27) (25,000€).
CoE June 2004 (p. 37)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The complex site including other damaged buildings: the Episcopal church of St George (cf. no. O-14), the small
church of St George, Runovic (cf. no O-36) and the Episcopal residence (cf. no O-37) is situated across the road.
-The figure given by the CoE is only for immediate repairs, whereas UNESCO is a total estimation.
-The proposal for the demolition of side buildings made by CoE, should be in the frame of an urban intervention plan.
A proposal for the area had been made several years ago.

Built in the XIV-XVI centuries. Contains a burial place and
wall paintings from the XVI century.
Attacked in March 2004

Important historic and artistic value from the post-byzantine
period. Valuable wall paintings with rich iconographic

Doors and windows destroyed, tomb desecrated, interior
damaged by fire.
The walls have visible cracks prior to the attack, the wall
paintings affected but not smoke blackened

CHURCH OF ST GEORGE Proposed Interventions Budget

O RUNOVIC’S CHURCH UNESCO: Full restoration of the church
36 Prizren/Prizren
Prizren/Prizren municipality
emphasizing stability and conservation of
frescoes. 200,000 $
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 24) -CoE Immediate: new door and frames,
CoE May 2004 (p. 35) internal and external repairs. (15,000 €)
CoE June 2004 (p. 47) -Medium term: wall paintings conservation

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The complex includes other damaged buildings: the Episcopal cathedral church of St George (cf. no O-14) and the
Episcopal residence (cf. no O-37). Across the road there is the small St Nicholas Church (cf. no O-35).
-The figure given by the CoE is only for immediate repairs, whereas UNESCO is a total estimation.
Built in the XIX century. Initially Russian Consulate and
later residence and office of the Serbian Orthodox Bishop.
Set on fire in March 2004.

Limited artistic and historic value, the building is significant
as part of the site of the chair of Raska and Prizren’s

Badly damaged by fire, roof collapsed, interior gutted. Very
few walls, including perimeter walls remain.

EPISCOPAL RESIDENCE Proposed Interventions Budget

O (FORMER RUSSIAN CONSULATE) UNESCO: Restoration of the building in the
37 Prizren
Prizren municipality
frame of the whole complex (450,000$)

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 29) -CoE: Immediate: new roof and additional 30,000 €
CoE Priorty Intervention List (p. 85) window frames 320,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 63) -Medium term: full reconstruction 350,000 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 43) TOTAL (CoE)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The complex includes other damaged buildings: the small church of St George, Runovic (cf.no O-36) and the
Episcopal church of St George (cf.no O-14). Across the road there is the small St Nicholas Church (cf. no O-35).

Complex of four buildings, the original seminary (Uncle
Sima’s building) was built in the XIX century. The rest of the
buildings are later additions, mainly in the 1990s.
All the complex was set on fire in March 2004

The oldest building has historical value, and in general the
complex has religious and symbolic significance for the
Orthodox community.

All the buildings fully damaged, especially the oldest one.

ORTHODOX SEMINARY OF Proposed Interventions Budget

O STS. CYRIL AND -Immediate: Clear the site, doors and
windows perimeter walling. Reinforce walls
and construct new roof for the oldest
building. 85.000 €
Prizren municipality -Medium term: full reconstruction of the
Sources: oldest building. 450.000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 55) -Long term: Reconstruction rest of buildings 1.700.000 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 25) TOTAL 2.235.000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The large scale of the damage requires careful planning of interventions, giving priority to the protection and
conservation of the old building, as recommended in the reports.
-The site sheltered a small community of Serbs. Since March 2004 they have been living in KFOR premises.
This smaller imitation of St Saviour Church was built in the
XIV century. Fully restored in the 1960s it contains many
original elements, wall paintings and an interesting
tombstone used as an altar.
In March 2004 it was set on fire.

Historic and artistic value.
Local significance.

Interiors damaged by fire, wall paintings affected.

CHURCH OF ST. KYRIAKE Proposed Interventions Budget

O Immediate: new doors, windows, fence and
39 Prizren
Prizren/Prizren municipality
iron gate. 10,000 €

Sources: Subsequent intervention: conservation of

CoE May 2004 (p. 69) the wall paintings and repair of damaged
CoE June 2004 (p.57) walls (cost to be determined)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The whole quarter Podkjalaja/Mahalla (cf. no. V-11) surrounding the church was devastated including the church of
St. Saviour (cf.no. 0-34). It used to be a traditional Serbian settlement and is currently protected by KFOR.

The oldest parts of the church date back to the XV century.
The original monastery from the XVI century. was renewed
in the XIX century. Damaged in World War II it was rebuilt in
1947-1960.In the main church, fragments of the original wall
paintings (XVI ) Remaining wall paints are from the XIX
Outstanding historic and artistic value. Important religious
significance. Contains the tomb of S. Joanikije of Devic, a
local hermit from the XV century. Valuable wall paintings.

The interior of the Church is damaged by fire including the
frescoes. A new timber roofing was added to the Church
since March 2004. All the monastic buildings destroyed by
fire, only external walls remain.
MONASTERY OF ST Proposed Interventions Budget
O JOANIKIJE AT DEVIČ -UNESCO: Full restoration of the site, wall
paintings furnishings, and iconostasis
40 Llaushë/Lauša
Skenderaj/Srbica municipality
(2,650,000 $)

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 51) -CoE Immediate: Clearance, reconstruction 940,000 €
CoE Prioritized Intervention List (p. 81) of the sisters and guests’ wings, walling, 3,060,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 19) fencing and new generator. 4,000,000 €
CoE June 2004 (p. 19) -Later: phased reconstruction of complex
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The extent of this complex (about 3500 sq. m. living area) and the extensive damage need thorough planning and
prioritization of interventions, as stated in the CoE reports.
-The site is protected by KFOR. The local population is mainly Albanian.
Built in the first decades of the XX century on the
foundations of an older building. Damaged and looted on
several occasions since 1999, when it was abandoned.

Limited historic or artistic value. Local significance for the
Serbian community.
Designed by the first Serbian woman architect Jelisveta
Exterior in good condition, interior vandalized and partially
damaged by fire. Bell tower upper part destroyed by fire.
Paintings vandalized

CHURCH OF ST Proposed Interventions Budget

O ARCHANGEL MICHAEL UNESCO: Ensure the safety of wall
41 Shtime/Štimlje
Shtime/Štimlje municipality
paintings and provision for its restoration 125,000 $

Sources: CoE Immediate: new doors and windows,

UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 43) perimeter fencing. (14,000 €)
CoE May 2004 (p. 121) Medium term: Internal repairs and full
CoE July 2004 (p.101) reconstruction of the bell tower.

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Practical measures can prevent further deterioration.
-The conservation of the wall paintings does not seem to be the top priority, as stated by UNESCO. The quality is very
poor, priority should be given to the protection of the site.

Built in 1933 in a central position of the town.
Came under attack in March 2004

Great religious and symbolic significance.
Contains valuable decoration and artefacts.

Attacks were halted by KFOR, damage only near the
The priest’s house is severely damaged.

CATHEDRAL OF ST. UROŠ, Proposed Interventions Budget

O THE EMPEROR UNESCO: repair damaged parts in the
42 Ferizaj/Uroševac
Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
exterior of the church. (20,000 $)

Sources: CoE Immediate: secure doors, clear and

UNESCO Mission 2004 (45) secure the site. (7,800€)
CoE May 2004 (p.73) Later restoration: Total reconstruction
CoE July 2004 (p. 57) (92,200€) 100,000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The site is protected by KFOR.
Built in 1930 over old foundations of a destroyed building.
Vandalized and damaged in 1999 and again in March 2004.

Local significance for the Serbian community.
Interesting elements and constructive techniques.

Severely damaged by fire, structural collapse. Cemetery

CHURCH OF THE BIRTH OF Proposed Interventions Budget

O THE HOLY VIRGIN -Immediate works: renew roof, rebuild
43 Softoviq/Softović
Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
external walls, secure door and windows,
and secure the site. 109,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 59) Later works: total restoration. 21,000 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 41)
TOTAL 130,000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The site is protected by KFOR.

Modern church built in the XX century attacked in 1999 and
again in March 2004.

Limited historic and artistic value.
Local religious and symbolic significance of the site, which
contains a Serbian cemetery.

Interior affected by fire, roof covering partially removed.
Guesthouse extensively affected by fire. Large proportion of
tombstones damaged

CHURCH OF ST. PETER AND Proposed Interventions Budget

O ST. PAUL Immediate: clearance, repair roof, secure
doors and windows (also in guest house),
44 Muhaxher-Talinovc/Muhadžer Talinovac
Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
remove the generator. Secure the site and
consolidate headstones. 19,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 77) Later: rest of restoration. 11,000 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 61)
TOTAL 30,000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Demolition of the guesthouse is pointed out in the report.
-Consideration should be given to carry out the whole intervention at once, due to the small size of the buildings.
-The site is protected by KFOR troops.
No historic data available. The cemetery is an older
settlement; the chapel is a recent construction of poor

The cemetery has local significance for the Serbian

Church: damaged roof and internally affected by fire.
Guesthouse fully damaged by fire.
Cemetery: large proportion of headstones damaged.

SERBIAN TOWN CEMETERY Proposed Interventions Budget

O Immediate: repair roof and secure doors
45 Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality and windows in both buildings.
Secure the site and repair headstones 29,200 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 81) Later: rest of restoration. 17,800 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 65)
TOTAL 47,000 €


-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites. The budget for the immediate
protection of the site is already allocated by the PISG.

Recent church built in the XX century. Was attacked in
March 2004.

The site has local significance for the Serbian community.

Interior damaged by fire. Cemetery desecrated.

ST ELIAS CHAPEL Proposed Interventions Budget

O Immediate: secure doors and windows,
46 Varosh/Varoš Selo
Ferizaj/Uroševac municipality
repair or consolidate headstones. Clear and
secure the site. 12,900 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 83) Later: total restoration 9,100 €
CoE July 2004 (p. 69)
TOTAL 22,000 €

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-Consideration should be given to carry out the whole intervention at once, due to the small size of the building.
-The site is protected by KFOR.
Attacked in March 2004.

Limited historic and artistic value, the church has religious
and symbolic significance for the local Serbian community.
The iconostasis and the entrance door are valuable

The church is in good condition, small cracks produced by
an earthquake.
Priest’s house damaged by bullets.

CHURCH OF ST. PETKA Proposed Interventions Budget

O Repair external cladding and secure the site
47 Viti/Vitina municipality with additional walling. 5,000 €

CoE May 2004 (p. 109)
CoE July 2004 (p. 91)

-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.
-The site is in perfect condition and in use. It is inhabited and maintenance properly carried out.

Erected in 1834 on the remains of an earlier church from the
XVI-XVII century. Vandalized in 1999 it was fully damaged
in March 2004.

Bears historic and artistic values. Local religious and
symbolic significance.
Rich wall paintings partly conserved.

Roof and interior fully affected by fire. There are some
structural cracks. Cemetery desecrated.
The earlier church is enclosed by a newer exonarthex.

CHURCH OF ST. ELIAS Proposed Interventions Budget

O Immediate: Structural survey, remove later
48 Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality building, roof and structural repairs.
Consolidate headstones and secure the site 30,000 €
CoE May 2004 (p. 39) Later: Restoration of the monument and
CoE July 2004 (p. 5) conservation programme for the wall 120,000 €


-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.

-The site is not properly protected and is subject to further deterioration.
-There are many other destroyed buildings in the surroundings.
History: Built at the end of the 15th century. Partly ruined in
1998. Main building recently restored with funds from

Significance: Historic and artistic value. Religious and

symbolic significance. Situated in the old street of the town
where several other historical buildings also are located.

Recently restored but drainage system needs to be

MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget

I The building should be reassessed to
01 Deçan/Dečani municipality identify preservation and restoration needs.
New drainage system.
60,000 €
estimate by

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 95)

-Building was restored in 2003.
-Proposed intervention to be carried out: drainage around the building and restoration of graveyard

History: Founded by Khadim Agha. Built in the late 16th

century. Situated in the old market quarter and was a part of
a unique architectural ensemble consisting of a high school,
a primary school and a library. Ensemble destroyed in 1999.

Historic and artistic value. Religious and symbolic
significance. Situated in the old market quarter it is part of a
unique ensemble.

Condition: Dampness, by rain infiltration and surface water,

has caused detachment of plaster in the internal wall
surfaces of the praying hall. Rusted iron lattice work as well
as salt efflorescence have caused stone deterioration. The
stones also show chemical and physical weathering.

HADUM (KHADIM) MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget

I Lower windows restoration. Wooden
shutters+flooring repair. Conservation of
02 Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality stones and the flooring of the portico.
Measures against dampness and the
Sources: detachment of the painted plaster.
UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 85) Photogrammetric documentation and visual
drawings of stone deterioration. A long-term 285,000 €
maintenance programme is recommended.

-The mosque is under restoration (2005) with U.S. and Swedish funds concentrating on restoration of minaret,
external stone conservation works, drainage. Therefore the above sum of 285,000€ is to be revised accordingly.
-Proposed further interventions: restoration of gravestones, conservation of wall paintings approx. cost 175,000 €.
-The PISG also suggests to reconstruct and refurbish the XVII century library which was part of the ensemble.
Estimated cost approx: 1,000,000€.
History: Probably built by Murat’s son, Sultan Bayazit I at
the end of XIV century near the place of his demise.
Contains a cenotaph of the sultan. Was rebuilt and restored
several times: in the XVI century in 1859, in 1911; finally in
1990 by the Turkish Ministry of Culture. The site contains
later cenotaphs of Rif’a Pasha (1859) and Mehmet Pasha
The monument bears artistic value. It has great historic
significance as part of the site of the famous battle of
Kosovo Polje in 1389.

The building is in good condition in general.
There is water infiltration through the roof. Stone chemical
and physical weathering and salt efflorescence in many
SULTAN MURAT I Proposed Interventions Budget
I MAUSOLEUM (TÜRBE) Documentation, structural assessment,
diagnosis, restoration and conservation
03 Mazgit
Obiliq/Obilić municipality
including the following works.
-Desalination, cleaning and consolidation of
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 98 ) stones; repair and replacement of stones.
Renewal of rotted floorboards. Intervention
in the garden. New rainwater collector
around the building.
217,000 €
-The whole plain known as Gazimestan is the historic site of the famous battle of Kosovo Polje. There are other
monuments in the site such as the Memorial Complex (cf. no. V-09) about 1 km. away.

Built in the XVIII century in oriental style. At the end of XIX
century an annex was added to the building

Artistic, scientific and historic values from the Ottoman
period and oriental architecture. Regional importance. The
site has been used as an archaeological and ethnological
museum over the past 30 years.
Very bad condition. The roof is damaged, water infiltrations
from roof and soil. Interior in bad condition, several cracks in
the walls.

HAMMĀM Proposed Interventions: Budget

I High priority for intervention to prevent
Mitrovicë/Kosovska Mitrovica
04 Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality further deterioration.
Full interior rehabilitation, structural 226,000 €
Sources: stabilisation, restoration of interior and
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 69) exterior adaptation for new institutional use.

-The given budget is a rough preliminary evaluation. A further study needs to be carried out.
- Immediate measures for the protection of the site should be taken to prevent further deterioration.
-The use of the regional museum seems adequate for the building. Situated in the core of Mitrovica, it will contribute to
the development of cultural tourism.
History: The name of the mosque is attributed to its
construction with red bricks. According to an inscription
above the entrance it was built by Sinān Aghā in 1173 H. /
1759-1760 A.D. and later renovated by Qahraman Pasha in
1307 H./ 1889-1890 A.D. Largely destroyed in 1999.

Historic and artistic value. Religious and symbolic

Condition: The paintings have suffered from fire and

dampness after the mosque lost its roof. The wooden
mezzanine and the wooden flooring and window shutters
were burnt.

RED MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget

I Proposed further intervention: complete
reconstruction of wall paintings, restoration
05 Pejë/Peć municipality of yard, drainage and fencing, installation of
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 56) 205,000 €

-Restored in 2004 by Arab funds; foundations, walls, roofing, plastering, (without paintings), wooden mezzanine.
-The building should be reassessed to identify preservation needs.

History: Built in the 16th century. Destroyed and restored

several times. In the second half of the 20th century used as
an ammunition depot and destroyed by an explosion. Since
1965 used again as a mosque by the local communities.
The minaret was rebuilt in 1986. Burnt in May 1999.

Historic and artistic value. Religious and symbolic

Condition: Decay caused by fire and deterioration caused

by environmental factors. No roof, the walls suffer from
dampness leading to detachment of plaster and wash of
mortar in joints. Stone surfaces and mortar joints repaired in
cement. The foundations situation should be checked.
KURSHUMLI MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget
I Urgent preventive measures should be
carried out to stop further deterioration. € 157,000
06 Pejë/Peć municipality

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 59)

-Restoration works scheduled to commence in 2005 with Italian funds.
History: Probably built in the second half of the 15th century
by Sultan Mehmet al-Fatih and subsequently restored and
reconstructed. Burnt in 1999. Recently renovated with
Italian funds.
The minaret probably belongs to an early mosque as the
level is about 1 m lower than the level of the mosque’s
flooring. Recent excavations showed an older flooring.
Historic and artistic value. Religious and symbolic

Good condition due to the recent reconstruction

BAYRAKLI MOSQUE (AL- Proposed Interventions Budget

I FĀTIH MOSQUE) Proposed further intervention: drainage,
07 Pejë/Peć
Pejë/Peć municipality
restoration of gravestones and fences 30,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 82)

-The building was reconstructed in 2002 (Italian funds), the building now has problems with dampness in the wall

Built around 1470. Destroyed by fire in 1999.

It is one of the oldest monuments in Pristina. Historical
value and important significance together with the old town.

Badly damaged by fire, the weather and the cement added
in the joints have contributed to deterioration. Dampness in
walls by infiltration and capillar action.

LLAPIT (LAP) MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget

I UNESCO: documentation, structural
08 Prishtinë/Priština municipality assessment, diagnostic and restoration
works including cleaning and plastering of
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 61) walls, new carpentry and lead cover to the
dome. New electrical fittings 137,00 €
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 25)


- Both reports highlight the integration of any intervention with urban regeneration of the center of Pristina.
Constructed by Sultan Mehmet II al Fatih around 1460 in
the old core of Pristina. Restored in 1682-3, XVIII and XIX
century. Painted decorations from XVIII century. The upper
part of the minaret fell down during an earthquake and was
rebuilt in 1955.
One of the oldest monuments in Pristina, testimony of the
sacral architecture of the Ottoman period. Historic and
artistic value. Religious significance. The building is in use.

Poor. Dampness from the roof and the soil. Some areas of
stone work are damaged. Cracks in construction elements.
Doors and windows need to be repaired.

SULTAN MEHMET II AL- Proposed Interventions Budget

I FĀTIH MOSQUE UNESCO: Architectural documentation,
09 Prishtinë/Priština
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
structural assessment and restoration
392,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 63)

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 35)

-Possible integration of any intervention with urban regeneration of the center of Pristina and programmes of cultural
tourism development.

Built in the XV century next to the Mehmet II al Fatih
Mosque. The interior was decorated with murals. The baths
were transformed over the centuries. It has been out of use
for some time, except for the south zone, completely
renewed and occupied by shops.
Regional significance. One of the rare examples of the
Ottoman bath typology in Kosovo. Historic, artistic and
symbolic value. The urban area is a very significant part of
the city.

Condition: Very bad. Stone deterioration, loss of plaster,

vegetation growing everywhere. Some cupolas open to the
sky, roof completely missing over much of the structure.
The sewage system of the shop was routed through the
building and this has caused damage to the hypocaust.
GREAT HAMMĀM Proposed Interventions Budget
I UNESCO: Architectural documentation,
10 Prishtinë/Priština municipality structural assessment, diagnosis study.
Complete rehabilitation. 500,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 69)

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 43)

-The building is undergoing serious and fast deterioration. An urgent protective intervention has to be carried out
-The urban site deserves an integrated conservation plan, together with the Mosque, the small Hammam, the Clock
Tower, the building of the Academy of Science and Arts and the rest of the urban environment.
According to the inscription inside the mosque, the building
was founded by Yashar Mehmet Pasha in 1834. Other
sources suggest the XVI century. The original portico was
later replaced by a smaller one.

Historic and artistic value. Religious and symbolic
The building is still in use on a daily basis.

Dampness from damaged lead cover and capillary action.
Cracks, rusted iron bars.
Degradation of the environment is ongoing.

JASĀR (YAŠĀR) PASHA Proposed Interventions Budget

I MOSQUE UNESCO: architectural documentation,
11 Prishtinë/Priština
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
structure assessment and diagnostic study.
Restoration works. 223,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 91)

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 23)


- Possible integration of any intervention with urban rehabilitation of the historical centre of Pristina and programmes
of cultural tourism development.

History: Founded by the Vizier of Prizren Sinan Pasha at

the beginning of the XVII century in the centre of the town.
The interior was decorated in XIX century. It was restored in
1906 and during World War I was used as an armory and
damaged. The portico was demolished in 1919. In 1969 the
building was repaired, currently serves as mosque.
Important historic and artistic value. High religious and
symbolic significance city and one of the most important
mosques in Kosovo.

Water penetration through the roof has caused plaster
detachment and loss of paintings. Stone deterioration.

SINAN PASHA MOSQUE Proposed Interventions Budget

I UNESCO: architectural documentation,
12 Prizren municipality structure assessment, diagnostic and
conservation works (293,000 €).
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 71)
CoE total restoration 478,540 €
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 31)


-The urban site deserves an integrated conservation plan, together with the rest of the urban environment.
Founded by Gazi Mehmet Pasha in the second half of the
XVI century together with the Bayrakli Mosque, high school
and primary school, library and mausoleum. Restored in
1834. Currently used for temporary exhibitions.

High value, as one of the most important Hammams in the
Balkans, combines local and oriental influences.

Poor due to water penetration through the roof. Floor, walls
and cupolas partly damaged.

HAMMĀM MEHMET PASHA Proposed Interventions Budget

I (THE GREAT HAMMĀM), UNESCO: documentation, structural
13 Prizren
Prizren municipality
assessment and diagnosis. Reparation of
roof covering, wall joints and floors
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 79)

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 19) CoE: full restoration 115,000 €

PISG estimate in 2005 300,000 €


-The urban site deserves an integrated conservation plan, together with the rest of the urban environment.

Built in the Ottoman period, has not been in use for over 25

One of the oldest Ottoman public baths

The building is not dilapidated but due to lack of
maintenance roof tiles are missing, residual water passing
along the walls, plaster and joint mortars detached in some
places and floors in bad condition.

HAMMĀM OF ALI BEY, Proposed Interventions Budget

I Documentation, structure assessment,
14 Vushtrri/Vučitrn
Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality
diagnosis and restoration work 287,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 62)


-The building is in a crowded market area.

-The future use of the building has to be determined.
History: Semi-fortified stone residences for extended
families. Typical for the Albanian culture. Mainly from 18th
and 19th century some from early 20th century. Found in
various parts of the Balkans and frequently in western
Kosovo (Deçan/ Dečani, Junik, Nivokaz, Strellc, Isniq,
Batushe, Vrelle). Of the 2000 buildings existing before
1998/99 many of them were destroyed.
Significance: Kullas are characteristic of the Albanian
culture and traditional way of life and have high historical
and architectural value. The old street in Deçan/ Dečani
comprises one of the most valuable environments with
clusters of kullas in Kosovo
Condition: Two kullas along the old street in Deçan/Dečani
have been restored by U.S. resp. EAR/Swedish funds.

TOWER HOUSES (KULLAS) Proposed Interventions Budget

V Before restoration: stop the present trend of
disfiguring the site with standard concrete/
01 Deçan/Dečani municipality red brick houses.
Restoration of buildings, walls, vegetation
1,250,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 102) and infrastructure.

Divide work in 2 phases: 1) the area
between the watermill and the mosque, 2)
preparation of an overall spatial plan for the
whole area.
-Approximate cost (in general) for the restoration of one kulla (according to CHwB): 100,000 €.
-A general plan for integrated conservation of Kullasis recommended.

History: The residential tower, the Hysni Koshi tower was

built by the investor Selim Sejdi in the 19th century and is
privately owned. It is located in the historic complex of the
Great Market. In 1980 it was listed and protected as a
cultural and historical building. The building was destroyed
in 1999.
Significance: The tower occupies a suitable position at the
crossroads of three streets. Regional significance, important
architectural value. Belongs to the Market historic area in
the core of the city and both the tower and the historic area
are well preserved.
Condition: Present condition is bad; cracks in walls, roof
construction damaged, frontage on two sides damaged,
doors/windows and part of the roof construction burnt.
Foundations and walls (in general) are sound.

HYSNI KOSHI TOWER IN Proposed Interventions Budget

V GREAT MARKET Reconstruction of the roof and the
interior/exterior damage from fire.
02 Gjakovë/Đakovica
Gjakovë/Đakovica municipality Estimate provided by the PISG 100,000€

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 45)


- A rough estimation cost for the proposed interventions above is € 100,000.

Antique settlement of IVth century BC. Mentioned in 1326, a
famous city of miners occupied the site during the medieval
period. A trade and economic centre of the Serbian
mediaeval state with mixed population. The city fell under
Ottoman rule in 1445. In 1689 the city lost importance and
the population emigrated.
It is an outstanding historical site, which has very important
historic and archeological value. The landscape and the
natural environment increase the value of the site.

Ruinous state, walls almost collapsed. Bad condition of the
archeological finds, except the foundation of the Good
Friday cathedral, discovered and preserved in 2003.

HISTORIC NOVO BRDO Proposed Interventions Budget

V UNESCO: Assessment of conservation
Novobërdë/Novo Brdo
03 Novobërdë/Novo Brdo municipality needs. Urgent conservation works, further
archeological excavation following a 860,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 111) detailed project.

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 39)


- The site is also known as the settlement of Gumnishte

This village became a centre for wine growing and trade in
the XII century. Landowners built their dwellings in the
village. Many churches were built since the XIV century,
such as St Nicholas, St John and St Stephen. The village
still retains its vernacular appearance typical of the Serbian
The integration of buildings, landscape and vineyards is
unique to Kosovo. The ensemble should be preserved along
with the churches.

Many houses have been abandoned as a result of armed
conflict. Many buildings are dilapidated. The site needs
further assessment.

VELIKA HOČA VILLAGE Proposed Interventions Budget

V Workshop, documentation, structure
04 Hoca i Madhe/Velika Hoča
Rahovec/Orahovac municipality
assessment, diagnosis, conservation works
and spatial planning. 1,030,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 105)

-The interventions have to be accompanied with measures to retain the current population and facilitate the return of
displaced persons.
-All the interventions have to be carefully planned and prioritized, due to the complexity of the preservation of the site.
Inhabited since the VIII century B.C., the Roman city of
Ulpiana was built on the site and first mentioned in the
second century A.D. when it became a city. After an
earthquake in 518 A.D. Justinian reconstructed the city
changing its name to Justiniana Secunda. Subsequently it
became an important episcopal seat.
It is the most important archaeological site in Kosovo, with
major finds to date.

In general very poor condition of the remains discovered.
Site not protected and neglected.

ULPIANA ARCHEOLOGICAL Proposed Interventions Budget

V SITE UNESCO: Cleaning, protecting and
05 Graçanicë/Gračanica
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
rehabilitating the site, revitalisation of the
research programme
150,000 €

Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 118 )

CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 27)


- Ulpiana is considered as one of the most important archaeological sites of the Balkans, which may be far from being
fully and systematically excavated.
- Excavations on this site and other archaeological sites in Kosovo need significant investments. Existing and future
archaeological finds need to be preserved and exhibited in the museums of Kosovo. The conditions of the museums
in Kosovo need to be improved. The PISG recommends 1,000,000€ for this purpose.

History: Former residence of a rich family. Complex of

three main buildings situated in two courtyards. The oldest
part dates back to the 2nd half of the 18th century.
Restoration work at the complex was under way in 2003 to
transform the site into an ethnographic museum.

Significance: It is one of the most valuable and also best-

preserved examples of urban vernacular architecture in
Kosovo. It is situated in the historic area in the old core of
the town.

Condition: In 2003 rehabilitation of the two gates and the

facades of the houses was completed and the older house
was already furnished and prepared for the ethnographical
exhibition. All conservation and restoration interventions +
general museo-graphic concepts have been carried out
EMIN GIKU ETHNOLOGICAL Proposed Interventions Budget
V PARK As the whole unit is meant to host an
ethnological park documenting the
06 Prishtinë/Priština
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
traditional life of the inhabitants in the area
supplementary restoration work and 50,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 125) equipment is required.


The complex was restored in 2002-03 with the assistance of EAR. It is now an Ethnographic museum (belonging to
Kosovo Museum).
The atelier was the private house of the famous Kosovo-
Albanian sculptor Agim Cavdarbasha. The site is made up
of a house-atelier, an open gallery and a museum. In March
2004 it was attacked and set on fire.

Linked to the life and works of a renowned artist, it is one of
the few private museums in Kosovo. The site is unique and
the collection has great artistic value.

House destroyed by fire. Some walls remain in unstable
condition. About 80-100 artefacts have been destroyed.
The remaining objects are spread out all over the site and
subject to deterioration and possible looting.
ATELIER, GALLERY, MUSE- Proposed Interventions Budget
V UM AGIM CAVDARBASHA UNESCO: Surveillance of the site,
reconstruction of the museum and
07 Caglavica/Čaglavica
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
protection of the exhibits (75,000 $)
CoE Immediate: temporary roofing in the
Sources: yard to protect pieces. Additional fencing. 15,000 €
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 55) Later: full reconstruction of the building.
CoE May 2004 (p. 107) Replicas of lost artefacts and reconstruction
CoE July 2004 (p. 87) of the museum exhibition 85,000 €
TOTAL 100,000 €
-Included in the Implementation Committee for the Reconstruction of Religious Sites.

Built in 1927 as a hotel, the building has been used as a
post office until recently.

It is one of the few examples of middle-European
architecture in Kosovo. Regional importance.
Significant urban position.

Poor - caused by water penetration and lack of
Building is not in use.

FORMER HOTEL UNION Proposed Interventions Budget

08 Prishtinë/Priština
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
ACM estimates for main restoration works
(Bureau Action Civile-Militaire) 549,000€
F. Riedl Feasibility Study estimates for full
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 53) rehabilitation 2,328,000€


-Technical assessment carried out by ACM in July 2000 on main restoration works.
-Feasibility study carried out by F Riedl in May 2003 for the full rehabilitation of the building.
Built in 1953 to commemorate the famous battle of Kosovo-
Polje of 1389,an epic event in Serbian history.

The memorial tower has a symbolic value, and the battle
field site has great historical value.

Inscriptions lost and the bottom of the staircase was blown

MEMORIAL COMPLEX, Proposed Interventions Budget

V GAZIMESTAN Repair of monuments in the area,
complete inscriptions also in Albanian,
09 Gazimestan
Prishtinë/Priština municipality
construction of paths between the
monuments and panels explaining the
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 122 ) details of the battle.

Documentation, structure assessment,

diagnosis and restoration work 50,000 €


-The monument is part of the historic site of the battle of Kosovo-Polje. There are other monuments on the site: the
mausoleum of Murat (cf. no. I-03) and Bajraktarevo Turbe.
-The recommendations for the site are very interesting, but the estimate is restricted to the monument only.

Illyrian and Neolithic remains. First mentioned in the VI
century B.C. and later in the XI century A.D. Continuously
used and fortificated. During the mediaeval period,
refortified and important buildings added. In 1912 the citadel
and its buildings were blown up and abandoned.
Of important historic and archeological value. The site has
great significance. It is the symbol of the city of Prizren.

The site is neglected and very deteriorated.

KALAJA PRIZREN Proposed Interventions Budget

V FORTRESS UNESCO: aerial survey, documentation,
10 Prizren
Prizren municipality
structural assessment, diagnosis, conser-
vation works and preventive measures to
ensure the preservation of the site.
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 113) (239,000 €)
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 17) Restoration of the Fortress 302,000 €

- Estimated rehabilitation costs according to COE Preliminary Technical Assessment 2005: 800,000€
- The old town of Prizren adjoining this Fortress is very significant historically and needs to be preserved and
rehabilitated through a proper urban heritage plan. The PISG recommends an additional 300,000 € for this purpose.
Located on a hill between the river and the fortress, this
Serbian picturesque quarter was a unique ensemble. It was
set on fire and largely destroyed in March 2004.

Great historical significance.
Urban value seriously hampered by the destruction.
Very important site for the identity of Serbian population in
Not in use after its destruction in March 2004.
Houses extensively damaged by fire.

PODKALJAJA/MAHALLA Proposed Interventions Budget

V AREA Documentation and implementation of the
11 Prizren
Prizren municipality
reconstruction works and equipping the
houses. 2,500,000$
UNESCO Mission 2004 (p. 30)

-The process for the reconstruction of the area will be long and complicated. It needs good planning and has to be
coordinated with the offices concerned with the return of displaced persons, since the population is very important to
revitalize the urban areas. This process has started recently.
-The area is under control of KFOR troops.

The first five arches were probably built in early mediaeval
Byzantine time, and the remaining four arches added later.
The river changed its course and now the bridge stands on
dry ground.

It is the oldest stone bridge preserved in Kosovo.
Regional significance as a remain of the Byzantine and
Ottoman era. Extraordinary historic value.

Neglected and dilapidated, the bridge is half buried. Many
stones have been removed.

OLD BRIDGE Proposed Interventions Budget

V UNESCO: Documentation, structural
12 Vushtrri/Vučitrn municipality assessment, diagnosis, restoration and
conservation works. 217,000 €
Sources: UNESCO Mission 2003 (p. 116 )
CoE preliminary evaluation: restoration of
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 61) the bridge (217,000 €)


-The environment of the bridge has to be considered for protection measures.

Mentioned for the first time in the XI century.
Remains appeared from the IV century AD during
In the XI-XIV centuries it became one of the most important
castles of the Serbian mediaeval state under the dynasty of
Very important historic and archaeological value.
Regional significance.

Vey poor. Severe deterioration of the perimeter walls and
archeological remains. Lack of maintenance.

V ZVECAN FORTRESS Proposed Interventions Budget

13 Zveçan/Zvečan municipality
PISG estimates for aerial survey, diagnostic
Sources: study, study for archaeological excavation
and conservation, design proposal for re-
CoE Prioritised Intervention List (p. 49) use and conservation works 200,000€


The budget for interventions will be drawn up in a CoE Preliminary Technical Assessment (PTA)

This document was compiled by :

Francisco Montanes
Alex Mills
Ms Susanne Wik

UNESCO experts Council of Europe/European Commission experts

Alessandro Bianchi Alkiviades Nicolaos Prepis

Horst Gödicke David Johnson

Ministry of Culture of the Republic Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

of Serbia of the PISG

Borislav Šurdić Mrs Gjelana Hoxha

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