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Picking Apples under the Milky Way

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith


At this time in my life I felt it significant to share some of my specific insights that have
developed throughout my personal experiences within this incarnation. So in writing
this book it is my intention to share some of these insights with those who may be
seeking deeper self-awareness within their own life.


Chapter 1: A whole lot of chirping going on: illusions of a staged reality

Chapter 2: What is this reality field, and why the lack of preexistent memory?

Chapter 3: Reflections of the Immortal Self: What does it mean to be an Infinite


Chapter 4: Repairing this fallen three dimensional harmonic structure

Chapter 5: The path to true self: a process to personal healing

Picking Apples under the Milky Way:

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith

Chapter 1:
A whole lot of chirping going on: illusions of a staged reality.

I remember walking to school in the morning as a child and routinely

listening to the melodies sung by local birds. I would find myself
mimicking their phrases as a call and answer while contemplating the
species indigenous to my area. I found it interesting that these birds would
have their own unique pattern of notes which they would repeat over and
over again each morning with only slight variation. Like clockwork I could
expect them to sing the same song each morning over and over again until
the season changed and they then migrated. It wasn't until later that I
considered the repetitive singing and chirping to be the first key to
considering this world being a staged reality.

Within this world we soon come to accept things as they are and readily
embrace the instruction we receive as the basis for what is called the
natural order of life. We simply receive this as our given reality without
need to question it and quickly become indoctrinated within this mindset.
In this world it is less accepting for those that would question the notion of
this being anything other than "natural or normal ". Personally this always
made me feel very uneasy.

In many cases when things didn’t fit into this worldview it would be written
off and or dismissively categorized as “unknown” and then likely passed
off as something unconventional and not for serious consideration.

Now when recalling the repetitive patterns of those birds as a child I had
also begun to see other repetitive characteristics in other creatures, and
most notably in so-called human beings. Recurring behavior, habit patterns
and personality temperaments varied slightly but the outcome of these
characteristics and patterns were mostly predictable.
The broad term used here for predictable behavioral traits would be the
word instinct and this due to DNA sequential coding and therefore it is
said to be part of the natural order. Or perhaps that which is being
experienced here is the sequential alteration of original coding.

Perhaps within the human being there is coding to refrain from questioning
this reality? Why is there little or no tolerance given to such considerations
within the majority of the secular and non-secular institutions?

For the most part it is accepted in society that we are merely the
composition of chemistry and biology somehow knitted together to make
up conscious awareness, or that of faith based theories of us being born out
of an etheric hierarchical system. What is clear to me is we have just
enough information and experiences only to theorize. We may believe, but
believing and knowing with certainly are completely two different things.

Eventually one would think to consider this designs underlining blueprint

(or code) and perhaps contemplate what we are truly experiencing here and
perhaps in the process come to know our real purpose within this world.

The present conventional doctrine would say we are a biological life-form

void of any conscious pre-existence, and we have been spawned out of and
limited to this so-called natural order. After all, the idea of pre-existence is
reserved for the fanciful world of deity’s, gods, or so-called make believe

In contrast it is interesting to note that within certain religious doctrine one

is promised eternal life, but only if they forsake themselves with
unquestioning obedience.

Why is it that within certain religious doctrine do we have that if a person

devoutly follows through unquestioning servitude and loves not their life
unto death they will achieve life eternal? The fear of consequence is such a
driving force for obedience in this case it gives way for very little need to
Considering this does however present the questions who are “They” that
would command such obedient behavior, and who/what are “We” that
would require such influence and or control?

Definitely a whole lot of chirping going on here…

So what is truly behind this ongoing repetitive predictable


Is this a staged reality? Have we been, and are we being

programmed to serve an agenda of ancient origin?

If so what role of responsibility do we serve in this ancient play?

Can we rely on our experiences as evidence for absolute reliable

universal truth?

Again, we have enough information and experiences only to theorize, but

not to truly know. We may believe, but believing and knowing with
certainly are completely two different things. Note: the confidence of certainty
through experience maybe an illusion in of its self.

Is so-called biology just an interface for one’s consciousness? And has this
world and or reality field been altered now limiting conscious awareness to
such a degree?

It is said we are spirit, but what is spirit?

Let us ponder this insight from a 6th-century BC Chinese philosopher, and

founder of Taoism老子Laozi
“He who looks will not see it; He who listens will not hear it;

He who gropes will not grasp it, the formless nonentity, and the motionless
source of motion. The infinite essence of the spirit is the source of life.
Spirit is self.

Walls form and support a room, yet the space between them is most
important. A pot is formed of clay, yet the space formed therein is most

Action is caused by the force of nothing on something, just as the nothing

of spirit is the source of all form.

One suffers great afflictions because one has a body, but without a body
what afflictions could one suffer?

When one cares more for the body than for one’s own spirit, one becomes
the body and loses the way of the spirit.

The self, the spirit, creates illusion. The delusion of Man believes this
reality is not an illusion.

One who creates illusions and makes them more real than reality follows
the path of the spirit and finds the way of the universe”.

— Laozi
This reflection implies that Spirit is our limitless immortal essence,
limitless in ability to create what is called reality. So with this
consideration we don’t have a spirit… we are an individuated spirit. A
unique energetic awareness, and be it that all things are energy means
we are pre-existent, not only preexistent, but transcendent of this or any
reality field. Yet the majority in this world stumbles about with no
memory of preexistence. Why is this?

Why is it that we are in these earth suits and are convinced we are the suit?

Why do the majority of suit walkers continually have to slave themselves

out in this world in order to survive? Why the continuation of suffering?

Why are we here? Where were we before we came here? And, how is it
that we ended up here? More importantly, do we have a mission? And
what is the cause for our amnesia?

If one listens to the chirping long enough one will eventually separate
themselves from the indoctrination and their personal experiences long
enough to ask these questions: What and who AM I really? How did this
reality field become as it is? And are these so-called reality field conditions
the reasons for us not being able to remember our pre-existent intention for
being here?

Okay, so let’s say we agreed to be in this reality field therefore agreeing to

this compromised condition that would cause us to forget our intended
purpose. Why would we choose such a counterproductive objective? Why
would we consent to live in a hostile world with no memory of purpose and
that residing in a fragile biological body with no promise of survival? Now
would such an intention produce a productive outcome? Under these
conditions might one expect a progressive evolutionary outcome? The
conditions are more likely to produce regression than progression.
The process of spiritual evolution is the progressive state of energetic
growth expansion. Living here is hard enough without knowing who we
really are and having no real idea as to why we made such a decision.
Experiencing self differently for the process of spiritual evolution certainly
doesn’t require amnesia as the
prerequisite; it all seems so

So what is really going on here?

“What do we really know about
ourselves and this universe?”
Picking Apples under the Milky Way

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith

Chapter 2:
What is this reality field, and why the lack of preexistent memory?

This reality field is one of infinite expressions which origin begins with
the First-Formation-Intention-Seeded-Vibration. This original energetic
intention holds the complete design code for all potential reality fields;
this being the original field or consciousness field. Be it that this is an
individuated realization field it is to be understood as an illusionary
construct which is perceived through the design parameters of the creator’s
conscious intended dreamscape. So the creation model in all that it entails
is but a refractive conscious perception experienced by becoming part of the
field itself, or that is to say, merging of oneself within the architects’
intended dream. Note* to become part of or entering the field would imply
you were once outside of the field.

A very simple way to understand this is like interfacing with a highly

sophisticated virtual reality software program. Through the interface you
become integrated within the holographic construct where you now
experience self as the hologram; and this clearly allows for all possible
sensation written within the code to authentically experience self

“An illusionary construct that is perceived through the design parameters

of the creator’s conscious intended dreamscape”
So again, what is a reality field?

It is a consciousness construct comprised of an assemblage of

individuated conscious intended order, or instructional codes.
Think of the replication of biological cells that hold the complete
instructions for infinite development for holding form etc... These cells of
consciousness are individually encased in their own morphogenic or
embryotic field, and collectively make up the fabric for all universal unified
fields. Each consciousness unit or cell has 6 primary stages for procreative
and co-creative development; this being a living code with endless potential
for structure which enables the embodiment for all consciousness, that is to
say the experiencing of self differently within the reality fields or dream
Here are the stages of the Primordial Codes within the First-
Formation-Intention- Seeded -vibration:

Stage 1) the first electro-tonal energy unit of complete conscious intention

Stage 2) infinite replication of that first consciousness unit, forming the

fabric for the unified field grid

Stage 3) the harmonic crystallization of the grid: that is to say, that which
creates density building dimensional consciousness structure and the pulse
wave perception of time sequences.

Stage 4) linking the harmonic information for the potential complexity of

structure, and directing the shapes of entry upon which forms are built

Stage 5) the Universal Morphogenetic or embryonic Field

Stage 6) the encryption or code represented in the form of light, which

affects the way energy moves within structure
This is understood as a consciousness field, however it may be better understood as a
life field because there is nothing within it that isn’t alive and it’s always in the process
of transmutation unto transformation.

There are three aspects or expressions of the First-Formation-


1) The 1st intention formation

2) A copy of that 1st intention
3) And an inversion of that copy

Again these being electro-tonal units of complete energetic intention

holding the design code for all potential reality fields within this
consciousness or awareness field.

These intentions may be simply symbolized by three concentric circles:

First Intention Copy Inversion and Its Triune

Of the Copy Expression

~All is within…circles within circles…spirals within spirals of energetic

movement of perpetual thought intention.
This is a living system; the underlying subconscious structure from which
matter is formed known as primal substance.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

This universal structure can be seen as harmonic

The reason for the inability to access preexistent memory is due to altered
harmonic content.

A simple analogy would be to think of a piano that has missing or non-

functioning hammers and or keys. In order for it to be played it must be
first repaired, and then tuned. Spiritual healing can simply be seen in the
same manner: repairing the pathway of the incomplete harmonic content
and then tuning oneself to the original harmonic order.

We lack harmonic information and therefore the ability to access our

preexistent awareness. The harmonic structure in this reality field having
been altered coupled with our interfaces (physical body) alteration adds to
the overall collapse of the original harmonic order producing a self-
consuming decomposition system.

This field can be seen as an electromagnetic circuit

An electromagnetic circuit comprised of layers of grids and regulated

energy centers. The directed motion of energy is determined by the ratios of
the electromagnetic fields; and the girds function as blueprints or templets
for the transharmonic movement of energy.

Within the grids (like a circuit) have points that control the flow or
regulation of energy. Energy in this case is the substance of directed
conscious awareness or intent, and that being a precise embodiment of
intended awareness, again, the transharmonic transition of that energy.
The refraction of conscious awareness

This design and or the alteration of this design is the determining factor of
one’s conscious perception. In this reality field it is fair to say what you see
is not what you get. This harmonic structure has been altered from its
original design blocking the natural energy current design and creating an
inaccurate refractive conscious perception. This alteration is a deflection of
energy flow creating congestion/immobility of energy in our consciousness
fields resulting not only in one’s misperception but also the lifespan of the
body: premature aging, emotional, mental, and physical illness; ultimately
causing expiration of the body. It should be clearly understood that death is
not part of the original order.


Energy is conscious and consciousness is energy.

Our consciousness fields within this universal reality field

Consciousness bands are bands of frequency, which is to be understood as

dimensions. Each dimension is an orderly mathematical structure that
systematically directs energy. These structures can be referred to as grids
and these grids can be referred to as templets and or figures. If energy is
conscious and consciousness is energy then dimensions are bands of
consciousness making up the experiential perception of self; each
consciousness band or dimension holding the consciousness of the atomic,
emotional, mental and physical awareness.
The three dimensional bands of this reality field or universe

The Sub-consciousness-band = lower level position conscious

awareness: 1st harmonic structural band equals 1 DNA strand consisting of
12 tones. (Think of a circuit ground or structure foundation)

The Instinctual-consciousness-band = a complex code of conscious

behavior patterns: 2nd harmonic structural band equals 1 DNA strand
consisting of 12 tones.

The Reasoning-consciousness-band = the process of forming

conclusions, judgments, or implications from facts or premises. 3rd
harmonic structural band equals 1 DNA strand consisting of 12 tones.

These 3 dimensional bands of consciousness allow one to live and have

their being in this reality field or universe.

The 12 tones are made up of 12 magnetic base codes and 12 electrical

acceleration codes. 12 dimensional bands equals 144 vector codes: a
Vector is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude in determining the
position of one point in space relative to another. Vector codes are light
structures (magnetic base & electrical acceleration codes) that carry the
instructions for the original universal life force currents.

So Code in this case is Sources Conscious Intention of Predetermined

Outcome made Manifest: Dimensions 1-3 consisting of subroutines;
complex behavioral patterns; and the ability to form conclusions through
vast difficulty.

So why the lack of preexistent memory?

It is due to missing harmonic content or energetic awareness which we

normally would have access to under the natural or original design
The code in this reality field has been altered; therefore that energy or
information has been refracted from its original structured pathway
creating what can be called energetic arching or displacement, that is to
say a skipping or jumping of energy to the point of least resistance. Here is
where we can see the concept of a circuit and the flow of current, or in this
case redirected current.

It should be clear at this point what I am talking about is our incarnate

bodily experience relative to this fallen three dimensional harmonic
structure. Many may come to conclusions based on out of body experiences
N.D.E. or otherwise but that really hasn’t provide answers for what is really
going on here. Providing real solutions for healing in this 3 dimensional
reality field first requires asking the right questions and you can’t ask those
questions if you don’t know what they are. Again, let me emphasize death
is NOT normal! Incarnates here are amnesiacs and learn to accept this as
normal, however the natural order is that of perpetual regeneration and
death is the condition of the alteration of the original code.

Nothing normal here

This altered geometric mathematical program results in a reverse

polarization of the electromagnetic fields where the magnetic contracting
rotation being that greater than the electrical expansion rotation; this ratio
alteration resulting in a reality field of ever increasing density.

One may argue this conclusion however this universe is unarguably in a

state of entropy and degeneration. We may theorize what a black hole is but
it wouldn’t really matter if we were already residing in a black hole. Some
Astronomers estimate that 100 million black holes roam among the stars in
our Milky Way galaxy; however what I see being detected here is an ever
increasing density within this reality field and this is due to the reversal of
the original Source Code Creation.
Picking Apples under the Milky Way

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith

Chapter 3
Reflections of the Immortal Self: What does it mean to be an Infinite

“To have entered a realty field would imply you were once outside of that field”.

The infinite state of ones being is that of formlessness, a nonentity

possessing all awareness and ability. In the infinite state one is able
to reside inside and outside of a creation simultaneously, the
projecting of self within a creation through expansion and
subdivision of energy; the embodying of self within all aspects of that
creations bounds. Ones being is without beginning or end, making
the creation an extension of one’s self; or rather, a mirroring of self
as one expands the experiencing of self differently within the
parameters of that creations design.
A Reality System: what is it good for?
A reality system or creation field is where we may display our unique
qualities through the mediated demonstration of personal acts. In
other words: vicariously experiencing self through the imagination,
actions, and feelings of another identity.
The Vicarious Experience within Soul
The intention of the infinite being when immersing self within a
creation field is to experience self differently, which means to
experience self within vast numerous ways. Form is the result of the
imaginings within the infinite being brought into manifestation in the
same way as the creation itself. Through intention within the dream
the being becomes different aspects of the dream and sets parameters
of individuality within each form to create the greatest engagement for
that experience. Now this may seem odd to some but what I’m talking
about here is role playing; therefore, in order for the experience to be
fully embraced the role must be believable by the experiencer and this
requiring the immersing of self completely within each identity
uniquely and individually. Form allows for a reality to be experienced
in this way, that is to say vicariously. The being becomes the form and
all aspects of its design: physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
Whatever capability the form can hold or lack thereof it is with pure
intention to have understanding prior to the experience of becoming
the form, this may be referred to as pre-manifest rehearsal.

This is another way to appreciate all things being “One” and that none
is better than another but only different. Vicariously experiencing self
as many different life forms is a wondrous way of collectively building
mutual ongoing respect for all life forms.
Positions of identity: Soul

(* Dimensions = frequency bands = consciousness bands)

Soul is a class of differentiated identity experienced within this

multidimensional creation field.

Beginning with the manifest identity entry point of the Source consciousness field

1) Pre-soul individuated collective manifest identity: Primal Order

Vibratory Fields (3 sound field levels) - first individuation
within the Source Creation Field.

2) Pre-soul individuated collective manifest identity: Primal Order

Oscillation Fields (light fields-seeding races) – this is the equal
opposite or inverted expression of the vibratory fields or primal
sound fields. Octave 5: Consciousness bands 13-14-15

3) 1st Level Soul subdivision identity: Octave 4; Consciousness

bands 10-11-12

4) 2nd Level Soul subdivision identity: Octave 3; Consciousness

bands 7-8-9

5) 3rd Level Soul subdivision identity: Octave 2; Consciousness

bands 4-5-6

6) Personality identity: Octave 1; Consciousness bands 1-2-3

Calculations of Probable selves for each reality field
Primal Order Vibratory Fields: 2,985,984 probable selves
(Divided by 12 = 248,832)

Primal Order Oscillation Fields Octave 5: 248,832 probable selves

(Divided by 12 = 20,736)

Octave 4: 20,736 probable selves (divided by 12 = 1728)

Octave 3: 1728 probable selves (divided by 12 = 144)
Octave 2: 144 probable selves (divided by 12 = 12)
Octave 1: 12 probable selves

“Ones being is without beginning or end, making the creation an extension

of one’s self; or rather, a mirroring of self as one expands the experiencing of
self differently within the limits of that creations design.”

At this point there should be the consideration that we are so

much more than this incarnate experience, and all of the
differentiated identity listed above is all part of our energetic
awareness. “Ones being is without beginning or end…”

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from

one form to another.”~ Albert Einstein

“The infinite state of ones being is that of formlessness, a nonentity

possessing all awareness and ability. In the infinite state one is able
to reside inside and outside of a creation simultaneously, the
projecting of self within a creation through expansion and
subdivision of energy; the embodying of self within all aspects
of that creations bounds.”
“Within this universe of contrasting realities knowing True self is the great
Knowing Self is Healing Self
The first step to one’s sovereign path of healing is recognizing True
self. Knowing and expressing one’s self authentically is first
acknowledging that you are not the manifest identity but have only
become the embodiment. Being here in this particular universe
(octave 1) allows for what is understood as the experience of
personality. The incarnate individuated experience in this animal
body under these compromised conditions of no preexistent memory,
contending for survival, and mortal corruption is quite challenging
especially for most of those in the later part of their life. So, the first
step to one’s sovereign path of healing is that of knowing authentic-
self and realigning one’s intention with that energetic awareness and
knowing that energetic awareness is your souls intended purpose now
becoming actuated.
‘Knowing and expressing one’s self authentically is
first acknowledging that you are not the manifest identity but have
only become the embodiment.’
‘We are so much more than this incarnate experience’

In the process of beginning to reintegrate our energetic awareness we

also begin to fulfill our intended soul’s mission. This awareness is
expressed through personal comfort, peace, self-love and assurance.
We begin to overcome by being aware or living in the moment,
intending in the moment peaceful fulfillment of soul reintegration.
Picking Apples under the Milky Way

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith

Chapter 4:
Repairing this fallen three dimensional harmonic structure

Healing self is the key to healing this universal structure

Living in the Moment

This means being authentically present within oneself, i.e. being aware
it is not about the past or future but truly being in the present. Being
present on going determines the energetic intended outcome.

Example: having unwavering intention for an outcome means to see it already

finished; this creates the manifest intended energy within that moment.

Intending isn’t about visualization, visualization is the animated

outcome of ongoing intention, and ongoing intention actuates the
manifest energy that can then become animated or visualized.
The key here is feeling or intending it as already done or finished. In
other words: releasing the energy in confidence as a completed work
or creation… letting go after the energetic projection so the intended
energy may take form and then revisiting it with joy and thankfulness
so it may manifest.
Creators we are
Impulsive reactive thoughts can produce imbalance within our
being; emotional thoughts creates energetic form within ones
bio - field, so clear intention is most important.
Our thoughts create; a reaction produces energy and over time
that energy reoccurring will manifest energetic form. The
thinking process produces unique energetic wave forms that
correspond to those intentions. The balanced state of thought
creation is so to manifest and expand oneself; it is an extension
of our multi-dimensional self. How a creation expands (grows) is
through the same energetic thought intention. A thought
creation will produce creative energy and that energy will inspire
the creator to focus on that feeling or intent that will potentially
produce a repetitive pulse wave.
We are internal beings; whatever we energetically internalize
becomes our outward manifestation creation; for it produces
creative energy that feeds that outward manifestation or
creation of our intent.
We also can trap energy through our focus of intention: trauma,
shock, fear…. etc., can produce strong emotional energetic
reactions that we may find ourselves revisiting over and over
again in order to attempt resolving the imbalance; but instead
of resolving it we are only reliving those fearful events therefore
energetically feeding the trauma and expanding that creation.
The energy or frequency by which a creation is manifested also
requires that same energy to survive. I use the word survive
because a thought form can become a lifeform through our focus
and intention; and in order for a lifeform to survive it requires
energy, and in this case the very energy that created it, and
because you (essentially) created it, it will require of you that
same energy.
Example: if you were traumatized and you revisit that event you’re
building up energy trapping it where it becomes a densifying
conscious crystalline structure and this form corresponds to the
energy that formed it; and by you revisiting that trauma, that
emotional event, you are feeding it that same traumatic energy that
created it. This will eventually produce a creation (lifeform) within
your bio-field and it will require of you the same energy that formed it.

So like any lifeform in the 1st and 2nd reality fields there is the need
for survival, and your created lifeform will provoke you (its
creator/host) by triggering the physical bodies’ cellar memories
connected to that trauma event in order that it may feed from the
very energy that created it. This weakens your bio-field and attracts
other parasitical lifeforms that will feed off your energetic field.

As communicated in chapter 3 each being is a subdivision of its

totality, meaning an incarnation is only a fractal or subdivision of
the immortal essence or spirit, which the core aspect of it being a
portal to one’s own universal construct outside of this particular
universal construct or reality field.
Fallen intention

The purpose for spiritual beings creating programs of domination

and control is to cause those “to be willing “i.e. to be subordinate in
order that they may freely give their power away therefore allowing
those to access the subordinates creation energy: that is to say, their
universal construct, their co-creations… etc., essentially one could
say that the subordinates are (temporary) giving over “their deeds”
of creation and sovereign right to those beings through direct or
indirect manipulated agreement or covenant.

This is how (in part) the entities of religion lay claim to having
created all things is due to the subordinates freely giving away their
creative energy and therefore the subordinates being convinced
through conditioning, programing, and indoctrination to embrace
these entities’ as their creator(s) therefore redirecting their focus and
intention to that or those beings.

Our intention produces energetic manifestation and within our

construct of belief it can therefore be our liberation or captivity.

Being aware of what occurs in our thought process throughout

the day may give one deep insight into the energetic exchange
that is occurring around and within us allowing for the potential
of self-regulation.
The Love we’ve always been

Our divine love is the great neutralizer within this universe of

contrasting realities: the greatest aspect of self is “our divine
love”. The energy center in the body where we may feel this
aspect of divine love is where the thymus gland is located. From
this point we may project our pure intent so to create out of love
& joy allowing for our unconditional love for ALL there is.

Yes Creators we are

And it is this reason we must take complete responsibility for all
things we do and say, we must embrace our sovereignty for
without it we will be unable to respond. In other words, without
embracing our true identity as an infinite spiritual being we
become subject to victimization playing the blame game, and or a
violator of others freewill. Embracing our infinite spiritual nature
means to embody our love for all creation, for only through our
true nature do we see ourselves as all things.

Within this universe of contrasting realities True self is the great

neutralizer – for in our infinite being we are the love that has always
been and outside of this there is nothing greater.
Picking Apples under the Milky Way

The incarnate reflections of Randy Keith

Chapter 5:
The path to true self: a process to personal healing

Repairing structural energetic pathways

When using our intent harmoniously with the original natural
order in a co-creative, noncompetitive, universal co-evolutionary
manner the system mechanics of our personal harmonic structure
will organize itself and align with the original creation order.
So in the practice of spiritual techniques and or exercises it is to be
understood as fundamental systems that may allow for the focus of
harmonious expression. The natural divine order may be
experienced by simply aligning ones intention within ones daily
present awareness. Being in the moment is special in that it gives
the opportunity to be present in the moment and to allow ones
divine nature to come forward in that moment. This awareness is
the catalyst to healing our structural energetic pathways.
Emotional imbalance: energetic imprint aka Karma

The original creation order is designed to be a perpetual self-

sustaining rebalancing system, and again ones structure will
organize itself and align with the original creation order as one
intends. However, if the choice is made to express the opposite of
the original design intention to the point where it threatens the
perpetual motion mechanics, the cosmic systematic order will
restore balance by recreating the original creation blueprint
through the energetic forces integral to that of the cosmic energetic
formation. This is understood as cause and effect, which is the
outcome of co-creation/creation within this universal system. The
intended energy one puts into the system will manifest accordingly.
However, this 3 dimensional system which we presently are
experiencing has been altered and the systems reconfiguration has
created a geometric mathematical program that is the opposite of
its original design. And as mentioned this contributes extensively
to the conflicting karmic condition within this reality field.
Karma the energetic imprint
Our thoughts create…
…Impulsive reactive thoughts can produce imbalance within
our being; emotional thoughts creates energetic form within
ones bio-field…
This is an energetic imprint or rather an electrical impression
within our bio-field through energetic thought vibration. In
simpler terms, this is recording our energetic intention whether
it is purposeful or reactive. This is the design function of this
universal system for manifestation; however, when attempting to
manifest in an altered system the results easily become
inconsistent and or chaotic.
Again, the systems reconfiguration has created a geometric
mathematical program that is running opposite to that of its
original design. However re-aligning ones intention may only
be momentary, but if gone unchecked the imprint will create a
feedback loop of that reactive thought vibration intention.
Depending on the amount of emotional energy used will
determine the strength of the imprints manifest energy or what
is understood as karma.
Creators we are (revisited)
The focus of intent is how we expand self within a reality field or
universe and that focus of aligning ones intention with the
original creation intention allows for such expansion. The gift of
free will choice gives us the opportunity to vastly experience self
in such diverse manner, and such opportunities will produce
challenges of how far we are able or willing to extend that
experience without altering the system code. To know you are a
creator is to understand the responsibility that comes with it.
Free will may be a gift but it certainly comes with the cost of
accountability, for within this construct of At-One-Ment what
one creates affects the many.
For the love of all life
Here within this fallen reality field embodying unconditional love
becomes the greatest challenge. Navigating through a fallen
world with the intent to assist for the betterment of that world
can be extremely difficult, and then you begin to realize it’s not
about struggling, laborious effort, or sacrifice, but rather it’s
about using the creative imagination, being truly present in the
moment, and letting go.
“I am a wonderful co-creative being that works through loving intention of
the creative imagination.”

Being in manifest reality and at the same time being

perceptive of oneself as the embodied expression of the Source
is the state of true-self-actualization; this creates the competent
ability of unwavering unconditional love. It is also important to
understand that our genuine unique sovereign expression really
does matter, and this isn’t about mimicking or surrendering to
someone or something, this is about our true-self-realization.

“The Love We’ve Always Been”

Transmuting Fear
First of all it is important to understand that fear is not part of
the natural divine order. So anger, judgement, hate, terror,
jealously, deceit, rudeness, unworthiness…etc. are all fear-based
emotions and should be considered artificial. Transmuting these
energies to love, joy, serenity, admiration, optimism,
amazement, compassion, adoration, acceptance…etc. is through
the state of true-self-actualization.

“We are amazing co-creative beings which work through loving

intention of the creative imagination.”
Tuning & Playing our Composition
The body we are in is an instrument, an instrument in need of
repair. In order to play our Souls composition ones manifest
blueprint must accommodate the perpetual life force currents
necessary for restoration and the fine tuning of our instrument.
The gift of freewill requires co-creative personal attention for
such repair. This is not about waiting around for someone or
something to show up and fix us; we are in this reality field
because our intention at some point put us on this soul’s
journeys path, so personal responsibility is required.

So what’s the process?

Again, is it through the state of true-self-actualization. If we are
looking to heal spiritually then it’s an everyday in the moment
process of renewing the mind to that which is true-self. So again
let us define what is true-self so that we may allow the ability to
So true-self is understood as that which is outside of identity,
outside of that which is called manifest reality i.e. outside of any
creation field. We are the essence of all life, we are the ancients of
precreation; we are truly that which defies description.
But if we are to be defined we would be best summarized as the
highest and most beautiful expression of love.
Yes in our infinite state we are a formless non-entity all-knowing
all-powerful but what is the substance that makes up our very
being? The greatest energy that there is or ever will be: Pure
Love. Our soul’s pure composition is our transcendent love
We must continually practice our song that we may be ready to
perform at any moment. This is our greatest challenge in this
world: the process of reintegrating the love we have always been.
Reintegrating our energetic true nature i.e. true-self creates the
process of metamorphosis unto transformation… which is…

…Our Ascending love

“We are the highest and most beautiful expression of love”.

In all things lets us renew our minds to this eternal truth “We
are the Love that has Always Been”.

Be kind to yourself and know self. Feel free within and say this
out loud slowly and contemplatively without any reservation
– I Am, I Am, I Am Love

And remember, practice makes known the perfection you really

are the highest and most beautiful expression of love.
Contact information:

Randy Keith Smerdell

2744 W Rialto Ave Spc 50
Rialto CA 92376

PH: 951-334-0624


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