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un @ e€ ©) « @® u- =@)-y- 8 orest vest (0) sri, (@ test (@) et ©) test Cv) Sspor (a) STOLE X €F'0 901 Cv) amp “165° = LEOX CPI = Soiy- *epst AT ua @ (scx 001) (EX 001) (@ zw ©) (oo1 x $2) +(0e Sz), () zoe (a) oorx(oe+sz) wee Cv) og +(oorxsz) Cv) stSzqgoy juajeamba gy oseqeuL = OT se olus Op SI OST X SZ. axs @ oszz axs ©} sve. ©) axs @ 006 =) ars, () sze_/(W) soaums ayy st*"005 St =STXLEHSTXEE n @ I @ or ©) ist. ©) s @ ssz_ (S) u . we) st [9] Jo japeaMbs voy asq oy], — HT gourd +2 sy exaquins Suywo orc cnn ® a TOS OUR 30 WOMAN, int sone (@ es orol (a) THe ©) sm 000T we =@ =OPTEXOMULE ET one) st soowid yeuNyoop € stqeqa ‘98 = TBP HL “Che oy rosis0o aR gooPL'E JEQUINE aT, st (@ oséze (a) si ©) ovize (0) sto (a) size (@) sioo _(v) vee (Vv) St $720'0 si seundig iueogpuais yoroor oxmbs om woup ‘S7Z= Sb3T TT p OV WONHAS LPLZe JAqQuINN SUL, ost (@ " prxt. @ st ©) oixt. ©) st @ olxez (@ : sro (¥) arxet () Ayoyounxoadde $1 5°0* 7662 OT Agareurpxoxdde S1 ZS 900z = (a) . yorxsve (@ ©) . eorxsze ©) AQ) pe eee |) w porxsce ¥) sr (1010) + Zyo.anywasexo oy, 6 sj usig3 prepunis uy sZE0'O JoquIMU OF. yoaus 310m oaroyo ofan, HDTH IxOdHOCINL w fs 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. d 2es @ ®) @) opm IL be (D) ‘ ‘The next term in the sequence 1, 6, 13, 22, 33 is (a) 44 @) 45 © 46 @Q) 2 In which of the following are the fractions arranged in ascending order s © pul @) po A student used a rod to measure the distances 3.6 m, 5,4.m and 7.2 m. what was the GREATEST length of the rod if it fitted cach distance an exact: number (A) 09m () 18m © 27m ) 36m Tfn x 2x 5 = ¥3600, then n= ) 3 ey © ©) 36 ‘Three lights flash at intervals of 4, 6 and 10 seconds respectively. They are started together. How soon after will ‘they next flash together? 40'sec 60 seo 120 see ©) 140sec 5% of 200 = eo (B) 10 © 40 (PD) 100 27 28. 29 30 als 32, 33. F121 % of a sum of money is $ 40.00, then the sum of money is (A) $5.00 (B) $45.00 (C) $320.00 (@) $500.00 ‘Tom bought a.pen for $60. he sold itjto gain 20% on his cost. How much money did he gain? @ $i2 (B) $40 (C) $72 @) $80 A toy was sold for $ 24.00 at @ profi 20%, The cost price was (A) $4.00 (B) $19.20 (C) $20.00 () $28.00 A car was bought for $ 10 000 in January 1997. Ifthe car depreciates 10% every year, what was its worth January 2000? (A) $3000 ®) $7290 (© $8000 (D) $9000, | An article cost $161, Ifa profit of 13% isto be made on the cost price, the selling price, in dollar, is: (a) sor(1 +2) (@) aa fl 3a) () r6i(13 "a J ) 19{i61 +h) ‘Anarticle bought for $125 was sold $175. The percentage profit wes (A) 286 ‘A salesman is paid 5% of his sales as commission. He made sales rsa . How much commission was he pail (A) $11.00 (B) $2020 (©) $101.00 @) $110.00 of for ons @Q* oe osrs (¥) | seal oseexout o1p ar0f99 Axeyes s queysrsse orp aay ‘907 $ Mou st Axeyps s;yumsisse ‘wonrodoid owes ‘up Aq poseazour Sem Ares s,queIsTSse SIF ‘087 $ 01 O1Z.$ Woy PaszaIoNT | sem Sroyes Kpyoom SUG “HAT: “Lb osisss (@) oooss$ (0) osi9s (a oooss (¥) ysou9}u punoduioo wmuve sod 49 38 SIEaK OMG 10} POISEAUE ST OOS § um peareoor MOU amp SIEM: * “Op oa @ 9 ©) Gg {G) ctv) {ouons spy sant ‘Wyof pip steak Ameur oy 1op saxa4 [oqduns ur Aouour 30 ymoure oures out pbajooor nog fouy Jy wntrue sed %C 38 ODE $ ParsonuT ose Wyor “uu xed %S er sreok € 10} OT G Passau Are Sy at (@ %6 (9) Z (qe tle x” (Ww) st smeak samp Ur ySaxoytT aiduns ur Zz ¢ ures 01 poysoaut St QOTTS gory ye emu Jed que0 Jed yer Ou, “by oosrs § (@) oosts (0) | oosg = (ar * HE sues + (v) ss} umume rod 960] 78 suo oom 30} 000 ST § uo rsezoqur opus om, “Ey osors (a) ores (0) ois (a): sors (wv) :2q [If Sseod 20x Jo pu o1p ye ysarayUt atduns ayy, “umuue sad 945 Jo ayer ‘up 18 pamoxiog 57 0002 $JO UNS CUE — “Tp axe. ors @ oor x8 i Fx009$ (9) OOrx € ex009s (a) oot Exexo09$s (¥) q wong st sread ¢ 207 umuu = tod %EIF 009 $ UO sesopT ofdums oy, “Ty ©) moostp @ 2 aqui BayBinog weounl ry ¢ eS se X > 09 you} yous st oqumu stp JT | ~ wrwar dayppoy am sou _. = 1 AgSns oy oF Guopaqiouop — (q) lnfaor ods v 03 Buojsqz0uop — (9) | AqBnx young Aexooy kod (). | Aeypoy jou yng AoRns kod (y) | outa qT HE siuopms p ame axoy, | “nvojaq suorssaxdxo | ap Jo JNO Buyoojes Aq Apoasr09 | ourores Sammorios amp araqdmdD g a1 @ nu © 4 @ . y Ww) qwavan AqBrw-anp oF 8u0}29 LON | op oum snuopnis qr] Jo z3quina ay, % @ 8 () L @ 9 W@W) jog 30 urban AgBinr 10 urea Kosjoou, buf 07 Suojeq syuapras gL Aceu MOFT q+ez a+e9 (9) * q+e @ (ay Ww) SEQ y® ‘69 89) 39 19 2a “parworpur st wea. ORO 0} SuyBuozaq sywopnys Jo oquatd OT, {treay Aggnr ons 0} SurBaojaq siaprys ITT }= A { ummai foy50q oy 0} StaSaojeq septs AIT} =H { suapmys ET 12puID} = 1. eAoge ureselp wus, Sy) UT 24 7 #4 so ]oq wresBeyp ay OF 19FOr EC ~Tg SURI 2a siasomt = (0) siequmu afoyat (9) sroquinu enone (g) sroquma yee — (¥y) JO 398 oxy Jo 1a5gns & st yresopuom {eT ‘z-} = vesdg TT st (@ a? ©) s @ € (W) eaty pur orsnyy ELLOS Apmis pjnco oye syuapnys Jo Joqume IS weg ath aq ssnur seq “Hy Aprys Oz PUB DISMAL Apnys LT ‘siuapnys ZE JO ssef9 BIO z1'8‘9 --ta) ge've ‘zt (0) zo (a) ove (W) care § pure “y *¢ jo sojdnnur uommum0 samp ysity ou, te 2 {@) et ©) ce) 2) “St YOM 109985 NO} B OABY q 398 OY Jo s1oquIat. {LIt*vel“t6 ‘Le ‘@5} = d ot * ta) vt (0) a @ ¥ Ww) sip es wo Uuiog oq wes 1eIN sjasqns afqIssod Jo soqumnm oy “{p ‘9 ‘q 2} =O ws oy fa £9 “e 09 “6S "8S 70. tainty 2. ae (A) ®) © ©) i 64 12 2 ee 71. | (-8a) > = (A) | 24ab @) | Lita (©) | [tab o) re 2) 3 x3= (A) ®) © @) \| | 32x bes 4 1. 6 77. BB. 9 80. 81, 82. 83. 84. GS) Ifx + y = Zand y - x = 2, then? _4 (x y)is (a) (-1,3) : @ (4%) os © (0,2) ©) Gd “When Tis subtracted from 3 times a, certain number n, the result is 22”, —* ‘The statement above may be ba represented by the equation (A) 7-3n=22 (B) 71-253 (C) 3n-22=7 () 3n-7=22 = Ifp= 3(a— 4), then 6a is equal to (A) 2p +3q) ®) 2+ (C) p+3q @) pra aa John has x marbles and Tom has twite as many. Tom loses 5 of his marbl How many marbles does Tom now ? have? (A) xt5 @) x-5 (C) 2x+5 @) 2-5 a Althea usually saves x dollars each ‘month; but in June she saved $4 more 7 ‘than twice the usual amount. How many dollars did she save in June? (A) 4x () x & (©) X+4 mid (D) 2x+4 Ra A father is twice as old as his son. Ten years ago the father was 2x —5 years. ‘What is the present age of the son? (A) Mts 2a . s, (B) 2x=5 2 Ra (C) 4x-10 @) 2-5 If 5x—26=x+ 50, then the values of x is ag (A) -12 ~ @) + E ©, 6 2 @) 19 (4) sbe1 OCF SBT) (D sbst__ | WyFMG | (0) @ 863 ©) my | (a) @ sbg ay, (w) mr (wy) {aoqumu wens ue £q Pamorog se bg ‘sort v 708 [ILM oy wR ArITIqeqord =H + OU) STFEUAA ‘SOTA OI BsMoNp hogy se. | set @ w1=G-8)) 1 ©) s1=4+x)| @ s @ 1 sey WwW) p=(K-8) | sy uoHqLNSYp om Jo of umpam Suz, “p6 ae *) | ©) sz BI= (9 | @ Tv @ pel 4 sr=K+x)2 (vy) T © uouoreys x nenbo 5 @ Hp wen paw “A pur x “sroquame ont Jo ums OTL st ¥ Ww) g+xc | (@ eo +X | (0) srwak gy 38p9] 78 St wopus ye wosoyo bax | @) Hl “6 x9 (v) : . z +5 1 @ mr ©) @ 9 @ (0) y W@W) @ QHORNGIASIP SiH} Jo epour amp SII — ZH 7) 2q Kew x won 'g > Z4X> p WIRD soutpenbout €| +] +] s| ¢€| 9] jon 2 sausHEs Yor 1089p We SEX J] ort sty orf er er | it aay Hoyo @ uy waxpyny> $¢ Jo SoBe ap Jo uoRNGINSIp ay'sMoys MORIA “nojOq [QU OY}-0} JOJOL HG — 7G UT St 0-5 L~X¢ 30 388 UONN|OS wu ay} ‘siaquin ofoyA JO 398 OU} SIX JT Bip « uy “sraq =. © “a 7 @ me a) © aZ =4 (©) fe | a T | (vy man=s (g) vga e ca mR St UUM “TZ St Jemsue yeu amp *E Ens Sq poytdnynor st ynsex om pure aqui wo AU A= IL 16 ‘jouoo v wioY pazowngns st g HOU, “06 68 88 us 98 ‘88 96. 97 98, 99, 100. 101 Item 96 refers to the chart below showing the ages of children who took part ina survey. ‘Age in years How many students took part in the Ifthe mean of the four mumbers 4, 8, x and 12 is 10, then the value of x is a 4 @) © 2 @) 16 A company employs 12 gardeners at $26 each per day, and 8 clerks at $17 each per day. What is the mean daily ‘wage, in-dollars, of the 20 employees? (A) | $20.00 (B) $21.50 (©) $22.40 (D) $31.50 Ifit took a speed — boat 9 hours to travel a distance of 1080 km, what was its average speed? (A) 12km/h (B) 102 km/h (©) 120 km/h ©) 1200 iaw/h ‘Which of the following is not a statistical diagram? (A) Bar graph @) Pie chart (C)_ Frequency polygon (D) Modal class ‘A:man used 20 percent of his land for growing oranges, 65 percent for mangoes and the remainder for avocados, Ona pie chart, what is the angle of the sector representing avocados? (A) 306° (B) 85° 102 103. 104, 105. © 54° @) 15° The highest weekly wage of a group of employees is $ 105. 40. Ifthe range of ‘the wages is $ 27.50, the lowest paid employee receive? (A). . $105.40 | @®) © $77.90 (© $6645 @) $27.50 ®) S ln BERR oe g ‘There are 9000 children in a town. The probability that a child is affected by a virus is '/5 . ‘How many children are not likely to be affected? | (a) 2700 (B) 3000 (© 6000 ©) 6300 The pie chart above shows the preference in drinks of a group of students. If 12 students prefer chocolate, then the total number of students is A 4 @) 72 (© 180 @) 360 (6). | 4 @ fe (¥) Sty = (Oa ory JOR Xyo ones op wom ‘¢—XE= (XI “ZIT ve ci Veen ce Qe @) svyetTLoOre & Gag — > (0) yetLoe te & or @ tS @ 1 ex) @ ©) ree Ty Ww poh Eats w st (x), Uvomp e-xh = GOUT TIT lp S X> ZX} syuesordar moqeq sydess Surmoyjog ys JO YOY “BTT {or6'84} (@ oat {6°82} ©) 9 {ol i ‘sl a a S59) W) . “oy (oxBoqut =(9- yuan ‘-— om ; . al ue SEX axoye‘Q[> X59 x} WS OHL “LUT {ssxsex} (@ {s>x>zx} (0) {szxzex} (@ {gX>t (W) Aq peuyop Ww) st eaoge Anenbsur exp Jo UdRB AHL ‘Seq om ve @ tr O FTE wioxy Aquopuer woye) 94 0} 1104 3X0U OTH Nee oT yep Armiqegoad oup sx seq 'pooeydax you Sty] ‘par aq 0} pungg st pue Bq orp sey @ soy tropmes ye popped se Tea Y Sie Ge ®) ‘ang ¢ pur sfpeq par p suruoo Beqy — 801) 6+X + Xe ss (@ 6+ x (wy) je ©) 1), uo E + XC= OA HIT eee ‘ + Ww) sy ofimes oyprenb forms oy, “LOI is @ : : iT m4 © . 6 @ 9 @ s ©) 7 Ww) L @ sty = OT jo ww von = = Gy wpwND “et $1 93008 WEYpeU! ey “901 mt a f- ©) LOT-90T sutoY 02 I2}9r wore yep a4, 119, 120 121. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs describes a function? Which of the following inequalities represent the graph above? @ 2sx<3 Which of the following does NOT represent the graph of a function? 74 1 # c) 8) (70) 122, 123 124 125, ‘The arrow diagram above shows a function. Which of the following BEST| describes the function? fx)= x43 | i®=y8 | x=yt3 | yx | i ‘The arrow diagram aljove describes the relation i x is greater than y x is amultiple ofy xis divisible by y xis. factor of y | A line which has a gradient of '/3 pass: ‘through the point (0, 2). An equation of| the line is: @ y=hx @B) y="axt2 © ye3x | ©) y=3x+2 | ‘The gradient of the sttaight Jine with equation, 2+ 3x=-B is A 3 (Oy a © 2 @) 3 g=xpueg=x (@) €=xpuey-=x (9) b=Xpuet=x (@) y=xpuegax {(y) ‘ore Q = (X)J YOIYM Joy x Jo sanjea OY, &-X-E=0% (@ €-xXZ+ X= OXY (0) e-x¢- X= (a) XX +E=@H (VY) {anoge ydexd arp Jo uonenbs ‘mp swuosaudax Butmoyfoy arp Jo Yor ssojoq. wexderp ‘ip OF SigjOr SET PUR PET SWOT £ ; @ ¥ ¢ ¥ < @ £- w) St OV qwouSos ou omp Jo yuorpesd orp ‘shoe uexSerp emp uy €-xgahpueg+xg=4 (gq) v4 En k pueysxenk ©) €+ Xe aApueg + xc=Ah (g) p+ En A poo pag ad w urerered are yerp sour] omy syuosaxciox suonronbo Jo saved Buywoypog om 30 YORUM, @‘o @ o@) ©) o%) (@ (ey) (W) sr spo ov sino out ony axoqrs yuyod ‘auf ye soyeutps009 oy], *g = AE-Xp ‘Sf 2uy] 1ysens v Jo woRPENbs yy, Wa) = | P ‘0] @ se «a ©) o%) @ G0) (wv) st spce-A ou smo our oxp ozayia yurod ‘up ye soqwmypIood ayy “Zi = Ke + xz Sf Ou 1UBteNs u Jo wopENbe ayy, vel 6 @ ety (©) et (a) (vy) S} OUT] otp Jo qworpuss ey], ‘our ysPeENS euo ame (z “Z)q pur (¢ ‘py syurod oy, 7,, © s> ©) s @ ¢ .W) StL =X¢ +A¢ torrenbo Uplan omy Byes OM JO moppess UL | o+xG+,x8=f (q) Be-xq+9=4 (9) pt-o-§ (@) 34 xe= A (V) 299 pinoo ydeuB oxy Jo uoREnbs oxy uoap'Q.<8 pus ‘suresuco anso pute q eg] dei8 & Smoys onoge wresBeIp oy, ‘K “Mojoq weaSeIp a1p 04 stogox for wey | i Seta an @ ap ©) od @ @o) () st qutod umenurur ayy, (C4x)x = yo udei8 » smoys onoge wreigerp ou, | | i | cel : i x 1 | Ie i oer zl ser’ Le 136. 137. 138 139 140. 141. If wis taken to be the circumference, in metres of a circle that has a radius 7 metres is @ 2 @) 44 © 154 (DP) 308 Ifthe length of a rectangle is doubled, by what number must the width be multiplied in order that the area remains the same? @® 3 @) 2 © % @ % Ina rectangular garden plot 15 m long and 12 m wide, an area of 80 mis used fora vegetable garden. What area of the plot is left? (A) 26m () 100m? (C) 134m? ©) 260m ‘A bar of soap in the form ofa prism is Som thick and has a volume of 200em’. A slice 3cm thick was taken away. ‘What volume remains? (A) 80cm? @) 120 cm? (C) 300cm? () 400 cm® ‘A square has the same area as a rectangle of length 16 cm and om. ‘What is the length, in om ofa side of the square? @ 9 @® ww © 2s ©) 2 ‘The width of a reotangulat block of ‘wood is x cm. If its height is two-thirds its width and its length is 4 times its height, then its volume in cm’ is @ 8) €) ©) _ OB OR oh oF (132) 145. The diagram below shows a oylinder with diameter 6om and height 20cm LL HI The volume, in cm’ of the cylinder is (A) 180% (B) 2400 (360% ©) 720m em 146, The volume of the cube above is (A) 30cm" (B) 100m? (C) 300 cm? @), 1000em* | 147. |

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