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Summer School on Visual Intelligence

@ CEVI (Earlier known as Computer Vision and Graphics Lab)

21th July 2022 to 31th July 2022
Day 10.00 am - 11.30 am 11.45 am - 1.30 pm 2.30 pm - 5pm

Day 1 Image Image Processing Hands on Sessions

- Image Formation and Sensor - Basic Operations - Image Operations
- Digitization of Analog Image. - Fusion - Resize (Antialiyasing,
- Color spaces - Histogram and Equalization, Extra polation)
- Image Compression specification - Histogram Equalization,
- Image Fusion and

Day 2 Image Processing Image Processing. Hands on Sessions

- N4 N8 ND neighbors - Feature extraction and - Kernel based operation.
- Kernel based Operation. matching. - Feature extraction and
- Erosion and Dilation. - Gradient. Matching
- Open close - Edge detection. - SIFT
- Cross Correlation - Line detection. - SURF
- HOG. - ORB
- Edge detection
- Corner detection
- Hough
Day 3 Computer vision Computer Vision Hands on Sessions
- Camera model. - 2D and 3D rigid/non rigid - Camera calibration
- Projective Geometry, transformation. - Affine transforms
- Homography. - Image Registration.
Day 4 Computer vision Computer Vision. Hands on Sessions
- Epipolar geometry - Structure from Motion -
- Stereo view 3d reconstruction - Multiview 3D reconstruction
- Stereo Corespondence - Bundle adjustment

Day 5 Machine Learning Machine Learning Hands on Sessions

- Introduction, - Gradient descent
- Supervised (Linear - Logistic Regression.
Regression) - Normalization.
- Costfunction - Regularization.
Day 6 Machine Learning Machine Learning Hands on Sessions
- KNN classifier - Unsupervised learning
- SVM classifier - Clustering (Kmeans, Elbow
- Naive Bayes, Random Forest, method, Meanshift)
Decision tree - Dimensionality Reduction
method (PCA)
Day 7 Deep Learning Deep Learning Hands on Sessions
- Basic Perceptron - Back Propagation - Introduction to Pytorch
- Artificial Neural Network - Normal ANN

Day 8 Deep Learning Deep Learning Hands on Sessions

- Convolutional Neural Network - Autoencoders, - CNN, Classifier
- Classification Task - GAN - AE, GAN,
- Transformer - Transformer

Day 9 PointCloud Processing, PointCloud Processing Hands on Sessions

- VoxelNet, - DGCNN - Open3D
- PointNet and PointNet++ - Implicit Functions.

Day Invited Talks on

10-16 - Computer Vision Applications
- Photogrammetry
- PointCloud Analysis
- Applications of AR/VR
- Deployments of Deep learning models on Edge device

Finalization of Project Problems

Project progress [Review on every Wednesday and Saturday]

Project final evaluation and distribution of certificates

Contact Details:
Email id:-

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