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Article in Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University · April 2020

DOI: 10.35741/issn.0258-2724.55.2.58


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2 authors:

Abd - alkareem Hussein Alrubaiy Rand Sami

university of Babylon -College of Science University of Babylon


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第 55 卷 第 2 期 Vol. 55 No. 2
2020 年 4 月

ISSN: 0258-2724 DOI:10.35741/issn.0258-2724.55.2.58

Research article

Earth Sciences




Abdul-Kareem H. Al-Rubaiee, Rand S. Al Salami

Department of Applied Geology, College of Science, University of Babylon
Babylon, Iraq,,

Received: February 10, 2020 ▪ Review: April 2, 2020 ▪ Accepted: April 24, 2020

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (

This paper is conducted to determine the sensitivity and thixotropic effects of clay soil for selected
sites in Diwaniya city which are: (Dawr Aldubbat, Al-Zawra square, 14 Ramadan square, Al'iiskan
Alaqadim and Military square). The main aim of this investigation is to study the sensitivity and
thixotropy of clay soil, and determination and classification of soils to (Insensitive), (slightly to very
sensitive) and (slightly to extra quick)) relying on special test methods in sensitivity and thixotropic
phenomena. The experimental tests that were done including geotechnical, chemical and mineralogical
tests to natural soils and special tests were for the identification and classification of sensitivity of soils.
The results of sensitivity of soils test displayed low to medium for all the types of the soils in the study
area. The results of the thixotropic strength ratio test showed a small increase in thixotropic strength ratio
values with time. The results of Atterberg limits test indicated that increasing the proportion of the clay
causes an increase in the plasticity index of the soil. While the results of the liquidity index varied from
0.24 to 0.70, which reflects the low sensitivity of the clay soil in the study area.

Keywords: Sensitivity, Thixotropic Effect, Diwaniya City, Thixotropic Strength Ratio

摘要 本文旨在确定迪瓦尼亚市中选定地点的黏土的敏感性和触变性效果:(达尔·阿杜巴特,扎
Al-Rubaiee and Al Salami / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / Vol. 55 No. 2 Apr. 20202


关键词: 灵敏度,触变效应,迪瓦尼亚市,触变强度比

I. INTRODUCTION There are many factors that cause periodic loads

Due to the increase in the world's population, on the foundations, such as earthquakes, loads
geotechnical engineers are forced to deal with from winds, ice accumulation, and other loads,
difficult soil such as the sensitive clay. these loads could cause quick clay conditions and
Problematic clay, when exposed to periodic catastrophic failure [1].
loading, could experience a piecemeal decrease Long bridges and chimneys, which are
in the bearing capacity or could lead to a considered as long flexible structures, are
catastrophic failure of its structure. This type of normally subject to dynamic vibrations as a result
clay, when it is remolded, shows a large decrease from wind loading, which could amplify the
in shear strength, which is called clay sensitivity static winds. Silos and oil tanks, which are
[1]. considered as storage facilities, that are carry
The unconfined compressive strength in many high pressure when its filled and become less
of the clay soil that are deposited naturally, is pressure when its empty [5], [6].
decreased significantly when tested after Clay soils are affected by different factors that
remolding and there is no change in the moisture may lead to an increase or reduction in their
content. This is called sensitivity. This property sensitivity, including filtration, ion exchange,
could be defined as the percentage of the cation ratio, formation or addition of dispersing
unconfined compressive strength in an agents, cementation, weathering, and thixotropic
undisturbed state to a remolded, equation 1 [2]. hardening. The weathering processes have an
effect on the flocculation tendencies of the soils
by which ions in the solution change. Therefore,
(1) the strength and sensitivity numbers decrease or
increase based on the type of differences in ionic
The general classification of the clays distributions [1].
according to their sensitivity is illustrated in In the thixotropic process, clay particles and
Table 1. These kinds of clay could be formed in water are re-oriented into a new state of
numerous areas of the world, such as Eastern equilibrium in a state of rest after remodeling.
Canada, Sweden, Norway, and the coastal region During this process, the changing hard-state
of India [2]. stresses must achieve new values, which lead to
increased stress in the liquid state that appears in
Table 1.
Classification of clay soil according to the degree of
the form of suction operations. This shows that
sensitivity the strength gain, thixotropy, depends on the
direction of the clay particles and water. This re-
Sensitivity, Classification of References
% clay
assembly process takes a long time and is
St < 8 Low sensitivity sometimes called the coagulation process. It can
8 < St < 30 Medium [3] be said that, in general, the greater the cohesion
sensitivity in the clay in a certain range of water content, the
St > 30 Very high greater the strength gain [7]. This phenomenon is
Less than 1 Insensitive
shown in Figure 1. The loss of strength in clay
1-8 Slightly to very [4] soil from its remodeling is primarily due to the
sensitive destruction of the structure of the clay particles
8 to 64 Slightly to extra developed during the original sedimentation
quick process. The thixotropic strength ratio is
calculated from the following equation [8]:
For geotechnical engineers, it is considered a
challenge for these who have a specific problem
in stability, settlement and predictive behavior.
The structures that are built on sensitivity clay where Cu is untrained shear strength.
such as bridges, towers, high-rise buildings, often
have a decreased safety factor during its lifetime.

Figure 1. Behavior of thixotropic material [2]

Some earlier studies that are related to the addition, ionic motion after mixing may cause
study of the sensitivity and thixotropy of clay soil particle reorganization.
are summarized below: Al-Rashidy [13] evaluated the geotechnical
Terzaghi et al. [9] described the quantitative properties of soil for the Al-Qadissya
degree of clay sensitivity as follows: natural clay Governorate of Iraq, studying the geotechnical
sensitivity between 1 and 4, while sensitive clay and chemical properties of the soil at depths of
between 4 and 8, and high sensitivity clay 1.0, 1.5, 3.5, 4.0, 6.0, 6.5, 8.5, and 9.0 meters.
between 8 and 16. Clays which have a degree of Based on the geotechnical maps, the results were
sensitivity more than 16 are called quick clays. interpreted, and an appropriate assessment was
Eden [10] studied various approaches to made by interpreting the maps and establishing
acquiring undisturbed samples of sensitive an initial perception of the different geotechnical
coatings and noted that Shelby sampling (U- properties with the depth of the soil in the
shape) was the best way to achieve undisturbed Diwaniya city Al-Qadissya Governorate. The
samples of sensitive clay. objective of this study was to present an
Al-Rawi [11] studied the sedimentation of the interpretation of the results to determine the
alluvial plain deposits in the Diwaniya region. He sensitivity of clay and the thixotropic strength
reported that most of the gypsum has deposited a ratio of the clay soil for the study area.
chemical deposition in the same place, and a
small proportion of gypsum is of transferable A. Geology of the Study Area
origin as revealed by an X-ray study of the clay. The studied city is located 180 km south of
He mentioned that chlorite and montmorillonite the Baghdad Governorate. It occupies a
are the predominant clay minerals, kaolinite is geographical position in the middle of Iraq and
also found in high ratios, and there is a small represents the heart of the Middle Euphrates
percentage of illite mineral. region, which is located in Iraq’s Mesopotamian
Mitchell [12] reported by P.R. Day. Plain. The coordinate location of the city is
According to tensiometers where entrench in clay determined to be between the latitudes
pastes (apparently saturated), allowed to reach 32°.0111 and 31°.5546 North and the
equilibrium, followed by the mixing of the clay. longitudes 44°5107 and 44°5850 East [14]. A
Tension decreased immediately after mixing and map of the location is shown in Figure 2 [15].
was restored over time. These results may reflect
gas dissolution and time-dependent diffusion. In
Al-Rubaiee and Al Salami / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / Vol. 55 No. 2 Apr. 20204

Figure 2. A satellite image showing location of study sites included for Diwaniya city [15]

The city of Diwaniya is part of the floodplain, accumulates as a result of successive flooding
which represents the most recent layers of the [17]. These deposits are located in many parts of
surface of Iraq as a composition of new the study area. Aeolian deposits are identified in
sediments left by the Tigris and Euphrates the eastern parts of the Diwaniya Governorate.
Rivers. In addition, the region is free from the These sediments are found as sand dunes, which
discovery of ancient rock layers, and the are formed as crescent shapes with a height of 1–
floodplain in Diwaniya dates back to the 3 m. They are not fixed, as the wind controls
Pleistocene period. It is one of the oldest their distribution and transport [18], [19]. Figure
formations of Iraq’s Mesopotamian Plain [16]. 3 illustrates the geological map of the studied
The region has a depression fill deposit that area.

Figure 3. Geological map of the study area [20]


II. METHODOLOGY Laboratory tests were conducted in the

The research methodology involved several laboratories of the Department of Applied
stages. The field stage included the following: Geology/College of Science, as well as at the
selecting five sites in Diwaniya city: Dawr college of Materials Engineering/University of
Aldubbat, Al-Zawra square, 14 Ramadan square, Babylon. The laboratory tests completed in this
Al'iiskan Alaqadim and Military square, whose stage include the tests listed in Table 2. After
locations are identified by their coordinates as completing the previous stages, the results were
shown in Figure 1. analyzed and explained to determine and assess
the sensitivity and thixotropy of the clay in the
study area.

Table 2.
Laboratory tests and specifications for each test
Soil properties tests Number of Specifications
Moisture content 5 ASTM [21]
Physical, index and
engineering tests

Atterberg limits 5 ASTM [22]

Specific gravity 5 ASTM [23]
Grain size analysis 5 ASTM [24]
Classification of soils 5 ASTM [25]
Unconfined compressive strength 5 ASTM [26]
Moisture-density relations 5 ASTM [27]
Sulphate content 5 British BS [28]
Chemical tests

Gypsum content 5 British BS [28]

Total soluble salts 5 British BS [28]
Organic matter content 5 British BS [28]
Carbonates CO3 5 British BS [28]
pH-value 5 [29]
Mineralogy analysis 3 [30]

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF THE percentages of the particles are simple in terms of
the soil (clay, silt, sand, gravel).
LABORATORY TESTS The Atterberg limits were measured after
This portion includes the results of the
preparation of the samples. The plastic limit vary
physical, engineering, chemical and mineral tests
between 23% and non-plastic, while the liquid
on the samples tested in the laboratory. These
limit ranges from 30% to 51%, with an average
tests included the following:
of 45%. The liquidity index changes from 0.24 to
0.70 which gives an indicator on the low
A. Physical, Engineering and Index Tests
sensitivity clay in study area.
All tests were carried out on the five soil
3) Specific Gravity
samples representing the five areas: Dawr
The specific gravity of the soil tested on the
Aldubbat, Al-Zawra square, 14 Ramadan square,
five samples ranged only from 2.66 to 2.75,
Al'iiskan Alaqadim, and Military square. These
which displays the similar mineralogical
tests were conducted according to American and
composition of the soil.
British specifications and included the following
4) Grain-Size Analysis
tests as shown in Table 3.
Figure 4 and Table 3 show the percentages of
1) Water Content
soils and their distribution by size distribution
The distribution of water content for sites
curves. These given percentages indicate the
within the study area is normal of the
original deposition in the study area. The results
heterogeneity addition to differences in the water
of grain-size analyses of five samples reveal that
table level of Diwaniya soils. The general
the clay-sized fractions (< 2 .m) have a 7–50%
direction displays difference with all sites. Most
difference. Note that the grain-size distribution is
values fall between 26% and 39%.
well linked with the plasticity index of the soil.
2) Atterberg Limits
Table 3 displays the Atterberg Limit values
for soils in the studied samples are approaching
with each other, because the gathering of the
Al-Rubaiee and Al Salami / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / Vol. 55 No. 2 Apr. 20206

Figure 4. Grain size distribution curves to five soils for

study area Figure 6. Unconfined compression strength and strain for
remolded samples to five soils
5) Strengths
a) Undisturbed Unconfined Compressive 6) Sensitivity Ratio
Strength The values of sensitivity according to
The undisturbed strength is determined by equation No.1 at all the sites in the study area are
means of the unconfined compressive shown in Table 3.
strength machine, which represents the 7) Thixotropic Strength Ratio
average of five measurements. Figure 7 and Table 3 present the results of
Figure 5 shows that the values fall between several tests conducted on five compacted soils
150 and 250 kPa. The undisturbed strength by the Stander Procter Test with water content
was measured after sampling. close to optimum moisture content, to study the
thixotropic strength regaining characteristics for
different intervals of time of the selected samples
at the study sites. However, the moisture content
of the tested samples was maintained throughout
the tested interval time and the results obtained
using equation No. 2 showed that the thixotropic
strength regained was relatively low for all the
studied soils, being between 1.05 and 1.15 % for
28 days. This is because the soil of the study sites
was of low to medium sensitivity.

Figure 5. Unconfined compression strength and strain for

undisturbed samples to five soils

b) Remolding Unconfined Compressive

The remolded strength was calculated
using the unconfined compressive strength Figure 7. Thixotropic strength a little increase with time for
machine, from at least three tests. For all five soils
the measurements completed, the clay
samples became so liquid upon remolding IV. CHEMICAL TESTS
that the remolding compressive strength Chemical tests were carried out in the
reduced by almost half from the laboratories of the Department of Applied
undisturbed compressive strength values, Geology/ College of Science / University of
with the values ranging between 70 and Babylon. The results of the chemical tests which
130 kPa (Figure 6). were used in this research are explained in the
Table 4.

A. Sulphate Content Tests

The test was achieved in accordance with the
British Standard (1377), bearing the symbol Test
- Number 9 [28].

B. Gypsum Content Tests C. Total Soluble Salts Test

Gypsum was determined by multiplying the The amount of soluble salts for natural soil
sulphate content of the soil x 2.15%. was obtained using the method described with the
British Standard [28].

Table 3.
Geotechnical properties for the soils of the study area
Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5
Location Dawr Al-Zawra 14 Ramadan Al'iiskan Military
Aldubbat square square Alaqadim square
Moisture content (ω) % 38 39 32 31 26
Liquied limit L.L% 43 51 46 39 34
Plastic limit P.L% 26 28 27 26 NON
Plasticity index I.p% 17 23 19 13 NON
Liquidity index L.I% 0.70 0.47 0.26 0.38 -
Specific gravity 2.73 2.75 2.73 2.70 2.66
Gravel (%) 0 2 0 3 0
Grain size

Sand (%) 10 6 12 35 60
Silt (%) 55 41 40 42 30
Clay (%) 35 51 48 20 10
Unified soil classification system ML CH CL ML SM
Dry unit weight (gm/cm3) 1.60 1.56 1.53 1.57 1.65
Maximum dry unit weight 1.72 1.67 1.65 1.77 1.78
Optimum moisture content (%) 18 21 20 16 15
Undisturbed unconfined
250 225 196 150 176
compressive strength (KN/m2)
Remolding unconfined compressive
128 115 80 70 95
strength (KN/m 2)
Sensitivity, % 1.95 1.95 2.45 2.14 1.85
Thixotropic strength (Cu) at t = 0
142.5 120 102.5 87.5 97.5
(after compaction)
Thixotropic strength (Cu) at
150 131 110 101 111.5
t = 28 day (after compaction)
Thixotropic strength ratio 1.05 1.09 1.07 1.15 1.143
Water table
0.80 0.35 1.00 1.11 1.55
W.T.L (m)

D. Organic Material Content

The organic material content of the natural E. Carbonates CO3
soil was found based on the method mentioned in The tests indicated carbonate contents varying
the British specification British Standard [28], in between 25% and 33%, with an average value of
the method of oxidation by dichromate. The 30.2%. Such high values of carbonate content are
results showed that they were within the normal common for the study area. It was checked
specifications. The organic matter content varies according to British Standard [28].
between 0.54% and 1.02%, with an average of

Table 4.
Results of the chemical tests of the five soils used in the research
Location Sulphate Gypsum Carbonate Total soluble Organic matter pH-value
No. content SO3 content content salts content content %
% % CO3 % %
1 0.288 0.619 23 2.74 0.91 9.00
2 0.631 1.35 25 1.77 0.52 9.00
3 0.3 0.64 33 1.77 1.02 8.83
4 0.221 0.47 28 1.22 0.97 9.08
5 0.31 0.666 32 1.81 0.54 8.93

F. pH-Value
Al-Rubaiee and Al Salami / Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / Vol. 55 No. 2 Apr. 20208

The pH was measured in the natural soils used According to [30], the presence of
in the research by the method provided by [29]. montmorillonite, kaolinite, and chlorite in
The soil pH was measured in the soil samples, different proportions. Even if it were a small
the pH percentages varied between 8.8% and percentage, it could significantly affect the
9.08%, with an average of 8.9 %. physical properties of the soil.
As shown in Figures 8a, 8b, and 8c, the
V. MINERALOGICAL ANALYSIS material consists of the actual amount of rock
The X-ray diffraction types required for the flour minerals like quartz, feldspar, dolomite and
three powder samples reflect that the calcite. Illite is the major phyllosilicate mineral.
mineralogical composition of the material is Chlorite and kaolinite are also present in traces.
virtually the same throughout the study area. Figures 8a, 8b, and 8c show the components of
From the tests of samples in the study area, the clay and non-clay minerals for the study area
presence of montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite and samples according to X-ray diffraction patterns.
chlorite is found in different percentages.

a. Site of the Dawr Aldubbat

b. Site of the 14 Ramadan square


c. Site of the Military square

Figure 8. Diagrams of soil diffraction in the sites

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