Semester-1 - Chemistry Stream - Mid+end Paper

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Department of Electrical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur.

End Semester Examination

Time: 90 Minutes First Semester B. Tech. (EE) Max. Marks: 35
Subject – EEL101: Electrical Engineering
Instructions to the candidates:
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
3. Illustrate your answer wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4. Use of non-programmable electronic calculator is permitted.
5. All the digits in the last column indicate the maximum marks for that question.

Q.1 a) Find the current in each resistor of the circuit shown in figure using Kirchoff’s law. 3

b) Explain the following terms :- (1) Residual flux (2) Coercive Force
(3) Hysteresis loss (4) Eddy current losses
c) A 3 Φ delta connected load each phase of which has a capacitive reactance of 30 Ω in
series with a resistance of 40 Ω is fed from the star connected secondary of a 3Φ
transformer. The transformer secondary has a phase voltage of 231 volts. Draw the circuit
diagram of the system and find (i) Voltage across each phase of the load, (ii) Current in
each phase of the load, (iii) Total active power taken from the supply.
Q.2 a) The primary and secondary windings of a 50 KVA, 6600/220 V transformer have
CO2 resistance of 7.8 Ω and 0.0085 Ω and reactance of 12.87 Ω and 0.014 Ω respectively. The
transformer draws a NO load current of 0.328 A at a power factor of 0.3 lagging. Calculate 4
the efficiency and voltage regulation at full load and at half load assuming load power
factor to be 0.8 lagging.
b) Draw the phasor diagram of a transformer operating at lagging power factor, considering
CO2 the voltage drops in the resistances & leakage reactances. 2
Q.3 a) Draw the Torque Vs Speed characteristics for 3Φ induction motor for R2 = 0.2X2 & R2 = X2 2
CO4 b) A 3Φ induction motor having star connected rotor, has an induced emf of 50 V between
the slip rings at standstill on open circuit. The rotor has resistance and reactance per phase
of 0.5 Ω & 4.5 Ω respectively. Find the rotor current per phase and power factor at start if
CO4 2
(i) Slip rings are short circuited. (ii) Slip rings are connected to a star connected rheostat of
4 Ω per phase. Comment upon the two cases with respect to starting torque.
c) A 100 HP, 3 phase, 6 pole, 50 Hz induction motor has rotor impedance of (0.02+j0.15) Ω
CO4 per phase at standstill. Full load torque is obtained at 4 % slip. Calculate: (i) Full load speed 2
(ii) Frequency of rotor current at full load. (iii) Speed at which maximum torque occurs.
(iv) External resistance per phase to be inserted in the rotor circuit to get maximum torque
at starting.
Q.4 a) What is the need of starter in case of DC motors? Explain 3 point starter in brief. 3
CO4 b) A 200 V, DC shunt motor having armature resistance 0.4 Ω and shunt field resistance of
CO4 100 Ω drives a load at 500 rpm taking 27 A. It is desired to run the motor at 700 rpm. 3
Assuming the load torque to be constant, find the value of resistance to be used as field
regulator. Neglect saturation.
Q.5 a) What is the problem with the starting of 1Φ Induction motor? How is it overcome? 2
CO4 b) State the different types of 1Φ Induction motors, giving one application of each. 2
CO4 c) A moving coil instrument gives full-scale deflection with 15 mA and has a resistance of 5
ohms. Explain how this instrument can be used as :- (i) An ammeter to read upto 1 Amp. 2
(ii) A voltmeter to read upto 100 volts.
CO3 d) Write notes on (any one) (i) PMMC Instrument (ii) Moving Iron Instrument. 2
B.TECH. - 1st Year / Even Semester
Mid Semester Examination (January-2021)
Time: 1 Hour Subject- CHEMISTRY (CHL-101) Max Marks-25
Instructions: Answer all questions.
Assume Suitable data wherever necessary.
Diagrams & chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
1. Answer the following questions: 1×5=5
a) Discuss the role of Conc. HNO3 and dil. HNO3 in term of making corrosion for an Iron surface.
b) What is over potential? How does over potential influence corrosion?
c) What happens if even a small amount of MgCl2 is present in boiler feed water. Discuss with suitable reactions.
d) What is Breakpoint Chlorination? Discuss its importance for water treatment with suitable graphical
e) It is given for a water sample [P] > ½ [M], derive the expressions for the type of alkalinity and calculate the
volume of required HCl in terms of [P] and [M].
2. Answer the following questions: 2 × 5= 10
a) What do you mean by (i) Waterline Corrosion (ii) Caustic Embrittlement? Discuss with suitable chemical
reaction and diagram wherever applicable.

b) Draw a well labeled diagram for the followings:

i) Anodic Protection and ii) Demineralization process using ion exchange resin.

c) Which of the following oxide coating will be protective and why?

Sl. Oxide density Atomic weight Metal density
No. (g/cc) of metal (g/cc)
1 MgO 3.65 24.31 1.74
2 Al2O3 3.7 27.0 2.7

d) A voltaic cell consists of a copper electrode in a solution of copper (II) ions and a palladium electrode in a
solution of palladium (II) ions. The palladium is the cathode and its standard reduction potential is 0.951 V. (a)
Write the half-reaction that occurs at the anode. (b) If E° of cell is 0.609 V, what is the standard reduction
potential for the oxidation half-reaction?

e) Discuss the methods for (i) Phosphate and (ii) Calgon conditioning for boiler trouble with suitable chemical

3. Analysis of a given water sample gave the following results: Ca(HCO3)2 = 40.5 ppm, Mg(HCO3)2 = 36.5 ppm,
MgSO4 = 30 ppm, CaSO4 = 34 ppm, CaCl2 = 27.75 ppm and NaCl = 10 ppm.
a) Give values of temporary and permanent hardness in ppm CaCO 3 equivalent and ° Clark.
b) Calculate the amount of lime and soda used for softening 20,000 L of water. Given purity of lime is 84% and
purity of soda is 92%.
c) Calculate the volume of 0.01 (M) EDTA required to titrate 10 mL of same water sample using EBT as indicator.
d) The hardness of 15,000 L of above water sample was completely removed by passing it through a zeolite
softener. The zeolite softener required 100 L of NaCl solution for regeneration. Calculate the concentration of
the NaCl solution.
[2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 10]

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Mid Semester Examination
January 2021
Branch and Year: 1st Semester, B. Tech. (W, X, Y, Z, N Section)
Course: CSL101 Computer Programming
Duration: 60 minutes Max. Marks: 25

Note: Assume any suitable/missing data.

Credit reserved for neat comments/ to the point answers

1.(a) Assume that the user enters the numbers in Base-6 format. Write a program to add two Base-6 5
numbers and display the result in Base-6.
Ex: Input: First number with base 6: 24
Second number with base 6: 45
Addition of 24 and 45 in base 6 =113

2. Consider two input integers x and y (assume x < y), write a C program to check if these two integers 4
are the alternate terms (like 1st and 3rd, in general, Kth and (k+2)th etc.) in Fibonacci series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …
For example:
1. Input: x = 5, y = 13
Output: yes
2. Input: x = 5, y = 21
Output: no

3. An electric power distribution company charges its domestic consumers as follows: 2.5
Consumption Units & Types Rate of Charge
0 – 200 (A) Rs. 0.50 per unit
201 – 400 (B) Rs. 100 plus Rs. 0.65 per unit excess of 200
401 – 600 (C) Rs. 230 plus Rs. 0.80 per unit excess of 400
601 and above(D) Rs. 390 plus Rs. 1.00 per unit excess of 600

Write a program that reads the power consumed and prints the amount to be paid by the customer
with their type A, B, C or D.

4. Write a program that reads the grades (grades are between 1-10) of a student in three subjects. If all 2.5
grades are greater than or equal to 5, The program should display them in ascending order. Otherwise,
the program should display their average.

5. Write a program to convert binary number to decimal number. Write a function “convert” for 3
conversion. Input is to be entered by user as integer.
6. Find the sum of first n terms of the following series, by defining a function. n is taken as input from 3
the user.

7. Consider a box pattern n×n, where n is odd and all the elements are filled with 1s. Now you need to 5
create a diamond shape at the centre of this box and fill it with the number. This number can be any
integer number.
Enter the size of the box: 9
Enter the number to fill the shape: 3
1 1 1 3 1 1 1
1 1 3 3 3 1 1
1 3 3 3 3 3 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 3 3 3 3 3 1
1 1 3 3 3 1 1
1 1 1 3 1 1 1
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
End Semester Examination
March 2021
Branch and Year: 1st Semester, B. Tech. (W, X, Y, Z, N Section)
Course: CSL101 Computer Programming
Duration: 90 minutes Max. Marks: 35

Note: Assume any suitable/missing data.

Credit reserved for neat comments/ to the point answers

1. State True/ False. Justify your answer i.e., if True/ False why. 2

A. Variable name „gross@salary‟ is valid.

B. int typedef=5; is valid statement.
C. Array is unbounded.
D. int b=1234.5%10; is valid statement.
2. Write a program to find the sum of principal diagonal elements and the sum of elements above 3
and below principal diagonal in a given square matrix.
For Example: If the matrix is as follows:
Sum of Principal diagonal elements=13
Sum of elements above principal diagonal=22
Sum of elements below principal diagonal=28
3. Write a program which accepts a number n, and then finds the sum of the integers from 0 to 1 3
then from 1 to 2, then from 1 to 3, then 1 to 4, and so forth until it displays the sum of the
integers from 1 to n. For example, if the input is 5, the output will be 1,3,6,10,15.
4. Write a program to create a structure “employee” with the member variables for employee id, 5
name, date of joining, department, and salary. Write a function to read hundred employee
details. Write a separate function to display the employee id, department and the grade of the
employee based on salary as follows:
Employees whose salary is more than 80000 falls under Grade A
Employees whose salary is between 40000 and 80000 falls under Grade B
Employees whose salary is between 20000 and 40000 falls under Grade C
Employees whose salary is less than 20000 falls under Grade D.
5. Rule for a special kind of the addition and multiplication are defined as follows: 5

i) multiplication and addition works digit by digit

ii) multiplication is done by taking the smaller of the two digits.
iii) Addition is done by taking the larger of the two digits
For example, 1 * 3 = 1 and 7 * 4 = 4. And 7+3=7 and 4+5=5
* 248
+ 122
There are no carries. Your task is to write a recursive function that returns the multiplication
for the given two numbers. These numbers may have different number of digits in them to be
entered by the user.
Write a program to find two elements in the array such that difference between them is largest.
Accept the integer array from the user.
7. Write a function called findString to determine if one character string exists inside another 5
string. The first argument to the function should be the character string that is to be searched
and the second argument is the string you are interested in finding. If the function finds the
specified string, have it return the location in the source string where the string was found. If
the function does not find the string, have it return –1.
For example:
For function, findString ("a chatterbox", "hat")
It searches the string "a chatterbox" for the string "hat".
Because "hat" does exist inside the source string, the function returns
Location= 3 to indicate the starting position inside the source string where "hat" was found.
Note: You are not allowed to use inbuilt string library functions
8. A student record system can be implemented as an array of structures, where each element of 7
the array represents a student record. Each student record has fields roll-number & first-name.
For example,
R011 Amit
R045 Shubham
R089 Laxmi

where “R011”is roll number and “Amit” is student name(Assume range of roll numbers
from R001 to R100).
Write a function that takes two different sorted arrays of student records as input (records
are sorted according to roll numbers). Two student records are assumed to be same if roll
number & first-name are exactly same. Note that the same student record may be present
in both arrays. The function should create a third array and MERGE all records from the
two INPUT SORTED arrays in sorted manner so that there are no repetitions of records in
third array. You can freely use any library functions.
Mid Sessional Examination Jan-2021
Subject: EEL101: Electrical Engineering
Time: 1 Hour Max. Marks: 25
Instruction: Assume suitable data whenever required.
Q.No. Question Marks CO
1 a) Give the comparison between electric circuit and magnetic circuit, 02
clearly indicating their similarities and dissimilarities. CO2
b) A cast steel ring having cross-sectional area of 5 cm2 and a mean
diameter of 25 cm is wound uniformly with a coil of 600 turns. Calculate
(i) The current required to produce a flux of 0.5 m Wb in the ring.
(ii) The current required to produce the same flux when an air gap of 03
0.2 cm is made in the ring.
(iii) How many extra Ampere-Turns are required due to air gap?
Magnetization characteristics of cast steel is as follows:
B(Wb/m2) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
H(AT/m) 175 300 450 600 850 1250 1500
2 Find I shown in the Fig. 1?

05 CO1

Fig. 1 Fig.2
3 For the series ac circuit shown in Fig. 2 with the indicated values of voltages and
current, find the values of (i) R (ii) r (iii) L (iv) Magnitude and phase angle of the 05 CO2
applied voltage, VS (v) Draw the phasor diagram.
4 For the circuit shown in Fig. 3, Calculate (a) current through each branch 05
(b) Power consumed by the circuit CO2

Fig. 3
5 (a) In the network shown in Fig. 4, Determine (i) Current I (ii) Voltage 02
across 5 Ω resistor. CO2

Fig. 4 Fig. 5
(b) In the network shown in Fig. 5, use source transformation to find the 03
current through and voltage across 5 Ω resistor.
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
Department of Chemistry
B.Tech 1st Semester
End Semester Examination (March 2021)
Course: Applied Chemistry (CHL-101)
Duration: 60 minutes Maximum Marks: 25
Important Instructions:
• Write your name and roll no. on the answer sheet and give page numbering to all the
sheets. Give proper file name (roll number_short course name/date; e.g. Z081_CHM)
after scanning and combining the pdf file of answer sheets.
• Answer all parts of a question together, Diagrams, chemical reaction, construction of
cells should be written, wherever necessary.

1. i) “Caustic embrittlement, a type of boiler corrosion is mainly caused due to the creation of
potential difference”. Comment on the statement with the representative electrochemical cell, if

ii) A water sample is not alkaline to phenolphthalein (does not show pink color). 100 ml of
sample when titrated with N/50 HCl required 18 ml to produce methyl orange end-point.
Determine the type and the extent of alkalinity of the water sample.

iii) A water sample on analysis gave the following results: Ca(HCO3)2 = 259.2 ppm, Mg(HCO3)2
= 87.6 ppm, CaCl2 = 111 ppm, MgSO4 = 180 ppm, MgCl2 = 71.25 ppm, NaCl = 4.5 ppm and
turbidity = 120 ppm. 90000 liters of this water was softened using NaAlO2 @ 20 ppm, 99% pure
lime and 90% pure soda. On the basis of the aforesaid data calculate: a) Calcium hardness and
Magnesium hardness b) Quantities of lime and soda required for cold softening. [2+1.5+1.5]

2. i) Why does the retardation of rusting occur on addition of NaOH to the water in which the
iron is immersed? Explain with suitable chemical reaction, if any.

ii) Explain why the alkali and alkaline earth metals suffer extensive oxidation even at low
temperatures, whereas at high temperature all the metals (except Ag, Au, Pt) are oxidized?

iii) Write the representation of Daniell cell. Write down each half cell reaction and net cell
reaction for the same. Calculate the standard reduction potential of the reduction electrode, if the
equilibrium constant of net cell reaction is 1.94 x 1037 and standard reduction potential of the
oxidation electrode is -0.76, temperature is 25 0C. [2+1.5+1.5]
3. i) Explain, if there is any difference in the type of reaction for the formation of polyethene,
nylon 6:6 and Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR).

ii) Two different polymers are given to you, wherein one of them does not possess a clear
melting point. Classify these two different polymer types. Schematically show the effect of heat
on these two separately.

iii) a) Classify (name) the product when the ‘oxime’ used in Beckmann rearrangement reaction
is derived either from ‘ketones’ or from ‘aldehydes’, individually. b) What is the role of
nitrobenzene in the skraup synthesis of quinoline. [2+1.5+1.5]

4. Answer the following: [2 x 5 = 10]

i. Give a flow chart indicating the various steps in the preparation of refractories.
ii. What is Hoffman's rearrangement reaction? Write the Hoffmann-bromamide reaction
with acetamide as one of the starting materials.
iii. Explain p-type doping for the formation of doped conducting polymers with an example.
iv. Write the cathodic and anodic reactions taking place in proton exchange membrane fuel
cell. What is the emf of such cells at 25°C?
v. Give the IUPAC names of the coordination compounds: [Pt(py)4][PtCl4] and
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
Department of Mathematics
End Semester Examination, March 2021
Mathematics-I (MAL 101)
Max Marks: 35 Time: 1.5 hour
Note: Answer all questions.

Section A
1. (a) Show that if f 0 (x) = 0 for all x ∈ (a, b) then f is a constant function on (a, b). [2]
(b) Let D be the surface generated by revolving the curve: x = α cos3 θ , y = α sin3 θ , θ ∈ [0, ] about

the x-axis, where α is a positive number. If the surface area of D is , then determine the value
of α. [2]

1 1 3
(c) Show that tan θ dθ = Γ Γ . [2]
2 4 4
(d) Discuss the convergence of sequence < xn >, where
1 1 1
xn := 1 + 2
+ 2 + · · · + 2 , n ∈ N.
2 3 n
(e) If the eigenvalue of the matrix A3×3 are 1, 2, 3 then which of the following statements are true ?
(i) A − 3I is invertible (ii) A is diagonalizable. Justify your answer. [2]

Section B
Z x3
2. Find the equation of the tangent L to the curve y = √ dt at x = 1. Also, find the length of the
1 + t2
tangent L when y ∈ [2, 4]. [5]
√ √
3. (a) Show that the sequence < xn >, where x1 = 2 and xn = 2 + xn−1 , ∀ n ≥ 2 is convergent and
find its limit. [3]
x2 2! x3 3! x4
(b) Find the radius and interval of convergence of the series x + 2 + 3 + 4 + . . . , x ∈ R. [2]
2 3 4
Rb dx
4. Discuss the convergence of the improper integral , 0 < a < b, n ∈ N. [5]
a (b − x)n
5. For what values of a and b, the following linear system has solution(s):
x + 2y + 3z = 6
x + 3y + 5z = 9
2x + 5y + az = b
Also find solution(s). [5]
6. Reduce the quadratic form 2t12 + 6t1t2 + 5t22 − 2t2t3 + 2t32 to the canonical form using orthogonal trans-
formation. [5]

Department of Mathematics
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
I Semester, B.Tech; Midterm Examination (Winter-2020)
Subject: Mathematics-I (MAL-101)
Max. Marks: 25 Duration: 1 Hour

Instructions: Answer all the questions.

 1
 xe x

, x 6= 0
1. Check the continuity and differentiability of the function f (x) = 1 + e x1 at x = 0.

0, x=0
[4 marks]

2. Expand the function f (x) = tan−1 x up to the first two non-zero terms in the Taylor’s polyno-
xn+1 (n+1)
mial about x = 0. Also, find c in Rn (x) = f (c) such that |Rn (x)| < 0.005.
(n + 1)!
[4 marks]

3. Trace the curve: r = 2 + 3 cos θ. [4 marks]

4. For what values of m do the line y = mx and the curve y = enclose a region? Find the
x2 +1
area of the region. [4 marks]
Z a
5. Evaluate the integral I = p for all n > 1 and express the answer in terms of
(a − xn )

cosec function. [4 marks]

6. Let R be the region bounded by the curve yx = a(x − b), x ∈ [b, ∞], a > 0, b > 0, and its
asymptotes. Let D be the solid generated by revolving R about the horizontal asymptote of the
above curve. Find the volume of D. [5 marks]

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
End Semester Examination (Winter 2020)
Subject: Social Sciences (HUL 102)

Time – 90 Minutes Marks – 35


1. Solve Any Three from Question.1 to Question.5

2. Question No.6 is Compulsory
Q.1) Explain the following terms: - (10M)
i) Selection
ii) Training
iii) Motivation

Q.2) What do you know about Environment in industry and Fatigue of

employees? (10M)

Q.3) Write down the Salient features of Indian Constitution, Fundamental

Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. (10M)

Q.4) Illustrate the following Social Problems with characteristics, causes,

effects and suggestions. (Any Two) (10M)
i) Family Disorganization (Divorce)
ii) Corruption
iii) Overpopulation
Q.5) Explain the concept of Professional Ethics and Human values. (10M)

Q.6) Explain the following terms (in brief) in context to industry: - (5M)
i) Industrial Psychology
ii) Industrial Democracy
iii) Industrial Sociology
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

Mid Semester Winter 2020 (Odd Semester)

Subject: Social Sciences (HUL 102)

Time – 1 Hour Marks – 25

Note - Solve any five questions.

- All questions carry equal marks.

Q. No. 1. Explain various disciplines in Social Sciences and state their utilities.

Q. No. 2. What do you know about culture ? Write a short note.

Q. No. 3. Explain in brief following terms –

a. Socialization

b. Social Stratification

Q. No. 4. Explain in short any ten (10) social problems in Indian society.

Q. No. 5. Write a short note on Slums in India and state its characteristics, causes, effects and
suggestions to solve the menace of slums in India.

Q. No. 6. Explain the various types of Societies along with their characteristics and problems.

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