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Over 100 years ago, crickets were used to determine the temperature outside.

Farmers would count the

number of chips in 25 seconds. They would then divide the number by 3 and add 4, giving the
temperature outside in degrees Celsius.

1. Identify the independent and dependent variables in this situation

2. Write an equation using functional notation to represent this situation and define the variables
3. Complete chart

Number of -6.33 4 5 5.33 7.33 10.67 14


Temerature -10C 0c 3c 4c 10 c 20 c 30 c

4.Which values from the table above do not make sense?

5. Is there a limit to the Celsis that can be calculated using this formula?
6. Hypothesize the maxim number of times a cricket could chirp in 25 seconds.
7. Is there a limit to the number of chirps that can work for this function?
8.what do “Domain” and “range” mean?
How do the domain and range vary depending on the problem being modelled

The correlation of the amount of times a cricket chirps related to the temperature can be shown through a

experiment. This method was developed by Amos doblar , and is called the Dobler’s law this law states

“the relationship between the air temperature and the rate at which crickets chirp”.In this problem the

values where deduced through 25 second intervals of counting chirps dividing that number by 3 getting

the Celsius value. The equation for this is y = x/3 +4, evaluating this equation the y-intercept is positive 4

and a slope of negative 3. Derived from this equation can be rearranged for x ; x = 3y -4.In this scenario,

the independent variable is the number of cricket chirps within a 25-second interval and , dependent

variable is the resulting temperature in degrees Celsius calculated using the given formula

(y=x/3+4).Negative values for the number of chirps do not make sense, as chirping cannot be negative.

Similarly, the temperature values below absolute zero (-273.15°C) are not physically possible along side

the temperature a cricket can not survive below 60 degrees fariahnt.The formula implies that there is no

theoretical upper limit to the Celsius values calculated using this method. However, in practical terms, the

chirping frequency of crickets have a max highest value, which limits the effectiveness of this method for

extremely high temperatures.However, assuming weather is around 26 degrees celsius a bird would chirp
around 170 per minute, a estimate would be around 50 chirps in 25 seconds.The chirping of crickets will

have natural constraints , such as injury and enviroment with chirping for crickets mainly being used to

attract females. Which is another constraint that the formula could not account for high number of

chips.The domain refers to the set of all values that are assineg to X-axis ,and should be the independent

variable. In this context, the domain consists of positive integer values representing the number of chirps ,

although this formula can go to all real numbers the constraints would be set by the temperatures at which

a cricket could not survive correlating to chirps.The range refers to the set of all possible variables

assigned to Y-axis,and the dependent variable . For this method, the range includes a continuous range of

temperature values in degrees Celsius.The limitations on this equation can be seen by examining the

restaurants for every variable and research through the possbilitys of this question.

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