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Fluvial Processes

Types of Erosion:
Fluvial erosion – rivers wearing away the
Vertical erosion (down) land.
Lateral erosion (sideways)
Erosion in a river depends on velocity and
there are four ways:

Hydra Soluti
ulicof water is moving very fast and the force of the
Lots on and Limestone dissolves in mildly acidic water and
water forces the water into cracks. Its responsible for is often called corrosion.
vertical erosion in the upper course and lateral erosion in
the lower course.

Attriti Abrasi
on are transported downstream, during this time they
Stones on Boulders and stones scrape their way down the river
collide with the river banks, bed and other stones which therefore wearing down the river banks and bed.
make them more rounded.

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