PDF FDR f1000 Manual Installation

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Loral Data Systems LORAL maces PO Box 3041 Sarasota, Fl. $4280 Data Systems Phone: (812) 371-0871 Fax: (813) 378-6996 TLX: 4947160 SITA: SROLFCR INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL FAIRCHILD MODEL Fi000 SOLID-STATE FLIGHT DATA RECORDER (SSFDR) P/N $603-1000—00 (ARINC 542A) P/N S703—1000—00 (ARINC 5424) P/N $903-2000-00 (ARINC 542A, 579/717/747) FAR 04320008 = | October 10, 1998 Revision Of Loral Data Systems a Eire zx... Fairchild Aviation Recorders Co ed DCs sore BOE = sarasota, Fl. 34230 Data Systems Phone: (813) 371-0811 Fax: (810) 978-6996 Te 4947160 SIA: SROLFCR INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL FAIRCHILD MODEL F1000 SOLID-STATE FLIGHT DATA RECORDER (SSFDR) PIN S603—1000-G0 (ARINC 5424) {i P/N S703—1000-00 (ARINC 542A) P/N $903-2000—00 (ARING 542A, 573/717/747) FAR 02420009 October 10, 1994 Revision 01 FAR oaa20008 Rev. OF Oct. 19, 1386 ©Copyright 1994 by Loral Data Systems Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized In any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying, recording, or by Information storage and retrieval system, without permission In writing. Inquiries should be addressed to: Loral— Fairchild Corp. Data System Division Fairchild Aviation Recorders Publications P.O. Box 3041 Sarasota, Florida 94230 (813) 371-0811 + Telex: 4947160 FAX: (813) 378-6996 fan oosrocor 3 Einober Tee sovat SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 10 2.0 40 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 GENERAL .. wagsurmeass. z Sees 1.1 ARINC Parameters ... 1.2 Input Signal Capebilities 1.3 Input Signal Descriptions . F1000 SSFOR SPECIFICATIONS . 21 Applicable Documents ....0..0..0.. . : 22 Leading Particulars suaameneena 23 Environmental Characteristics RTCA DO-160C 24 Crash Survival Requitemenis ....... UNIT INSTALLATION ...... eS 3.1 Location ... a 3.2 Mounting Configurations ...... 3.3 Power Requirements 9.4 Unit Interface Wiring 8.5 Cessation of Recording .......... Kleene TESTING . 4.1 BITE Guilt in Test Equipment) 4.2 Functional Verification... OPERATION .. 5.1 Operating Instructions 5.2 Maintenance Requirements .. ACCELEROMETERS sscswsrorsixiqcavachiecinnaorese 18 6.1 General Characteristics ........cceeceee oe 16 62 Accelerometer Types 68 Mounting ....-....- 6.4 Electrical Connections... UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT (ATE) CONNECTOR ........+ 23 anor kon eo © © o ane FAR o4s2c008 ctaber 10, 1964 Page it SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Ne. Description PAGE Figure 1 Medel F1000 Sold~State Fight Date Recorder... .-..0.s 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figures Figure S Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figures Figura 19 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 1 Figure 15 Figure 18 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 2¢ Figure 25 Figure 25 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 FAR 04420008 ARINC 5424 Eleetic: P/N S603—-1000~=00 ‘Cutine & Dimension Drawing y a «8 SSFDR 5424 Electric/Pneumatic P/N's: $703—1000-00 & $80S—2000~-00 (Outline & Dimension Draming . seein) @ Outline & Dimension Drewing, PIN 178184 soca Fes Sin 10 Outline & Dimension Drewing, PIN 17A1B6 Vibration Mount ... aH Main Connecter Pin~Out for Fairchild PIN 17A18¢.& 175184 Mounting Trays -- aaa “ 2 FICO Fault Logie Circuit & Truth Table for ARINC $42/5428 & ARINC 879,717, 747 Installations a Portable Analysis Unit (PAU), P/N 17TESOO1O . vertical DC Accelerometer, PIN: 17AS71~00 . Longitudinal OC Accelerometer, PIN: {7A471—91 Longitudinal & Vertical DC Accelerometer PIN: 17A471—( Tiiaxial DC Accelerometer, PIN: 17AS71~93 . Dc Accelerometer, Block Diegrams .....s.++6 Underwater Locator Beacon, Loral P/N: 256£0305—00 Ground Statior/2 Read—Out Center/2 (@S/2-ROC/2) ABINC 542A Dota Frame Structure ......0. ccs 2 woes 8 ABING 5424 Aricratt Wiring Diagram Syricheo INpUIS oes esssceeeeeeneeessseeseee ARING 878 Alera Wiring Diagram . - ‘Synchro Ingut Wiring Dagram .. ResoNver Input Wiring Diagram. DC2-Wire Transducer Input Wiring Diagram «+++. 12 VOC 3— Wire Transducer Input Wiring Diagram SVOC 3—Wite Transducer input Wiring Ciagram SSFDR Stnadard 0 ~ 5.25 VOC Inputs Wiring Ciacram .. SSFOR Frequency Inputs Wing Diagram ....ss.ssesee AG Ratio Transducer Inout Wiring Diggrem .. evens 8S Total Air Temp Probe Ingut Wiring Diagram 36 Aureraft—to-FDA Shutdown Circuit ar October 10, 1594 Pegeiv SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual APPENDIX No. Description PAGE A Inertia Switch Model 3L0~453/3 ...... B Astana Conacia Carp: drenminaly Sea Impact Switch Assembly Environment Qualification m (EQF) FAR 9395, Rev.2 . ° FAP 02420009 Ooteber 70, 1884 ayer? SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FAR 04420008 October 70, 1994 Page vi SSFDR Installation & Operation Ingtruction Menual 1.0 GENERAL ‘The Loral Feirchild Moce! #1000, P/N S803— 1000=009, P/M $703-1000-09, and F/N $S03-2000-(09, are Solid-State Flight Data Recorders (SSFDA's) that meet (or excess) all requirements of FAA TSO-C124 and EUROCAE ED~55 (reier to Figure 1). Part Number S603—1000000 is designed fer compiete ARINC 542/5424 compatiblity in aircraft with electrical ingut signals to the FOR for the altitude end airspeed parameters. Part Number $703~1C00—(00) is designed for complete ARINC $42/542A electie and pneumatic compatibility Part Number $903-2000—(09 Is cesigned jor complete ARINC $42/542A electric and Pneumatic compatibility, and can also function in an ARINC 573/717/747 (ARING 747 64was only] mode. All three recorders comely with ARINC Specification 542 and 542A, will accept Sto 20 analog parameters, reolace old met! toi recorders cuirenily In use, and provide tor recording of additional Input signals over ARINC 542 requirments to meet the future requirements of ARINC 542A. This document includes information necessary for the installation and operation of all three recorder configurations. ‘The recorder is housed in a standard 1/2 ATR long case contorming to the description cf specific recorders aecording to ARINC specification No, 404, Mode! F1000 Solid-State Flight Data Recorder Figure 1 FAR 04420009 October 10, 1584 Paget SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual ARINC PARAMETERS The basic ARINC $42 parameters are as follows: 4. Altitude 2. Airspeed 8. Heading 4, Vertical Acceleration 5.* Time 6 Time of Racio Transmission to or from ATC (Mic Bi) NOTE: Time, os recorded in the Fairchild Flight Data Recorder, is elapsed time from the last power turn on. The added ARINC 542A parameters are as follows: SAMPLES/ SECOND SIGNAL TYPE PALT PAS st 8,062,063 8,02, 003 $, 02,063 8, FDC2.068 uoc ue LLDC, AC Vert BINT. MARKS *4 NOTES: *1 Synchro Excitation must appeer on this 2 9 4 “The Mode! F1000 will power an AC accel The state of the MARKB and one of the B FAR 04420009. ‘October 10, 1984 4.2 INPUT SIGNAL CAPABILITIES 7. Pitch Atitude 8. Roll Atitude 8. Longitudinal Acceleration 10. Control Column or Pitch Control Suriace Position 11. Each Engine Trust Additional parameter capabilities of this model include: 412, Total Air Temp 49. Lateral Acceleration 14, Fault Light . Trip & Date Ene . Binary 2 Binary A TYPICAL USE Prumatic Atituce Pneumatic Airspeed Heacing Alttude Fine; Altiuee Coarse; Flap Position, Roll Attude Fitch Atitude Engine EPR, NI, N2 Laterel Acc, Piteh Control, Fudcer Postion, TAT *2 Lengtudinal Aecoleration Vertical Acceleration *3 Mic Key, Tip & Cate Marker Beacon input. inet present, ne Fault ight wil ilurinate, ‘The F1000 provides the precision 5 mA source. lerometer only if the recorder itself is AC powered. IN inputs is logically ANDed and stored 28 one bit. Page2 SSFDR Installation z Operation Instruction Manual oi 4.3 INPUT SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS SIGNAL SENSOR, SOURCE TYPICAL RANGE Pas Pitot & Static Air 80 to 450 knots F Proxinity Sensor 8108.00 Hr pee Potenticmeter 040 12 Volts BO oes Potentiometer 019 18 Volts DC Line DC Acceleromater, Patentiometer 00 5 Volts OC. AC Vert AG Vertical Accelerometer Sto +8 BIN, Microphone Koy, Trio & Date Open, ground MARK Marker Beacon Aucto >1VRMS = On Synchro, Resolver * 010 260 degrees NOTE: * Alternate signals cen be applied at the synchro inputs. DC 3-wire of 0 to 18 volts can be applied, whare its excitation input -12 Vac has tobe connected to PROGRAM DC, pin JT A 48. Excitation low of this input is grounded. OC -2-wire (absolute value) of 6 to 12 volts can be applied, where its excitation +12 Vdeis connected to PROGRAM DC2, cin J1A 48. Excitation DC2 low of this input is grounded. These two options are not available for the HEADING synchro input. See Figures 22 through 27 tor further details about transducer wiring, FAR o4az0009 rege Octoosr 10, 1994 "age SSFDR Installation & Opera! Instruction Manual 2.0 F1000 SSFDR SPECIFICATIONS Specifications for the F1000 Solid-State such, the F1000 Recorder meets or exceeds Flight Data Recorderhavebesn designed end the requirements of EUROCAE ED-85 and manuizctured in close coordination with TSO-C126, Aerospace indusiny regulatory agencies. AS 2.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ‘The following documents ‘orm a part of, or are retsrancad wthin, this manual: Component Maintenance Manual, F1000 Solid Stats Flight Data Recorder (SSFOR} joctrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Cigital Imerface Circuits, Electrical Characte‘stics of Generators and Reca'vers for use in Balance Cig'tel Multipoint Systems, ANSVEIA~4224/485 Air Transport Ecuioment Ceses end Racking ARINC Characteristic 404 ARINC Characteristic <29 Digital information Transfer System (DITS) ABINC Characteristic 542 Airborne Oscillographic Flight Date Recorder [Airborne Cscillographic Flight Data Recorder Expanded ASING Characteristic 5428, APING Characteristic 573 MARK 2, Atcraft Intergrated Data System (AIDS MARK 2} Flight Deta Recorder Minimum Operating and Performance Requirements EUROCAE ED-5 LORAL 871-E0086-co Seftware Quality Assurance Plan for the Solic—State Flight, Date Recordar MIL-STD-1683 Alteraf intemal Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus MIL-STD-2175 Castings, Ciass and Inspection Environmental Congitions and Test Procedures for Airborne, Equipment RTCADO-160C RTCADO-1724 ‘Sofware Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification (Level i) Ts0-C126 FAA Technical Standard order besed on ED-E5 FAR ces20009 Page 4 Cotcber 10, 1984 g' SSFDR Instgllation & Gperation Instruction Manual 22 LEADING PARTICULARS i ‘The F1000 Recorderishoused in an ARINC 404 1/2 ATR long box. The following textdefines ‘the physicel atibutes of the SSFDR. Referto Figure 2and Figure $ for drawings depicting the physical dimensions of the S600 and £708, 8908 mode! Recorders, respectively. Overall Dimensions: Height: 7.82inches Width: @.88inches Depth: 19.58 inches (behind trant pane 21.50 inches (inclucing handle) Weight Part Number Weight (tbs) se03~1000—00 24.3 with ULB and Mount 8703-19¢0-00 25.4 with ULB and Mount '8203-2000-00 25.4 with ULB and Mount Case: Stainless Steel, International Orange, Reflective Stiping, EnglshiFrencn Markings, Raised Lattering Rear Connector: Mates with DPX2-S7S57S-93 Series Pitot Connecter: Quick Disconnect, mates te Loral P/N: 1397 StaticConnecior: 3/8" Quick Disconnect, mates to Level P/N: 13975 Power Requirements: 115 Volt, 400 Hz, or 28 Vee Power Lovel: _19 Watts maximum, AC er DC Recording Time Minimum 25 Hours Input Signal Format: Electric (AO/DO) or Pneumatic (ARINC Se2 or 5424), ARINC 573, 717, 747 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS RTCA DO-160C Operating Temaerature: 35° to +70°C Non-Operating Temperatures © —85° to +70°C Operating aiitude: 1000 to +55,000 tect Operating Vibration: DO-160C, Test Curve Cor cr Humicity 100% Radio Frequency Susceptibility Category Z 2.4 CRASH SURVIVAL REQUIREMENTS Penetration: ED-S6 — s0olb/1041/1/4" probe. Static Cruch: &D-85 — 5000 Ibs. Fire Protection: ED-5 — 50000 BTU's/sq.t nour, 30 minutes. Impact Shocks ED=85 — 9400 g's for 6.5 ms. Humidity 0-20% relative at 25°C. Salt Water Immersion “Tested to 20,000 20 days. ‘Shock (Cresh Safety) 186 FAR 04420009 7 ctober 10, 1384 Pages SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual WEIGHT. oe, 24.3 LBS. a Te REE ARING 542A Electric P/N: S603—1000—00 Outline & Dimension Drawing Figure 2 FAR 94420008 Octoner 10, 1996 Pace § SSFDR Installation & Operation instruction Manual 1 em! tf _ = od HE ruc ndhofor 20 nor ose [=F —— us 4 a3 | ] 1 FLIGHT RECORDER UJ ee — t8DO NOT a OPEN 1 i ‘oon mt athe PART NO. SSee |. Sessa Z Soa SSFDR 542A Electric/Pneumatic P/N’s $703-1000-00 & S203-2000-00 Outline & Dimension Drawing Figure 3 FAR 04420009 fined October 19, 1904 SSEDR Installation & Operation Tnsiruetion Manual 3.0 UNIT INSTALLATION 3.1 LOCATION The Model Ft0C0 fight recorder system should be installed in the aircratt tuselage location, provided by the sirrame manufacturer, as far ait 2s precticable. The recommended orientation is that it be mounted in an upright position (vertical as viewed from the fron’). The Fairchilé Model F1000 is certified for hare! mount installations of aircratt environments whhin the limits of the J! or C curves of DO-160C (except for helicopter enviroments). A mounting trey, Fairchild P/N 17-S194, is available for this uration (reier to Figure 4). F100 Recorders PART NUMBER q7si94 a7sis4—01 r7S196~02, aTAIgs a7Ang4—01 a7aigs—02 3.3 POWER REQUIREMENTS Uniess impractical, the flight data recorder ghouls be powered from a bus other than that providing power to the Cockpit Voice Recorder. Each bus will need to mest the supply religbility requirements appropriate to the recarders. “The recorder operates on 400 Hz, 115 Vac or aR 02220008 October 10, 1992 3.2 Mounting Configurations The following list describes the various Mounting configurations that may be used wit DESCRIPTION Mounting rey with Selder Connection Mounting Tey with Crimp Connection Mounting Trey with No Connection vibration Mount wth Solder Connection Vibration Mourt wth Crimp Connection Vioration Mount with No Connection For those environments excesding this envelope (helicopter installations, for example}, the flight recorder system requires 2 vibration’ mount, Faitehild pat number 1T-A1G4 (refer to Figure 5) or equivalent. (On aircraft with en existing FDA vibration mount, such as Fairchild P/N 17—A184 or equivalent. it is not necessary to retrofit this mount with a hard—mounted tray. In fact, for etter, long-term reliability, itis recommended that the recorder be mounted ona vibration mount in a pressurized area ‘The F1000 recorder draws 2 Electrical 28 Ve input maximum of 19 Watts, AG or OC. connector is DPX2MA~57°-57P 34-2201 on the recorder which mates with 2 DPX2-87S-57S-33—-0001 in the mounting tray whieh connects to the aircraft wiring hares. Page 8 SSEDA Installation & Operation instruction Manual 3.4 UNIT INTERFACE WIRING The Fairchild Model SSFOR §703—1000—-00 is designed to accepta variety of incut signels. There are 12 independent synchro signe! inputs for conventional synchro signals 11.6V with 26 Vac excitation. These 12 inputs can alternately receive signels as: 1. DOSwire of Oto 18 volts in which case its excitation input —12 Vde has to be connected to program pin 49 (1A). Labeled PROG.DC3. Excitation low of this input has to go to ground, 2. DO2wire [absolute value] of Oto 12 volts, in this case its excitation +12 Vde is connected to pin 48 (J14). Labeled PROG.DO2, 3.5 CESSATION OF RECORDING Federal Air Reguiation 25.1459 a (6) specifies that there must be “an autometic means to simultaneously siop a recorder that hes data erasure feature and prevent each erasure from functioning within 10 minutes after crash impact.” The installer must demonstrate this function. Since the F1000 SSFDR can be ponered by elther 115 Vac, 400 Hz or 28 Vide, the following method is acceptable to ensure recording is automatically stopped. IMPACT SWITCH — Interrupts FDR power upon exposure to a predetermined level of g-oree. in order to restart FDR operation, & FAR 02420008 October 10, 1994 reset switch is usually depressed on the impact switch. Suchsnitcheshave limitations, ut are effective in high g—‘orce accidents. This item is not avellable through Loral. (See Appendix A and 8 for menufacturer’s specifications for models available), AUTOMATIC FDR DELAYED SHUTDOWN FEATURE — Intemnal to the SSFDRis circuitry \which vill ciseble the recording function aitera period of 8 0 10 minutes, upon the ecncitien that powered fight is no longer possible. Exemples of typical Aircratt—to—SS-DR shutdown interlace is shown in Figure 24, sheets 1 and 2, which mey eoply to the following ‘A. Absence of ol pressure on all engines. B. Absence of engine driven vacuum source. ‘There are wo delayed shutdown option’s available with the SSFDR. Delayed Shutdown, A (J1A=44) actvates the shutcown circuitry within the SSFDA when 28 Vde is applied. Delayed Shutdown 8 (J1A-<7) activates the shutdown circuitry within the SSFOR when ground is appliac. Where wiring the Delayed Shutdown feature, wire either Delayed Shutdown A or Delayed Shutdown B. Do not wire both options. NOTE: The Automatic SSFDR feature can be used with ether +28 Vdc or 115 Vac, 400 Hz primary input power. Page $ SSFDA Installation & Cperation Instruction Manual (Seo gua Sion pve. c2ta1) NAMEPLATE TENE SUNT Pant nO: 175194 SERIAL NO: XK DATE MG: MOR, MODELNO: WHEE 2G tore 13088 ane cerveaorcnamy < Lecaren OF MOUNT ASS GROMMET Outline & Dimension Drawing, P/N 178194 Mounting Rack FAA oxe2c009 F Ooteber 10, 1994 Page 10 SSFOR Installation & Operation Instruction Mlanuat DRIEYY oes: ay ‘CANNON | coxnecton’ i Deeg sis-57S (Soe gure Sergi 396 DIA, ¢ S=7S OF AUTC. HOLES mau eves r 2219(REF) we Aft ow Tau’ aa Ger) Ce wotes pas pap ~ se Hous NOTES![T] HOLES ARE USED To INSTALL MOUNT To AIRCRAFT 1 Recommenceo HARDWane TO MOUNT TO AIRCRAFT £N3—78 BOLT (15) AND NS2IO8S-NS SELP-LOGKING NUT (36). © wenn 2a.as Outline & Dimension Drawing, Fairchild P/N 174194 Vibration Mount Figure 5 FAR 02420009 October 10, 1994 Page tt SSFDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual FAR 02420009 Ceroer 10, 198 Rear View Mounting Trays PIN TZA194 or 173184 CARI LSC SOOO Set Sates LEWUOEHOS convectoa cannan see" 3r8) ween TSE -0001 Dexgma-S75- 575 23- eco] Cone YO Main Connector Pin— Out for Fairchild P/N 17A194 & 178194 Mounting Trays Figure 6 Page 12 SSFDA Installation & Operation Instruction Manual F1000 FAULT LOGIC Poi Aa a CONDITION DESCRIPTION NO POWER INEUT ‘SIGNAL (PWA) FAULT — a fice F1000 Fault Logic Circuit & Truth Table for ARINC 542/542A, & ARINC FAR 04420009 Ocioner 10, 1894 573/717/747 Installations Figure 7 Page 13 SSFDR Instgllation & Operation instruction Manual 4.0 TESTING 4A BITE (Built In Test Equipment) The Model F1000 contains an intemal self-test circultry knowns SITE. This internal selt—test functions as follows: Alter applying power to the fight recorder, the “FLIGHT RECORDER OFF” indioator, ot the “FLIGHT RECORDER FAULT indicator light shou'd go out within 5 seconds and remain out. Observation for a time of atleast 60 seconds is recommendedtorthe -00and —01 units. The self-test circuitry (BITE] checks the recorder thoroughly and in addition for ARINC 573 units, analyzes the data input coming from the the light remain on for over § seconds a systems faultis incicated, In the 09 and ~01 mits ifthe light comes on within 60 seconds, this means that the intemal self—test circurty has found apossible detectwithin ne recorder cor tho absence of a dela input signal(s) from the FDAU. The -02 unit provides a test of the presence of the FOAU within 5 seconds. The amount of time elapsed before the incicater lights indicetes the source of tne problem. Refer to Table 1 for the BITE Indications chert. The SSFDR Component Maintenance Manual 31-20-02 contains additional information regarding the BITE internal selt—test cicsity. Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU}. Should SSFDR Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) indications Table 1 ‘SSFOR ) DFR OFF Fault ARINC Light | Conditions Moce (Aprox. Tima) \ Remarks 4, NoPowertoSSFDA) S42Acr ON ino Seconds Remains ON untl Si7ri7ir47 Ponaris a0pied 2, Card Ubrary 42A0r ‘ON ino Seconds “SFO wil cease to Eoniguration Check] S72/717/747 | any circut card operate I in SSFDR tells. fg, Read ater Wie Seer | ONin 0 Seconds ‘SSFDR continues ETAT 7I747 enlyifsior Memary —|-—_‘to operate by wiking Gkeyistess then | --‘te good memory devices 25 hours. [¢. EEPROM Check 542A oF ‘ON in 0 Seconds: | 'SSFDR continues 57/71 7/787 to operste. Error may clear ‘within 2 minutes oF less. 5, LowLine Votage | S42Acor ON ino Secones. Lose of + Vcc will cause all STairi7/747 ‘models of SSFDA to cease operation. Model $600's will ‘eontinue to operate’ only Ht) 12Nde is lost jé. Throughput Check | S42Aor ‘ON in 0 Seconds, 'SSFDR continues to S774 perate 7. LossotFOAU Data | S70/717/747 oN winin 60 Secends | SSFDA continues to cperate if no data is recieved ‘with unsynchronized data } for -000r-01 or | ‘wate to memory ‘ORL atin $ seconds for-02 configurations | 2, Loss of FDAU erairiiva? ‘ON in 120 Seconds ‘SSFDR continues to operate ‘Synenronzation ‘with time markers writen to ‘memory every 4 Seconcs. FAR 04420008 Pages October 10, 1994 SSEDR Instz!lation & Operation Instruction Manual 4.2 FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION Using the Portable Analysis Unit (PAU), Fairchild PIN 17TESOO10 (refer to Figure 8}, realtime deta or previously recorded data can be extracted for complete verification of recorder functions in the installation. Plugged into the front ATE connector of the F1000, the PAU can dispigy and print data without removing the SSFOR from the aircraft. Data canbe printed out onan accessory printer, P/! 47TES0020. Selection of aircratt parameters can be varied, and the PAU can display datain raw form (octal, decimal, hexadecimal), or engineering units. The PAU can retrieve and store all or a portion of the flight data from the 1000 in less than i minutes. Fortable Analysis Unit (PAU), P/N 17TESO010 Figure 8 5.0 OPERATION 5.1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ‘There are ne controls or switches associated with the Fairchild Model F1000 FDR. and its operation is completely automatic upon power—up. When the recarderis installed and wited in accordance with Section 3 of this document, the recorder is ready for operation. To operate, first disengage the aircratt circuit breaker for the fight recorder while the rest of the aircratt electrical system is on; the Recorder Fauit light should turn on. Next, engage the circuit breaker 10 apply proper AR 04420009 October 10, 1984 aircraft power 10 the flight recorcer The recorder fault light should tum off in ‘approximately five seconds. Should the tecorder fault light come on after seven ‘seconds, the recorder may net be functioning properly (See Section 4.0) or the input data ta the recorder is incorrect, Should any parameter expected by the recorder (ARING 542 mode} be missing, the recorder faut light ‘willtum on, Ifno tested input parameter te the recorder is missing and the seif test BITE circuitry does not find 2 defect within the FDR, the recorder will operate automatically until power is removed. The recorder will convert ‘analog data into digital cata per ARINC 542 Page 75 ‘SSEDR Installation & Operation Instruction Manual and 842A, and record the information in its memory. The recorder continuously records and retains flight data as presented to it thus moeting the requirements of FAR 121.943. 6.0 ACCELEROMETERS 6.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ‘There are four DC types of accelerometers that may be used with the F1000 Flight Data Recorder. Reter to Figures 9 through 12 for individual accalerometer details and Figure 13 for block ciegrams of the dual—axial anc triaxial accelerometers. The remote accelerometers vary in weight and their centers of gravity are located, for ail practical PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 17A471-00 Vertical, BC 1 7Aa71-01 Longitudinet, DC 1 7AATI-02 Vert. & Long., DC 1 7Aa71-03 Triaxial, DC 6.3 MOUNTING The accelerometer is rigidly mounted by the airframe manufacturer in 2 position located longitudinally either within the approved center of gravity limits ot the airplane or at a distance fore or aft of this limit that doss not exceed 25% of the itpianc’s mean aerodynamic chord (FAR 25.1459 (a) (2)). The airframe manufacturer will provide suitable base for mounting. The orientation of the accelerometer is such that the mounting flange must be horizontial and at the Bortem in FAR 08820008 Coteber 70, 1954 6.2 ACCELEROMETER TYPES CONNECTOR LORAL P/N: 19675 ARINC 542 19875 ARING 542 18075 ARING 542 63-28-0052 ARING 542 5.2 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The Fairchild F1000 does not require scheduled maintenance. The battery within the Underwater Locator Beacon must be replaced every six years. At thé al, the F100 should beinspectedinaccordancewith the Component Maintenance Manual 31-30-02. purposes, atthe center of the trensduser. The elder ARINS 542 AC accelerometer is compatible with the Model 1000 when the FDRis powered by 115 Vac. In ARINGS42 and 542A installations, the remoie accelerometer is wired directly to the FDR. The remote accelerometer is wired directly to the FDAU in ARING 879/717/747 installations. MOUNTING. FOOTPRINT all cases, This is the +1g position. Sutf toom must be provided at the top of the urit for proper connection and ease of removal for servicing. 6.4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION The electrical connection is made through @ connector located at the top of the accelerometer. F’ecttical poweris provided by the recorden Wiring is in accordance with ARINC 542 & ARINC 542A, Page 16

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