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Import substitution in CAMEROON Any school system trains Entertainers,
managers and workers. In Cameroon for the last
This is the legacy sixty years, 90 percent of those trained have
been from the first two groups. 10 percent or
of President Paul less are workers. It is this last group that
Biya. It is a vision creates wealth. Jobs and development.
statement The change of education in Cameroon would be
in an effort to correct this error. (95 percent of
after the Emergence all the goods sold in our shops and super
2035 that was poorly markets are imported. The owners of those
understood by most shops have a hard time trying to meet even a 5
percent target with locally made goods. Why is it
Cameroonians. so? Because we produce or rather manufacture
Import Substitution nothing. We do not add value to anything before
is saying the same selling to others.
Import Substitution is a series of processes that
thing in different start from proper STEEM EDUCATION,
words. Industry and production of goods locally. We
need to produce at least 70 percent of all the
DR. NICK NGWANYAM, MD goods we are consuming in Cameroon. We
WWW.SLUI.ORG WHATSAPP 677764674 should import only machines, technology and
some high tech stuff
Emergence means that we have to train our youths It is an insult to us to be importing rice, wheat,
to be able to solve our problems themselves and to barley, oats, apples,, foods and their derivatives.
It is in this light that the work of the Cameroon
effectively deliver goods on the shelves ourselves. Wheat Development Cooperative Society
This means that special training should have started (CAWDEV-COOPBOD) with headquarter in Oku
well over ten years ago. By now, we would have had a Bui Division and other efforts currently round
good number of qualified Cameroonian youths ready the country are very welcome because they
meet a crucial need in the development history
to take on the challenges of our development efforts. of our nation Cameroon.
There is no way any of the above activities can happen Import Substitution is our wake up call. If we all
without proper training and application to industry understand it and do our home work dutifully,
Cameroon shall become a power house in Africa.
and production.
The economy of Cameroon is in the hands of
foreigners. We import almost everything we need and
export raw materials out of the nation. This has
created a negative trade balance for us as we have to
pay for imports with dollars.
This type of economy is very primitive. We can never
develop if we continue to do things in this manner. OP
That is why there are no jobs for youths, no wealth DEV-
creation and an up serge of violence everywhere. : CA
To effectively start to address our problems, we
must see where we went wrong and start to correct
In this light, I will say that our school systems need to FARMER OF THE MONTH
be changed in the primary, secondary and universities Name: Wirngo Hyacinth
Address: Diomkekwiy Mixed Farming CIG Oku, crops produced;
to train the youths with the right minds sets and skills Sunflower Wheat, barley, castor beans, potatoes, maize, beans,
cabbage and carrots.
to deliver. livestock production; Goats and local fowls.
Hobbies: Music and entertainment.

Scoring the nutritional benefits of consuming whole-wheat,
soybeans and sunflower oil for health, welfare and business.
This phenomenon is common in many rural
communities, first as a result of inadequate
information and proper follow up. It’s in rural
areas that much of these essential foods can easily
be grown.

This article lays more emphasis on the postnatal

period. After birth, mother and baby needs proper
food nutrients for their wellbeing and baby’s
development. These essential nutrients are
divided into two main groups: macro and micro
nutrients. Macro nutrients are nutritive
components needed by the body for energy and
maintenance of body’s structure. They include;
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. While micro
nutrients like vitamins and minerals are required
in lesser amounts for growth and development. It
The COE Group (Coalition of Enterprises) flying high
under the banner of Cameroon Wheat Development should be noted that these nutrients are gotten
Cooperative Society (CAWDEV-COOPBOD) is setting up primarily from the food we eat
a semi-factory unit in Oku-Bui Division, North West The advent of mass cultivation of wheat, soybeans
region of Cameroon. This coalition is into value added and sunflower in Oku community is a big relief to
products of the aforementioned crops for health, balance nutrition. Whole wheat has high nutritional
welfare and business, targeting child development in values as compared to corn greatly relied on. This
the immediate locality of Oku and environs, and alone, for example contains high amounts of
Cameroon at large. The enterprises involved are; carbohydrates (76%), proteins (14%), and fats
GROUPE-SUSA Oku, FENGEN Annex Douala, VIHS (2.0%), (reference WORLD CEREAL CHEMISTRY ).
LLC Stafford USA, C&S CHARITY USA, SALLY FARM Soybeans and sunflower oil are a wonderful
USA and FENGEN enterprise USA. complement. Below are some significant importance
of these foods to breastfeeding mothers and their
Coalition activities began mid 2023 with the babies.
creation and technical orientation of farming groups Proteins: it’s responsible for body function
and formal trainings of follow up technical volunteers at especially cell regeneration and stabilization of
the Cameroon Wheat Development Academy (CAWDA), blood sugar.
AMBI Polytechnic University Institute in Bamenda, Carbohydrates: provides extra calories per day to
Cameroon. Also is the linking of vibrant production support breastfeeding. Carbohydrates are a first
basin units for the supply of raw materials, the choice of energy. Its deficiency pushes lactating
surveying of target population and establishment of mothers to rely on conventional drugs that are
other relevant data. The human, material, financial, and more expensive and difficult to acquire. Some of
technical resources for this project are powered by the these drugs even have adverse effects on their
Cameroon Wheat Development Microfinance Institution health. This influences both the quantity and
(CAWDEV-MFI). quality of breast milk and thus the nutritional
health status of the baby. Consuming whole
Healthy human food is simply food that has the right wheat, soybeans, and sunflower oil provide the
nutrient materials that our bodies need to stay healthy
necessary energy, support immune system
and feel well, thus provides our bodies with the
required energy to go about our daily activities. Another
function, and help build hormones and
special category of persons whose needs require neurotransmitters.
healthy food are women during pregnancy. This Micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are vital
period’s food support is very essential to boost body to aid disease prevention and wellbeing.
health during prenatal and postnatal stages. Each stage The COE Group therefore is leaving no stone
is expected to serve a positive experience as it enables unturned to accomplish this dream of
mothers and their babies to reach their full potential for participating in the enhancement of community
health and well-being. Therefore eating the right food healthcare which at the same time creates a big
during this crucial moment is important for both the and reliable business opportunity for her food
health of a woman and that of her baby. This can be products. Any interested partner can request to
achieved by eating the right amount and mix of join us.
nutrients food. Eating right generally spares everyone
from spending money on conventional drugs and reduce By Sarah Fombe (COE Group) and Ngujio
hospitalizations due to complications gotten from poor Babey (Antenatal health care promoter
nutrition like anemia, marasmus etc inchirldren.

Wheat production trends, challenges, and future prospects
around Kilum/Ijim mountain in the Bamenda Highlands
As more rural farmers continue to focus on its 2. Limited Access to Credit and Technology:
cultivation, wheat production has a big economic Small-scale farmers struggle with access to inexpensive
influence on the populations living along the Kilum/Ijim loans and cutting-edge farming techniques. This restricts their
mountain slopes in the North West Region of Cameroon. ability to spend money on necessary machinery, supplies, and
In this essay, wheat farming in this 3000 masl that equipment. Targeted financial assistance and the promotion of
stretches along the Kilum/Ijim mountain's slopes is farmer-oriented loan programs, like CAWDEV-MFI, are
projected economically. Nearly a million people live in required to address this issue.
this large farming region, which spans the big Fondoms 3. Post-Harvest Management:
of Oku, Nso, and kom of the Bui and Boyo Divisions of the It is difficult for wheat growers to preserve the quality of their
North West Region of Cameroon and is home to fertile product due to inadequate storage and processing facilities.
volcanic farmland covering tens of thousands of acres. To avoid post-harvest losses brought on by pests, illnesses,
Focus is on local experiences of wheat farmers. and poor weather, proper storage infrastructure is essential
Considering these practices, challenges, and future (Madden et al., 2016). Additionally, the lack of processing
prospects is attached valuable insights on the dynamics facilities restricts value addition, which would otherwise
of wheat production and its impact on the local economy provide wheat producers in these areas with more stable
revenue options.
Current trends;
Conclusion, Perspectives and Recommendations
Over the past three years, this wheat belt has grown Thanks to the work of traditional authorities and CAWDEV-
steadily, largely due to favorable meteorological COOPBOD, wheat production is increasing along the
circumstances and rising consumer demand for products Kilum/Ijim mountain slopes and has a smaller negative
made from wheat (Lobell et al., 2014). Local farmers are impact on the highly protected mountain forest. For
gradually shifting their focus away from some traditional continuous and stable growth, however, issues like climate
food crops to wheat production in rotation in light of its variability, restricted access to capital and technology, and
high nutritional potential and commercial value chain as inadequate infrastructure must be addressed. This
they start to grasp wheat's potential as a lucrative cash agroecological environment can unlock the full potential of
crop. its wheat production sector and ensure a prosperous future
for farmers and the local economy by putting into practice
In these areas, the employment of more advanced strategic interventions like strengthening farmers
farming methods and technologies is increasingly cooperatives, investing in research and extension services,
evident. For instance, some farmers have adopted improving market access, and promoting climate resilience.
precision farming techniques, aiming to improve
irrigation and fertilizer delivery through soil testing and It is crucial to start addressing these issues and take
data-driven methodologies. According to projections, advantage of future opportunities by other local
this will boost productivity and enhance resource development organizations like the North West Regional
efficiency. Assembly and municipal councils in order to guarantee the
long-term growth and sustainability of wheat produced here.
Additionally, there is increased interest in the utilization Here are some suggestions for the evolution of wheat.
of wheat cultivars that are both high-yielding and
disease-resistant. Local farmers in these regions have Strengthen farmer Cooperatives: Increasing the number
joined forces in large numbers with CAWDEV-COOPBOD of farmer cooperatives can increase productivity and give
in order to receive better seed types from IRAD that are them more negotiating leverage. In order to help farmers
suited to the region's climatic and soil characteristics. overcome individual constraints and achieve economies of
This is believed to increase yields and raise the caliber of scale, mother wheat cooperatives like the Cameroon Wheat
wheat grown in these areas and nearby. Development Cooperative society (CAWDEV-COOPBOD) can
promote access to capital, technology, and markets.
Major challenges
Despite the effort made through technical and other Research and Extension Services: Extension agencies,
resource orientations, wheat farming around kilum/Ijim uprising farming groups, and CAWDEV-COOPBOD can work
mountain continue encounter several challenges that together to create and disseminate locally tailored
impact productivity and profitability. These challenges technologies and the best sustainable practices for the area.
are unique to the local context and require tailored In order to provide farmers with the most recent
solutions for sustainable growth. Some of the key information, this includes the introduction of better wheat
challenges faced by wheat farmers of this agroecological varieties, additional training programs, and knowledge-
environment include: sharing platforms.

1. Climate Variability:
These areas are going through climate changes, new
pests, and never-before-seen rainfall patterns. Wheat
output is at risk because early drought in early October
and/or continuous rain starting in mid-July are changing
the schedule of commonly increased rain fed irrigated
schemes, which start in mid-July and ends in mid-
December. Farmers are urged to adopt the planting
calendar in the national weather forecast almanac. y
putting these climate-smart technologies into practice,
together with sound agricultural methods like water
management and the adoption of drought-tolerant
varieties, the situation can be significantly improved.
Photo credit: environmental photos.
Market Access and Value Addition: A ready market for
their products can be created by establishing connections
between wheat growers and the food processing Water Management:
businesses. Encouragement of local fabrication of agro-
processing equipment can promote value addition, broaden
Farmers in Cameroon's semiarid and arid regions
the range of available products, and boost farmer income are beginning to use water-saving technology such as
(Anderson et al., 2015). For local farmers of wheat and drip irrigation and moisture monitors to optimize
closely related crops including barley, sunflower, water usage. These strategies aid in reducing water
soyabeans, and castor beans, CAWDEV-COOPBOD stands waste, increasing crop productivity, and slowing the
tall as a market. loss of local water supplies. This obligation promotes
the use of aquatic habitats as alternative solutions and
Crop resilience: Promoting the use of climate-smart ensures water supply for future generations.
agricultural techniques, such as crop diversification and
the use of adaptable varieties, is known as "climate
resilience." This can protect farmers' livelihoods and
reduce the dangers brought on by climatic variability
(Lobell et al., 2014).
Basilius Tatah (CAWDEV-COOPBOD President) and
Yong Clinton Nying (Agribusiness Technician)

Sustainable farming:
A path to environmental stewardship
As the world's population grows, so does the
need for food, putting tremendous strain on Photo: CAWDEV-COOPBOD
agricultural systems. Sustainable farming
approaches must be mixed in this context to
maintain food security while minimizing Integrated Pest Management:
environmental effect for long-term sustainability. Chemical pesticides used inappropriately can impact the
This article focuses on sustainable wheat growing environment, food productivity, soil contamination, and
practices, including specific examples from the Oku beneficial creatures. In Cameroon, the Ministry of
wheat scheme in Bui Division, North West Region, Agriculture and Rural Development has remained steadfast
and Cameroon in general. Farmers are in its commitment to immediate actions to protect the
contributing to environmental stewardship and the quantity of food crops threatened by unethical pest
long-term viability of wheat agriculture in these management techniques. This crackdown has prompted
farms to embrace more integrated pest management
sections of the country by using these techniques.
practices. It entails the use of natural pest management
Conservation Agriculture: technologies such biopesticides, crop rotation, and the
Conservation agriculture is based on three creation of beneficial insect habitats. Farmers safeguard
pollinators, preserve biodiversity, and ensure food safety by
fundamental principles: minimal soil reducing their usage of synthetic pesticides.
disturbance, permanent soil cover, and diverse
crop rotations. Farmers are using minimum Community Engagement and Knowledge Sharing:
tillage techniques, such as strip tillage or no-till
Collective efforts and knowledge exchange are the most
farming, to decrease soil erosion caused by the
effective ways to implement sustainable farming
mountainous topography of the Oku Mountain techniques. Local farming organizations, such as
production area. This method is thought to CAWDEV-COOPBOD, and agricultural extension agencies
promote water retention, preserve soil structure, are critical in distributing information about sustainable
increase organic matter content, and improve methods. These platforms promote the exchange of ideas,
overall soil health. experiences, and best practices, enabling farmers to
Rural farmers in Cameroon are directly and make educated decisions and implement environmentally
friendly techniques. More awareness campaigns and
indirectly protecting the delicate balance for
workshops can be conducted to promote sustainable
sustainable agricultural environments by farming methods and encourage farmer participation.
reducing soil disturbance.
Crop Rotation and Diversification: Sustainable wheat farming practices, in particular, are
Crop rotation is an essential component of critical to ensuring environmental stewardship and long-
sustainable wheat cultivation. The Cameroon Wheat term agricultural productivity--as demonstrated by the
Development Cooperative Society CAWDEV- Oku wheat scheme project in Bui Division, North West
COOPBOD promotes this approach through its Region of Cameroon. In general, farmers are steadily
teaching initiatives by encouraging wheat growing embracing more sustainable techniques to mitigating
environmental problems.
in rotation with leguminous plants such as beans or
Farmers are playing an important role in maintaining
soybeans. Because they improve natural soil natural resources, safeguarding biodiversity, and assuring
fertility, such legumes feed the soil with nitrogen, the future of wheat farming through conservation
minimizing the demand for synthetic fertilizers. agriculture, crop rotation, water management, organic
Furthermore, crop diversification not only pest control, and community engagement. Prioritizing
minimizes pest and disease impact but also these sustainable practices can help to make the
promotes biodiversity and resilience in the agricultural sector more resilient and sustainable.
agricultural landscape. By Yong Clinton Nying
Agribusiness technician
Decreased risk of stroke:
Wheat in nutrition Eating whole grains every day has been found
Wheat is the best of the cereal crops that provides
to lower the risk of stroke by 14% than those
more nourishment for humans than any other food
eating the fewer.
source. Wheat is a major diet component because of
Promotes gastrointestinal health in women:
the wheat plant's agronomic adaptability, ease of grain
Wheat is Rich in fiber and helps with smoother
storage and ease of converting grain into flour for
digestion. This means that the body requires
making edible, palatable, interesting and satisfying
lesser acid bile secretion to break down the food
foods. Wheat is very important in human diet and
and pass it along. As a result, there is lesser
livestock feed.
acid bile secretion and enzymes in the stool.
This can prevent colon cancer from occuring and
Wheat is a good source of carbohydrates, which is very
in general promotes better gastrointestinal
important to our system. Carbohydrates provide energy
health especially in women (
to humans and our animals to carry out daily activities. REFERENCES
Wheat in health ( wheat grain Feedipedia
For example, using wheat bran to feed our animals (Internet),Feedipedia.Org.2016.
provides them with enough energy to mate and Wheat in health ( Medical author: Rohini Radha Krishnan,ENT
Head and Neck Surgeon. Medical Reviewer: Pallavi Suyog Uttekar, MD.
carryout reproduction and respiration.
Compiled by;
Also, wheat is source of proteins, which helps us to MBIVLUNG ELIOT KINYUY
reproduce, repair worn-out tissues and improve our
immunity. Record keeping is the live
Source of minerals, such as iron,magnesium, wire of business.
phosphorus, zinc helps in muscle contractions,
maintaining your body's PH balance, building bones
and teeth. Photo: CAWDEV-COOPBOD
All these nutrients found in wheat go a long way to
help animals and humans carryout their activities

Wheat in health
Wheat has many health benefits such as;
Controls obesity:
Although wheat is known for controlling
obesity, this benefit is far more active in women
than in men. Consuming whole wheat products on
Fondzenyuf Danita Kirnyuy, HICM student on
a regular basis can really help patients suffering internship at CAWDWV-COOPBOD.
from obesity and can lead to considerable weight
My name is Fondzenyuf Danita Kirnyuy, and I am
a 19-year-old accounting student currently pursuing
Prevents breast cancer: a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting
Wheat bran is an anticarcinogenic agent in women, and finance at the Higher Institute of Commerce and
which means that it counteracts the effects of Management, University of Bamenda, Cameroon. My
carcinogenic and prevents certain types of cancer. parents instilled in me as a child that doing things
When estrogen levels increase and reach an excessive was more important than knowing them. As a result,
level, it leads to breast cancer. Wheat bran optimizes I grew up eager to learn and practice whatever I had
estrogen levels so that they stay controlled at all times, the opportunity to accomplish. As an accounting
thus preventing breast cancer.
student, I had the opportunity to intern at the
Reduces chronic inflammation: Bamenda Police Cooperative Credit Union and the
Chronic inflammation basically refers to any Cameroon Wheat Development Cooperative Society.
inflammation that has lasted for a few months. It can This taught me valuable lessons about business setup
be caused due to many reasons such as a reaction to a and the need of record keeping in business
harmful stimulus or a problem within the immune performance, which has helped to modify my career
system. Though it may not sound like a serious ambitions of being a practicing accountant. I feel
problem, it can lead to certain types of cancer.
compelled to commence on the creation of a
Fortunately, chronic inflammation is something that
can be controlled with wheat. Wheat contains betaine, practical and simple financial records system
which not only reduces inflammation but also helps suitable for farm-based firms. This, I believe, will
with other ailments such as heart disease, type 2 create a new order of employment chances for many
diabetes. accountants if adopted by agricultural cooperatives,
.Aids digestion: as agriculture accounts for the majority of our
The fiber in wheat grains can support healthy economy. In addition, efforts are being made to
digestion by adding bulk to stools, prevents
establish a management information system that will
constipation, and helps eliminate bad gut bacteria.
Decreased risk of type 2 diabetes: Eating wheat which track correct data that will complement accounting
is a fiber- rich grain help with weight control and information, making it more useful to both farmers
prevent obesity, which are risk factors for diabetes. and farming companies. I'm excited to expand my
Magnesium which is a mineral in grains helps the body project model into a full-fledged management
metabolize carbohydrates in the body. consulting firm that will serve as both a service
provider and an employer. My ambition extends
beyond learning and practicing record keeping to
simple adaptable inventions for future prospects.

Projection of yields from quantity of seeds sown:
wheat demonstration farm at CAWDEV-COOPBOD secretriat OKU, BUI Division

Accurate crop yield

prediction based on
the number of seeds
actually sown is a
critical component of
productivity. By
considering a number
of variables, including
the quantity of seeds
used for growing, the
yield of wheat may be
calculated analytically.
However, it's crucial to
remember that
estimating the precise Photo: CAWDEV-COOPBOD
yield from seed
-CO OPBO quantity is difficult
o: CA because wheat
farming involves a Volume of seeds per meter length=50
Sakghe Anita Suifeyin , COLTECH
wide range of grains,
student on internship at CAWDWV- variables that can Volume of seeds per m²=200 grains,
affect productivity.
Volume of seeds per Ha=>
These elements include soil (200×10.000)
fertility, climate, farming methods, =2.000.000grains
disease, and pest control. Be aware If 1 grain produces on average 3 tillers,
that theoretical yield and actual yield And if 1 tiller yields 30 grains
may differ.Several parameters are Then 3tillers=> (30×3)
considered while calculating yield =90grains8
from seed quantity. Therefore, 1m²=> (200×90) =18000
The first step is to calculate the seed grains
density, or the number of seeds per Then 1ha=> 10.000m² =
hectare. The quantity of seeds is also (18.000×10.000) =180.000.000 grains.
very important in determining the 1 kg of wheat contains approximately
yield. Here, we calculate the quantity 30.000 grains.
of seeds per unit volume. The Therefore 180.000.000grains will
determination of yield is also weigh 180.000.000÷30.000= 6.000 kg.
influenced by germination rate. This If 1000 kg =1 ton
shows the proportion of seeds that will Then 6.000 kg= 6 tons
really sprout and grow into strong
From this analysis, 1 ha piece of land
plants. Last but not least, yield is
will yield 6 tons of wheat cereal
calculated, and yield is mostly reliant
provided environmental factors like
on seed quantity. Given that one meter
can hold four rows, the following
(wind, drought, erosion, humidity,
mathematical projection shows how
temperature etc) are favourable, good
much wheat can be produced from a soil fertility, pests (rats, birds,
piece of land of one hectare using seed cutworms) and diseases are adequate
quantities placed at intervals of 25 cm ly controlled.
between rows and 2 cm between


Every interaction is a chance to leave a lasting impact. When you encounter someone for the first time, pause.
Instead of immediately presenting your needs or demands, take a genuine interest in them. Listen to their
stories, learn about their passions, and try to understand their journey.

Why? Because people remember how you made them feel. If you rush to your demands, you may come across as
self-centered. But if you connect, show genuine interest, and form a bond first, you lay the foundation for trust
and understanding.

This isn't just about making friends or networking. It's about building relationships that are sincere and
meaningful. By giving others the space to be heard, you're not only showing respect, but you're also
demonstrating that you value the person behind the words.

For our youth, this lesson is especially vital. In a world where everything is fast-paced, and instant gratification
is the norm, slowing down to truly connect can set you apart. It's the simple, thoughtful acts that often leave
the deepest imprints.

So, as you step out and engage with the world, remember: Build bridges, not barriers. Every conversation is an
opportunity to learn, to connect, and to grow. Cherish it. And in doing so, you'll find that the world responds to
you with the same warmth and kindness.

Dr Richard Munang
Multiple Award Winning Environment and Development pOolicy Thought Leader

Hello young job seekers!

Try this; "Choose any convenient activity related to what is consumed and start investing in it gradually.
Overtime, the activity shall bring in huge returns to you because what is consumed drives a potential
segment of every economy."
Thanks for making a try. KUDOS.

Dr Ghogomu Hysen



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