HP 20

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Patient name: Marilyn sue stone

Patient id: 116588

Age: 50

Room no:181 A

Date of admission: 7 feb

Admitting physician: Jesse d. smith , orthopedic

Admititing diagnosis: chronic hip pain

History of present illness: patient is a candidate. She has 2 years of red blood cells. she does have
hepatitis b. She had right hipper many years ago by dr university of she has had multiple other surgical
procedure. A. she had bilateral foot surgery in past. She has left hip surgery a year ago. C. she had right
foot surgery in past. She have left foot surgery in by dr sumith . She had right hand surgery 28 years ago.
She had left hip surgery 26 years ago. 17 years she had left hip 2 stage procedure complete in 15 years
ago. She has left hip revision 132 years ago.

Social history: she works in medical field. She is single.

She has hepatitis a for antibodies

Allergies: patient is allergic to Demerol.

Medication include sperlemton 25 mll, 2.5 per day. Brothemyl

Review of Systems: Head, eyes near and nose . Cardiopulmonary no history of cardiac, chest pain,
shortness of breath. Musculoskeletal

Present illness: neurologic history of migrate headaches otherwise in normal minutes.

She is here with her brother. She has great difficulty of moving. Vital signs show she has 98 percent
saturation. Her neck moves well. Breast normal without masses, Chest clear to anp. Heart regular
rhythm s1 and s 2 normal. Abdomen soft, non-tender, no organomegaly .

Extremities: Her ankle do not flex she has bloat up heels but right hip flex ap docs 10 degrees, ad docs 5
degree. Her left hip flex 10 degrees ap 10 degrees, ad 10 degree. She has no rotation nor hip both are fix
in 5 degrees external rotation.

Neurologic: cranial nerves are normal 2 to 3 normal

Assessment: in general hip disease in failure right toe hip placement.

Jassy D sumith , md , orthopedic


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