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Level 5 Advanced

Technician Diploma in
Mechanical Engineering
Level 5 Advanced
Technician Diploma in
Electrical Engineering
(9209-11, 12)

Assignment 504
Project management
December 2014 Version 1.2

Learner details 2

Instructions to learners 3

Unit assessment overview 4

Unit 504 Project Management 5

Task 1 Report: The Principles of Project Management 5
Task 2 Research Task: Project Management Case Study 7

Assessor guidance 9

Task completion record 10

Unit feedback and action planning form 11

1 Assignment 504 Project management

Learner details

This document is a record of your achievement in the assessment. You must keep it in good
condition and it must be stored in a safe place by your Assessor.

Please fill in all of your details before you carry out any assessments.

Learner Details
Surname Forename(s)

City & Guilds

enrolment number

Centre Details

Name Centre No

I understand the requirements of the qualification and that all the work towards the assessments
must be my own.

Learner signature

Assessor name Signed

(please print)


Assignment 504 Project management 2

Instructions to learners

About this document

This document contains all of the practical assessment for the 9209-11 9209-504.

These tasks are graded Pass, Merit or Distinction, and will be assessed by your assessor.

Before you carry out the task, you will be told how it will be assessed and you should read the
observation checklist at the end of each task so you know what you need to do to get each grade.

You can ask your assessor for help in understanding the task instructions, but all of the work must
be your own.

Health and safety

You must use safe working practices at all times.

You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others. If you behave in an unsafe way,
you will be stopped and given a warning. If you do not meet all of the Health and Safety
requirements, the assessment will be stopped. Your assessor will not be able to let you try the task
again until they are sure you can work safely.

Time considerations
Each task shows how long it is likely to take. This is for guidance so you can plan your work. If you
have a good reason for needing more time you must explain this to your assessor as soon as
possible so they can decide whether you can have more time.

Where an assignment is taken over more than one session, all documentation, paperwork and work
products must be labelled carefully with your name and kept securely at the centre. Your assessor
will give you directions about how to leave your work.

Opportunities to repeat tasks

The tasks are ‘end tests’ so you will only be asked to take the assessment when you have had the
chance to do all of the learning and practice you need. You will be able to try the whole task again if
you do not pass, but you will not be able to take the assessment again just to try to get a better
grade. You will only be able to achieve a Pass if you do need to repeat it.

As well as telling you the result for the task, your assessor will give you feedback. They will give you
a feedback sheet with details of what you could do to improve, and also what you did well. This will
help you to prepare for other assessments or to retake the assessment if you need to.

3 Assignment 504 Project management

Unit assessment overview

The following table is designed to offer a summarised overview of all of the assessments for the
unit, and to show how the tasks demonstrate achievement of the assessment criteria in the unit.

Unit 504 Project Management

Assessment Weighting
Task Description Task duration Grading
Criteria per task
1 Report: The 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 4 Hours P/M/D/X 1
Principles of 3.2, 3.3, 4.1

2 Research Task: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 6 Hours P/M/D/X 1

Project 2.6. 2.7, 4.2
Case Study

Assignment 504 Project management 4

Unit 504 Project Management
Task 1 Report: The Principles of Project

Task coversheet

Expected time 4 Hours

Task instructions Instructions to learner:
In this task you will produce a written report explaining why project
management is important and how it can be successfully carried out.
The report must include the following:
 A description of the principles and benefits of project management.
 An explanation of the considerations when reviewing project
 A description and explanation of the use of management tools for
monitoring and controlling projects.
 An explanation of the reasons for reviewing projects after
 A list of references of all sources of information used to complete
the report.
Grading Grading for this task is based on the learner meeting relevant points stated
within the assessment criteria checklist.

Assessment criteria checklist

AC The learner has Pass Merit Distinction

1.1 Described the principles of project
management Described six *Described six *Explained how
1.2 Explained the benefits of project principles of benefits of organisations
project project benefit from the
management to organisations and
management management to use of effective
individuals organisations project
and individuals management
2.1 Explained the considerations
when reviewing project proposals Described at least Described at Explained how the
three things that least six things six considerations
may be considered that may be influence the
when reviewing considered when review of a
project proposals reviewing project project proposal

5 Assignment 504 Project management

AC The learner has Pass Merit Distinction
3.1 Described management tools for
monitoring and controlling Described the use Explained why Compared how
projects of the following the following the use of the
3.2 tools to manage tools are used to following tools
Justified the use of management
projects: progress manage projects: may affect the
tools for monitoring and reports; Gant progress reports; performance of a
controlling projects charts; critical path budget project: progress
3.3 Used management tools to analysis; an monitoring reports; budget
monitor projects appropriate reports; Gant monitoring
project software charts; critical reports; Gant
package path analysis; an charts; critical
appropriate path analysis; an
project software appropriate
package project software
4.1 Explained reasons for reviewing
projects after completion Explained three *Explained six *Explained how
reasons for reasons for reviewing projects
reviewing projects reviewing after completion
after completion projects after may impact the
completion performance of

Task grading rules Task grade:

All four Pass criteria must be met to award Pass.

All Pass criteria and a minimum of three Merit criteria must be

met to award Merit, including all essential merit criteria (marked

All Pass criteria, a minimum of three Merit criteria and a

minimum of three Distinction criteria must be met to award
Distinction, including all essential Distinction criteria (marked *).

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Assignment 504 Project management 6

Unit 504 Project Management
Task 2 Research Task: Project Management Case

Task coversheet

Expected time 6 Hours

Task instructions Instructions to learner:
In this task you will produce a case study focused on an actual project that
has been carried out in industry.
The report must include:
 A description and explanation of the goals that were set for the
 A description and explanation of how roles and responsibilities
were allocated in the project team.
 A description of who the project team needed to communicate
with and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods used.
 An analysis of the resources needed for the project and how these
were allocated.
 A description of the potential risks to the completion of the project
and an explanation of the actions to mitigate those risks.
 A review of how well the project met the original proposal.
 A list of references of all sources of information used to complete
the report.
Grading Grading for this task is based on the learner meeting relevant points stated
within the assessment criteria checklist.

Assessment criteria checklist

AC The learner has Pass Merit Distinction

2.2 Explained how to set clear
goals for projects Described the *Explained how the *Evaluated how the
goals that were set goals within the goals set affected
within the project project were set the performance of
the project
2.3 Analysed project resource
requirements Described the Explained how the Assessed how the
resources which resources were allocation of
were allocated allocated within resources affected
within the project the project the performance of
the project
2.4 Explained how roles and
responsibilities are allocated Described how
within project teams roles and
were allocated
within the project

7 Assignment 504 Project management

AC The learner has Pass Merit Distinction
2.5 Identified project
communication needs Identified who the Identified reasons Explained why the
members of the and methods used methods selected
project team for communication for communication
needed to in the project were appropriate
communicate with
2.6 Assessed possible risks to
successful completion of Described six *Explained how *Assessed the
projects different risks that these risks could potential impact of
could affect affect completion these risks on the
completion of the of the project project
2.7 Explained how to mitigate for
possible risks Described three Explained how Assessed the
possible actions to these actions potential impact of
mitigate the risks in mitigate the risks these actions on
the project the project
4.2 Review projects against
original proposals Stated the *Compared the *Discussed how the
outcomes of the outcomes of the outcomes of the
project project with the project could have
original proposal been improved

Task grading rules Task grade:

All seven pass criteria must be met to award Pass.

All Pass criteria and a minimum of five Merit criteria must

be met to award Merit, including all essential merit
criteria (marked *).

All Pass criteria, a minimum of five Merit criteria and a

minimum of five Distinction criteria must be met to
award Distinction, including all essential distinction
criteria (marked *).

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Assignment 504 Project management 8

Unit 504 Project Management
Assessor Guidance

It is vital that the learner submitted report or essay is their own work and not a copy from other
sources (plagiarism). Therefore the learner task brief where applicable, requires a list of all sources
of information used in compiling their report or essay, and the assessor needs to brief all learners
prior to the undertaking of the task what plagiarism means and why a list of information sources is
required. On submission of the report, the assessor should review these sources of information with
the report content to ensure no plagiarism has occurred.

The task durations here are provided as a guide for planning the assessment. Assessors are
encouraged to use their expertise to allow sufficient time for and between assessments in order to
take into account local conditions.

Task 1 Report: The Principles of Project Management

Task 1 is a summative activity in the form of a report or essay, based on the learning outcomes
taught in this unit.

The assessor should brief learners that a careful review of the assessment criteria will ensure that
sufficient coverage is contained in the learner submitted report to meet the appropriate grade.

Ideally the research task should be completed off-site as the assessment time required is in addition
to the GLH.

Task 2 Research Task: Project Management Case Study

Task 2 is a research activity. The evidence from the learner could be submitted in the form of a
written report, although the annotated transcript of a presentation is also acceptable. Learners
must list all sources of information used in the research.

The assessor should select appropriate case study scenarios to ensure that the learner can access
all of the assessment criteria. These could be a project (or a suitable sub-project) that has already
been completed.

Ideally this activity should be preceded by a research task. This could involve for example, a visit to
an engineering company with the opportunity to interview a project leader or project manager, or
the use of multi-media case study materials. In advance of this, learners will need to identify the
information that they will need to gather to address the requirements of the assessment criteria,
and plan how this can be effectively ascertained.

Ideally the research task should be completed off-site as the assessment time required is in addition
to the GLH.

9 Assignment 504 Project management

Task completion record

To be completed by Assessor: Conversion chart

For each task, the points for each grade are Overall
Pass = 1, Merit = 2, and Distinction = 3 points. Average
1 – 1.5 Pass
1.6 – 2.5 Merit
Unit 504 Project Management 2.6 – 3 Distinction
Weighting for
Task Grade for task† task (if
(graded tasks
1 Report: The Principles of Project P/M/D 1
2 Research Task: Project Management Case P/M/D 1

All tasks must be passed for the unit to be achieved.


Assessor signature and date: For graded tasks, divide total

points by total of weightings

Average =

Overall grade
(see conversion chart)

Assignment 504 Project management 10

Unit feedback and action planning form

Unit title

Learner name

Task reference Unit feedback

Task reference Action plan Target date

This unit feedback and action plan has been agreed by:

Role Print name Signed Date



Internal QA

11 Assignment 504 Project management

Assignment 504 Project management 12
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13 Assignment 504 Project management

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