Service Introduction

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Service Intro FDMG 1115 – SUMMER 2023


1. Group members full names and contact information:

Names Contact Information Contact Information

(phone number) (email)
Rajan Sharma 2899802786 r_sharma208193@student.toron

Navdeep Singh 4374882213 n_saini206900@student.toronto
Saurav Sood 9055989789 s_sood195247@student.torontof
Tej Bahadur Thapa 4377789493 t_thapa205663@student.toronto

2. Rough Details about roles of all team members:

3. Team member availability schedule - BE VERY CLEAR OF YOUR AVAILABILITIES, AS THIS


Time Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

8am - 9
9am - 10
10am - 11 Available
11am - 12 Available
12pm - 1 Available
1pm - 2 Available
2pm - 3
3pm - 4
4pm - 5
5pm - 6 Available
6pm - 7 Available
7pm - 8
8pm- 9
3. Team Procedures:
a) Day, time, and place for regular meetings:
Tuesday at 10am before class in the college, Friday after 5pm in Tim Hortons.

b) How far in advance of the due date, will individual input to the project need to be provided to
the rest of the group?
At least 2 weeks before the due date so that everyone will be on the same page 2 week before the
assignment submission.

c) How will your group share files and communicate (i.e. Facebook, Google docs, email)?
Through Gmail and specific service intro WhatsApp group and physical meeting.

4. Please circle/highlight the grade that you group is targeting:

50% to 60%
60% to 70%
70% to 80%
80% to 90%
90% to 100%

5. What do you need from each other to work effectively as a team? Examples:
“communicating in a timely manner with each other”, “being punctual”, “meeting deadlines”, etc.
1. I want everyone to be prompt and effective in their respective task allotted on time.
2. Commitment of work is necessary while working as a team, so I request everyone to complete
their part of work on committed time by them.
3. Content knowledge of entire assignment so that everyone can deliver the same meaning.
4. Creative and interested, its important to prove our potential in front of other classmates and
ourselves too.

Decide on a contract for your team by agreeing how you will deal with these typical situations.
Situation: We agree that we will: (choose one or
create your own sanction)
Team member does not attend meetings. 2. Firstly, the alternate solution will be given like
video conferencing if it gets miss too 3
Exceptions? consecutive days. Then there will be a need to
inform instructor about the situation.
Team member hasn’t completed agreed 1. Everyone in the group is available for support
tasks. and discussion about the assignment if given
task will not be completed after attending
meetings and discussion that will be considered
as low interest and leads to warning.

Team member doesn’t pull weight 1. As a leader I would help them to understand
generally for the report and/or the whatever is bothering in their part of assignment
presentation. or else I will change the role with other team
member if possible so that next everyone can
see how these kind of task supposed to be
Team members just can’t agree on
issues. E.g. Will there be a project Team leader will be assigned to make decisions
manager with authority or not? and contact instructor.
1. Name:___ Rajan Sharma __________

*you must talk to your professor before “firing” a group member, and document alleged
All signatures agree to contract. Circulate copies to all members and submit in Moodle one by the
end of the reading week

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