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P.O. Box: 3900 Kigali, Rwanda.





Submitted by


NGABO FRANK (REG.NO: 220003927)




Executive summary
Aging infrastructure presents a significant challenge for modern societies and in Rwanda. As
existing structures continue to deteriorate, ensuring their structural integrity becomes a top
priority. This executive summary provides an overview of the investigation and assessment of
structural integrity in aging infrastructure, highlighting key aspects, methodologies, and
The investigation and assessment of aging infrastructure will involve the examination of key
structural buildings, these include Kalisimbi block located in UR-College of Science and
Technology Nyarugenge and Gishushu Building and Former headquarter of Rwanda Revenue
Authority at Kimihurura.
To assess structural integrity, a range of methodologies and techniques are employed:
 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Utilization of NDT techniques like ultrasonic testing,
radiography, and magnetic particle inspection to detect hidden defects without causing
damage to the structure.
 Visual Inspections: Regular visual inspections by trained engineers to identify visible
signs of distress, such as cracks, corrosion, and deformation.
 Structural Analysis: Computational modelling and finite element analysis to predict
structural behaviour under various loads and conditions.
Key Findings:
The investigation and assessment of aging infrastructure often reveal the following findings:
 Deterioration: Aging infrastructure typically shows signs of deterioration, including
corrosion, cracking, and deformation, which can compromise its structural integrity.
 Maintenance Gaps: Historical data often indicate gaps in maintenance and repair
practices, contributing to structural degradation.
 Environmental Impact: Environmental factors, such as extreme weather events and
seismic activity, play a significant role in accelerating structural aging.
 Material Degradation: The aging of materials, especially concrete and steel, is a major
concern and can result in reduced load-bearing capacity.

To address the challenges posed by aging infrastructure, the following recommendations are

 .Regular Inspections: Implement a proactive inspection and maintenance schedule to

identify issues early and prevent further deterioration.
 Material Upgrades: Consider material upgrades or reinforcement techniques to extend the
lifespan of aging infrastructure.
 Monitoring Systems: Invest in continuous monitoring systems to track structural health
and respond promptly to any anomalies.
 Risk Assessment: Conduct a risk assessment to prioritize critical infrastructure for
immediate attention and allocate resources effectively.
 Policy and Funding: Advocate for policies and secure funding to support infrastructure
rehabilitation and modernization efforts.

Table of Contents

Executive summary ....................................................................................................................................... ii

List of Abreviation ......................................................................................................................................... v
I.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY................................................................................................................. 1
I.2. Literature Review: .................................................................................................................................. 2
I.2.1. Concepts description ....................................................................................................................... 2
I.2.2. Overview of previous studies........................................................................................................... 3
I.3. STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
I.4. Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................ 6
I.5. Justification and Rationale ...................................................................................................................... 7
I.5.1 Rationale ........................................................................................................................................... 7
I.5.2 Justification ....................................................................................................................................... 7
I.6. Objectives: .............................................................................................................................................. 8
I.6.1 General Objective: ............................................................................................................................ 8
I.6.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 8
I.7. Scope of the project ................................................................................................................................ 9
I.8. Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 10
I.9. Expected outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 12
Research plan and scheduling..................................................................................................................... 13
List of Reference ......................................................................................................................................... 14

List of Abreviation

NDT: Non-Destructive Techniques

SHM: Structural Health Monitoring

UR: University Of Rwanda

RDB: Rwanda Revenue Authority

PRA: Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Infrastructure is the network of physical systems that support a society or enterprise. It includes
roads, bridges, railways, airports, ports, power grids, water and sanitation systems,
telecommunications networks, and other essential services.
Infrastructure is essential for economic development. It provides the foundation for businesses to
operate and for people to get to work, school, and other essential services. It also plays a vital
role in disaster preparedness and response.
Rwanda's infrastructure is aging, and many structures are in need of repair or replacement
According to the Rwanda's Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-2024, "over 50% of
Rwanda's infrastructure is over 20 years old and in need of rehabilitation or replacement”.This is
a major concern, as failing infrastructure can pose a serious threat to public safety and economic
There are a number of factors that are contributing to the aging of Rwanda's infrastructure. One
factor is the rapid urbanization that Rwanda has experienced in recent years. This urbanization
has put a strain on existing infrastructure, and it has also led to the construction of new
infrastructure that is not always of high quality.
Another factor that is contributing to the aging of Rwanda's infrastructure is the lack of adequate
maintenance. In the past, the Rwandan government has not invested enough in maintaining its
infrastructure. This has led to the deterioration of many structures.
The aging of Rwanda's infrastructure is a major challenge for the country. It is important to
address this challenge in order to ensure the safety and well-being of Rwandans, and to support
economic growth (African Union Development Agency, 2022; New Partnership for Africa's
Development, 2011).
Your study will help to address this challenge by investigating and assessing the structural
integrity of aging infrastructure in Rwanda. This information can then be used to develop and
implement strategies to repair, replace, or retrofit aging infrastructure in a timely and cost-
effective manner.
Here are some specific research questions that you could address in our study:
 What is the current condition of Rwanda's aging infrastructure?
 What are the major risks associated with aging infrastructure in Rwanda?
 How can we investigate and assess the structural integrity of aging infrastructure in
Our study could make a significant contribution to the understanding and management of aging
infrastructure in Rwanda. It could also help to inform the development of policies and programs
to address this challenge

I.2. Literature Review:
I.2.1. Concepts description
The aging of infrastructure systems worldwide poses significant challenges in terms of safety,
maintenance, and sustainability. A review of the existing literature reveals several key themes
and findings:
Aging infrastructure refers to structures that have exceeded their intended service life or have
experienced significant wear and tear over time. These infrastructures encompass a wide range of
sectors, including transportation (bridges, roads) and building.
Numerous studies have documented the structural deterioration of aging infrastructures. This
includes issues such as corrosion, fatigue, material degradation, and the cumulative effects of
environmental stressors. Researchers emphasize the importance of risk assessment and
management for aging infrastructures. Risk factors often include structural vulnerabilities,
exposure to environmental elements, and usage patterns.
Non-destructive testing techniques have gained prominence for assessing the condition of aging
infrastructures H. Singh and M. Sharma (2018). These methods allow for the inspection of
structures without causing harm.
Literature emphasizes the need for proactive maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for aging
infrastructures. Effective maintenance can extend the service life and reduce long-term costs.
Governments and industry organizations have established regulatory standards and guidelines to
ensure the safety and integrity of aging infrastructures. Compliance with these standards is
crucial for infrastructure managers and engineers.
The literature review underscores the critical importance of investigating and assessing the
structural integrity of aging infrastructures to ensure the continued safety, functionality, and
sustainability of essential infrastructure systems. Researchers and practitioners are continually
developing new methods and strategies to address the challenges posed by aging infrastructure.

I.2.2. Overview of previous studies
NDT methods have emerged as powerful tools for structural assessment, offering non-invasive
and efficient ways to evaluate the integrity of materials and components. Singh and Sharma
(2018) provide a comprehensive overview of various NDT methods, including ultrasonic testing,
radiography, electromagnetic methods, and acoustic emission testing. These methods can be
utilized to detect defects, cracks, corrosion, and other structural anomalies, providing valuable
insights into the condition of aging buildings.
Faber and Sorensen (2017) propose a risk-based inspection methodology that integrates
structural engineering principles with risk analysis techniques. This approach focuses on
identifying potential failure modes and assessing their consequences and probabilities, enabling a
systematic understanding of the structural vulnerabilities of aging buildings. Inspectors and
engineers can then prioritize areas of concern, focusing efforts where the risks are highest.

De Roeck et al. (2013) provide a comprehensive overview of SHM, including the different types
of SHM systems, the challenges involved, and the opportunities offered by SHM. Chang et al.
(2003) review the SHM literature published between 1996 and 2001, covering a wide range of
topics, including SHM sensors, signal processing methods, and damage detection algorithms.
Huston and Todd (2008) provide a comprehensive review of NDT and SHM for civil
infrastructure, covering a wide range of topics, including NDT methods, SHM sensors, and
signal processing methods. Ansari et al. (2011) provide an overview of SHM for civil
infrastructure, including the different types of SHM systems, the challenges involved, and the
applications of SHM.

Andrade et al. (2000) provide a state-of-the-art overview of the assessment of corrosion damage
in reinforced concrete structures, covering a wide range of topics, including corrosion monitoring
techniques, damage assessment methods, and repair and rehabilitation techniques. Ismail and
Qureshi (2016) provide a review of the corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete and its
monitoring techniques, covering a wide range of topics, including the different types of
corrosion, the factors affecting corrosion, and the different corrosion monitoring techniques.

SHM and corrosion monitoring are interrelated in a number of ways. For example, SHM data
can be used to identify areas of a structure that are at risk of corrosion. Once these areas have
been identified, targeted corrosion monitoring can be implemented to track the progression of
corrosion and identify any early signs of damage.

Additionally, SHM and corrosion monitoring data can be integrated to develop a more
comprehensive understanding of the condition of a structure. For example, SHM data can be
used to correlate changes in structural behavior with corrosion damage. This information can be
used to develop predictive models that can be used to assess the risk of failure and identify the
need for maintenance or repair.

Overall, SHM and corrosion monitoring are essential tools for ensuring the safety and reliability
of civil infrastructure systems. By integrating these technologies, we can develop robust and
reliable solutions for safeguarding civil infrastructure and promoting sustainable development.

The investigation and assessment of the structural integrity of aging infrastructures have become
paramount in ensuring the safety and longevity of essential buildings. In the context of this case
study, we turn our attention to three critical structures: the Kalisimbi block situated within the
UR-College of Science and Technology Nyarugenge, the Gishushu Building located in Gasabo
district near RDB headquarter and the former headquarters of the Rwanda Revenue Authority
located at Kimihurura sectors. These buildings, with their historical significance and continued
relevance in the urban landscape, demand meticulous examination. The aging process poses
potential risks, such as structural deterioration and compromised safety standards. Our study
delves into the comprehensive evaluation of these structures, encompassing structural health
assessments, material analysis, and the identification of potential weaknesses. By scrutinizing the
condition of these infrastructures, we aim to provide valuable insights that can inform necessary
maintenance, repair, or restoration measures, ensuring the preservation and safety of these vital
landmarks for years to come

I.4. Problem Statement

Rwanda's infrastructure is aging, and many structures are in need of repair or replacement. This
is a major concern, as failing infrastructure can pose a serious threat to public safety and
economic development. According to the Rwanda's Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-
2024, "over 50% of Rwanda's infrastructure is over 20 years old and in need of rehabilitation or

Aging infrastructure can lead to a number of negative impacts on Rwanda. For example, it can
lead to increased risk of accidents and injuries, economic losses due to disruptions to
transportation, communication, and other essential services, and environmental damage due to
leaks and spills. For example, the World Bank's Rwanda Economic Update: Infrastructure for
Growth and Resilience (2021) estimates that the economic cost of aging infrastructure in
Rwanda is equivalent to 2% of GDP each year.

Addressing the problem of aging infrastructure is essential for Rwanda's continued development.
The African Development Bank's Rwanda Infrastructure Assessment (2019) states that
"investing in infrastructure is a critical priority for Rwanda's economic development." The
International Monetary Fund's Rwanda: Staff Report for the 2023 Article IV Consultation
(2023) also emphasizes the importance of infrastructure investment, noting that "well-maintained
infrastructure is essential for sustained economic growth."

The desired outcome of your research should be to develop a better understanding of the
structural integrity of aging infrastructure in Rwanda, and to identify ways to assess and manage
the risks associated with this infrastructure. This information can then be used to develop and
implement strategies to repair, replace, or retrofit aging infrastructure in a timely and cost-
effective manner.

I.5. Justification and Rationale

I.5.1 Rationale
The aging infrastructure of buildings and facilities presents a pressing concern in today's urban
environments. Across the globe, structures of historical and contemporary significance face
challenges related to structural degradation, safety risks, and the need for preservation. In the
specific context of Rwanda, the Kalisimbi block within the UR-College of Science and
Technology Nyarugenge, the Gishushu Building and the former headquarters of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority, hold immense historical and functional importance.

The urgency for this research stems from several factors. Firstly, these structures represent vital
assets in the urban fabric, contributing to the educational, administrative, and cultural life of the
nation. Their continued functionality is critical for the institutions they house and the
communities they serve. Secondly, as these buildings age, there is a growing concern regarding
their structural integrity and safety. The risks associated with aging infrastructure, including
potential structural failures and hazards, pose a direct threat to the occupants and the preservation
of the buildings themselves.

I.5.2 Justification
This research proposal seeks to justify the investigation and assessment of the structural integrity
of the Kalisimbi block and the Gishushu Building in Rwanda. The justification for this study is
multifaceted and rests on the following key arguments:

Occupant Safety: Ensuring the structural integrity of these buildings is paramount for the safety
and well-being of the individuals who study, work, or visit these locations daily. A
comprehensive assessment will identify and address potential safety risks.

Economic and Environmental Sustainability: The cost of demolishing and reconstructing

these structures far exceeds that of conducting assessments and necessary renovations. By
extending the lifespan of existing infrastructure, this research contributes to sustainable
development practices.

Academic and Technological Advancement: This study will employ advanced techniques and
technologies for structural assessment, contributing to the growth of knowledge and expertise in
the field of structural engineering and preservation.

Government and Institutional Responsibility: As a matter of national and institutional

responsibility, the government and educational institutions should ensure that their assets are
well-maintained and safe for use.

I.6. Objectives:
I.6.1 General Objective:
The main objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth investigation and assessment of aging
infrastructure, in order to propose preventive and remedial measures

I.6.2 Specific Objectives

1. Identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the aging infrastructure that may
compromise its stability and safety.

2. Evaluate the current condition of the infrastructure through non-destructive testing, visual
inspections, and structural analysis.

3. Propose feasible and cost-effective preventive and remediation strategies to address

identified issues and extend the service life of the infrastructure.

4. To propose recommendations for enhancing the maintenance and management of aging


I.7. Scope of the project
Scope of the Investigation:
The investigation and assessment of aging infrastructure encompass various critical elements:
 Structural Components: Examination of key structural buildings, these include Kalisimbi
block located in UR-College of Science and Technology Nyarugenge, Gishushu Building
located near RDB headquarter and Former headquarter of Rwanda Revenue Authority.
 Material Analysis: Assessment of the materials used in construction to determine
their aging characteristics and potential for deterioration. This here will involve
analysis of characteristic strength of concrete used and their Cement and Aggregates used
on the Infrastructure.
 Environmental Factors: Consideration of environmental factors, including exposure
to weather, seismic activity, and chemical corrosion. Rwanda is located in areas with a
lot of Volcanoes thus this factors affects infrastructures through seismic exposures and
also here we focuses on the Analysis of unforeseen loads on which our infrastructures are
exposed on thereby contributing on the aging. Population growth also maybe another
 Historical Data: Review of historical records and maintenance practices to understand the
infrastructure's maintenance history.

I.8. Methodology

Research Design:
This research will adopt a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data
collection and analysis.
Data will be sourced from a combination of historical records, on-site inspections, and structural
plans of aging infrastructure.
A stratified random sampling method will be used to select representative aging infrastructure
sites from various sectors, including bridges and buildings

Data Collection:
Data will be collected through site visits, visual inspections, non-destructive testing (NDT), and
surveys of infrastructure stakeholders.
Key variables to be measured include structural material properties, environmental conditions,
maintenance history, and observed structural deficiencies.

Data Analysis:
Collected data will be organized and cleaned using appropriate software tools.
Quantitative analysis will include statistical tests to assess correlations between variables, while
qualitative analysis will involve thematic coding of interview and survey responses.

Risk Assessment:
Identified risk factors will include material degradation, exposure to environmental stressors, and
usage patterns.
A quantitative risk assessment model, such as a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), will be
applied to evaluate and prioritize identified risks.

Evaluation of Structural Integrity:
Structural integrity will be assessed against industry standards and best practices, including
structural safety codes and guidelines.
Key parameters for assessment will include structural capacity, load-bearing capacity, and the
presence of visible defects or deterioration.

Mitigation and Recommendations:

Based on the assessment results, mitigation strategies will be developed, including maintenance
plans, repair recommendations, and rehabilitation options.
Practical recommendations for infrastructure managers, engineers, and policymakers will be
formulated to improve structural integrity and extend the service life of aging infrastructures.

If new assessment methods are proposed, a comparative validation study will be conducted,
including physical testing and comparison with established assessment approaches.

I.9. Expected outcomes
The anticipated outcomes of this investigation are poised to have a multifaceted impact,
encompassing structural safety, advanced engineering knowledge, and policy influence. In the
following sections, we articulate the specific expected outcomes that will result from our
meticulous examination of these aging infrastructures.

o Structural Health Assessment: We anticipate that the comprehensive structural

assessment of the Kalisimbi block and the Gishushu Building will reveal crucial insights
into the current condition of these aging infrastructures. Specifically, we expect to
identify areas of structural degradation, such as cracks, corrosion, or wear, and quantify
their severity using engineering metrics.
o Safety Evaluation: Through rigorous structural analysis and testing, we aim to provide a
precise safety rating for both buildings. This rating will serve as a critical indicator of the
current safety status of these structures, helping to identify potential risks to occupants
and the surrounding environment.
o Preservation Recommendations: Based on the findings of our assessment, we will
provide detailed preservation and maintenance recommendations. These
recommendations will encompass short-term measures to address immediate safety
concerns and long-term strategies to ensure the structural integrity and longevity of these
o Cultural and Historical Preservation: We anticipate that our research will contribute to
the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. By assessing the structural integrity of
these iconic buildings, we aim to ensure their continued relevance and functionality in the
urban landscape while preserving their historical significance.
o Advanced Engineering Techniques: This research will utilize advanced engineering
techniques and technologies to assess structural integrity. The development and
application of innovative methods will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the
field of structural engineering, setting a precedent for future preservation efforts.
o Public Awareness: We expect our findings to raise public awareness about the
importance of preserving aging infrastructure, not only for safety but also for cultural and

historical reasons. This awareness may lead to increased support and investment in the
preservation of other historical buildings in Rwanda.
o Policy and Decision-Making: The research outcomes will inform policy-makers,
government agencies, and building owners regarding the critical importance of investing
in the maintenance and preservation of aging infrastructure. It is expected to influence
decision-making processes related to infrastructure management and allocation of
o Potential Funding Opportunities: Successful research outcomes may open doors to
funding opportunities from government agencies, preservation organizations, or
international bodies interested in supporting the preservation of historical landmarks.
o Continued Monitoring: As a long-term outcome, we propose the establishment of a
monitoring framework to regularly assess and ensure the ongoing structural integrity of
these buildings. This framework will help safeguard their cultural, historical, and
structural significance.

Research plan and scheduling

Not yet because we’re still wondering if we will cover trimester or semester

List of Reference
 Andrade, C., Alonso, C., & Gulikers, J. (2000). Assessment of corrosion damage in
reinforced concrete structures: State of the art report. Materials and Structures, 33(225),
 Ansari, F., Ghosh, S. K., & Selvam, M. C. P. (2011). Structural health monitoring of civil
infrastructure. Structural Health Monitoring, 10(6), 577-596.
 Chang, F. K., Spencer, B. F., & Yao, G. C. (2003). A review of structural health
monitoring literature: 1996–2001. Shock and Vibration Digest, 35(3), 211-239.
 De Roeck, G., Ruzzene, M., & Reynders, E. (2013). Structural health monitoring for
performance assessment of civil infrastructure systems: Challenges and opportunities.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
469(2164), 20130195.
 Huston, D. R., & Todd, M. D. (2008). Nondestructive evaluation and structural health
monitoring for civil infrastructure: A comprehensive review. Journal of Infrastructure
Systems, 14(1), 29-37.
 Ismail, M. A., & Qureshi, M. H. (2016). A review on the corrosion of reinforcing steel in
concrete and its monitoring techniques. Sensors, 16(5), 700.
 Singh, H., & Sharma, M. (2018). Structural assessment of aging buildings using non-
destructive testing (NDT) methods: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 168,
 Faber, M., & Sørensen, A. (2017). Risk-based inspection and assessment of aging
buildings. Structural Safety, 65, 1-16.
 The International Monetary Fund's Rwanda: Staff Report for the 2023 Article IV
Consultation (2023)


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