Android Tip Calculator App Specs

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Android Tip Calculator App: Project Specifications

Phase 1:

The first screen will have a picture that has something to do with tipping, at a restaurant, bar, etc… Use
ImageView for this. The first screen should ask for the bill total and advise the user to only enter
numbers up to two decimal places. Place a button in the first screen that tells the user they will go to
another screen to enter the tip amount, like “Choose tip amount”. The application will need to take the
XML EditText variables and convert them into usable doubles for calculations.

In order to bring these variables into the next screens, you will need to use the intent.putExtra method.

Phase 2:

The second screen should consist of a field to enter a tip amount. It would also be helpful to the user to
have pre-determined tip amounts as buttons that will automatically fill the text area for the tip amount.
It would also be helpful to limit the tip percent to 2 decimal places to make it uniform with the first
screen. You need to make sure whatever amount is entered into the field is carried over properly to the
next screen using intent.putExtra. This will also be need to be done for the bill amount variable from the
first screen.

NOTE: it may be helpful for the user to put a separate TextView component with either $ or % based on
what they are entering next to the text field so they don’t try to enter those symbols. However, if you
use the correct component for the application which puts a decimal number format on the EditText
component, the user will not be able to enter any symbols anyway.

Phase 3:

The third screen should consist of a recap of all the values that were entered, which include dollar
amounts for the bill amount (without tip calculated), tip amount (in dollar format), and the total bill
amount which includes the tip. It is advised to use a NumberFormat money formatter so the values are
properly displayed in USD. A nice “thank you” at the end of the application to make it known that you
are grateful for the user using the app would be beneficial.


Change the layout background color along with the text color

Can use any applicable layout but recommended to use constrained layout

Testing: each main activity should be tested to make sure the variables are carrying over and being
converted properly. Use Toast to display the bill amount, tip amount, etc… on each screen.

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