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1n8?te‘@ sos touse twkeina mitisctn, ———_expanent. wetesuoeas “pie sec teumaneseremerectetemamnre 2S hee For eR anda R 4. aba Va for a20n>2 tor a>onz2 = (¥a)" form3zn2 2amda>o ener hay ks a ‘2 Tewgoerttow may net oe te ramberina 7 utiohin. | abou | 2 Atnconteacnentna mewsttae ert DEFINITION OF RATIONAL EXPONENTS IF the poweror the exponent on 3 number isin the form® where q #0, then the number i sad to have tational exponent. For exemple: 8 ‘ALL THE RADICAL NUMBERS HAVE RATIONAL EXPONENT rand isalso called as_Va™ = (9/a)"_= n* rootof a’™ RULES (LAWS) FOR RATIONAL EXPONENTS: prodet 2-2 = 021222) « 2 Sg | 2 _ 200 quotiont = 2. 222 a 2° 22 @Y -@22@22222 = ‘NOTE > The same rules (or laws) that hold for rational exponents also hold for irrational exponents. > These laws also hold for surds. > There are no rules (or laws) for the sum or difference of terms. s La: te os ah A. om. a laaunal Expand simplify: (2 4372)7 (2x72) 3 4 (2x3) Solution Solution (43)? (2x74)°+ (ax-8y" ag PE ag 2g Bt Put Hy ts a 24 2) Spety-on xs 2 =2rtd Exercise Express the following with positive exponents and simplify if possible: 107 b-5e#

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