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Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en future simple (going to).

Mr Potts (sell) his house.

Our neighbours (spend) their next holidays in the Caribbean.

I (move) to another town.

My husband (build) a tree house for the kids.

His friends (learn) English.

Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en future simple (going to).

I (tell/not) you the secret.

She (ring/not) me.

We (invite/not) him to our party.

Greg (work/not) abroad.

Her parents (lend/not) her any more money.

Formula oraciones interrogativas en future simple (going to).


(she/study/in Glasgow)

(they/paint/the room)

(he/apply/for that job)

(what/you/do) about this?

Escribe oraciones afirmativas en future simple (will).


(we/go shopping)

(the sun/shine)


Completa las oraciones con future simple (will).

It (rain/not) tomorrow.

I promise I (be/not) late.

We (start/not) to watch the film without you.

The bus (wait/not) for us.

He (believe/not) us.

Formula oraciones interrogativas en future simple (will).






1. I (study) for my exam tomorrow.

2. She (visit) her grandparents this weekend.

3. They (have) a party at their house.

4. He (buy) a new car next month.

5. We (watch) a movie tonight.

6. The team (practice) for the upcoming game.

7. I (start) a new job next week.

8. She (cook) dinner for her family tonight.

9. They (travel) to Europe in the summer.

10. He (take) a vacation next month.

11. We (clean) the house tomorrow.

12. The students (take) a field trip next week.

13. I (join) a gym and start working out.

14. She (learn) how to play the guitar.

15. They (save) money for a down payment on a house.

16. He (attend) a conference next month.

17. We (plant) a garden in our backyard.

18. The company (launch) a new product.

19. I (volunteer) at a local charity event.

20. She (take) swimming lessons this summer.

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