St. James Council Minutes - October 5, 2023

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October 5, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Kier, at 12:01 PM. Council members in
attendance were: Father John Silva, Pat Klier, and Steve Schultz; Trustees, Jay Johnson, and
Joyce Pindel; Guests, Jack Nation and Ralph Disterhaft; and Dan Fitzpatrick, Financial
Consultant (Accounting and Bookkeeping).

Father Silva offered an opening prayer.

Secretary’s Report – A Motion was made by Steve Schultz and seconded by Pat Klier to accept
the July 20, 2023 Minutes as written. Motion carried.

Correspondence – St. James received two beautifully written thank you notes from the girls
that had attended Camp Grey this summer. The letters will be posted at St. James.

Treasurer’s Report – Dan Fitzgerald reported that St. James had sufficient income to cover
the Church’s expenses for the fiscal year July 2022 thru June 2023. He distributed the Balance
Sheet as of September 30, 2023 and the Profit and Loss Statement for July 2023 to
September 2023. It was agreed that the line item for “Other Current Liabilities” would be
worked on. He noted that Fixed Assets would be listed on the Balance Sheet going forward.

Joyce Pindel reported the Parish Bank and Investment Accounts report was signed and sent to
The Diocese of Madison. A Motion was made by Steve Schultz and seconded by Jack Nation to
approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.

Building and Maintenance - Jay Johnson reported that the gutter guards were installed this
week. The Parish Council agreed to pay for them from the Building and Maintenance account.

Pat Klier reported the piano in St. James Place is scheduled for repair. In the meantime, the
piano from St. James Church was moved over to St. James Place. The St. James Place sound
system will also get checked out for issues we have been noticing.

Pat Klier is looking into a Hearing Loop for people with hearing aids whereas the speaker would
go directly to their hearing aids. We will also look into getting a few Loops for people without
hearing aids. Dan Fitzpatrick offered to apply for a grant for us to help cover the costs.

Jay Johnson reported the automatic lawn sprinkler system has been shut down and drained for
the winter. The boilers are scheduled for inspection.

Religious Education – Confirmation classes have started. There are 130 people in Bible Study
at the Pastorate.

On October 28, there will be a bus pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in
La Crosse. The cost is $40 per person and includes transportation and lunch. The bus will pick
up at All Saints in Berlin and St. John’s in Princeton. Signup sheets are in church.

It was approved by consensus that St. James would provide Pizza and Garlic Bread (December
and January) for the Religious Education program that meets the second Wednesday of the
month at St John’s in Princeton.
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Council of Catholic Women - The CCW will hold a Bake Sale on October 15. The CCW will
also submit an entry in the Scarecrow Festival in Neshkoro on October 14. During November,
they will have their famous Basket Raffle. On November 11 (Veterans Day), from 10:30 AM until
Noon, the American Legion will hold an event at St. James Place to honor veterans. After the
event, the CCW will provide snacks.

Liturgy - No report given.

Music – The Community Choir performance will be December 2, at 5:15 PM at St. James.

Pat Klier reported a vendor came and showed four people how to use our AED (Automated
External Defibrillator). We purchased new pads and battery for our machine. In 2025, we will
need to look into purchasing a new AED unit.

Shelving for the missalletes and Sanctuary are being built and will be donated to St. James
through an anonymous person. The missalletes have arrived and we will start using them for

Pat Klier retyped the opening and closing instructions for St. James Parish; they are posted in
the kitchen.

Work is being done on the New Member packet with someone from the Parish Financial Council
making a welcome call to the new member.

There was a discussion on the training requirement by Catholic Mutual Group for Church
Transportation. Anyone driving for church business (i.e. running to a store or the bank) would
need to go online for a short 15 minute training. Pat Klier will be the coordinator of this training
for our parish. He has already completed the training.

Next meeting date at St. James Church – NOVEMBER 16, 2023 @ 12:00 PM.

Father Silva closed the meeting with a prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce A. Pindel, Acting Secretary/Trustee

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