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SID: 20954075

Name: Chiu Sum Ming

Email: Module 4 – Chiu Sum Ming_20954075_T06

Activity: Empathy

Explanation of the Activity:

The reason why I chose this activity is that I am a person that really likes to talk to others.
However, I have never talked to others in English for more than 5 mins or talked about a
topic. It is a good chance for me to challenge myself, try to improve, and breakthrough
myself. In the activity, I invited one of my non-local friends and had lunch with him as he is
the first non-local friend that I met in UST. We talked a lot at lunch about our thoughts on
UST, our school life, dream, the future…etc. It is very fun to talk and have lunch with him and
after having lunch with him, I discovered that it is not much hard to talk in English with others
and it is very fun to talk with them.


Although it seems that it is not that hard to talk with others in your unfamiliar language, my
friend told me that I should improve my grammar and gain a word bank very much. Because
he discovered that I have a lot of grammatical mistakes and there is a tone of points that I
can use some more complex to cover a simple meaning that he said that he seems to talk
with a kid more than a university student. Therefore, so as to not be a kid next time, I will try
my best to improve a lot on my spoken language. I will try to learn more social language so it
is easy to share and show my point and meaning to others. After that, I will try to meet more
non-local friends to increase my social zone. I am very glad and pleased that I can have a
chance to have this activity that I had planned before and it is not a success that none of my
friends are nonlocal before I came UST that I don’t have a chance to do an activity like this.
And after this activity, I discovered that it is very important to learn English well, at least in
Hong Kong, this international city, where there are places that have a lot of different nations
of people. As for, to talk, meet, know more about them. It is sufficient to learn English well
then you can have a chance to know, attach and meet those people. Because my dream is
to travel the world, it is very sufficient to learn English well, as to let me easily communicate
with others who are not in my nation. And this activity is a very good activity to find out my
issue of English, not enough vocab and grammar mistakes. These two parts are the most
important parts for me to improve in as I really want to learn English well. Therefore, I must
try my best to learn English well and try to learn more social and communication skills to
achieve my dream in the future.

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