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Received: 15 July 2017 | Accepted: 21 October 2017

DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12549


Marker-assisted backcrossing to develop foliar disease-

resistant genotypes in TMV 2 variety of peanut (Arachis
hypogaea L.)

Rohini M. Kolekar1 | Mallenahally Sukruth1 | Kenta Shirasawa2 | Hajisaheb L. Nadaf3 |

Babu N. Motagi3 | Sattigarahalli Lingaraju4 | Prakashgouda V. Patil4 | Ramesh S. Bhat1

Department of Biotechnology, University
of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India Abstract
Department of Frontier Research, Kazusa TMV 2 is a very popular peanut variety among the Indian farmers, but it is highly
DNA Research Institute, Chiba, Japan
susceptible to fungal foliar diseases like late leaf spot (LLS) and rust. Marker-assisted
Department of Genetics and Plant
Breeding, University of Agricultural backcrossing (MABC) in TMV 2 using foliar disease-resistant donor, GPBD 4 and
Sciences, Dharwad, India the disease resistance-linked markers (GM2009, GM2079, GM2301, GM1839 and
Department of Plant Pathology, University
IPAHM103) resulted in a large number of backcross populations and also straight
of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India
cross populations. Foreground selection followed by field evaluation under disease
epiphytotic conditions could identify a few superior genotypes. Two homozygous
Ramesh S. Bhat, Department of
Biotechnology, University of Agricultural backcross lines TMG-29 and TMG-46 showed enhanced resistance to LLS and rust
Sciences, Dharwad, India
diseases (score of 3.00 for both) along with 71.0% and 62.7% increase in the pod
yield per plot, respectively, over the check, TMV 2. These foliar disease-resistant
Funding information
and productive lines can be released as commercial varieties or can be used as
Grant received from DBT, New Delhi
through the project BT/PR4195/AGR/2/ genetic resources in the peanut improvement.
836/2011, and DST-JSPS through the
project DST/INT/JSPS/P-227/2016 is KEYWORDS
gratefully acknowledged.
foreground selection, marker-assisted backcrossing, peanut, productivity, rust and late leaf spot
Communicated by: R. Varshney disease resistance

1 | INTRODUCTION been possible due to the identification and validation of the QTL
and markers for foliar disease resistance. Two major QTL regions
Cultivated peanut, an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 40), is an important were identified for LLS and rust resistance. A QTL region on A03
oilseed and food crop worldwide. Globally, it is grown on an area chromosome governed both LLS (67.98%) and rust (82.62%) resis-
of 25.44 million hectares with a production of 45.22 million tons tance with very high phenotypic variance explained (PVE). The QTL
(FAOSTAT, 2016). Foliar diseases like late leaf spot (LLS) caused by region on A03 was further resolved to 3.06 Mb (131.60–
Phaeoisariopsis personata, and rust caused by Puccinia arachidis are 134.66 Mb) genomic region on the A03 pseudomolecule of A gen-
the major biotic stresses limiting the peanut productivity since the ome (Pandey et al., 2016), which carried ~25 putative candidate
co-occurrence of these two diseases can cause a yield loss of 70% genes associated with LLS and rust resistance. SSR (Sujay et al.,
(Subrahmanyam, Williams, McDonald, & Gibbons, 1984). Although 2012), SNP (Pandey et al., 2016) and AhTE (Kolekar et al., 2016)
several fungicides are available to control these foliar diseases, markers linked to the QTL/genes were identified. Some of these
development of resistant cultivars is desirable considering the haz- markers were validated (Sukruth et al., 2015; Yeri et al., 2014) and
ardous effect of chemicals on environment. Breeding for foliar dis- also used for developing foliar disease-resistant backcross lines
ease resistance in peanut has now reached a stage where (Pasupuleti, Pandey, Manohar, et al., 2016; Varshney et al., 2014;
molecular markers can be successfully employed for genotypic Yeri & Bhat, 2016). A 24.2 cM QTL region on A02 chromosome
selection, which could enhance the breeding efficiency. This has governed only LLS resistance with a PVE of 62.34% (Sujay et al.,

948 | © 2017 Blackwell Verlag GmbH Plant Breeding. 2017;136:948–953.


2012) and 35.2% (Kolekar et al., 2016). GM1839 and GM1009 SSR Ten plants of TMV 2 were grown in the pots and crossed with
markers were linked to this region. GPBD 4 during the postrainy season (January to April) of 2012. F1
Among the major peanut-growing states of India, TMV 2 covers plants were confirmed by foreground selection with LLS and rust
a large area (Annonymous, 2014; IOPEPC and AICRP, 2016) resistance-linked markers. These F1 plants were used as the male
although it was released for commercial cultivation almost 70 years parents to develop the BC1F1s. Likewise, two more rounds of back-
back. TMV 2 is still popular among the farmers for its wide adapt- crosses were followed for TMV 2 9 GPBD 4 to produce BC3F1s
ability and premium quality kernels. However, TMV 2 is highly sus- using MABC. Selfed generations of selected F1 and BCnF1 plants
ceptible to LLS and rust, thereby demanding the development of were also developed for marker-assisted selection.
foliar disease-resistant lines of TMV 2. For this purpose, we
employed the markers linked to LLS and rust for transferring the
2.2 | Foreground selection
two QTL regions (on A02 and A03) from the resistant donor GPBD
4. Marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC) resulted in the development Genomic DNA was isolated from the young leaves using the modified
of a few foliar disease-resistant genotypes in TMV 2, which are cur- CTAB method (Cuc et al., 2008). TMV 2 and GPBD 4 were screened
rently undergoing multilocation trial for variety development and with SSR markers linked to the LLS and rust resistance (Kolekar et al.,
commercial release. 2016), and the polymorphic markers, GM2009, GM2079, GM2301
and IPAHM103 linked to the QTL region on A03, and GM1839 linked
to the QTL region on A02, were employed for foreground selection in
the backcross lines as well as straight cross lines.
PCR amplification was carried out in a reaction volume of 20 ll con-
2.1 | Development of backcross populations
taining 5 ng of genomic DNA, 10 pmol of each primer, 2 mM of dNTPs,
Backcross populations were developed by crossing TMV 2 (recurrent 2 mM MgCl2, 1 X amplification buffer and 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase.
parent) with GPBD 4 (donor parent) following three cycles of back- Touch-down PCR of 35 cycles was performed with an initial denatura-
crosses (Figure 1) during 2012 to 2014. TMV 2 is an early maturing tion at 94°C for 5 min followed by denaturation at 94°C for 20 s,
and widely adapted variety, selected from “Gudiyatham bunch” and annealing at 65°C for 20 s with a 1°C decrease in annealing tempera-
released by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, in ture for first five cycles, extension at 72°C for 30 s and final extension
1940. It is popular for its uniform pod and kernels, high oil content at 72°C for 20 min using Eppendorf mastercycler (Hamburg, Germany).
(49%) and kernel taste, but it is susceptible for LLS and rust diseases. The PCR amplicons were separated on 4% agarose gel by electrophore-
The donor GPBD 4 is an improved Spanish bunch groundnut variety sis. Fine resolution of the PCR products was accomplished using 4%
with early maturity, high yielding ability with desirable pod and ker- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) wherever necessary.
nel features, high oil and protein content, better oleic/linoleic ratio
(O/L), high pod growth rate and resistance to LLs and rust. It was
2.3 | Evaluation for LLS and rust resistance
developed from KRG1 9 ICGV86855 at University of Agricultural
Sciences, Dharwad, India (Gowda, Motagi, Naidu, Diddimani, & For evaluating the resistance to LLS and rust, disease epiphytotic
Sheshagiri, 2002). condition was created using the “Spreader Row Technique”

F I G U R E 1 Scheme of marker-assisted backcrossing in TMV 2 variety of peanut (R: Rainy season; PR: Postrainy season) [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

(Subrahmanyam et al., 1995) in which the disease spreader plants plants in each family. Productivity traits were recorded on plot
(TMV 2) were planted at every 10th row in the experimental plot. basis. The ANOVA showed significant differences among these
LLS conidia and rust urediniospores were collected by soaking and families for the disease resistance and productivity traits. LLS, rust
rubbing the infected leaves of susceptible plants in the water. When and pod yield per plot showed high PCV, GCV, heritability and
the plants were 35 days old, they were sprayed with the inoculum genetic advance over mean (GAM) (Table 1). Three superior lines
containing 20,000 conidia/urediniospores per ml water. Modified 9- (TMG-22-1, TMG-32-19 and TMG-51-2) were selected. They
point scale (1–9 score) (Subbarao, Subramanyam, & Reddy, 1990) exhibited high level of resistance to rust (3.0 to 3.5) and LLS (3.0
was used for scoring LLS and rust disease at 70, 80 and 90 days to 4.0). Selected superior lines recorded 76.3%–84.5% higher pod
after sowing (DAS). The families were also evaluated for the produc- yield per plot than TMV 2. These lines were marginally superior for
tivity traits like pod yield per plot, shelling percentage, test weight other traits like test weight, shelling percentage and sound mature
and sound mature kernel weight percentage and morphological traits kernel weight percentage (Table 2).
like plant height, number of primary branches, height of primary
branch, leaf length, leaf width and pod features as per the Ground-
3.2 | Selection of advanced backcross lines
nut Descriptor (IBPGR/ICRISAT, 1992). Productivity traits were
recorded on plot basis in each replication. However, the morphologi- Eleven (BC1F4) lines were evaluated in a RBD with two replications
cal traits were observed on five randomly selected plants of each where each line was grown in a plot of 1.35 m2 during the rainy sea-
family and the mean was used for analysis. Statistical analyses for son of 2015. Resistance to LLS and rust was observed on five plants
ANOVA, components of variance, heritability and genetic advance in each family. Productivity traits were recorded on plot basis.
were carried out using Windostat version 8.1 available at the ANOVA showed the significant differences between the genotypes
Department of Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences, for LLS and rust resistance and productivity traits. High PCV and
Dharwad. GCV were observed for LLS and rust disease score at 90 DAS and
pod yield per plot (Table 1). High heritability and high GAM were
observed for LLS (78.99% and 61.99%, respectively) and rust reac-
3 | RESULTS tion (76.91% and 51.60%, respectively). Pod yield per plot exhibited
79.29% and 45.28% heritability and GAM, respectively, indicating
TMV 2 was crossed with GPBD 4 during 2013 to produce 292 pro- the scope for effective selection. Significant and positive correlation
geny of which 40 were confirmed to be F1s. Subsequent MABC was registered between LLS and rust disease score at 90 DAS, sug-
could identify 33, 26 and 18 progeny from a total 276, 192 and 83 gesting scope for simultaneous improvement of the traits. Pod yield
plants in BC1F1, BC2F1 and BC3Fl, respectively. A large number of per plot showed significant and negative correlation with LLS score,
plants/families were raised in the backcross and straight cross gener- whereas it was non-significant and negative for rust score. Pod yield
ations. Selection in the backcross and straight cross generations was per plot exhibited significant and positive correlation with shelling
exercised based on the foreground markers and phenotypic evalua- percentage and sound mature kernel weight percentage traits, which
tion in the field (2013 to 2015). With this breeding and evaluation contribute for high yield.
scheme, the superior plants (F2, BC1F2, BC2F2 and BC3F2) and lines TMG-29 and TMG-46 recorded the score of 3.0 for LLS reac-
(F3, F4, BC1F3 and BC1F4) with resistance to LLS and rust were tion, while TMV 2 had a score of 7.0 for LLS reaction (Figure 2).
identified. TMG-29 and TMG-46 had a score of 3.0 for rust response when
compared to the score of 8.0 for TMV 2, indicating enhanced LLS
and rust resistance among the two BC1F4 lines of TMV 2. These
3.1 | Selection of plants and families
two promising lines showed higher productivity when compared to
Six hundred BC1F2 plants were evaluated for LLS and rust response, TMV 2. TMG-29 (458.75 g) and TMG-46 (436.55 g) showed 71.0%
which ranged from 3.0 to 8.0, for both the diseases. Sixteen superior and 62.7% increase in the pod yield per plot over TMV 2
plants with LLS and rust scores ranging from 3.0 to 5.0 were (268.25 g). These lines recorded marginal superiority for test
selected. The progeny of these plants were evaluated, and 11 fami- weight, shelling percentage and sound mature kernel weight
lies were selected for resistance to LLS and rust and yield traits. Sim- percentage (Table 2).
ilarly, 132 BC2F2 plants and 138 BC3F2 plants were selected for Morphologically, the selected lines showed erect growth habit
foliar disease resistance and pod yield per plant from 550 and 670 like TMV 2 (Table 2) (Figure 2). Selected lines did not show any
BC2F2 and BC3F2 plants, respectively. significant difference for plant height, leaf length, leaf width,
From the straight cross of TMV 2 9 GPBD 4, 990 F2s were height of primary branch and number of primary branches as
evaluated to select 119 plants. In F3, both plant and family selec- compared to TMV 2. Both the lines (TMG-29 and TMG-46) had
tions were exercised. Further, 99 F4 families were evaluated in a desirable pod features with medium pod constriction, medium
randomized block design (RBD) with two replications where each pod reticulation and slight pod beak. There was no remarkable
family was grown in a plot of 1.36 m2 during the rainy season of change for pod length and width (Figure 3). These lines showed
2015. LLS and rust were recorded from five randomly selected marginal superiority for pod yield per plot, test weight and

T A B L E 1 Estimates of genetic
Traits Mean Range PCV GCV h2bs (%) GA GAM
variability for foliar disease
reaction and productivity traits F4
among BC1F4 and F4 families LLS (90 DAS) 4.49 3.00–8.00 30.33 28.07 85.68 2.40 53.53
Rust (90 DAS) 3.74 3.00–7.00 24.04 21.64 80.83 1.50 40.02
PY/P (g) 196.03 245.46–509.00 26.92 24.57 83.27 90.53 46.18
TW (g) 38.43 32.83–42.65 10.35 7.97 59.24 4.86 12.64
SP 75.53 67.73–82.37 5.47 3.62 43.86 3.73 4.94
SMKW (%) 86.86 79.73–91.85 5.58 4.39 61.93 6.18 7.12
LLS (90 DAS) 5.61 3.00–7.00 38.11 33.86 78.99 3.98 61.99
Rust (90 DAS) 4.89 3.00–8.00 32.23 28.26 76.91 2.50 51.60
PY/P (g) 384.24 247.50–528.75 27.72 24.69 79.29 17.35 45.28
TW (g) 37.90 30.60–46.80 14.16 10.85 58.77 6.50 17.14
SP 73.15 64.87–82.80 8.70 6.04 49.18 6.13 8.63
SMKW (%) 82.90 67.50–91.68 9.88 8.78 78.97 13.33 16.07

LLS, late leaf spot; PY/P, pod yield per plot; TW, test weight; SP, shelling percentage; SMKW, sound mature ker-
nel weight percentage; PCV, phenotypic coefficient of variation; GCV, genotypic coefficient of variation; GA,
genetic advance; GAM, genetic advance over mean and h2bs (%): broad-sense heritability.

T A B L E 2 Foliar disease reaction, morphological features and yield performance of superior lines
Genotypes (90 DAS) (90 DAS) (cm) NPB (cm) (cm) (cm) (g) (g) SP (%) (cm) (cm) PCN PR PB
TMG-22-1 3.50 4.00 32.50 6.50 34.75 4.60 2.80 473.00 42.00 78.41 84.00 2.90 1.20 M M S
TMG-32-19 3.00 4.00 32.25 6.50 33.75 4.15 2.15 495.00 35.94 77.00 91.06 2.64 1.22 M M S
TMG-51-2 3.00 3.00 29.75 5.00 33.25 3.75 2.35 484.50 44.54 73.68 91.08 2.70 1.10 M M S
CV (%) 11.37 10.17 8.74 14.45 5.70 13.51 12.98 11.05 6.61 4.10 3.44 4.49 8.30
LSD (0.05) 1.00 0.74 5.17 1.49 3.55 0.65 1.14 44.12 5.79 5.25 5.84 0.21 0.17
TMG-29 3.00 3.00 31.50 5.00 29.00 4.40 2.55 458.75 37.71 77.80 84.28 2.50 1.11 M M S
TMG-46 3.00 3.00 30.00 5.00 31.00 5.40 3.25 436.55 37.64 72.49 88.64 2.85 1.25 M M S
CV (%) 10.43 17.70 5.96 9.73 4.74 9.61 7.32 12.62 9.09 6.26 4.53 1.44 6.93
LSD (0.05) 0.74 1.04 3.99 1.18 3.31 1.04 0.43 104.45 7.44 9.00 8.12 0.08 0.16
TMV 2 7.00 8.00 31.50 5.00 30.50 5.50 3.65 268.25 43.12 73.38 87.25 2.80 1.25 M M S
GPBD 4 3.00 3.00 25.50 5.00 29.50 3.75 2.25 437.00 36.33 72.00 83.10 2.45 0.90 M M S

LLS, late leaf spot; PH, plant height; NPB, number of primary branches; HPB, height of primary branch; LL, leaf length; LW, leaf width; PY/P, pod yield
per plot; TW, test weight; SP, shelling percentage; SMKW, sound mature kernel weight percentage; PL, pod length; PW, pod width; PCN, pod constric-
tion; PR, pod reticulation; PB, pod beak; M, medium; S, slight; CV, coefficient of variation and LSD, least significant difference at p < .05.

shelling percentage over GPBD 4, the donor parent and an elite 4 | DISCUSSION
and released variety.
These resistant lines were confirmed for the QTL regions on A03 This study reports the development of LLS- and rust-resistant back-
and A02 by foreground screening with LLS and rust resistance-linked cross lines of TMV 2, an elite and farmer-friendly variety. GPBD 4, a
markers. TMG-29 and TMG-46 had resistant-type alleles at disease-resistant variety, was used as the donor parent to transfer
GM2009, GM2079, GM2301, GM1839 and IPAHM103 like those of the QTL region on A02 and A03 chromosomes governing LLS and
GPBD 4. Other lines such as TMG-48 and TMG-49 had resistant rust resistance (Kolekar et al., 2016; Sujay et al., 2012). Previous
allele at a few (2-3) marker loci. For example, TMG-48 had GPBD 4 studies (Pasupuleti, Pandey, Manohar, et al., 2016; Varshney et al.,
type of allele at three loci (GM2009, GM2079 and IPAHM103) and 2014) aimed at transferring the QTL from A03 only. The QTL region
TMG-49 had GPBD 4 type of allele at two loci (GM2079 and on A03 chromosome of GPBD 4 was proposed to be contributed by
GM1839). A. cardenasii (diploid with A genome) through the interspecific

FIGURE 2 Foliar disease response of the recurrent parent (TMV 2) and its backcross lines

FIGURE 3 Pod and kernel features of the recurrent parent (TMV 2) and its backcross lines

derivative, ICGV 86855 (Bertioli et al., 2016; Gowda et al., 2002). TMG-46 showed 99.99% genome similarity with TMV 2. TMG-29
Our unpublished results showed very high similarity for this region and TMG-46 carried the resistant-type alleles at the QTL regions on
between GPBD 4 and A. cardenasii. A02 and A03. Thus, TMG-29 and TMG-46 are promising for variety
Crossing and three rounds of backcrossing followed by selection development and commercial release.
during 2012 to 2015 at F2, F3, F4, BC1F2, BC1F3, BC1F4, BC2F2 and Previously, Varshney et al. (2014) developed rust-resistant pea-
BC3F2 generations could identify 19.1% plants/lines, which showed nut genotypes from three elite varieties (ICGV 91114, JL 24 and
significant improvement for rust resistance, and 17.9% progeny TAG 24) using MABC. However, the backcross lines developed in
superior for LLS resistance. Recovery of more number of resistant this study using TMV 2 as the recurrent parent are resistant to both
progeny for rust over LLS could be due to the simple genetic control LLS and rust diseases. These superior backcross lines (TMG-29 and
of rust resistance over the complex genetic control of LLS resistance TMG-46) are currently undergoing multilocation testing in eight dif-
(Knauft, 1987; Nevill, 1981). ferent environments as per the variety development and release pro-
Evaluation of advanced backcross lines (BC1F4) identified two cedures. In the past, MABC has been successful in improving the
(TMG-29 and TMG-46) genotypes, which were significantly superior nematode resistance (Simpson, Starr, Church, Burow, & Paterson,
for LLS and rust resistance. They also recorded 71.0% and 62.7% 2003) and enhancing the oleic acid content in peanut (Chu et al.,
increase in the pod yield per plot, respectively, over TMV 2 and 2011; Pasupuleti, Pandey, Shasidhar, et al., 2016). In future, with the
were marginally superior for test weight, shelling percentage and identification of QTL and markers for various productivity traits,
sound mature kernel weight percentage. TMV 2 gets a premium resistance to diseases and quality traits, MABC could be routine in
price in the market because of its uniform pods and kernels. TMG- peanut.
29 and TMG-46 were comparable to TMV 2 for the pod and kernel
shape, size and uniformity. As the donor parent (GPBD 4) is an elite
variety, the undesirable linkage drags were not observed in any of
the backcross lines. In addition, our unpublished ddRAD-Seq data on There is no conflict of interests among the authors

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Pasupuleti, J., Pandey, M. K., Manohar, S. S., Variath, M. T., Nallathambi,
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We thank Dr. M. V. C. Gowda, Professor, Genetics and Plant Breed- tant introgression lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) record
ing, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India, for sparing higher pod and haulm yield in multilocation testing. Plant Breeding,
135, 355–366.
the seeds of GPBD 4 and for his overall advice.
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Khera, P., . . . Mishra, G. P. (2016). Molecular breeding for introgres-
sion of fatty acid desaturase mutant alleles (ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B)
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Simpson, C., Starr, J., Church, G., Burow, M., & Paterson, A. (2003).
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How to cite this article: Kolekar RM, Sukruth M, Shirasawa
nut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Euphytica, 209, 147–156.
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ogy, 99, 77–86. (Arachis hypogaea L.). Plant Breed. 2017;136:948–953.
Pandey, M. K., Khan Amir, W., Singh, V. K., Vishwakarma, M. K., Yaduru,
S., Kumar, V., . . . Varshney, R. K. (2016). QTL-seq approach identified
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