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Assignment 1 module 3

Proportion: Shannen Kyle Badoy/Student Date Proposed: April 11 2021

Title 1: What is the best way to deal with procrastination?


I picked this topic because in this generation a lot of students are procrastinating
because they don’t think that their works are irrelevant, they think that it’s not
even important or worth doing so. I picked this topic because I know a lot of
students needs to hear this message, this could help them to give importance into
their daily activities. So the question is why are they losing motivation? Where
does their confidence go?

It normally occurs when people are afraid of, dreading, or anxious about the
important task ahead of them. People procrastinate in order to get rid of this
negative feeling by playing a video game or engaging in other more interesting
games or activities. When the reality of a deadline returns, procrastinators
experience far greater remorse and guilt.
Students don't feel compelled to finish an assignment until they have no other
choice. Procrastination may also be caused by a lack of motivation, low self-
confidence, a fear of failure, trouble paying attention, or an overall lack of
organizational skills.

I searched in the internet on how to overcome procrastination, the first thing you
need to do is recognize that you’re procrastinating. You may be putting off an
assignment because your workload has been re-prioritized. You aren't actually
procrastinating if you are temporarily delaying an important job for a legitimate
purpose. When, on the other hand, you begin to put things off indefinitely or shift
your attention in order to stop doing something, you are most likely doing so.
You should also work out why you’re procrastinating, you need to find the reason
why you’re delaying your works or activities, after knowing the reason you can
work it out, by solving how to do your activities in time. Forgive yourself for
procrastinating in the past, commit to the task, promise yourself a reward, that
would push you to do your activities on time, you should also ask someone to
monitor you or check up on you, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help
because this will surely help you. Make a to-do list and make sure you prioritize

Title: Management of depression among school-going children


A lot od teenagers and even adolescents have depression or anxiety but today we
will focus one students who have depression, they must have been reasons, it
must’ve been because of their family problems or friendship or even their studies.
There are many reason why they have depression so the question is, how to cope
with it? How do we overcome this illness? What are the things we need to do to
keep on going?

Many factors contribute to the development or onset of teen depression,

including: Obesity, peer problems, long-term bullying, or academic problems all
have a negative effect on self-esteem. Being a survivor or witness to violent acts,
such as physical or sexual assault.
Not only does school often cause depression, but depression can also make school
difficult. Furthermore, research shows that 75% of all mental health issues begin
before the age of 24. As a result, the college years are an important time for
learning about and discussing teen mental health.

There are several forms of counseling to choose from. Cognitive behavioral

therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy are three of the most
common approaches for treating depression. A hybrid approach is often used. But
there’s also a way overcoming them without therapies or medication. Find small
ways to be of service to others, serve something bigger than yourself to find
personal value.
It's important to remember the service doesn't have to be extensive to be
meaningful. Find something that piques your interest or hobbies whenever you
feel like you don’t like doing other things, find some things that you enjoy. Take
care of yourself and eat right too, it’s okay to take a rest when you feel like it but
don’t forget to take care of yourself.

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