Special Drive To Check TWL Make Bogie Bolster

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ljdkj No.RDSO-MW0BD(CSNB)/1/2020-O/o
&jsy ea=ky; Government of India - Ministry ofPED/SW/RDSO
vuql/a kku vfHkdYi vkSj ekud laxBu Research Designs & Standards Organisation
y[kuÅ & 226011 Lucknow – 226011
EPBX (0522) 2451200 DID (0522) 2450115
FAX (0522) 2458500 DID (0522) 2465310

MW/PLNG/CSNB Date: As signed

ALL Principal Chief Mechanical Engineers,
Zonal Railways,
Sub: Special Drive to check bolster of CASNUB 22HS bogies manufactured by M/s
Titagarh Wagons Limited (TWL/TITA)
Ref: (i)CRSE (Frt.)/NFR LNo. Mech./C&W/Maintenance/Pt.III/W-11 dated 19.04.2023
(ii)CRSE(Frt.)/NFR L No. Mech./C&W/Maintenance/Pt.III/W-11 dated 06.04.2023.
(iii) SSE/MB/letter on decoupled and bolster breakage letter dated 13.06.2023
(iv) SSE/SOG/BKN/NWR Joint report dated 30.06.2023

In reference (i) to (iv), incidences of breakage of bogie bolster TWL 01/22, TWL 01/22

,TWL 03/23 and TWL 08/22 in wagon no. 31082211565, 31032211263, 31102325012 and

1162213380 while in service in LMG, NJP , MB and BKN division have been reported by the

Zonal Railways, respectively. All these four bogie bolsters were manufactured by M/s

Titagarh Wagon Limited. In all these cases the failure took place from same location as

indicated at Annexure-I.

It has been observed that in all these cases the bogie bolster crack has resulted due to

initiation and propagation of crack at the Failure Zone as indicated at Annexure-II.

In view of above, it is required to launch a special drive to examine following

parameters in M/s Titagarh (TWL/TITA) make bogie bolsters in CASNUB 22HS bogies

manufactured after Jan’2022:

1. Visual inspection of critical failure area as indicated in sketch below (Annexure-II)

2. In case any unusual thing noticed, wagon to be kept aside for joint examination

with the firm, duly advising RDSO.

3. Results of such checking shall be entered into FMM for which necessary provision

is being made by CRIS.

DA : As above

(A K Gautam)
For Director General (Wagon)
Copy to:
EDME/Freight/Railway Board- for kind information
GM/FMM/CRIS- request to make suitable provision in FMM to enter results of checking of
bolster of M/s TWL, manufactured since Jan’22. A report in dashboard of such checking
may also be provided.
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Case-I: TWL 01/22 in LMG Division of NFR

Case-II: TWL 01/22 in NJP Division of NFR

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Case-II: TWL 03/23 in MB Division of NR

TWL 08/22, BKN Division of NWR

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Location of failures in TWL Make Bolsters:

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