FVG Strategy Limit

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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.

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// © Hiubris_Indicators

strategy(title = "FVG Strategy", overlay = true, default_qty_value = 100,
initial_capital=100000,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, pyramiding=0,

tz = input.string("UTC-4", title="TimeZone")

is_newbar(res) =>
t = time(res)
not na(t) and (na(t[1]) or t > t[1])
newDay = is_newbar("D")

// Trading Session
in_session(sess) =>
t = time(timeframe.period, sess, tz)
r = na(t) ? false : true

sessionfvg = input.session("1000-1100", title="FVG Time")+":1234567"

session = input.session("1000-1555", title="Trading Time")+":1234567"

closeAll = true // input(false, title='Close Trades in the above Session')

trading_session_filter = in_session(session)
insessionfvg = in_session(sessionfvg)
bgcolor(trading_session_filter?color.new(color.green , 90):na)

bull_fvg = low>high[2] and insessionfvg

bear_fvg = high<low[2] and insessionfvg

long = low < ta.valuewhen(bull_fvg, low , 0) and trading_session_filter

short= high> ta.valuewhen(bear_fvg, high, 0) and trading_session_filter

sl_long = ta.lowest(3)
sl_short= ta.highest(3)

tp = input.float(2.0, title="Take Profit R:R", minval=0, step=0.1)

tp_long = low +math.abs(low -sl_long )*tp
tp_short = high-math.abs(high-sl_short)*tp

//plotshape(bull_fvg and trading_session_filter and strategy.opentrades==0,

textcolor=color.lime, color=color.lime, style=shape.triangleup , title="Buy" ,
text="FVG", location=location.belowbar, offset=0, size=size.tiny)
//plotshape(bear_fvg and trading_session_filter and strategy.opentrades==0,
textcolor=color.red, color=color.red, style=shape.triangledown, title="Sell",
text="FVG", location=location.abovebar, offset=0, size=size.tiny)
barcolor(bull_fvg and trading_session_filter and strategy.opentrades==0?
color.yellow : bear_fvg and trading_session_filter and strategy.opentrades==0?
color.fuchsia : na, title='FVG')

nr = str.tostring(bar_index)

// Strategy Backtest Limiting Algorithm

i_startTime = input.time(defval = timestamp("01 Sep 2002 13:30 +0000"), title =
"Backtesting Start Time")
i_endTime = input.time(defval = timestamp("30 Sep 2099 19:30 +0000"), title =
"Backtesting End Time" )
timeCond = (time > i_startTime) and (time < i_endTime)

equity = strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit

trades = 0
trades:= newDay? 0 : trades[1]

if (strategy.opentrades>0 or strategy.closedtrades>strategy.closedtrades[1]) and

trades := 1

if bull_fvg and trading_session_filter and equity>0 and timeCond and

strategy.opentrades==0 and trades==0
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long , comment='Long', limit=low)
strategy.exit("SL/TPL", from_entry = "long" , stop=sl_long , limit=tp_long ,
comment_profit ='TP', comment_loss='SL')

if bear_fvg and trading_session_filter and equity>0 and timeCond and

strategy.opentrades==0 and trades==0
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, comment='Short', limit=high)
strategy.exit("SL/TPS", from_entry = "short", stop=sl_short, limit=tp_short,
comment_profit ='TP', comment_loss='SL')

if not trading_session_filter
if closeAll

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