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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli

and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome
Stephen B. Freedman, M.D.C.M., Nicole C.A.J. van de Kar, M.D.,
and Phillip I. Tarr, M.D.​​

From the Departments of Pediatrics and higa toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are bacteria that
Emergency Medicine, Alberta Children’s carry the genes producing Shiga toxins.1 These pathogens have the potential
Hospital Research Institute, Cumming
School of Medicine, University of Cal- to cause diarrhea, which is often bloody, and can trigger a thrombotic micro-
gary, Calgary, AB, Canada (S.B.F.); the angiopathy (TMA) that leads to the hemolytic–uremic syndrome (HUS), which is
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, defined as thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000 per cubic millimeter), non-
Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sci-
ences, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Rad- immune hemolytic anemia (hematocrit <30%), and azotemia (creatinine level
boud University Medical Center, Nijme- higher than the upper limit of the normal range).2 Although a range of microbial
gen, the Netherlands (N.C.A.J.K.); and pathogens can precipitate HUS, STEC are responsible for most cases in children
the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepa-
tology, and Nutrition, Department of Pe- worldwide.3 Other notable infectious causes include Streptococcus pneumoniae and
diatrics, and the Department of Molecu- influenza virus.4 TMA in both HUS and other conditions is often classified as
lar Microbiology, Washington University primary or secondary. Atypical HUS (i.e., primary TMA) denotes an underlying
School of Medicine, St. Louis (P.I.T.). Dr.
Freedman can be contacted at s­ tephen​ regulatory defect in the complement system (i.e., primary disease), whereas sec-
.­freedman@​­ahs​.­ca or at Alberta Chil- ondary TMA is triggered by microbial factors that activate endothelial cells and the
dren’s Hospital, C4-634, 28 Oki Dr. NW, ensuing microangiopathic cascade (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix,
Calgary, AB T3B 6A8, Canada.
available with the full text of this article at,6 Rapid identification of the
N Engl J Med 2023;389:1402-14. cause of TMA is important because it enables the institution of cause-specific
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2108739
Copyright © 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society. therapy. Although the use of prompt anticomplement therapy in patients with
atypical HUS improves kidney-related outcomes,7 unwarranted use of such therapy
CME can be detrimental.

His t or y a nd Nomencl at ur e
Forty years ago, E. coli O157:H7 was identified as a cause of bloody diarrhea.8 Short-
ly thereafter, it was reported that the stools of children with HUS contain E. coli of
varying serotypes (including O157:H7) that produce toxins that are lethal to cultured
Vero cells.9 These toxins, which are variably neutralized by antiserum to Shiga toxin
produced by Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1, are thus referred to as Shiga toxins; syn-
onyms include verotoxin, verocytotoxin, and Shiga-like toxin. Similarly, the bacteria
that produce these toxins are referred to as STEC (Table S2). The two Shiga toxin
families, Shiga toxin 1 and Shiga toxin 2, have different clinical implications. Shiga
toxin 2–producing serotypes are much more virulent than Shiga toxin 1–producing
serotypes, which rarely lead to HUS unless they also produce Shiga toxin 2.
Given their propensity to precipitate HUS on average 7 days after the onset of
diarrhea, the subset of STEC that produce Shiga toxin 2 are referred to as “high
risk.”10 Of the numerous high-risk serotypes, E. coli O157:H7 remains the best
characterized, partly because its colonies are easily identifiable when plated on the
appropriate culture medium, since they are usually colorless as a result of their
inability to ferment sorbitol (Fig. S1).11 We use the term E. coli O157 here to denote
any STEC bearing this serogroup antigen; STEC-expressing O antigens other
than O157 are termed non-O157 STEC.

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STEC and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome

Shiga Toxins care and household contacts should be moni-

Shiga toxin production is the cardinal virulence tored closely, since case clusters are common.
trait of STEC. Shiga toxin 1 and 2 each consist
of a single A subunit and a pentameric B sub- Di agnosis of S TEC Infec t ion
unit, and they cause disease through pentameric
B subunit binding to globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), Early diagnosis of STEC infection is important
a glycosphingolipid expressed by eukaryotic for case management. Stool samples obtained
cells (Fig. 1). After binding, the holotoxin (still from all patients with hematochezia and from
bound to Gb3) is internalized and trafficked in children with nonbloody diarrhea accompanied
a retrograde manner through the Golgi appara- by tenesmus or severe abdominal pain should
tus and then to the endoplasmic reticulum. After be sent for bacterial pathogen detection.21 The
proteolysis and reduction of a disulfide bond, absence of fever does not preclude STEC in­
the enzymatically active A1 subunit targets 28s fection.22,23
RNA of the large ribosomal subunit, where it Laboratories use one or more strategies to
cleaves a specific adenine residue and inhibits identify STEC in stool, including pathogen isola-
protein synthesis.12 tion on agar, Shiga toxin detection on immuno-
The pathogenicity of STEC serotypes is deter- assay, and identification of one or more Shiga
mined primarily according to whether Shiga toxin genes by means of nucleic acid amplifica-
toxin 1, Shiga toxin 2, or both are expressed tion (Table 2). The ideal approach combines
and, to a degree, according to the allelic variants strategies to rapidly determine the presence of a
of each Shiga toxin.13 STEC that produce Shiga high-risk pathogen. Because the ability to iden-
toxin 2 usually cause bloody diarrhea, as well as tify STEC in stool diminishes daily after the
almost all cases of diarrhea-associated HUS14 onset of diarrhea,27 sensitivity is optimized by
(Fig. 2). Since E. coli O157 almost universally prompt acquisition and submission of speci-
produce Shiga toxin 2, they are always assumed mens for testing. Thus, if a specimen of bulk
to be high-risk STEC. Some STEC produce both stool is not immediately available, a rectal swab
Shiga toxins, and inexplicably, the risk of HUS is specimen should be obtained and processed.
greater when the pathogen produces Shiga toxin Although swabs are an acceptable alternative,28,29
2 but not Shiga toxin 1.13 The importance of toxin many laboratories insist on stool specimens; we
genotype and not E. coli serotype was exemplified urge clinicians to work with their microbiology
by the 2011 Stx 2-producing E. coli O104:H4 out- colleagues to integrate rectal swab processing
break, which caused more than 4000 infections into their workflow. When the clinical suspicion
in 16 countries, 908 HUS cases, and 50 deaths.15 of STEC infection is high, if rectal swabs are the
initial specimen, stool should also be collected
Epidemiology and tested when it becomes available.
The incidence of STEC infection peaks during E. coli O157 can be identified by serotyping a
summer and fall and is greatest among children sorbitol-nonfermenting colony or detecting an
younger than 5 years of age, the group at highest O-antigen locus through DNA amplification.
risk for the development of HUS (Table 1). Pre- Although some other STEC serogroups (e.g.,
dominant STEC serogroups vary according to O80, O104, O113, O121, and O145) almost al-
region. E. coli O157 is the most commonly identi- ways produce Shiga toxin 2, toxin or toxin gene
fied serogroup in the stool of symptomatic per- testing is easier to perform and more definitive
sons worldwide. It is currently identified in 84% of than serogrouping for estimating the risk of
HUS cases in the United States.18 However, E. coli HUS among patients with non-O157 STEC infec-
O26, which causes less than 3% of cases of HUS tions. Unfortunately, laboratory characterization
in the United States, is the serogroup most often of non-O157 STEC often fails to provide suffi-
associated with HUS in the European Union.16 cient information (e.g., the presence or absence
Vehicles for E. coli O157 and non-O157 STEC of Shiga toxin 2) to help the clinician gauge risk.
outbreaks are similar, but meat exposure is more In such circumstances, risk assessment should
commonly associated with O157 outbreaks (Ta- include the presence or absence of visibly bloody
ble S3 and Fig. S2). Expeditious reporting is en- diarrhea (Fig. 2 and Table S4). Additional diag-
couraged because any infection could signify a nostic strategies can be considered in special
previously undetected, ongoing outbreak. Day- circumstances (Table S5).

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Ingestion of STEC Shiga toxin

Replication of STEC
Production of Shiga toxin Nonbloody diarrhea,
Mucosal injury (bacterial effacement of bloody diarrhea, and
epithelium, thrombotic injury to abdominal pain
mesenteric microvasculature, or both)


Intestinal epithelial cells

Toxin translocates from the gut through
transcellular and paracellular routes
Toxin circulates systemically in soluble (shown),
cell-bound, and vesicle-encapsulated forms

Shiga toxin Toxin binds to Gb3 receptors

Gb3 Toxin–Gb3
receptors complex
Toxin–Gb3 complex
is internalized by



Toxin–Gb3 complex undergoes

retrograde transport through
Golgi apparatus


Proteolysis In ER, the enzymatically active The A1 fragment cleaves an

A1 fragment is liberated from adenine in the 28S rRNA Organ-specific microvasculature
the A2 fragment through of 60S ribosomal subunits injury initiates thrombotic responses
disulfide-bond reduction (e.g., intraglomerular microthrombi
CYTOSOL and platelet adhesion)
Proteolysis leaves A1 and A2 Vascular
subunits linked by a disulfide
bond on the stem of a cleaved

Inhibition of
protein synthesis
Induction of
CYTOSOL ribotoxic stress

Thrombocytopenia CLINICAL
End-organ damage

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STEC and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome

Figure 1 (facing page). Pathophysiology of Shiga Toxin– Enhanced STEC Surveillance System between
Mediated Microangiopathy in Patients with Shiga Toxin– 2014 and 2018 showed that in nearly two thirds
Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Infection. of infections, visible blood appeared in the stool
High-risk STEC are ingested from diverse sources (1). 1 to 3 days after diarrhea began.30 The median
Infecting bacteria replicate in the intestines and express number of stools in the 24 hours before presen-
Shiga toxin 1, 2, or both; Shiga toxin 2 is more injurious
tation ranges from 7 to 11,22,26 and the diarrhea
to humans (2). The secreted toxins gain access to the
circulation (3). Circulating toxin is thought to underlie usually abates by day 7 of illness. Defecation is
the vascular injury leading to the hemolytic–uremic often painful, and toilet-trained children may
syndrome (HUS), with the most profound end-organ become incontinent. Fever is reported in 30 to
damage manifested in the kidneys. Postulated media- 50% of infected children but often is absent
tors include cytokines and chemokines (e.g., interleu-
when children present for care.23,26,35
kin-6, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor α, and inter­
leukin-1β), which can activate the extrinsic coagulation We suggest daily laboratory testing to moni-
pathway. Shiga toxins (consisting of a single A and pen- tor all children infected with a known high-risk
tameric B subunits, referred to as AB5) bind to cell-sur- Shiga toxin (Shiga toxin 2 detected) or a sus-
face globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) through their B sub- pected high-risk STEC (Shiga toxin detected but
unit (4). Shiga toxins (AB5) bound to Gb3 (bound Gb3
not genotyped in a patient with bloody diarrhea)
not shown) enter the early endosome (5), which trans-
ports the complex to the Golgi apparatus (6). Intracel- until the window for the development of HUS
lular Gb3 is necessary for toxic effects. Shiga toxins has closed or repeat testing has revealed no evi-
bound to Gb3 are then trafficked in a retrograde direc- dence of a progressive microangiopathy. Thus,
tion through the Golgi apparatus, where they are nicked laboratory testing should continue until the
by furin, leaving the A1 and A 2 fragments of the A sub-
platelet count increases by at least 5% in speci-
unit attached by a disulfide bond. Nicked Shiga toxins
are transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where mens obtained 24 hours apart on or after the
the disulfide bond joining the A1 and A 2 fragments is fifth day of illness in the context of improving
cleaved (7). The liberated, enzymatically active A1 sub- or resolved gastrointestinal symptoms.
unit then removes an adenine from the 28S ribosomal Although the proportion of high-risk STEC-
RNA (rRNA) of the 60S ribosome, halting protein syn-
infected patients in whom HUS develops is in-
thesis (8). Vascular injury caused by inhibition of pro-
tein synthesis, activation of inflammatory mediators, or fluenced by many factors, large pediatric case
both and initiated by circulation of Shiga toxins generates series typically show that HUS develops in 15 to
microvascular thrombi (9). Platelet trapping and red-cell 20% of infected children, with the greatest risk
fragmentation lead to thrombocytopenia and anemia, among those who are younger than 5 years of
and the thrombi are postulated to underlie end-organ
age.23,36 In a multinational study involving 927
STEC-infected children (<18 years of age) seen in
an emergency department, 4% of the children
presented with HUS, and HUS subsequently de-
Cl inic a l C our se
veloped in an additional 14%.23 These findings
Low-Risk STEC are in keeping with results from a meta-analysis
Few studies have characterized infections caused of 17 studies involving 1896 infected persons,
by STEC that produce Shiga toxin 1 but not 18% of whom had HUS.36 Although HUS almost
Shiga toxin 2.30,31 These low-risk pathogens usu- always manifests between days 5 and 14 of ill-
ally cause nonbloody diarrhea30 and they rarely ness,35,37 microangiopathic changes are apparent
lead to HUS,14,32 except possibly among immuno- by day 8 or 9, and anuria, if it occurs, rarely
compromised adults.33 commences after day 10.38 In illnesses that do
not progress to the development of HUS, the
High-Risk STEC platelet count often transiently decreases but
The first day of diarrhea is usually considered remains within the normal range (Fig. S4A). A
the first day of illness, although in the prediar- small proportion of children have thrombocyto-
rheal phase, patients may have nonspecific penia and anemia but not azotemia (Fig. S4B).
symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, Rapidly progressive thrombocytopenia is the
and fever (Fig. S3). A median 3-day interval be- sentinel and universal hematologic abnormality
tween exposure to high-risk STEC and the first in patients in whom HUS develops (Fig. S4C and
loose stool has been reported.34 An analysis of S4D) and is often accompanied by hemoglobin-
E. coli O157 cases reported to the U.K. National uria and elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

STEC detected in stool

How was STEC identified?

Culture or E. coli O157 nucleic Shiga toxin antigen or Shiga toxin

acid amplification gene nucleic acid amplification

E. coli O157 E. coli O157 What is the Shiga toxin genotype?

detected sought but not Is the diarrhea bloody?
detected, or
not sought

Shiga toxin geno- Shiga toxin geno- Negative for Positive for
High risk of HUS type unknown; type unknown; Shiga toxin 2; Shiga toxin 2;
diarrhea is not diarrhea is bloody diarrhea is bloody diarrhea is bloody
bloody or not bloody or not bloody

Indeterminate risk High risk Negligible risk High risk

of HUS of HUS of HUS of HUS

Figure 2. Assessing the Risk of HUS among Patients with STEC Infection.
High-risk infections are due to STEC that produce Shiga toxin 2 and can therefore cause HUS. Children younger
than 5 years of age have the greatest likelihood of this outcome (15 to 20%). Low-risk infections produce Shiga toxin
1 but not Shiga toxin 2 and are extremely unlikely to cause HUS. In patients with indeterminate Shiga toxin findings,
the risk is challenging to quantify, so treatment of such patients should be guided by various other factors (e.g., age,
local epidemiologic factors, the presence or absence of bloody diarrhea, clinical status, and duration of diarrhea)
until Shiga toxin genotyping is known or the at-risk period has elapsed. E. coli O157 are detected by culture or nucle-
ic acid amplification and are considered to convey high risk because they almost always produce Shiga toxin 2. If the
genotype is not known, the patient should be monitored for a high-risk infection until Shiga toxin 2 has been ruled
out. In North America and Argentina, E. coli O157 remain the predominant cause of HUS. Hence, if E. coli O157 has
been ruled out, the likelihood of a high-risk STEC infection is reduced but not eliminated. STEC serogroups O26
(mainly in European isolates), O80, O104, O111, O113, O121, and O145 frequently produce Shiga toxin 2, but most
isolates of other non-O157 STEC serogroups do not. In practice, aside from O157, serogroups are rarely determined
in a clinically useful interval. Thus, risk is most precisely determined on the basis of the Shiga toxin genotype, not
the serogroup. The absence of bloody diarrhea reduces but does not eliminate the likelihood that a high-risk STEC
infection is present. Similarly, the exclusion of E. coli O157 reduces but does not eliminate the likelihood that a high-
risk STEC infection is present. Toxin genotyping is needed to more precisely define the risk.

levels.39 Hemoglobinuria reflects intravascular P os t ul ated Pathoph ysiol o gy of

hemolysis, the depletion of circulating haptoglo- S TEC-R el ated Di a r r he a a nd HUS
bin, and plasma hemoglobin levels that exceed
the reabsorptive capacity of the kidneys. If the Activation of the microvascular endothelium is
increase in serum creatinine levels is dispropor- hypothesized to be a major contributor to the
tionate to the decrease in the hematocrit, the gastrointestinal manifestations of STEC infec-
ensuing HUS is often severe (Table S6).40,41 tion. Colonic histologic assessment early in the

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STEC and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome

Table 1. Epidemiologic Features of Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Infection.*

Location and Year Most Common STEC Serogroups Age Distribution STEC Serogroups in HUS

Serogroup Distribution Age Distribution Serogroup Distribution

percent or incidence/total
percent population percent
2021 O157 15.2 — — O26 34.0
O26 14.8 — — O157 19.6
Not reported 44.1 — — O80 11.0
Nontypable 25.9 — — O145 7.6
— — — — Not reported 27.8
2020 — — 0–4 yr 27.8 — —
— — 5–14 yr 12.8 — —
— — 15–24 yr 8.9 — —
— — 25–44 yr 14.1 — —
— — 45–64 yr 15.4 — —
— — ≥65 yr 21.2 — —
United States‡§
2016–2020 O157 15.8 0–4 yr 18.7/100,000 O157 83.9
O26 7.9 5–9 yr 5.4/100,000 O111 5.7
O103 7.9 10–19 yr 5.7/100,000 O145 3.8
O111 5.1 20–64 yr 3.8/100,000 O26 2.8
Other 12.9 ≥65 yr 4.8/100,000 Undetermined 2.4
Culture-indepen- 44.1 — — Other 1.4
dent diagnostic test
Non-O157, not se- 6.3 — — — —
2018–2019 O157 31.0 Mean, 36.1±30.1 mo — —
O145 20.7 Median, 24.0 mo (IQR, 15–47) — —
O26 13.8 — — — —
O121 3.4 — — — —
Other 17.3 — — — —
Nontypable 13.8 — — — —
2005–2016‖ — — — — O157 73.6
— — — — O145 16.8
— — — — O121 5.4
— — — — O26 0.7
— — — — O103 0.7

* Percentages may not sum to 100 because of rounding. HUS denotes hemolytic–uremic syndrome, and IQR interquartile range.
† Data are from the European Food Safety Authority, European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.16,17 In the category of most com-
mon STEC serogroups, the year 2020 was the first year that the United Kingdom was not included in the European Union One Health report, a
change that could explain the proportional increase in O26 STEC infections and decrease in O157 STEC infections in the European Union.
‡ Data are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention18 FoodNet surveillance system, which covers 15% of the U.S. population.
§ Data on STEC serogroups in HUS are for culture-confirmed STEC infection, which accounted for 67% of all cases of diarrheal-associated
HUS in children.
¶ Data are from Rivas et al.19 (for the most common STEC serogroups and age distribution) and Alconcher et al.20 (for STEC serogroups in
HUS). Data for the most common STEC serogroups are limited to a network of 25 hospitals, with 29 STEC cases, in 6 provinces and to chil-
dren with bloody diarrhea who were younger than 10 years of age.
‖ Data for the most common STEC serogroups are national surveillance data, limited to children younger than 18 years of age.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Approaches to Detecting STEC in Human Stool.

Disease Control
Method Comments Limitations Clinical Implications Implications
Agar-based isolation
Sorbitol–MacConkey Detects colorless, sorbitol- Does not detect sorbitol- If E. coli O157 is confirmed E. coli O157 isolation on
agar, with or with- nonfermenting E. coli fermenting non-O157 by antigen detection, agar is necessary for
out tellurite and O157; tellurite and STEC or a clone of the high-risk infection can DNA fingerprinting
cefixime cefixime in the agar high-risk O157:HNM be assumed and case investigations
increase sensitivity that ferments sorbitol24
Multiindicator chro- Detects sorbitol-nonfer- Fails to detect all toxin- If E. coli O157 is confirmed Isolation of STEC on agar
mogenic agar25 menting E. coli O157 producing strains and by antigen detection, is necessary for DNA
and many non-O157 does not identify toxin high-risk STEC should fingerprinting and case
STEC genotype be assumed; detection investigations
of non-O157 by this
method requires toxin
genotyping to assess
Shiga toxin antigen de- Theoretically detects STEC Toxin immunoassays are If the assay identifies Shiga The pathogen should be
tection in broth independently of se- less sensitive than toxin 2, the patient isolated from the broth
culture of stool rotype chromogenic agar plat- has a high-risk STEC or, ideally, from a paral-
ing for the detection infection; if the assay lel inoculated agar plate
of E. coli O157 ; some
identifies the presence for DNA fingerprinting
Shiga toxin antigen of Shiga toxin 1 and the and case investigations
assays do not identify absence of Shiga toxin
toxin genotype; antigen 2, the patient does not
detection should not be have a high-risk STEC
used as the sole screen- infection
ing method
Detection of genes encod- Detects STEC indepen- Commercially available If the readout explicitly This technique does not
ing Shiga toxins dently of serogroup, devices rarely convey states that Shiga toxin isolate STEC on agar,
does not depend on toxin genotype; this 2 is present or that a lo- which is necessary for
toxin production, and technique does not cus encoding the O157 DNA fingerprinting
is probably the most yield an isolate antigen is found, the and case investigations
sensitive technique patient has a high-risk
STEC infection

illness shows superficial inflammation and fo- Cl inic a l C our se

cal necrosis with preserved deep crypts,42 find- a nd C ompl ic at ions
ings that suggest ischemia. Ischemia may be the of S TEC-R el ated HUS
consequence of prothrombotic and proinflam-
matory injury during the initial diarrheal phase,43 Oligoanuria has been reported in 50 to 60% of
triggered by Shiga toxin circulation, with subse- children in whom STEC-associated HUS devel-
quent damage to the microvascular endotheli- oped.22 Most children with oligoanuria receive
um.44-46 Hematologic abnormalities noted in the kidney-replacement therapy until urine flow re-
diarrheal phase include increased circulating sumes, which usually occurs within 2 weeks
plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 activity; after the initiation of dialysis.51 The case–fatality
elevated concentrations of d dimer, prothrom- rate for STEC-associated HUS remains approxi-
bin activation fragments 1 and 2,47 and platelet- mately 3% among children40 and up to 20%
activating factor48; sheared von Willebrand fac- among middle-aged and older adults.33 Such deaths
tor49; and dysregulated angiopoietin 1 and 2 are rarely attributable to a single cause, but com-
activity.43 Thrombotic microvascular injury has plications such as seizures, coma, and stroke
been considered a major factor in the progres- appear to be particularly ominous.51,52 Cardiac
sion to HUS, given the identification at autopsy involvement, including ischemia, arrhythmias,
of microvascular thromboses in the kidneys, cardiomyopathy, and pericardial effusion, has
brain, heart, and other extraintestinal organs.50 been reported in less than 10% of children with

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STEC and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome

HUS.53 Rarely, catastrophic intestinal events urea, creatinine, and electrolyte levels, along with
such as bowel necrosis and perforation occur.54 a blood smear, should be assessed on initial
Other acute complications of varying severity evaluation and monitored during the illness.
and frequency include hypertension, symptom- Baseline values are useful because they aid in the
atic pancreatitis or asymptomatic elevation in interpretation of repeat tests obtained 1 or 2 days
lipase levels, elevations in aminotransferase lev- later. Such repeat tests, which may be within the
els, cholestasis, respiratory distress syndrome, normal range, can aid clinicians in more accu-
pulmonary hemorrhage, central volume over- rately identifying early microangiopathy as re-
load, pleural effusion, insulin-dependent hyper- flected by decreasing platelet counts and hemo-
glycemia, and disseminated intravascular coagu- globin levels or increasing creatinine levels.
lation. Gallstones and intestinal strictures have Elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels23 may also
been reported in some patients in the year after be an early marker of progression to HUS, and
HUS resolution.55 their clinical usefulness warrants further study.
Chronic kidney disease can become apparent It is important to avoid potentially harmful
at variable intervals after the acute HUS episode. interventions in patients with possible or con-
It is associated with the duration of anuria, receipt firmed STEC infection. Multiple studies have
of kidney-replacement therapy, or both during shown an association between antibiotic admin-
HUS, and it has a variable prognosis.55-59 A recent istration and an increased risk of HUS among
report suggests that chronic kidney injury can patients infected with high-risk STEC.36 Thus,
be detected in up to one third of children who avoiding empirical antibiotic administration in
have had HUS but did not receive kidney-replace- immunocompetent patients with bloody diarrhea
ment therapy.60 Although end-stage kidney dis- is important.21 Although it is tempting to try to
ease is uncommon, hypertension, proteinuria, and relieve abdominal pain, narcotics and antimotility
a reduced glomerular filtration rate can mani- drugs have been observed to prolong bloody di-
fest years after the acute episode of STEC-related arrhea in E. coli O157 infection66 and to increase
HUS. Therefore, it is prudent to monitor pa- the risk of HUS and neurologic complications.66,67
tients55 throughout their childhood for renal se- Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can cause
quelae. Data on outcomes in adults are lacking. acute kidney injury during gastrointestinal in-
fection and are best avoided.68 Although a single
dose of oral ondansetron facilitates oral rehydra-
C ompl emen t Ac t i vat ion
in S TEC-R el ated HUS tion in children with acute gastroenteritis, mul-
tiple doses and intravenous administration have
Complement activation, induced by the intesti- no added benefit,69 can increase the frequency of
nal infection or, as shown in vitro, by Shiga diarrhea, and may prolong the QT interval.70
toxin itself,61 may play a role in STEC-related Thus, multiple doses and intravenous adminis-
HUS.62,63 During the acute illness, a decrease in tration should not be routinely used.
C3 and C4 has been reported, along with a con-
comitant increase in complement breakdown Volume Expansion
products.64 However, on the basis of current Patients with higher relative hematocrit or hemo-
data, screening for complement regulatory gene globin values (probably reflecting hemoconcen-
mutations is not warranted in most cases of tration) when HUS is first diagnosed have been
STEC-associated HUS. Even if a pathogenic ge- shown to have worse outcomes (Fig. S4E). Such
netic variant is identified, such variants are not
patients are more likely to receive kidney-replace-
associated with the severity of illness, as re- ment therapy and have increased risks of neuro-
ported in a study involving 75 children with logic complications and death.71 Hence, when a
STEC-related HUS.65 child is suspected of being infected with a high-
risk STEC pathogen, the administration of intra-
venous isotonic fluids while the results of blood
M a nagemen t
tests are pending is a simple and potentially
If STEC infection is strongly suspected, the he- beneficial intervention. Furthermore, observa-
moglobin level, hematocrit, platelet count, and tional studies have associated administration of

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

intravenous fluid before HUS has been con- effective,76 and involves technology that avoids
firmed with a reduced incidence of anuria and a the need for anticoagulant therapy and placement
shorter hospital stay.37,38 In addition, two non- of a central venous catheter, potential complica-
randomized studies that compared isotonic vol- tions include peritoneal catheter malfunction,
ume expansion early in the course of HUS with peritonitis, and fluid leakage. Prophylactic anti-
the historical practice of restricting fluids pro- biotics are usually administered perioperatively
vide further support for intravascular volume to reduce the risk of peritonitis in children un-
expansion. In one study, infusion of 0.9% sodi- dergoing catheter insertion for peritoneal dialy-
um chloride to achieve a target weight of 7 to 10% sis.76 Hemodialysis should be considered when
over the presumed preillness weight was associ- rapid fluid and solute removal is required and
ated with reduced use of kidney-replacement has been more commonly used in older children
therapy, fewer long-term sequelae, and fewer and adults. However, thrombocytopenia-associ-
days spent in the hospital and intensive care unit ated bleeding during catheter insertion, catheter
(ICU).72 In the other study, children receiving 10 ml malfunction, and catheter-related sepsis are po-
of isotonic crystalloid per kilogram per hour tential complications.77 Since hemodialysis and
over a period of 3 hours, followed by the admin- peritoneal dialysis are likely to be equivalent with
istration of maintenance isotonic fluids for the respect to the survival benefit for patients with
next 48 hours, were less likely to receive kidney- acute kidney injury,77 the choice between the two
replacement therapy during the course of their types of dialysis has usually reflected patient
illness.73 Although these studies showed no com- characteristics, local expertise, and resources.78
plications attributable to intravenous volume Continuous kidney-replacement therapy should
expansion, fluid overload has long been associat- be considered for children with hemodynamic
ed with increased morbidity and mortality among instability and multiorgan dysfunction, since it
critically ill children with acute kidney injury from has fewer hemodynamic and intracranial pres-
other causes and remains a potential concern.74 sure effects yet provides efficient solute removal.79
In view of the nonrandomized nature of these However, continuous kidney-replacement therapy
studies, as well as a recent series showing con- has disadvantages. It requires anticoagulant
tradictory findings among young adults hospital- therapy and is usually performed only in chil-
ized with STEC infection,75 the costs of hospi- dren admitted to the ICU.77
talizing all STEC-infected children, and risks
associated with fluid overload, evidence from Blood Products and Catheter Placement
clinical trials of a benefit of volume expansion is Packed red-cell transfusions are administered to
required to support its routine use. A reasonable most patients with STEC-associated HUS.40 Be-
alternative approach is to perform daily biochemi- cause most HUS complications are related to
cal, hematologic, and clinical monitoring for evolv- thrombotic injury, platelet infusions should be
ing microangiopathy and dehydration and the limited to patients with hemodynamically sig-
treatment of the latter through the provision of nificant bleeding. Depending on surgical experi-
oral or intravenous fluids, on an inpatient or out- ence and approach, peritoneal dialysis catheters
patient basis, according to the patient’s pain and can usually be inserted without platelet transfu-
hydration needs, until the at-risk period has ended. sion, although platelets are generally given be-
fore insertion of a central venous catheter.76
Kidney-Replacement Therapy
In many case series, more than 50% of patients Toxin Neutralization
with STEC-related HUS received kidney-replace- Because systemic toxemia is likely to precede
ment therapy.23 Indications in patients with HUS, HUS, strategies for neutralizing extraintestinal
as in patients with other forms of acute kidney toxin early in the course of STEC infection are
injury, depend on the extent of the kidney injury appealing. However, only a minority of infected
and the related abnormalities. Severe electrolyte children have quantifiable levels of circulating
or acid–base imbalances, uremic symptoms, Shiga toxin 2 in the first days of diarrhea, and even
fluid overload that does not respond to conser- among these children, toxemia is short-lived.27,45
vative measures, and the need to advance nutri- Thus, the opportunity to neutralize extraintesti-
tion all warrant kidney-replacement therapy. Al- nal Shiga toxin before the postulated “hit and
though peritoneal dialysis is relatively safe, is run” vascular injury occurs might be limited.

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STEC and the Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome

Nonetheless, since Shiga toxin 2 has been iden- Table 3. Factors Associated with Progression from High-Risk STEC Infection
tified in serum and in or on circulating blood to HUS and for the Development of Severe HUS.
cells and microvesicles shortly before or during
HUS, extraintestinal Shiga toxin remains a po- Risk factors for progression from STEC infection to HUS
tential therapeutic target.46,80 Unmodifiable risk factors
Younger age (<5 yr)23,66,93
Complement Inhibition Older age (>75 yr)94
Several disease-modifying treatments have been Female sex93
proposed for STEC-associated HUS. Eculizumab,
Bloody diarrhea, vomiting, or both35,66,94
an anti-C5 monoclonal antibody, is highly effec-
Absence of Shiga toxin 113,14,32,93
tive in atypical HUS, but only rarely do patients
with STEC-associated HUS have complement gene White-cell count ≥13,000/mm335,45,66,94
variants that are pathogenic.65 Although profiles Initial platelet count <250,000/mm323
of circulating complement protein in STEC-asso- Modifiable or possibly modifiable risk factors
ciated HUS are often abnormal,64,81 studies have Use of antibiotics35,36,93
not shown the value of eculizumab in STEC- Use of narcotic and antidiarrheal medication66,95
associated HUS,33,82,83, 84 and kidney-biopsy speci-
Hemoconcentration, dehydration, or both23
mens obtained from patients with STEC-associated
HUS show no evidence of complement-mediated Hyponatremia23
injury.85 Furthermore, complement activation has Risk factors for progression to severe HUS
not been observed in a primate model of Shiga During pre-HUS phase
toxin–induced microangiopathy.86 The complement Unmodifiable risk factors
component C5, as part of the terminal comple- Shorter diarrheal prodrome51
ment pathway, is an important component of the
Modifiable or possibly modifiable risk factors
host defense against encapsulated bacteria, and
the use of eculizumab to inhibit C5 has been
associated with severe infection by a variety of Lack of parenteral volume expansion37,38
bacteria, including Neisseria meningitidis and other Delayed pathogen identification37
neisseria species, as well as Pseudomonas aerugi- Administration of antibiotics35
nosa and Moraxella lacunata.87 Hence, the use of At time of HUS diagnosis
eculizumab in STEC-associated HUS should be Unmodifiable risk factors
limited to clinical trials.

Plasma Exchange Central nervous system involvement41

Although plasma exchange is beneficial in patients Increased neutrophil count51
with thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura be- Modifiable or possibly modifiable risk factors
cause it corrects the absence or dysfunction of Relative hemoconcentration51,71
ADAMTS13, evidence to support its use in those Hyponatremia41
with STEC-associated HUS is extremely limited.
Two small studies with substantial methodologic
limitations showed benefits associated with the
early use of plasma exchange in older adults.88,89
assessment of risk factors can offer some guid-
However, no benefits were identified in a studyance about the likelihood that HUS will develop
of the STEC-associated HUS outbreak in Ger- (Table 3). Modifiable risk factors include the use
many in 201183 or in pediatric studies.90,91 Thus,
of antibiotics,36 narcotics, and antidiarrheal med-
given the associated risks, plasma exchange is ications; dehydration; relative hemoconcentra-
not currently recommended.92 tion71; and hyponatremia.23 Unmodifiable risk
factors include age (increased risk at <5 years23
and >75 years94); female sex; the presence of
R isk Fac t or s for A dv er se
Ou t c ome s bloody diarrhea, vomiting, or both; the presence
or absence of Shiga toxin 1 (absence correlates
After establishing the presence of a high-risk with higher risk)14; elevated white-cell count
STEC infection in a patient with diarrhea, an (≥13,000 per cubic millimeter)23,66; and a platelet

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

count below 250,000 per cubic millimeter.23 C onclusions

When a diagnosis of HUS is established, similar
assessment can be used to gauge the possibility STEC infection causes severe illness, particularly
of a complicated course. At this point, dehydra- in children. Diagnostic approaches that include
tion, relative hemoconcentration,23 hyponatre- the testing of all children with bloody diarrhea
mia,41 and hypoalbuminemia are potentially for bacterial pathogens with the use of tech-
modifiable risks for severe HUS or death.97 An niques that can identify O157 and non-O157
antecedent respiratory infection is an unmodifi- STEC, the use of rectal swabs to obtain speci-
able risk factor that is associated with poor mens when stool specimens are unavailable, and
outcomes.40 reporting toxin genotypes when STEC are identi-
Formal risk score systems98 are insufficiently fied, are important components of care. Close
sensitive to guide clinical care during the early monitoring of persons infected with high-risk
stages of STEC infection or HUS.99 Since rapid STEC, avoidance of potentially harmful interven-
toxin genotyping provides substantial prognos- tions, and prevention of volume depletion may
tic guidance, working with clinical laboratories avert complications. Unless and until specific
to provide such information appears to be im- treatments emerge, the possibility of adverse
portant. Knowledge of the timeline and platelet outcomes in a patient with a high-risk STEC in-
count in each patient can be helpful, since fection must be considered. Thus, it is important
thrombocytopenia has long been observed as to monitor the evolution of the disease and
the first laboratory abnormality during the de- mitigae, to the extent possible, modifiable risk
velopment of HUS.83 In a patient who appears factors to improve outcomes.
relatively well and whose clinical condition is Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
improving, a stable or increasing platelet count the full text of this article at
on or after day 5 of illness is thought to be a We thank Drs. Melanie Yarbrough, Lori Holtz, and Brian
DeBosch for helpful comments on an earlier version of the man-
reliable indicator that vascular injury has peaked uscript and the many authors and patients who have contributed
and will soon improve. to publications in the field of STEC.

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