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Worlds in Words

By: Gia Grewal

2In the golden haze of a Wednesday morning, the foreign exchange students, Kaito and

Naoki, arrived like butterflies gracing our school. Their presence was a burst of color in our

routine. On the first day, after a tainted feast at Brothers, we ventured into the world of

volleyball, teaching them our chants. Laughter echoed as we devoured ice cream, the sweetness

of newfound friendships lingering in the air.

Thursday dawned with a surprise breakfast, the aroma of waffles and sausages mingling

with our excitement. Together, we indulged in ice cream and soccer, the language of friendship

transcending words. The day melted into an evening of Rasputin dances and intricate origami,

crafting delicate paper cranes and frogs under the crescent moon.

Friday, a day of cultural exchange, saw Kaito and Naoki teaching us Japanese in Spanish

class. The rhythm of their words harmonized with ours, creating a melody of languages. The day

soared into a rally, where we stood united, their fans twirling like symbols of unity. Bowling

balls collided, laughter reverberated, and Minecraft worlds were built, merging our realities into


Saturday, under the city lights of San Francisco, we shared hotdogs and dreams, lost a

hotdog to a seagull's swoop, and painted our faces with memories. The night turned into a disco,

our moves synchronizing with the beats, the dance floor a canvas of joy.

Sunday whispered farewells among the corn stalks of Del Osso farms. In haunted

darkness, Kaito's "Bye" echoed like a haunting melody. A Japanese feast filled our senses, miso

soup warming our hearts. As the night deepened, we defied sleep, immersing ourselves in games

and anime until dawn.

Monday morning was tear-streaked as we bid farewell. Our shared world had expanded in those

fleeting days, their presence painting our lives with vibrant hues. Their words, like stardust, had

woven a tale of friendship we would cherish forever.

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