PR2 FirstMasteryExam Reviewer 2023-2024

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WEEK 1 – NATURE OF INQUIRY AND 3. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process

RESEARCH because it starts with a problem and ends
with a problem.
Inquiry is a learning process that motivates you to 4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven
obtain knowledge or information about people, analytical procedures in gathering the data,
things, places or events. (Baraceros, 2016) whether historical, descriptive, and
experimental and case study.
This inquiry model helps you to process how 5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and
inquiry is related to research. Knowing the ins and precise judgment.
outs of inquiry based-learnings leads us to different 6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a
learning method and hone our higher order thinking methodical manner without bias using
skills (HOTS) that leads to higher level of learning systematic method and procedures.
which is research. 7. Replicability. The research design and
procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable the researcher to arrive at valid and
conclusive results

The Researcher: Characteristics of the

 Intellectual Curiosity – an investigator
assumes deep thinking and investigation of
the things, situation and problems around
 Prudence – the researcher is prudent if he
conducts his research study carefully, wisely,
practically at the right time and place
efficiently, effectively and economically.
 Intellectual Honesty – an intelligent
researcher is honest in gathering data or
facts in order to arrive at honest and valid
Figure 1: Inquiry Model
 Intellectual Creativity – a creative and
Source: Focus on Inquiry: A Teacher’s Guide to
intelligent researcher must invent new,
Implementing Inquiry-based Learning.
unique and original researches which are
patentable to have return of investment.
Research is defined as a purposive and scientific
process of gathering, analyzing, organizing,
presenting and interpreting data. The word research The Scientific Method of Research
is derived from the old French word, “cerchier” which 1. Determining the Problem
means to “seek or search”. Search meaning is to 2. Forming Hypothesis
investigate. The prefix “re” means again and 3. Doing the Library Research
signifies of the search. Literally, research means, “to 4. Designing the Study
investigate again”. 5. Developing the instruments for collecting
Characteristics of Research 6. Collecting the Data
1. Empirical. Research is based on direct 7. Analyzing the Data
experience or observation by the researcher. 8. Determining the implication and conclusions
2. Logical. Research is based on valid from findings
procedures and principles. 9. Making recommendations for future
WEEK 2 – QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH customer base. Research is important for any
organization to remain in the market. The primary
Quantitative research is a form of research that uses
function of research in ABM is to correctly determine
statistical data as the main source of knowledge.
its customers and their preferences, establish the
Basically, this form of research would like to
enterprise in the most feasible location, deliver
operationalize reality into numbers that can be easily
quality goods and services, analyze what the
analyzed. (Francisco et. al., 2016).
competitors are doing and find ways on how to
When doing a quantitative research study, the goal continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of
is to determine the relationship between variables the clients.
within a population. Quantitative Research designs
can be either descriptive (subjects usually measured
once) or experimental (subjects measured before
and after a treatment). Anthropology is a research method of combining
qualitative and quantitative research data. It is
Characteristics of Quantitative Research (as
concerned with exploring connections
cited in Spalding University, 2020)
simultaneously, amidst cultural differences,
1. The data is usually gathered using structured
research instruments. alternatives and identity. In the contemporary
2. The results are based on larger sample sizes academic, socio-cultural and political climate these
that are representative of the population. concepts have immense symbolic overtones.
3. The research study can usually be replicated
Quantitative research is use in Anthropology in
or repeated, given its high reliability.
4. Researcher has a clearly defined research many aspects. Like, true experiments may use in
question to which objective answers are studying people provided that you follow certain
sought. steps (Bernard, 2004). This is to look into the Effects
5. All aspects of the study are carefully of an intervention in ethnic behavior of a group. In
designed before data is collected. here, you need at least two groups, called the
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, treatment group and the control group. On group
often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or gets the intervention and the other group don’t. Next,
other non-textual forms. individuals may be randomly assigned, either to the
7. Project can be used to generalize concepts intervention group or to the control group to ensure
more widely, predict future results, or that the groups are equivalent. Then, the groups are
investigate causal relationships. measured on one or more dependent variables; this
8. Researcher uses tools, such as
is called the pre-test. After which, the intervention is
questionnaires or computer software, to
introduced. Lastly, the dependent variables are
collect numerical data.
measured again. This is the post test.

Quantitative Research across the Fields QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and

BUSINESS and MANAGEMENT (ABM) Researchers are often interested in how an
understanding of a particular communication
Researches can help design a new product or phenomenon might generalize to a larger population.
service, figuring out what is needed and ensure the For example, researchers can advance questions
development of product is highly targeted towards like “What Effect do punitive behavioral control
demand. Businessmen can also utilize research statements have on a classroom? What
results to guarantee sufficient distribution of their communicative behaviors are associated with
products and decide where they need to increase different stages in romantic relationships? What
their product distribution. Conducting researches communicative behaviors are used to respond to co-
can also help a business determine whether now is workers displaying emotional stress? (Allen,
the proper time to open another branch or whether it Titsworth, Hunt, 2009)
needs to apply for a new loan. It may also help a
small business decide if a procedure or strategy
should be change to meet the requirements of the
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and SPORTS If the researcher discovers that a certain relationship
MEDICINE exists in sample that she or he has drawn form the
population, she/he is then in a position to draw
Quantitative research is used to analyze how sports
generalizations about patterns expected of human
may be used as an alternative way of medicating an
illness. An example is the research done by
University of Eastern Finland which investigated the QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION
relationship between mushrooming of fast food
Quasi Experiments are most often used in
chains and obesity, as well as the intervention
evaluating social problems. Suppose a researcher
needed to prevent children’s obesity from reaching
has invented a technique for improving reading
serious proportions. The research focused on the
comprehension among third graders. She/he selects
children’s physical activity and physical inactivity
two third grade classes in a school district. One of
and the concomitant impact on the children’s
them gets the intervention and the other doesn’t.
amount of adipose tissue (fat mass) and the
Students are measured before and after the
endurance fitness. The study is used to analyze
intervention to see whether their reading scores
certain the effect of physical activity in weight control.
improve. This design contains many of the elements
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and MEDICAL of true experiment, but the participants are not
EDUCATION assigned randomly to the treatment and control
Quantitative research in medical education tends to
be predominantly observational research based on QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and PSYCHOLOGY
surveys or correlational studies. The designs test
Mertens (2005) says that the dominant paradigms
interventions like curriculum, teaching-learning
that guided early psychological research were
process, or assessment with an experimental group.
positivism and its successor, post positivism.
Either a comparison or controlled group learners
Positivism is based on rationalistic, empiricist
may allow researchers to overcome validity
philosophy that originated with Aristotle, Francis
concerns and infer potential cause-effect
Bacon, John Locke, August Comte, and Immanuel
generalizations. Researchers are using to cope with
Kant. the underlying assumptions of positivism
the emerging trends in recent times.
include the belief that the social world can be studied
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH and BEHAVIORAL in the same way as the natural world, that there is a
SCIENCES method for studying the social world that is value-
free, and that explanations of a causal nature can be
Relationship Questions in today’s quantitative trend
tend to explore how one behavior exhibited by
people is related to other types of behavior.
Examples are verbally aggressive behaviors related
to physical aggression – that is, when a person has
a level of verbally aggressive behavior, does he or
she tend to be physically aggressive? Are certain
supervisor communication skills related to the Medical practitioners, for example, conduct
emotional experiences of employees? Questions of researches to obtain significant information about
difference explore how patterns of behavior or diseases trends and risk factors, results of various
perceptions might differ from one group or type of a health interventions, patterns of care and health care
person to another: Do people with disabilities cost and use. The different approaches to research
experience emotional labor differently from those provide complementary insights. Researchers help
without disabilities? Do women perceive in determining the effectiveness and even side effect
talkativeness (or lack of it) differently form men? Do of drugs and therapies in different populations and
communication styles differ from one culture to the various institutions. It is also necessary in evaluating
next? (Alle, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009). experiences in clinical practice in order to develop
mechanisms for best practices and to ensure high
When quantitative researchers explore questions of
quality patient care. Researchers in these fields
differences or questions of relationships, they do so
ultimately aim for man’s longevity.
in an attempt to uncover certain patterns of behavior.
As for engineers, architects, and other builders, 2. Dependent Variable – It is dependent of
research helps in providing designs which are independent variable and the variable that
creatively beautiful and at the same time give more changes because of independent variable.
convenience and efficiency as they utilize modern Example: Academic achievement is
technology to adapt to the ever changing society. dependent on IQ. IQ is independent variable
New materials and procedures may be developed so and academic achievement is the dependent
as to further strengthen the structural materials than variable.
can withstand various calamities and disasters.
According to Russell & Babbie 2013 as cited in
Baraceros (2016, p.31),
There are other types of variables which are
as follows:
WEEK 3 – THE NATURE OF VARIABLES 1. Constant – do not undergo any
changes during an experiment
Variable - comes from the word vary which means
2. Attribute – characteristics of people:
change. A characteristic that in research is intelligence, creativity, anxiety,
observed or studied. learning styles, etc.
There are two main types of variables and data. 3. Dichotomous – has only two possible
results: one or zero
Variables can be qualitative or quantitative.
4. Latent – cannot be directly observed
1. Qualitative Variable – variable with a value of like personality traits
text and not in amount. It is non-numerical 5. Manifest – can be directly observed to
and categorical. give proofs to latent variables
Examples: sex, birthplace or geographic 6. Control Variable – a variable
locations, religious preferences, marital controlled by the researcher in which
status, eye color. the effect can be neutralized by
2. Quantitative Variable – variable with a eliminating or removing the variables
numerical value and can be ordered or rank. 7. Intervening Variable – this variable
Examples: weight, height, age, test scores, intrudes or interferes with the
speed, body temperature independent variables and dependent
There are times that a variable can be expressed variables.
both qualitative and quantitative. For example, the
grades in the school. It can be expressed in percent
such as 90%, 85% or 75% making it quantitative
variable, if in letters such as A, A-, B+ the grades are
Types of Quantitative Variable
1. Continuous Variable – these are variables
that can take the form of decimals.
Examples: weight, length, height, school
2. Discrete or Discontinuous Variable – these
are variables that can’t take the form of
Examples: number of students, number of
houses, size of a family

Types of Variable According to Functional

1. Independent Variable –It causes things to
happens. The variable which you can
change and controlled.

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