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Remote Sensing of Environment 237 (2020) 111523

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Letter to the editor

Comments on the published article: “Capability of Sentinel-2 data for estimating maximum T
evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements for tomato crop in central Italy” by S. Vanino et al.,
Remote Sensing of Environment, 215(2018), 452-470


Keywords: This short communication concerns errors in the albedo computation from Sentinel 2 in the article by S. Vanino
Albedo et al., “Capability of Sentinel-2 data for estimating maximum evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements for
Weighting coefficients tomato crop in Central Italy”, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 215, 2018, Pag. 452–470,
Sentinel-2 10.1016/j.rse.2018.06.035.

Dear Editor, atmospherically corrected. Since the authors are computing the
broadband surface albedo, the at-surface spectral solar irradiance
S. Vanino et al., published the article entitled “Capability of should be used, i.e. Esun after the atmospheric correction that is
Sentinel-2 data for estimating maximum evapotranspiration and irri- frequency dependent.
gation requirements for tomato crop in Central Italy” in Remote Sensing
of Environment, vol. 215, 2018, Pag. 452–470, Overall, using the coefficients of Table 3, the error on albedo esti-
1016/j.rse.2018.06.035, where, in the section 3.3.2. “Earth mation could be very significant, considering that the albedo range is
Observation products”, they computed the broadband surface albedo by between 0 and 1.
eq. 1. They derived the weighting coefficients to be applied to the
different Sentinel-2 bands, used for the albedo computation, reporting Declaration of competing interest
them in the Table 3 of the paper.
In this short communication, I would like to point out some short- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
comings in the proposed albedo computation: interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.
• The sum of the reported weighting coefficients (Table 3) applied to
the Sentinel 2 bands for the albedo estimation is 0.721 instead of 1. References
It is worth to note that this sum must be 1 to ensure the physical
meaning of the weighting coefficients and of the albedo value itself, Baldinelli, G., Bonafoni, S., Rotili, A., 2017. Albedo retrieval from multispectral landsat 8
as reported in literature (Tasumi et al., 2008; Ke et al., 2016; observation in urban environment: algorithm validation by in situ measurements.
IEEE J. Select. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 10 (10), 4504–4511. https://
Baldinelli et al., 2017).
Ke, Y., Im, J., Park, J.S., Gong, H., 2016. Downscaling of MODIS one kilometer evapo-
I understand that this mistake does not cause serious concerns on transpiration using landsat-8 data and machine learning approaches. Remote Sens. 8
(3), 215.
the soundness of the conclusions drawn in the paper by S. Vanino et al., Tasumi, M., Allen, R.G., Trezza, R., 2008. At-Surface reflectance and albedo from satellite
and this short communication is only a warning not to use the published for operational calculation of land surface energy balance. J. Hydrol. Eng. 13 (2),
weighting coefficients of Table 3 for albedo computation from Sentinel- 51–63. (2008)13:2(51).
2 data.
Stefania Bonafoni
• These coefficients are derived by means of Eq.2, with the values of Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti 93, 06125,
Perugia, Italy
the mean extra-terrestrial solar irradiance reported in the fourth
column of the cited Table 3, indicated with Esun. Therefore, the au- E-mail address:
thors used a solar radiation out of the atmosphere, i.e. not
Received 27 October 2019; Accepted 3 November 2019
Available online 21 November 2019
0034-4257/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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