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Genomics and computational molecular biology

Douglas L Brutlag

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of genes to specific traits and phenotypes, can specify unique
completely sequenced bacterial genomes during the past molecular probes that define both the organisms and the
two years as a result of the efforts both of public genome antibiotic sensitivity of those organisms. Bioinformatics,
agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. The availability of sometimes referred to as functional genomics, helps
completely sequenced genomes permits more systematic identify gene function and can be used to understand the
analyses of genes, evolution and genome function than was disease process and identify drug targets unique to the
otherwise possible. Using computational methods — which are infectious agent.
used to identify genes and their functions including statistics,
sequence similarity, motifs, profiles, protein folds and Limitations on the length of this article permit me to
probabilistic models — it is possible to develop characteristic mention only the most recent and major advances in
genome signatures, assign functions to genes, identify techniques for gene identification but there are a number
pathogenic genes, identify metabolic pathways, develop of other reviews and compendiums that cover this area in
diagnostic probes and discover potential drug-binding sites. more depth [25,26••,27,28••,29–33]. In addition, Table 1
All of these directions are critical to understanding bacterial includes a list of Web sites of most of the bioinformatics
growth, pathogenicity and host–pathogen interactions. methods that are presented in this review.

Computational methods for gene

Addresses identification
Department of Biochemistry, Beckman Center B400, Stanford
The first step in gene identification is the location of
University, Stanford, California 94305-5307, USA;
e-mail: coding regions or open reading frames (ORFs). This task
is simplified in bacteria because of the absence of splicing.
Current Opinion in Microbiology 1998, 1:340–345
Sequencing errors and translational frameshifting [34] can lead to partial protein sequences or interrupted ORFs
 Current Biology Ltd ISSN 1369-5274 but these are often resolved during the early steps of
gene identification by sequence similarity with proteins
Abbreviation from other organisms [35–40]. In the absence of homol-
ORF open reading frame
ogous sequences in other organisms — and especially with
short bacterial genes — probabilistic gene models (hidden
Markov models) can often identify biologically significant
Introduction coding regions [41,42].
During 1995 and 1996, five complete microbial genomes
were determined [1–5]. During 1997, seven more genomes Pairwise sequence homology
were completely sequenced, including yeast [6–13]. The Given a database of potential ORFs, many methods can
Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) microbial database be used to define the biological function of the putative
( now lists 41 ad- proteins. The most commonly applied methods search for
ditional bacterial genomes being sequenced in various sequence similarity of the translated ORFs with a database
laboratories around the world. (A list of Web sites to these of known protein sequences [43,44,45••,46]. The search
and other major genomic resources is given in Table 1.) for gene function is usually carried out at the protein
This explosion of genome sequences is the direct result level to eliminate the redundancy of the genetic code.
of public and private investment in genome efforts. In addition, the use of amino acid substitution matrices
that describe the acceptable replacements permits the
The goals of sequencing bacterial genomes are manifold discovery of even distantly related protein homologies
[14–19]. For instance, the complete sequence of many [47,48].
pathogenic species are being determined with the hope
of understanding the disease process. Along with such One of the most sensitive methods for comparing two
understanding comes the ability to develop molecular sequences, which uses amino acid scoring matrices and
diagnostic probes (both nucleic acid probes and antigenic allows penalties for the presence of gaps in the align-
determinants) and the ability to define new drug targets ment, is the original subsequence alignment algorithm of
and vaccines to treat infections caused by these organisms. Smith and Waterman [44]. Because of the computational
complexity of this approach, several approximations have
The identification of pathogenic genes [20–24], drug been developed such as FASTA [43], BLAST [49]
targets and potential antigenic sites requires the combined as well as parallelized versions of the algorithm and
use of laboratory and computational approaches. Ge- implementations of the algorithm in specialized hardware
nomics, the science of genome analysis and the mapping of [50–53]. The primary advantage of the original Smith and
Genomics and computational molecular biology Brutlag 341

Table 1
Web sites of major genome resources and critical bioinformatics methods.
Web site URL∗
Genomic resources
EcoCyc Metabolic Database
Genome Sequence Database
Genome Sequencing Projects
Microbial Genomes Mail List
National Human Genome Research Institute
The Sanger Centre
TIGR Microbial Database
UK Genome Mapping Project

Bioinformatics resources
BLOCKS database
CATH Protein Structure Classification
DSSP Database of Secondary Structure
FSSP Fold Structure Database
Gapped-BLAST and Psi-BLAST
Pfam HMM Database
PRINTS Database PRINTS.html
PROSITE Database
Sequence Alignment and Modeling UCSC
Structural Classification of Proteins
∗This table does not contain direct pointers to genome databases but these are to be found in many of the following links.

Waterman algorithm is the ability to allow gaps in the A method has been developed recently for rapidly forming
alignments, which is particularly important for detecting families of aligned sequences and developing a profile
distantly related protein sequences [54••,55]. A version from them based on Gapped-BLAST. This method, called
of BLAST was recently developed that now allows gaps Psi-BLAST, can rapidly build a sequence profile from
(Gapped-BLAST) [45••], however, a detailed comparison the most significant sequence similarities in a BLAST
of the sensitivity of this gapped-BLAST method versus search [45••]. This profile can then be used to re-search
Smith-Waterman method has not yet been published. the protein databases for even more distantly related
members of the family. What is needed now is a complete
One of the most important features of the pairwise se- compendium of all the Psi-BLAST families that can be
quence similarity methods is that each of them calculates derived from the entire protein database and which can
the likelihood that the similarity score would be observed be updated routinely as more genomes are sequenced.
by chance using an extreme value distribution [56–58]. Searching for shorter conserved regions
This approach has been shown to give a reliable estimate If no significant homology is observed for a particular
of the probability of such similarities occurring by chance. ORFs using all of the similarity methods mentioned
Such estimates are especially important when thousands above, then that ORF is scanned by other meth-
of similarity searches are being carried out in the analysis ods which search for shorter regions of conservation
of an entire genome. such as those that represent conserved sequence motifs
(consensus sequences), BLOCKs, PRINTS or domains
Comparing coding regions with protein families
If no significant similarity is detected using pairwise A major problem with using many of the protein sequence
sequence comparison methods, then other approaches that motifs in the literature is that most of them have been
compare the potential coding regions to entire families of constructed to be as sensitive as possible (encompassing
sequences are applied. These methods include profiles, all known examples) which leads to a marked decrease in
templates, hidden Markov models or the more general specificity; that is, they often include a significant number
position-specific scoring matrices [59,60,61•,62,63,64••]. of ‘false hits’ [69,71••]. Such sequence motifs are useful
Comparing a protein sequence to a profile or a position- for testing individual coding regions for the presence of
specific scoring matrix is more sensitive than pairwise potential functional site but they are generally not useful
comparisons because the matrix represents a mathematical for searching thousands of proteins in an entire genome
average of an entire protein family. This averaging tends automatically.
to emphasize the conserved features of the sequences in
the family and places less emphasis on the features of any Methods have now been developed that can generate
single sequence. very specific protein sequence motifs (called EMOTIFs)
342 Techniques

which make less than one false prediction per 108 to 1010 mutate each and every gene and examine such mutations
tests and yet maintain a high level of sensitivity [66]. functionally and genetically too [95,96••].
The specificity of EMOTIFs are adequate for searching
entire proteomes (all the proteins encoded by a genome) Global analysis of genome sequences has also lead to
with a tolerable level of false predictions. A database of novel findings. Examination of dinucleotide, trinucleotide
>50 000 EMOTIFs has been developed which can be used and higher frequencies of oligonucleotides in bacterial
to identify >7000 different biological functions in protein genomes has resulted in the definition of a genomic
sequences [67••]. This approach can assign function to signature that is characteristic for bacteria and can classify
ORFs in the absence of any extensive similarity to an bacteria into biologically related classes [97,98••,99,100].
existing sequence. Examining dinucleotide frequencies in 50 kb long win-
dows has shown much more homogeniety within a
The BLOCKS and PRINTS databases of aligned protein single species and striking differences between species.
families can also be used to search entire genomes if The frequencies of dinucleotides in bacterial genomes
the expectation threshold is set appropriately high. The constitute a genomic signature that can be used to track
advantages of searching for short conserved regions using bacterial DNA segments. It also raises the problem of the
EMOTIFs, BLOCKS or PRINTS is that the likelihood origin and maintenance of the sequence biases in the first
of a false positive result is associated with every finding, place.
permitting the user to decide the significance of the
finding. Secondly, a protein’s function can often be Conclusions
determined without any known homologs, as long as it The availability of complete genomes sequences of many
shares one or more motifs with a known superfamily. A bacterial species is, for the first time, enabling many
final, and most important, use of short motifs is that they novel experimental approaches. The complete definition
can often serve as potential drug targets. The conserved of all the gene products by gene identification techniques
regions in protein families often represent active sites, described here is just the first step. Mapping all gene
binding sites, or parts of such biologically critical sites. products to functions and all functions to metabolism will
confer the ability to predict the phenotype of an organism
Protein threading and fold recognition with highly increased certainty. We will be able to locate
If all of the above methods fail to identify a gene, then one critical pathways and steps in pathogenesis; to target these
must usually resort to ‘protein threading’ methods such steps with new drugs; and to target the infectious agents
as three-dimensional profiles or compatibility with known with new vaccines. We will be able to follow protein
protein folds [72–76]. Several databases of common protein structure and function through evolution with confidence.
folds also exist [77••,78,79,80••,81–83]. The problem In addition, we will be able to engineer bacteria for specific
with these methods is that knowing the fold of a purposes (drug production, toxic waste removal, etc.) and
protein by itself tells one very little about its biological minimize possible adverse consequences.
function. Nevertheless, when used in conjunction with
other data — marginal sequence similarities, motifs with Acknowledgements
marginally significant hits — structural similarities and The author would like to acknowledge support from the National Library
threading approaches can help confirm gene identification. of Medicine (grant LM 05716), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and
SmithKline Beecham for their generous support of the research in his
One of the most popular approaches to gene identification laboratory.
is the ‘GeneQuiz’ system which uses multiple sequence
alignments of homologous protein families and structural References and recommended reading
information in addition to homology and motifs to identify Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
genes [84,85••]. have been highlighted as:

• of special interest
Global analyses of bacterial genomes •• of outstanding interest
One of the most exciting results of having the complete
sequence of a bacterial genome is the possibility of exam- 1. Fraser CM, Gocayne JD, White O, Adams MD, Clayton RA,
Fleischmann RD, Bult CJ, Kerlavage AR, Sutton G, Kelley JM et
ining the entire metabolism, regulation and organization of al.: The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium.
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know with measurable assurance that specific functions 2. Fleischmann RD, Adams MD, White O, Clayton RA, Kirkness EF,
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are absent from the genome. With the availability of al.: Whole-genome random sequencing and assembly of
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are also possible [86,87••,89]. One of the more elusive 3. Bult CJ, White O, Olsen GJ, Zhou L, Fleischmann RD, Sutton
GG, Blake JA, FitzGerald LM, Clayton RA, Gocayne JD et al.:
goals is to attempt to discover the minimal gene set at Complete genome sequence of the methanogenic archaeon,
which cellular life can exist [91–94]. The wide variety Methanococcus jannaschii. Science 1996, 273:1058-1073.
of environmental conditions under which bacteria can 4. Himmelreich R, Hilbert H, Plagens H, Pirkl E, Li BC, Herrmann R:
Complete sequence analysis of the genome of the bacterium
grow makes defining a minimal gene set a difficult task. Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nucleic Acids Res 1996, 24:4420-
The complete sequence of a genome also permits one to 4449.
Genomics and computational molecular biology Brutlag 343

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I. Sequence features in the 1 Mb region from map positions written for the mathematician and computer scientist. Because of the exten-
64% to 92% of the genome (supplement). DNA Res 1995, sive explanatory text, it is quite accessible to molecular biologists too.
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26. Doolittle, RF: Computer Methods for Macromolecular Sequence 52. Julich A: Implementations of BLAST for parallel computers.
•• Analysis. New York: Academic Press; 1996. CABIOS 1995, 11:3-6.
This volume contains some of the best descriptions of bioinformatics and 53. Chen ES, Asano C, Davison DB: Parallel alignment of DNA
gene identification methods written by the authors who developed them. sequences on the connection machine CM-2. Comput Appl
Biosci 1993, 9:375.
27. Brutlag DL, Sternberg MJE (Eds): Sequences and Topology. In
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344 Techniques

comparison of Smith-Waterman in hardware to BLAST and 72. Rost B, Schneider R, Sander C: Protein fold recognition by
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This is one of the most systematic and objective comparisons of three se-
quence similarity search methods. Using an entire database of queries and 73. Taylor WR: Multiple sequence threading: an analysis of
optimizing for the amino acid substitution matrices shows that the rigorous alignment quality and stability. J Mol Biol 1997, 269:902-943.
Smith and Waterman method is preferable for the most sensitive similarity 74. Bowie JU, Zhang K, Wilmanns M, Eisenberg D: Three-
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55. Shpaer EG: GeneAssist. Smith-Waterman and other database acid sequence with three-dimensional structure. In Methods
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56. Karlin S, Altschul SF: Methods for assessing the statistical 75. Fischer D, Rice D, Bowie JU, Eisenberg D: Assigning amino acid
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57. Altschul SF, Gish W: Local alignment statistics. In Methods in 76. Lathrop RH, Smith TF: Global optimum protein threading with
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58. Altschul SF: A protein alignment scoring system sensitive at all 77. Hubbard TJP, Murzin AG, Brenner SE, Chothia C: SCOP: a
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59. Krogh A, Brown M, Mian IS, Sjolander K, Haussler D: Hidden Although not made automatically, the SCOP structural classification of pro-
Markov models in computational biology. Applications to teins is very useful, particularly because of its well organized hierarchical
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60. Sonnhammer EL, Kahn D: Modular arrangement of proteins as 78. Orengo CA, Michie AD, Jones S, Jones DT, Swindells MB,
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61. Bucher P, Karplus K, Moeri N, Hofmann K: A flexible motif search 79. Holm L, Sander C: The FSSP database: fold classification
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The flexibility of this novel motif permits it to represent a wide variety of
80. Holm L, Sander C: Dali/FSSP classification of three-
different protein structures and functions. It will become more popular in the
•• dimensional protein folds. Nucleic Acids Res 1997, 25:231-234.
future when there is sufficient sequence information for a large number of
FSSP is one of the most heavily used automatically generated protein fold
protein families so that these models can be accurately estimated.
62. Henikoff JG, Henikoff S: Using substitution probabilities to
81. Chothia C, Hubbard T, Brenner S, Barns H, Murzin A: Protein
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63. Gribskov M, Veretnik S: Identification of sequence patterns with
82. Murzin AG, Brenner SE, Hubbard T, Chothia C: SCOP:
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64. Sonnhammer EL, Eddy SR, Durbin R: Pfam: a comprehensive investigation of sequences and structures. J Mol Biol 1995,
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alignments. Proteins 1997, 28:405-420.
83. Brenner SE, Chothia C, Hubbard TJ, Murzin AG: Understanding
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protein structure: using SCOP for fold interpretation. Methods
sitivity, it will most likely be the primary tool used with pairwise sequence
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similarity fails.
84. Scharf M, Schneider R, Casari G, Bork P, Valencia A, Ouzounis
65. Attwood TK, Avison H, Beck ME, Bewley M, Bleasby AJ, Brewster
C, Sander C: GeneQuiz: a workbench for sequence analysis.
F, Cooper P, Degtyarenko K, Geddes AJ, Flower DR et al.: The
ISMB 1994, 2:348-353.
PRINTS database of protein fingerprints: a novel information
resource for computational molecular biology. J Chem Inf 85. Casari G, Ouzounis C, Valencia ACS: GeneQuiz II: automatic
Comput Sci 1997, 37:417-424. •• function assignment for genome sequence analysis. In First
Annual Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Hawaii, USA: World
66. Nevill-Manning C, Sethi K, Wu TD, Brutlag DL: Enumerating and
Scientific: 1996:707-709.
ranking discrete motifs. ISMB-97 1997, 4:202-209.
GeneQuiz is an intelligent system for combining partial or marginal data from
67. Nevill-Manning CG, Wu TD, Brutlag DL: Discovering function a number of sequence and structure similarity methods to either confirm or
•• in genomic databases using highly specific sequence motifs. deny putative gene assignments. By combining data in this way, GeneQuiz
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998, 95:in press. can discover functional assignments that most other methods miss.
This new database of highly specific sequence motifs are made from the
86. Karp PD, Ouzounis C, Paley S: HinCyc: a knowledge base of the
sequence alignments in BLOCKS and PRINTS databases and are specific
complete genome and metabolic pathways of H. influenzae.
enough to search entire genomes without resulting in false predictions.
ISMB 1996, 4:116-124.
68. Henikoff JG, Pietrokovski S, Henikoff S: Recent enhancements 87. Karp PD, Riley M, Paley SM, Pellegrini-Toole A, Krummenacker
•• to the BLOCKs Database servers. Nucleic Acids Res 1997, •• M: EcoCyc: encyclopedia of E. coli genes and metabolism.
25:222-225. Nucleic Acids Res 1998, 26:50-53.
The BLOCKS database was the first probabilistic motif database con- This is the latest publication from the combined groups of Peter Karp and
structed completely automatically and can often discover protein function in Monica Riley on their encyclopedic work concerning the metabolism of E.
the complete absence of a homologous sequence in the protein database. coli. Their database contains substrates, reactions, enzymes, pathways, ge-
69. Bairoch A, Bucher P, Hofmann K: The PROSITE database, its netic maps and pointers to the protein sequence for the bulk of the E. coli
status in 1997. Nucleic Acids Res 1997, 25:217-221. gene products. This database will gain increased value as a standard for
comparison with other bacterial genomes as evidenced in this paper.
70. Attwood TK, Beck ME, Bleasby AJ, Degtyarenko K, Michie AD,
•• Parry-Smith DJ: Novel developments with the PRINTS protein 88. des Jardins M, Karp PD, Krummenacker M, Lee TJ, Ouzounis CA:
fingerprint database. Nucleic Acids Res 1997, 25:212-217. Prediction of enzyme classification from protein sequence
Like the BLOCKS database, the PRINTS database provides an extremely without the use of sequence similarity. ISMB 1997, 5:92-99.
sensitive motif search facility. PRINTS is also characterized by its excellent 89. Tamames J, Casari G, Ouzounis C, Valencia A: Conserved
annotation. clusters of functionally related genes in two bacterial
71. Bairoch A, Apweiler R: The SWISS-PROT protein sequence genomes. J Mol Evol 1997, 44:66-73.
•• data bank and its supplement TrEMBL. Nucleic Acids Res 1997, 90. Ouzounis C, Casari G, Sander C, Tamames J, Valencia A:
25:31-36. Computational comparisons of model genomes. Trends
The SWISS-PROT database has long been the stalwart for protein compar- Biotechnol. 1996, 14:280-285.
ison. SWISS-PROT is characterized by its highly regular syntax, numerous
database hyperlinks and excellent annotation. 91. Goffeau A: Life with 482 genes. Science 1995, 270:445-446.
Genomics and computational molecular biology Brutlag 345

92. McFadden GI, Gilson PR, Douglas SE, Cavalier-Smith T, function under different selective conditions. This paper marks the beginning
Hofmann CJ, Maier UG: Bonsai genomics: sequencing the of massively parallel genome analysis.
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97. Karlin S, Mrazek J: Compositional differences within and
93. Mushegian AR, Koonin EV: A minimal gene set for cellular life between eukaryotic genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997,
derived by comparison of complete bacterial genomes. Proc 94:10227-10232.
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98. Karlin S, Mrazek J, Campbell AM: Compositional biases of
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In addition, similar methods will permit one to mutate every gene and study its 12841.

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