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Basketball English

Lesson 16
Last classes we were talking about the future of basketball
Which two structures do we use to talk about future?

What are the differences?

What’s the form?

Will + infinitive vs. Going to + infinitive
Let’s analyse some examples
Using "will" (spontaneous decisions or predictions):

I think the player will make that crucial free throw.

She will pass the ball to her teammate when she's double-teamed.

Using "going to" (planned actions or intentions):

They are going to practice their three-point shots tomorrow.

We're going to attend the basketball game on Friday night.
Complete the sentences with will or going to + a verb from
the text
1. The crowd ____________________ loudly if the home team wins.
2. He ____________________ the ball if he gets a clear path to the basket.
3. The point guard ____________________ the team in assists.
4. The coach ____________________ substitutions in the next quarter.
5. I think the coach ____________________ a timeout to discuss strategy.
6. I think they ___________________ in the PnR if we play it with our 4.
7. The team ____________________ in a tournament next month.
8. Next game, we ____________________ full court press if they play without a point guard.

participate lead make call dunk shout defend switch

Transform 1-4 into the negative and 5-8 into questions.

1. The crowd ____________________ loudly if the home team wins.

2. He ____________________ the ball if he gets a clear path to the basket.
3. The point guard ____________________ the team in assists.
4. The coach ____________________ substitutions in the next quarter.
5. I think the coach ____________________ a timeout to discuss strategy.
6. I think they ___________________ in the PnR if we play it with our 4.
7. The team ____________________ in a tournament next month.
8. Next game, we ____________________ full court press if they play without a point guard.
Let’s make predictions and plans for the future of
Think about basketball in 2035. Make some predictions about the future of
basketball and some plans for you.

What rules will change? Will basketball be faster?

Where are you going to be? Are you going to live in the same place?

He will dunk the ball if he gets a clear path to the basket.

Next game, we are going to defend full court press if they play without a point guard.
Complete the conditionals - make one ending with will and
one with going to.
If I move to Europe,...

If you study English everyday,...

If it’s nice tomorrow,...

If I go out tomorrow,...
Now, let’s do it the other way around
Write 2 or 3 endings or consequences.

Then the others have to complete the condition. For example I write:

You are going to have a good time

and then you have to write the condition, for example:

If you go to an NBA game.

What will you say to a player if they miss an important free throw in the last seconds of the game?

What is your team going to focus on during their training sessions this week?

If you find a lost wallet on the street, what will you do with it?

What are you going to do to celebrate your birthday?

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